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Edited by reyway777: 1/29/2018 4:34:04 PM

<= this is how many people want more in depth subclass trees to anyone who wants to see some more depth in destiny and wants to see it become more of a RPG than a FPS, i suggest you look into this reddit post. lets get this trending so the Devs can see this and maybe fix their boring game EDIT- Holy Blam 2000+ upvotes?! wow, im so thankul and happy to hear so many people agree the game needs more depth. THANK YOU so much everyone! i know Bungie will have to see this and take notice now! you guys are the real MVP. EDIT Part 2 - I just want to say thank you to everyone upvoting and even down voting, just sharing your opinions and ideas can only help. and im reading and upvoting as many of your comments i can, even if i dont agree with them personlly, if you pose an interesting reason or solution, ill do my best to respond. EDIT Part 3 - Well Bungie, the ball's in your court now, what will you do? will you betray our trust again? or will you listen to us and help you fix your game. please, we all care about Destiny and know that it can become something great, let us help. EDIT 4 - Guys, dgm said hes looking at the feedback forum for ideas. we need to make sure they see this

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  • Who cares let’s push for new subclasses

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  • Excellent ideas but let's be honest here is it really needed that hunters get a 200% agility buff?

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  • Bump

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  • So is dmgctrl going to comment on this or his he on the next plane out to avoid it?

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    3800+ upvotes (forum users, maybe 10% of all players) probably means, that 95% of ALL players want this.

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  • It would be nice if Bungie responded to this thread with over 3800 likes. Ahh well we can dream

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    • 40
      Calling what we have currently "trees" is an insult to every other skill tree in video games..

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      • I’d also like to see bonuses for the race of our character. Like exos could be stronger or have more durability. They would make great titans to reinforce that tank aspect or could balance out a hunter that cannot take as much damage. Awoken could have higher intelligence gaining a boost to how fast abilities charge or extend the duration of supers or something to that effect. Not sure if it was discussed in the reddit post and I missed it. It’s late.

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        • Maybe instead of focusing for the last 2 months on eververse people should have focused on the real problems of this game. Now we get Ghost shells ships and sparrows in our loot pool, yay. That doesn't fix the damn game, congratulations for all the wasted posts to have 3 items put in the loot pool that serve literally no purpose now that They changed that part. Everyone's going to jump on the next subject which should have been the focus in the beginning. The toxicity continues as I knew it would not stop. Enjoy your two weeks of getting your ships and sparrows and go shells and then complaining there's nothing to do. Mission accomplished.

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          • Bungie, hire this man. Drop Luke Smith.

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          • Edited by Phoenix: 1/13/2018 4:40:05 AM
            I was disappointed that the post didn't address anything about revamping or bringing changes to the subclasses. I can't see myself playing these subclasses with only two trees to choose from them for very long. For me, it really doesn't matter what they do or bring to the game, because if the subclasses are still trash in the end it's still going to be a very bland experience.

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          • Everyone should bombard Bungie with links to this post. This is what the subclasses should look like.

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          • Holy fûckles, over 3700 knuckles! [spoiler]bum bum bump[/spoiler]

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            • Bump

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            • I have no real argument against your idea. But, Tomb Raider, 'frinstance, is RPG, Destiny is FPS. I really don't want to spend as much time running around looking in nooks and crannies for bits and pieces in Destiny, as I do in Tomb Raider. Sure, there is some FPS in Tomb Raider too, but it's more exploration, climbing, and making impossible jumps. In Destiny, I wanna shoot them bad dude MFkers. (If a new Tomb Raider came out tomorrow, I'd buy it!) But whatever. I don't mind. As in lots of things, if I don't want to go searching for bling, I don't have to. On the down side, Luke Smith would have a heart attack, because all of a sudden, you're buggering up his precious PvP Balance! You can't have players running around in the Crucible that are different, because, one might be .00001 of bugger-all better than the other, and there would be riots in the streets over it. " Waaahhhh, I got killed by a Warlock that had a perk that I haven't got yet! It's soooo unfairrrrrrr !!!!" Also on the down side, and this is an observation, [i]not a criticism[/i], but like the RemoveEververse bandwagon, 4000 is a drop in the ocean compared to a million. But still, I wish you good luck with your venture. It's all a darn shame that we have to go through this whole forum process, jumping up and down in outrage, to fix stuff, that was never a problem in D1, but was introduced for Smith's PvP "balance" and a forlorn attempt to make D2 "different" to D1. In other words, "new". It's gunna take months to fix it, one problem at a time, and there are a lot of problems, well documented over and over in these very forums. It took months if not years to make D1 good, and to have to do it all over again, because Bungie [i]threw away all the good fixes in D1[/i], is just plain annoying!

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            • Bump

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            • Bumpty bump

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            • no need to ask for anything related to Destiny 1 ! just stop playing the hot garbage game ! when they reach about 20 000 players for each platform then they will start hurting really bad and will get a nice funds freeze from Activision ! hahahaha

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            • 6 shot GG plus my crit instant CD throwing knife.

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            • Edited by Squintore: 1/12/2018 10:33:36 PM
              Give us a Path of Exile skill tree. Imagine? In all seriousness they should have doubled down on the RPG aspects instead of reducing it to what we have now. D1 just needed some polishing and better choices. For those saying you used X build for X content anyway so it doesn’t matter while true it applies to all games like WoW or Diablo. There will always be a meta set. Making a build was fun in easier activities.

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            • Edited by SnakePayne86: 1/12/2018 2:04:15 PM
              Somethings wrong, I cannot upvote a 1000 Times. every time I think of the 2 skilltree options, I can picture mark noseworthy in his interview basically saying we were too stupid for more options so they simplified it for us.

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              • Hey we see you have a really great idea on how to expand our class based systems from D1. So what we’re going to do is the opposite and completely dumb it down to two nodes you can choose from. Thanks for the feedback and remember we’re always listening! ~Bungo

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              • As much as I want them to change the subclass trees, I don't think they will. It will take too much effort and time to change something so big to the game.

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              • I don't agree with much people are bitching about, but this game definitely needs fixing. This should be point number one, followed by better/ more perks on guns. Not random rolls though. Subclass skills are babied to fck in this game lol. It kills me. Honestly though my only REAL issue with this game is the shitty take on lore and story. I actually turned my Xbox off when Cayde brought chickens to the final battle when we took the city back.

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              • Oh my god please

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              • I'm in favor of two modes for subclass trees: advanced and basic. Basic being our current two paths systems. Advanced being more like d1 fully customizable nodes. This way new players won't have to feel daunted by the decisions until they're more familiar with the game. I do like that they're trying to get new players, but the current playerbase still needs loving. That being said whether it's advanced or basic mode, it'd be nice to have more perks to choose from. Also, slightly off topic, but I sorely miss sunsingers and blade dancers... if only they just made it similar to how shield bros can switch to becoming bubble bros.

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