to anyone who wants to see some more depth in destiny and wants to see it become more of a RPG than a FPS, i suggest you look into this reddit post. lets get this trending so the Devs can see this and maybe fix their boring game
EDIT- Holy Blam 2000+ upvotes?! wow, im so thankul and happy to hear so many people agree the game needs more depth. THANK YOU so much everyone! i know Bungie will have to see this and take notice now! you guys are the real MVP.
EDIT Part 2 - I just want to say thank you to everyone upvoting and even down voting, just sharing your opinions and ideas can only help. and im reading and upvoting as many of your comments i can, even if i dont agree with them personlly, if you pose an interesting reason or solution, ill do my best to respond.
EDIT Part 3 - Well Bungie, the ball's in your court now, what will you do? will you betray our trust again? or will you listen to us and help you fix your game. please, we all care about Destiny and know that it can become something great, let us help.
EDIT 4 - Guys, dgm said hes looking at the feedback forum for ideas. we need to make sure they see this
Maybe instead of focusing for the last 2 months on eververse people should have focused on the real problems of this game. Now we get Ghost shells ships and sparrows in our loot pool, yay. That doesn't fix the damn game, congratulations for all the wasted posts to have 3 items put in the loot pool that serve literally no purpose now that They changed that part. Everyone's going to jump on the next subject which should have been the focus in the beginning. The toxicity continues as I knew it would not stop. Enjoy your two weeks of getting your ships and sparrows and go shells and then complaining there's nothing to do. Mission accomplished.