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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 1/30/2018 10:40:58 PM
[u][b]Red Sun Over Paradise[/b][/u] "[i]All I'm saying is - give war a chance.[/i]" -Sundowner ————————————————— [spoiler]Open to reactions and whoever wants to chat with Bella.[/spoiler] [u]Dojoville Center[/u] [u]2:30 PM[/u] [url=]Forgive Me[/url] [i]Outside of the massive, transparent dome that separated the Trayven's fortress and Rubicon's own encampments from the modernized civilization that was Dojoville, a temporal stage had been set up, by the warriors in purple that had came to the Dojo. The Trayvens labored upon this for a short time, drawing the attention of the people of Dojoville, as the project was complete.[/i] [i]The stage was only accompanied by several armored guards, each bearing rifles and the Trayven insignia of a golden lion and four individuals. Each of the four appeared to be entirely regular people. Three men, and one woman, each one bounded to rising poles.[/i] [i]One whom had known Trayven justice knew where this was going.[/i] [i]The steps up to the stage would creak slightly, the crowd that had surrounded the stage then falling into silence, as the mighty figurine of Isabella Trayven stepped up to the stage. She looked as if she was a hero out of some old fable, with blackened steel armoring covering her being in thick layers of plates, a sharpened hand axe kept with her waist. She kept a pistol and a combat knife holstered upon the left side of her waist, though her face was revealed for all: sharp, scarred, and threatening, with a mere crack of a frown breaking the expression as the blood red eyes scanned the crowd. The deep purple hair had been curled around her head, yet kept back to flush out her cheeks more.[/i] [i]She intended to make this quick.[/i] "Convicted of murder of two, Simon Lehman. Sentence: death." [i]The first in the row, from the left, was a young man, barely in his twenties. He yelled out at the sentencing, begging the knights to stop as they would find a torch and ignite the end of the stick.[/i] "Convicted of thievery, attempted murder, and rаpe, Chase Darrel. Sentence: death." [i]The previously stern face of the criminal face would break, as he would then try to tear away at his bonds, only for the Trayvens surrounding him to beat him down until he went still, dazedly kept to his bond as his eyes would flutter shut. Isabella knew who to pick.[/i] "Convicted of assisting Chase Darrel in hid thieveries, Mormon Darrel. Sentence.." [i]Isabella stopped to look at the third. A young man as well, Chase's son, who was crying at the sight of his now beaten father. The crowd had begun to boo - Trayven supporters, no doubt, while some left as they realized what was happening.[/i] "...Service to the Trayven cause." [i]Isabella didn't initially plan out the case, though she served her own justice yet. The young man was untied and thrown off the stage, only to be carried off after his face sunk into the mud. Back into the Trayven encampment.[/i] "Finally.. Convicted of treason, betrayal, and forgery, Emilia Ling. Sentence.. death." [i]The final one, a woman, was one that Isabella did recognize. A newcomer, whom turned to service after her home had been destroyed. So, in order to help her retrieve her home again, Tribune spies had made Emilia talk with cash. Isabella never recovered the spies, but she found the Dojoite, begging for mercy. This was mercy.[/i] "For years without end. For months, weeks, days.. this place has gone without law, without order, without proper [i]justice[/i]. Men and women rise and fall, claiming to bring peace, only to spin their wheel of lies and capital more and more. Today, the wheel breaks." [i]A lie. Isabella needed capital, and she needed support. And she had both, for a time, thanks to a few friends. Now, she needed territory, and a spark of flame to start a blaze.[/i] "Today, Dojoville is subjected to proper law. To true justice. To Trayve. Look upon these monsters in human flesh, and look upon them as they pay." [i]Bella didn't write her own speeches.[/i] [i]The Trayvens nodded as Isabella stepped to the side, as the torches were raised to the three still kept upon their pyres of flame. Those within the crowd either watched in awe or gazed in terror, or cried out and hid their eyes or blocked their ears, as the screams rang throughout the plaza. The flames cooked and tore through the skin and flesh, melting away the three criminals as the disturbing smell of charred, burning flesh would be suspended into the skies. Minutes afterwards, the screaming halted as the thief's live would cut out, flames still consuming the now blackened corpse.[/i] "Justice will come to all murderers, all thieves, all felons who dare to stain this place. The time has come, for [i]true[/i] justice, no matter the cost. Thank you, citizens of the Dojo." [i]Shocked, the crowd remained silent, though a few of the more hardcore members would clap as the Trayven woman would step down from the stage. The rest of the knights would bat out the flames before they scorched the whole stage, before leaving them there to smolder and rest, still as death.[/i] [spoiler]An update. Trayvens will "instill justice" upon those that commit public crimes. Misdemeanors are punishable through forced labor usually. Felonies are punishable by death. Yes, I will interrupt chains.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Niki leaned in for the little boy, then smiling.[/i] "I know.. she's not all bad. It's whatever, though. Shouldn't have said all of that."

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  • Alistair booped his other aunt, giggling. The boy had plently of energy.

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  • [i]Niki would laugh, though she would be drawn away by Oliver, as he would bring her upstairs. It seemed that they needed to talk about something, in private.[/i] [i]Mason could already some worry in Athena's gaze as she looked away from the laughing Sophia, directing her attention to Oliver and Niki, though she sighed and nodded nonetheless.[/i] [i]Isabella, meanwhile, would independently head into the kitchen and search for a drink.[/i]

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  • Sarah looked to the bastards with worry. But then, her gaze turned to Alistair, who was pointing to the ground. Mia looked to her nephew, "Hmm... yep... still cute." Ali fidgeted in her arms, trying to break free. Mason had briefly glanced to Oliver and Niki. Then, he tickled Sophia's little chin.

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  • [i]While Isabella had gotten herself a drink for herself and Freya, she sat down with the redhead, sighing.[/i] [b]Isabella[/b]: "So. How long do you give them." [b]Freya[/b]: "If Armillion is brought out of power.. they'll live happy, healthy lives." [b]Isabella[/b]: "Hey, we agree on something.." [i]Sophia giggled and laughed quietly then. She was already a quiet child.[/i]

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  • Sarah was carefully listening in to this, yet keeping a distance, occasionally looking to her sister and her son. Mia set down Ali, who crawled to the stairs, trying to use them to stand up. He was having little sucess. He fell a few times, on his butt, yet he did not cry. Mason sat down on the couch, gently tickling Sophia. Mia kept a watchful eye on him. She knew he was a little renegade.

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  • [b]Freya[/b]: "...You're still planning on doing it, yes?" [b]Isabella[/b]: "...Look, Ragnarok's return.. it gave me a thought. Maybe.. maybe there's a way out of this." [b]Freya[/b]: "It would be treason.." [b]Isabella[/b]: "...[i]Not when I rule[/i]." [i]She whispered quietly, while her eyes flickered over to Sarah. She knew.[/i] [i]Sophia giggled wildly, while Athena would watch the sweet girl laugh and chuckle. After a bit, Niki and Oliver came back, the latter standing next to Sarah.[/i] "Everything [i]seems[/i] to be working out.."

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  • "Hmm? Oh, yes, this is rather... nice. To see everyone getting along," Sarah noted. Alistair crawled to Oliver, grabbing his father's leg. Mason looked to Athena, "Would you like to hold her?" Mia chuckled at her nephew, "You get him, tiger."

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  • "Oh, you're active." [i]Oliver chuckled, then lifting up Alistair high. He cradled the child quietly, smiling to himself while his sister looked on. He was.. happy, truly.[/i] [i]Isabella and Freya had fallen into hushed exchanges, before the crippled latter of the two ended the conversation, with only a quiet nod.[/i] "Oh.. most certainly." [i]Athena nodded, offering her arms to little Sophia.[/i] "Funny, I.. suppose we're both excellent at this sort of thing. You being Sarah's father, and me being the wet nurse of Oliver, Niki, and Arthur, too."

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  • "And me! I mean, seriously. The older twin most overshadowed here!" Mia noted. Alistair gurgled, "Dada." "It was so long ago. I don't think I ever got to see them when they were at this age. It's a priveledge to see my grandchildren, and watch them grow," Mason recalled.

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  • "Forgive me, lady.. dear, there's two Lady Greys. And when this one grows up.. three, I suppose." [i]Athena chuckled, tickling Sophia quietly.[/i] "...Assuming that Oliver chooses to take that name, though. It would be.. fitting. Him being a bаstard, and all." "Greys and Golds.." [i]Isabella murmured quietly to herself, smirking before chugging her water.[/i] "Ain't that a fuсkin' coincidence.." [i]Oliver would smile up at young Alistair as he tickled his son then, though he offered him to Sarah still.[/i] "Still think he likes you more, to be honest. You handle him better. Actually.. you handle both better."

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  • "I think he just wants to roam around," Sarah replied. She carefully took Alistair and set him down. Immediately, he crawled to the stairs, he kept trying push his hands off the ground, trying to stand. Mia chuckled, watching him. He managed to stand up, leaning on the wall. Alistair took a step away from the wall. His arms stretched out, keeping his balance. He took another step, looking straight ahead. Sarah squealed with excitement, "He's trying to walk!"

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  • "This could end fantastically, or.." "In a really fuсkin' funny manner. Just like his dad's first time walking." [i]Isabella smiled, finishing Oliver's sentence.[/i] "Like, seriously. Dumbass could barely walk when he was younger." [i]Sophia seemed a little jealous, meanwhile.[/i] [spoiler]Want to timeskip?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]In Pms, sure.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"As far as executions go, that was a pretty bold one. Making the Trayvens known as the police... Well, we'll have our hands full." Natalie walked beside Isabella, though her silent footsteps made it so that the purple haired woman would have a near impossible time trying to discern when she joined her. There was a casual smirk on Nat's perpetually smug demeanour - one that masked disgust for the criminals and a slight bit for Isabella's cruelty, but she didn't hold it against the woman. Unusually, the Lion-Knight was wearing a set of armour for the occasion, a badge to show her status in the army. She had a pair of deep purple leggings on, with some black lace-up boots and a shirt that matched her pants, both skin tight. The Trayven part of it was in her chestplate and belt, both steely silver and with the golden lion's head engraved on the front. Her sword rested at her hip in a black sheath, though her stance didn't indicate she wished to draw. "I guess that means work will pick up soon though, doesn't it?" [/i]

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  • "Work'll pick up, soon enough. I made a few deals with some guys, those willing to assist us in ensuring that we're packing some bite with our bark. At this rate, we're ready to match Dojo members if they get out of line. They will, eventually." [i]Isabella sighed, at that fact: the members of the Dojo were renowned for a more than chaotic behavior, and while it had certainly toned down in the recent weeks, a vigilante eye was always needed. And indeed, the Trayvens seemed to be receiving more support than ever, from the outside factions. Isabella had done alright, with Freya's absence.[/i] "I'd be more than happy to get you some operations sometime, though. Specifically one involving the capture of the Tribune spies that've hid themselves amongst us. We can't give them any advantage, with Khaom being literally wiped off the map.."

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  • [i]"You know my flat fee - Thirty soldiers, you for the night, and any loot I find during an operation," Natalie jokingly said, her arms folding as she followed along. Nat definitely didn't forget many things, that being one of them. "But really, just say the word and I'll go. All I need to know are my job parameters and what I'm allowed to take from them." [/i]

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  • "You should know that I'm free for the taking, whenever you want." [i]Isabella replied back, faking a stern, cold attitude, as she nodded with a brief grin crossing her face.[/i] "You're allowed to do what you wish, though bringing them back is recommended. Identification is important, if they've served alongside fellow troops."

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  • [i]"Perfect. Am I taking specific targets, or is this job going to see me searching?" [/i]

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  • "Searching about for a bit. I know, annoying.. but I'll get you details on where we caught the traitor, that might lead you somewhere if they're not smart.."

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  • [i]"Sounds good. Is there any way I can talk to said traitor, or were they just burnt?" [/i]

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  • "...It wasn't like we got anything out of her, anyway." [i]Isabella sighed. While she seemed to express no concern for the other two, the traitor bothered her, though she kept herself together still.[/i]

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  • [i]"Alright, did you at least get any information on where I can start looking?" [/i]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 2/2/2018 2:56:28 AM
    "Downtown Dojoville, down the street from the bar that we.. met at." [i]Isabella giggled to herself, at the mention of that night.[/i] "There's an alleyway to the right of that.. big green poster gives it away, "INFINITY CORP" on it or something like that. I'd head in at night, blend in at all. If you need help, radio in. I already know that you won't - you're damn good at what you do - but, nonetheless.. don't die, alright?"

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  • [i]"I'll try. And speaking of that night - Me, you, Star, some others, let's do it again sometime?" Nat left Isabella with the question, giving her a playful smirk and a light kiss on the cheek. She exited the Trayven camp through the main gate and walked over to the Infinity Corp building, scouting the place out. [/i]

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