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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/26/2018 5:13:27 AM
[b][i]History is But a Cycle...[/i][/b] [b]Northeast Syoki Desert, Tatakai[/b] [i]The still silence of the hot desert afternoon was shattered as five Orbital Assault Landing Craft broke the Tatakaian atmosphere, moving towards the great open sands of the desert. The five gargantuan spacecraft were visible from quite a ways away, each nearly three times as long and twice as tall as the average aircraft carrier. Each of the bristled with weaponry, their shields pulsing, visible blue hexagonal patterns visible around them. Each of them also bore the same insignia painted on the bow, an eagle soaring into the wind. After breaking atmosphere, they moved into their formation, forming a sort of perimeter around a large section of land, before moving to land. Dust and debris flew everywhere, the powerful thrusters of each OALC kicking it around. As soon as each of the craft touched the ground, their transport bays began to open, and hordes of men, armored vehicles, supply trucks, combat mechs, and aircraft poured out. Construction equipment followed, along with prefabricated fortifications. Everything they had bore the same insignia, the eagle flying in the wind. They were on Tatakai to establish their presence, courtesy of none other than Lucien Farcon and Inferno. Had any been around to see them, their gear appeared to be fairly advanced, though they were by no means super-futuristic. Most of their weapons appeared to be ballistic, though some of their soldiers sported some rather advanced-looking rifles. They appeared to sport varying units of power armored soldiers and combat hardsuits, along with varying hard, medium, and light armor. Tanks were the most notable thing, all of which looked to be somewhat based on 21st Century main battle tanks. Their armored vehicles appeared based upon both modern MRAPs and a futuristic redesign of German halftracks from the Second World War. Various artillery pieces were quickly moved into position, some self-propelled, others pulled by trucks. Missile defense systems, SAMs, and CIWSs were moved into place as the massive army began to deploy and construct what would be their main operating base. While the majority of the military force set about establishing their base on the planet, contingency units remained aboard the three supercruisers in high Tatakaian orbit. Their orbital weapons systems were primed, but utilizing them would be far too dangerous, and thus despite their readiness, they would not and could not be used. The sheer size of whoever this army was was massive, but what did their arrival have to do with anything? Why would such a massive force arrive out of nowhere? Or was it really out of nowhere? As the base began construction and defensive perimeters were set up, aircraft began their sorties from the OALCs, interceptors looking very similar to the 20th Century F-14 Tomcat multirole fighter, though perhaps a bit bulkier, sporting thrust vectoring nozzles rather than the usual afterburners. They were establishing air cover. With the fighters up, soon reconnaissance drones were sent up and out, and towards both the Dojo and Dojoville. With full visual established, the expeditionary force could be sent forwards to make contact. Such a force was less by an up-armored and heavily modified redesign of a halftrack. Sporting a mounted minigun and an armored troop transport bay, it led the column, followed by four more of its kind. Behind them, ten tanks, all looking somewhat similar to an Abrams, though definitely sporting more advanced armor patterns and cannons. Some appeared to be sporting rail cannons. All of them also carried a secondary turret atop their main cannon, sporting twin 25mm autocannons, with an M3A1 atop that for the commander. On the flanks of the group were several combat mechs, all carrying large shields and 25mm autocannons. Behind them were armored trucks, which presumably were carrying soldiers. All in all, the expeditionary force was quite ready should they be assaulted. Despite their intense armament, their goal was simple. Make contact with the Dojo and Dojoville. Make contact with the specified friendlies. The orders had been given to the commander of the expeditionary force, who also happened to be the commander of all of the forces now on Tatakai, a mercenary who was quite experienced with the Dojo at one time. Sidewinder sat atop the minigun on the lead halftrack, his cybernetic arm resting on the weapon’s receiver. His orders had come straight from Inferno. Inferno’s orders had come straight from Farcon. The group arrived on the outskirts of Dojoville the next morning, the sound of heavy armor nigh-unmistakable to anyone in the town. It wasn’t exactly as if they were going for stealth. Upon arrival in Dojoville, soldiers began piling out of the armored trucks, soon moving to surround their own vehicles, before the column advanced into the town. Sidewinder kind of assumed that driving an armored column straight into a civilian town would get someone’s attention. It worked better than sending one man. He rather liked using intimidation and shows of force to do his bidding for him. It generally worked.[/i] [spoiler]Oh my God it’s good to be back doing what I do best. Open. Go find out what’s up in Dojoville.[/spoiler]

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  • As they made their way into the main body of the Dojoville, they'd see an older man. Unlike the rest of the dojoites they'd've encountered, he wasn't an out-an-out soldier. He only sported twin .45s, and a hunting rifle. His "armor" was a normal set of sturdy traveling clothes with steel plates and other various armor replacements added on to them. His gear seemed to consist of whatever was in his rather large pack on his back, which seemed to be little. He eyed the front of the procession, and seemed a little on edge. The show of force made the man uneasy, if only because he knew some moron might fall for it and attack or threaten them. "Howdy." Came his gravely voice was he raised a hand in greeting.

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  • “Ain’t bad out for a walk!” [i]Came a fairly jovial voice from atop the halftrack, an armored man who looked to be sporting a cybernetic arm. Seeing as the man had addressed him, the soldier saw no reason to be rude. There was no harm in conversation.[/i]

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  • "What's your name?" He hollered up to the man aboard the half-track. Despite it's volume, his query was anything but rude. His initial fear seemed to be alleviated slightly but he had yet to see if he'd get attacked by them. With all the crazies, you never knew.

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  • “We don’t go givin’ that shit out for free, man! You look like you understand how a good soldier operates. Call me Sidewinder.” [i]It appeared that none of the soldiers were even slightly poised to attack him. While they manned their weaponry, they made no motion to move anything to face the random man walking beside them. He just simply wasn’t much of a threat, at least not yet. They may have certainly been well-armed, but they were also well/disciplined.[/i]

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  • "Fair enough. I don't have a fancy name, so call me Nathaniel!" He called out as he kept pace. "What brings you here? You hiring?"

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  • “Hiring’s... debatable. Look I’m just here on order. I don’t ask questions and I get paid, so I’m pretty damn happy.” [i]The man replied from his position atop the vehicle.[/i]

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  • "I can work with debatable!" He responded, keeping pace as the column kept going. Occasionally he'd look around, paranoid of the dojo's inhabitants

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  • “Debatable as in, I gotta see if you can do anything. Sooooo, do me a favor, pal. You look like you got plenty of contact in there. Go scrounge me up some information about what’s goin’ on in there, and then you and I can talk about employment.” [i]He replied, looking directly at the man below him.[/i]

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  • "I can tell you right off the bat about the crazies. There's the two factions I think you've probably met, Rubicon and the Trayves, and then there's all the hot shot minor factions. Loot, and some promises invariably win over most of them. They think with their stomach and wallet over their head. Force is wlso a decent way to get their attention. You've got that covered."

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  • “Good... because boooooy do I have a lot of loot. I ain’t cheap but I damn sure provide.” [i]He said, his chuckle a bit unnerving. Business was all that this was. Just good business.[/i]

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  • The man just shrugged, walking along still. "I dunno what the hell they're gonna do. The other factions. They definitely won't like this, so they'll Definitely either attack or threaten or something like that."

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  • [i]Sidewinder guffawed.[/i] “Let ‘em. I look like the good guy if everyone’s attacking me for no reason. I ain’t given them reason to attack unless they’re paranoid.” [i]This was technically true. Sidewinder had avoided sparking an open conflict for several reasons, namely to maintain some reputation. It looked good when you showed a little restraint.[/i]

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  • Edited by GRUNT OVERLORD: 2/4/2018 3:05:40 AM
    "True" He agreed. For the moment, he couldn't care what kind of person Sidewinder was, only that he offered a job. "Need anything else? Id like that job, if it's still there"

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  • “I need more information.... let’s get names and armaments for me, details not just random bullshit I can find out by lookin’ at ‘em.” [i]The mercenary seemed a little less pleased with the answer he’d received. While Sidewinder was keen to enlist help, he expected them to actually provide noteworthy intel, not just simple information. He knew the man could get more, and that was what he would make him do.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/29/2018 2:59:59 AM
    [i]Boogie knew damn well how effective intimidation was when it came to making yourself known. Of course, the Agent’s methods were not as widespread or blunt in their effectiveness. His superiors taught him how to become a terrible thought in your enemy’s mind and how to utilize technology that could exploit one’s foibles. When Boogie was assigned to a Strike Team, he fulfilled his role as expected: he would drop first, sewing chaos and terror through enemy ranks before the rest of his Team played janitor. A shrill beeping encasing his head tore him from a dreamless sleep. In blue, digitized numbers, the time read noon. Boogie sighed, which came out tinny and metallic from inside his helmet. He pushed his thumb beneath his chin until he heard a *click*. A capsule shot into his mouth, melting into a tasteless liquid. He swirled the chemical mixture in his mouth for a few seconds, making sure to dig all the available nutrients by puffing his cheeks. He swallowed. Lunch time. Now the time was gone, and all he could see was a blue sky through two eyeholes. Boogie sat up and rolled his joints for a moment, before getting onto his feet. Suddenly, his vision was filled with false colors and projections, runes blipped in a myriad of colors at the edges of his visor. Boogie blinked, as the world became bright shades of green. Night vision. He blinked again, and a blue wave of color filled up his visor, while human shaped splotches of reds, oranges, yellows, and purples went about their daily activities. Thermal vision worked just fine. He blinked a third time, as the world became grey. Each person he viewed emitted a colorful aura of Aetheric Energy unique to the individual. Everyday citizens had auras that were barely flickers of light, while mages and other anomalous beings were beacons of fractal power. He looked down at his own hands, and saw the familiar crimson waves of energy spewing black ink in flares of a star. His VERITAS worked like a charm. It was when he blinked to revert his systems to default that the army entered Dojoville. Boogie stood atop the flat, concrete roof of an apartment complex, so he could see the bulk of the force quite well. He reached for a massive, advanced rifle and magnetically clamped it to his back, before sliding off the triangular slope of the roof and reaching street level through an alleyway. He walked through post-modern streets without a single passerby glancing at him for a moment. Once he reached the column, Boogie’s White Suit deactivated its invisibility cloak and he approached who he assumed to be the commanding officer of the soldiers. The man in powered armor that looked like something out of a campy sci-fi movie looked up at Sidewinder. To avoid making the whole column halt because of his presence, Boogie nonchalantly walked at pace with Sidewinder’s halftrack.[/i] “You’re the third faction I’ve seen show up today. Least you folks have some semblance of regular equipment.”

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  • “Is that right?” [i]The mercenary replied, looking down from the open hatch atop the modernized vehicle.[/i] “Well I suppose that’s how business works... anytime you want somethin’ you end up having to deal with competition...” [i]There was a mild annoyance in his filtered words, not at the man who had approached him, but at the fact that now he had to deal with Rubicon and Trayven.[/i] “You know you’re the first moderately well-armed guy to not stop me and the boys, here. I’m impressed considering where I am.”

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/29/2018 7:47:08 PM
    [i]The armored man shrugged, causing the plates on his shoulders to shift and clink together softly.[/i] “Don’t really see a reason to. But it’s nice, ya know. Actually seeing legit soldiers as opposed to fuсkin’ knights or seven-foot super soldiers.” [i]Boogie held the same annoyance in his metallic voice towards the Trayvens and Rubicon. He specifically loathed them for the fact that they seemed to act as if they own the place.[/i] “Don’t really see a reason to control this place, either. All it is is a buncha Thaumaturges and your occasional crazed gunman. Only real profit I see from Takatai are its natural resources and maybe a merc or two.” [i]The man seemed to be quite expressive of his opinion, as he gestured with his hands as he spoke.[/i] “So what brings you here, if ya don’t mind me askin’?” [i]The man held a strange accent. It wasn’t entirely southern. It was more of someone who grew up in the South, but knew how to speak properly when he had to. [/i]

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  • “I’m here on orders from my higher-ups. I don’t do a lot of questioning them, considering they sign the paychecks.” [i]Sidewinder said with a laugh. Truth be told, he really wasn’t too terribly sure of what they saw in Tatakai, but he was being paid well, so what did it matter?Killing was his business and in the Dojo it was usually good. Plus, there was good money in selling guns.[/i]

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  • “Yeah, I hear ya.” [i]Boogie was in somewhat of a similar situation. In fact, he had be in such a situation for most of his career as a soldier. Going into places you didn’t know, seeing things you couldn’t understand, even killing things you’ve only heard through myth and legend was all part of his paycheck. Now, he was stranded. In a strange world that defied everything he had been taught. But hey, in the time he was contracted, he was paid gregariously. Now, he jumped around picking up bounties where he could.[/i] “So your higher-ups, they take hired guns? That’s assumin’ I’m not talking to one.”

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  • “Pal I got orders to pick up whoever and whatever I need to do my job. So in other words, yeah.” [i]Sidewinder replied, his convoy continuing into Dojoville.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/31/2018 1:56:50 PM
    [i]Boogie kept pace, each footstep a clash of metal and road. [/i] “Well, you can call me Boogie. Short for Boogeyman. Long for Boog.” [i]He chuckled spritely.[/i]

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  • “Boogie Man...” [i]He chuckled at his own joke, but it was good enough. Simple callsign, mildly intimidating, and the guy looked half-intelligent. That was pretty much all he needed.[/i] “Alright, Boogie. I got work for you already. You wanna do me a favor and do a little recon for me, get me what you can on all the big players on the field? Pull a Bill Belicheck and steal some playbooks for me?”

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  • [i]Boogie nodded, as he stopped walking with him and gave a mock two-fingered salute.[/i] “I’ll deflate some footballs while I’m at it. Catch you around, Sidewinder.” [i]His own joke coaxed a snicker out of Boogie, whose image began to shimmer and distort in the light. Soon, he was completely invisible and went to do his work.[/i] [spoiler]end, guess I’ll makes some posts with Boogie dicking with Rubicon/Treyvan[/spoiler]

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  • "[b]Well, sh*t...[/b]" [i]Fenrir muttered to himself as he watched the head of the column begin to broach the Dojoville from his seat at a cafe table. Closing the newspaper he'd had open in his hands, he surveyed the various men, women, and possible command figures, trying his best to pick out where they were from. Nervously, he glanced up to the Ko Rudo mountains, a quick flash of fear for Fr. Able running through his mind. The priest had been a military chaplain before he'd been settled here, and things like this tended to grate on the Father's goodwill heavily. Sighing exhaustedly, he decided that what would happen would happen, and trusted in Able's ability to control his own emotions. Instead, the Wolf focused once more on what readings he could pick up off of the vanguard of the column, and whether or not these would be the kind of men to head their armies from the front, or command them from the rear, though he supposed they might also be middling men, whose resolve wavered, and thus they kept in the middle of their mass of meat and armor they called an army.[/i] "[b]This is going to be no small amount of trouble, I reckon...[/b]"

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  • "You must be Sidewinder. Nice to see someone's starting this party right." A metallic voice hailed the mercenary commander from beside the vehicle. The speaker was clad in his own powered hardsuit, looking slimmer with its already-sloped plating streamlined to fit him even more. A scout, or perhaps some other type of lighter-class role that needed mobility over defence. His armour was a palette of blue just shades away from being black and urban camo print. Any professional could see that the colours were a smart choice for something like night operations - straight black wouldn't suffice to break up one's outline in the dark. An M1911 was strapped to his waist, and a strange bandolier of various arrowheads adorned one of his shoulder plates. He had some form of waist-mounted weaponry, but it was folded on his lower back and inactive. From the looks of it, it seemed like some kind of harpoon or grapple, complete with a spool of thick metal cord exposed on the back. His face was what made him stand out from the rest. A threatening ballistic mask, the same midnight blue as the rest of his garb, with a crude skull painted on it. The helmet worn atop it had an assortment of scopes and optics that could most likely be folded downwards for the man to see out of. "Agent Yorick, Mobile Task Force "Skeleton Key". Any contact?" Up above, several VTOLs were carrying a large storage container with large metal cables. Whatever was inside of it either couldn't travel with the rest of the convoy, or was something else entirely...

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