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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
1/27/2018 3:53:56 PM

Paradox: The Dredgen Yor Journals 15

Hi, all! This is another facet of Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yor (gamer tag Basket34Ball) Paradox story, told from the perspective of James' rival Dredgen Yor in a series of journal entries. This only complements the series, so you won't get the full experience just reading this. This is a link to the Table of Contents: If you're ambitious, here's the first part to get you started: Hope you enjoy! ____________________________________ The Speaker, James Stryker, stood between the graves of his son and brother. It was a rare moment to see his mask off, but everyone knew better than to linger on the fact. Everyone except us, Courtney Yor and me, that is. We stood off to the side watching his silent grieving. It was Courtney's idea to find him, after coming back from the Dreadnought. I had not refused. "Are sure about this?" I ask. "The timing here could be perfect or completely wrong." Courtney sighs. "It's now or never, Shrimp." "You know, we don't have to continue that...[i]tradition[/i]...anymore. You're more than welcome to address me by--" She moves off before I finish my thought. Typical. When we're about fifteen feet from him, Stryker notices our approach. He automatically adopts the stoic composure he's known for, minus the mask and plus the red eyes. "Ms. Bray--" "[i]Yor[/i]," she interrupts. "I mean...Yor, sir." Stryker nods thoughtfully. "So be it. Ms. Yor. You must be here to pay respects. I won't detain you--" "Actually, sir...uncle...I was hoping to talk to you." Stryker sighs. "So you know now that we were brothers. I trust you know that this is almost as new to me as it is to you?" Courtney nods. "You knew him before he...turned. What - what do you remember about him? What was he like?" Stryker was quiet for a moment, and I could see his posture relaxing as his facade came down. "I never saw him as a brother. Looking back, I could see the rivalry that may exist between siblings, but I never recognized it then. Our closest moments were when we butted heads in the Crucible. We only really settled our differences and tried to become friends after I and your mother went our separate ways. When she died...Dredgen was never the same. I came to blame him, and I blamed him for all his years of exile. I rejoiced his death with everyone. I had let his memory fade until he returned. I didn't believe him when he said we were related, but Ghost scans are rarely false." "And now?" Courtney pressed. "And now," he sighed, "I wish I could have known him better. Helped him through his pain instead of pushing him away with my own. There must have been something I could have done! He trusted me before to share when Ana was alive." "What do you mean?" "He shared some therapeutic journal entries with me, talking about what we assumed to be a 'condition' from exposure to Hive relics. Actually, I might still have them somewhere, if you'd be interested." Courtney signaled to me. "I already have them. Shrimp had every single one recorded, and before he passed he asked Shrimp to save them for me to listen. Play Entry 0, Shrimp." My speakers crackled with my own voice, "[i]Are you sure you want to do this?[/i]" "[i]Yes,[/i]" Dredgen's voice replied. "[i]Shrimp, start a recording.[/i]" There was a brief silence before he continued, "[i]Courtney…if you are hearing this…it means you did it….you kicked the sh*t out of Oryx. I knew you could. This…this is my last stop. I think it is time for you to know the truth, about your mother and I, about your linage and why the Thorn was never mine and how it was always looking for you. You, my daughter are my First Curse. The hardest thing I have ever done is look in your eyes and see your mother. She’d be so proud of you, your mother and I. Her Crest of Alpha Lupi armor and my Armor are yours for the taking. Its your choice: align with the deep or the sky. Just know, we are here for you regardless. Originally I thought these recordings where meant to help keep my sanity…but in reality…these where for you. The last of the Azzir blood line. These recordings will show you who I became and what I did wrong. If you choose the deep, don't control it. Let it consume you, live and breath it. THEN grasp hold of it. It is who you are. Go to my room, I still have the old scrolls and books of the Hive. Look through it, dissect it, UNDERSTAND it. In the Vault, lies the Tomb of Leviathan, go there. Let him guide you. He can--[/i]" The recording abruptly ends. At first, Stryker was quiet, probably still expecting it to continue. "Is there more?" he asks. "No, it just cuts off there." "Why are you showing me these?" "I've been listening to them for a while, and came across the entries you said he shared with you. I realized...that I might not be the only one who was hurting. I know he left them for me, but I'm willing to share them with you, too. We can rediscover him together." Stryker smiles slightly. "I'd like that. Thank you. What was he talking about Leviathan's tomb being in the Vault? His grave is right here." Courtney shrugs. "I don't know, but something tells me he isn't wrong. There's something to do with Leviathan in the Vault of Glass, and since it's his dying wish, I plan to go there and find out what it is." Stryker nodded. "Very well, but you shouldn't go alone. Rin should definitely accompany you, and maybe the others from the Dreadnought. The Vault is a dangerous place, but it's worth going there if only to unravel this...paradox."

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  • Awesome ending! Emotion, tying things to the main series, and ending with the word “paradox”! Sad to see the journals come to an end, but hopefully Rezyl and l can bring life back into the main series to continue the legacy

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