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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/24/2017 11:35:36 PM
[b][u]Dojo, the Starbucks of All Places. 15:38 PM.[/u][/b] [i]It was late in the afternoon when a decently new face in the Dojo was at the the last place she'd wish to be caught dead... the Starbucks. She was simply sitting on the stool at the very right side of the counter, sipping what seemed to be pure, bland, completely black coffee from a white cup with what could be deciphered as "Helaynah" scribbled on it. She was surprisingly relaxed, figuring the police had quit their search by now. Because, oh yeah, her first expression had consisted of blowing up a bar. The woman, who was actually named Helena, was dressed in her usual getup, though she was left without her archaic helmet. She wore simple, midnight black combat boots that went mostly hidden into the sleeves of her dirty beige brown jeans. Over her torso, she wore a mostly buttoned up, gunmetal grey trench coat that concealed whatever was underneath. Her hands were shrouded in fingerless, pitch black gloves. Her sharp, angular face was framed by thick locks of steely grey hair, the tips coloured a shade darker which caused a barely noticeable yet undeniably pretty contrast in her shoulder-length hair as it hung like a curtain around her head. The ends curled rather obviously, because she didn't just have boring straight hair. Her eyes were a burning yellow, like a cat's.[/i] "Starbucks's still fuсkin' trash," [i]She muttered beneath her breath with a heavily accented voice, the edge of it coarse and rough, though it was otherwise left light and feminine. Her comment earned her a dirty look from the barista, who only got a nonchalant shrug in response.[/i] "Sorry lassie, but the truth's the truth." [spoiler]Lacklustre post, yes, but whateveeerrrrrrr Open for shittery[/spoiler]

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  • [i]a Thun elf walks into the Starbucks. Instead of wearing his usual red trench coat, he is wearing a blue one, with arcane symbols all over it. He sits down across from her and orders a tea. He opens a book and starts saying “What do you think you know about this universe?”[/i] [spoiler]im just bored [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by ImaDrizzit: 1/8/2018 11:41:25 PM
    A man walks into the Starbucks he is average hight and about average weight. He wore a brown jacket and had black pants on. His left arm was completely made of metal and had a blue light near the middle of it, he had black hair that was short and spiked near the front. He walked up and ordered a drink then, he walked to the stool next to the woman and asked “Is this seat free”. this is a picture of him it’s not the most accurate because only one arm is robotic.

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  • "Alright.. so the coffee's pretty shit, but pushing around some gal in the woods and acting hardcore about it.. I mean, that [i]is[/i] resourceful, really." [i]So a raven came for Helena, that day.[/i] [i]Practically lounging in one of the chairs at the Starbucks, with a cleared table in front of her relaxed, thin form. The girl's lean body was encased within winter clothing, with thin blue jeans over her legs, and a skinny winter white jacket, the buttons a light, shining silver, holding together the jacket tightly.[/i] [i]Her face was feminine, angular, and fairly tanned, with strands of curly blonde hair escaping the soft hat that she wore upon her head. Her features, while smooth and intended for a cute, yet prestigious look, still boasted an analyzing, sharp intelligence with them as well, while two ocean blue eyes looked at Helena. Only accompanied by that thin, taunting grin.[/i] [i]Confident.[/i] "Though you.. ran, didn't you? Awful shame, really. Such a big woman, turned into a cowardly little shit at the sight of conflict. I can respect that too, though: no need for outside forces trying to barge in, right?" [i]Her game was odd. First she taunted Helena, then she congratulated her. There were two reactions that the woman longed for - something of a reaction, or just nothing at all, from Helena. One so that she could continue, and the other to prove her statements.[/i]

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  • [i]A raven? More like an annoying teen, really. The moment Pandora did as little as speak up, Helena rolled her eyes while a mildly annoyed sigh made its way past her pink lips, which curled down in disapproval. The noise made her frustration clear at the fact that the girl bothered her yet again, though she did little more than that. If anything, Pandora and her taunting went ignored beyond that. Helena saw no reason to respond to her and her taunting, and so, she focused on the more important things in her life -- namely, her coffee. Without speaking a word or looking at Pan, Hel raised the Styrofoam cup that held her pure black coffee up to her lips, taking a small sip from the steaming hot drink, a satisfied sigh making her slight enjoyment at the liquid trash apparent.[/i]

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  • [i]You want annoying, you've got it.[/i] *[i]Thoomp![/i]* [i]A whistling, small black, jagged object would escape the woman's bare finger, faster than a bullet yet as small as one too, as she pointed at Helena's cup, the object slicing open the Styrofoam surface immediately. Black coffee would spill from the wound within the cup's surface upon Helena's body, as the annoying little shit who began the conflict straightened up in her seat.[/i]

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  • [i]The cup wasn't infinitely big, however, since most of what Pandora saw of it was covered by either Helena's hand or her wrist, leaving the only part exposed the small area between the woman's index finger and the lid. A small target, but one Miss Death could no doubt hit. In fact, she would have. With a movement faster than should have been possible, not to mention a reaction speed outright preposterous considering the small amount of space between the two edgelords, Helena did little more than move her index finger upwards. The small object dug into the first section of her finger, though it didn't even go as deep as one might have expected -- a few millimeters at the very most. With another roll of her yellow eyes, Helena set her cup down before her where Pandora couldn't see it, and simply flicked her right wrist, ejecting the small object from her finger with a small spurt of crimson blood, leaving a truly tiny wound. The thorn was left in a little puddle of red a good handful of meters away, the wound it left closed by the time Helena's digits wrapped around her cup again.[/i] "How rude," [i]She half-heartedly remarked with a shrug of her shoulders.[/i]

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  • "Rude's.. one way to put it." [i]As the small thorn would pierce Helena's skin, the woman's new wound would begin to ignite with a slowly heightening pain, before suddenly, it felt as if Helena's hand was aflame. The small wound would bubble with sickly poison, with the venom making it's way quickly throughout Helena's system, immobilizing her being with it's terrible influence.[/i] [i]Pandora would only smirk, before she would point again at Helena. Three more darts of the poison would fly towards Helena's central mass, whistling throughout the air while the toxins would spread throughout Helena's blood vessels and body. It appeared to be an immobilizing venom, while searing agony inflamed her from within.[/i] "Lemme do my work, alright? Shhh.."

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  • "How terrible," [i]She sarcastically commented, her abilities working quickly and rapidly even without conscious thoughts, acting like a disease in that it adapted and changed -- just extremely quickly. The venom was neutralised quickly and efficiently, the bubbling coming to a complete stop within mere seconds, while the pain was halted dead in its tracks, quite like the immobilisation... in fact, the last never even happened.[/i] "Man, don't y've got anythin' better than that actual crар?" [i]She scoffed, barely even noticing as the three other projectiles sank into her skin after piercing her decently thick clothes, the venom doing absolutely nothing this time. Helena smirked to herself, left hand moving to her back, plucking the thorns out of her skin and nonchalantly tossing them aside. Her right hand, in the meantime, lifted her cup to her lips, letting her take a deep swig from her coffee.[/i]

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  • [i]Except cazador venom was.. well, different, something that Helena was too ignorant to realize. The venom would counter her entirely, and terribly, with the poison fluctuating throughout her blood vessels as it had begun to traverse throughout her being. But trying to take on the remaining three was.. well, beyond stupid, as the three pins would pierce Helena once more. The poison's effects would only spread throughout Helena even more, as Pandora simply shrugged and tilted her head at her now paralyzed foe.[/i] "Cutting your arm off.. would have worked. So would just doing anything [i]except[/i] be a сocky bitсh. Hell, this could've been stopped entirely if you didn't try to be so cool and catch a toxin - but you're not like that, are you? Neat." [i]The poisons only heightened their pace, and now Helena's body would freeze in place, agony running through her being as the poisons took over her system. Pandora would rise up, as the civilians would bother to flee away from the scene.[/i] "I can't really kill you.. unfortunately, though there's a workaround to that. Just waiting on the effects, unless you've got some other body lying around.." [i]In truth, Pandora did want one of Helena's.. clones to show up, really. Just for the fun of it.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]that's not how venom works tho [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]you decided to tank four incredibly deadly shots of poison countering it with "genetics" instead and getting coсky wasn't a grand idea -.-[/spoiler] [i]Once Helena's body had been paralyzed, as the swelling agony would rush through her being, Pandora would nod after staring down the would-be corpse. There was no sense in letting someone suffer. Well.. not for too long.[/i] [i]Without a word leaving those lips, Pandora would stare down Helena as a skull-like apparition would manifest over her thin being. The skull was of canine proportions, the ivory white shell of it's being radiating with contained crimson energy, yet it's maw would open and release a burst of bright, terrific energy.[/i] [i]And that's all she wrote.[/i] [i]When the mess settled, Helena's now lifeless - no, soulless - body was all that remained, as Pandora stared down at the being before her silently. The canine skull would then dissipate away, fragments breaking apart before it crumbled back into the earth as it's master would hold Helena's hand.[/i] "The Chinese say that it is the strong swimmer who most often drowns. Perhaps I'm the next strong swimmer." [i]And just like that, the two individuals would vanish.[/i]

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 1/9/2018 6:39:44 AM
    Lmao what Ow the edgie

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  • [i]”Hola, buenos días, puedo tener–“[/i] The voice paused after seeing the confused expression on the barista’s face. He stopped for a moment, muttering to himself. “Where the hell am I now?” He looked back up, tentatively said “...hello?” And, fortunately, received a nod of confirmation. Despite having started by speaking in a different language, the man’s English was perfectly fine–probably his native language, actually. But speaking of the man, he was... well, the best way to describe him was average looking. He had wavy, wild black hair, that seemed incapable of staying still. His skin tone was tan and smooth, while his build was clearly mesomorphic. He stood at an average height of 5’11” – really, the only thing that would separate him from your average civilian was the black cybernetic left arm, which even then, was rather common amongst fighters nowadays. “Uhhhh... a... I dunno. Coffee, black.” He said. He clearly wasn’t used to Starbucks. “A name for your order?” “Aaahhh – William.” A person skilled in reading people would be able to recognize the lie without much effort – judging by the hesitation and the slight movement of his pupils, he had likely thought up a random name on the spot. Hopefully one the barista would spell correctly on the cup of the coffee. As the man sat down, he noticed the dissatisfied demeanor of the woman beside him. Without much thought, a question arose: “This place any good?”

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  • [i]The newcomer immediately had two prying eyes focused on him, despite how completely and utterly average he was. It could have been the language he spoke at first, which was a pretty good guess, in truth, since those intense, piercing yellow eyes had only started watching him when he opened his mouth.[/i] "Well, [i]Wiliam[/i], no," [i]The spectator simply responded, her neatly accented voice laying the emphasis on what would be his name, her eyes lit up with what could only be described as something sly.[/i] "This place's trash, but 'tis also the only bloody place y'can go for a fuсkin' coffee." [i]A vulgar lass, this one. Helena looked away from William and at the barista when she placed the order on the counter, the man's name written as "Wilhelm" somehow, though it was clearly intended for him, placed down right in front of him. The steel-haired woman next to him then went back to her coffee, eyes focused on nothing in particular as she just sipped her drink.[/i] "...'least it's free, I guess..."

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  • William stared at the cup for a moment, then laughed aloud. “Funny coincidence here. Wilhelm’s the name of my....” He blinked, apparently confused. “...never mind.” He sipped his coffee quietly, then coughed. “Yeah, you’re right. This sucks. Not even a fan of coffee in the first place, honestly, just wanted a drink and thought I might give it another chance.” He thought about the resources that went into that coffee, debated tossing it, but then decided to force himself to finish it. Burn some time. He took another sip. “So. Where you from?” He asked, considering the accent. “I feel like the accent’s familiar, although granted, I’ve heard a lot of different accents.”

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  • "Gotta love these morons. Somehow manage to misspell the simplest things. Seriously, I think it takes more effort to fućk this shit up than it does [i]not [/i]to." [b]The voice was recognizable as the morning sun. Sure as hell, Athena was there, once again in the outfit typical of a metalhead. The only variation was her shirt which was a short-sleeved shirt with the cover art of Jomsviking by Amon Amarth.[/b]

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  • [i]Hel snickered in amusement, though she didn't immediately respond. She wordlessly sipped her coffee, letting herself rid the caffeine wave, feeling so very alert and awake, while she even felt a little happy on the inside because Athena was there. Once she took the cup away from her lips, she was left with a grin.[/i] "Ayyyy, if 't ain't m'favourite redhead," [i]She teased with a jesting-yet-truthful tone to her soft voice, a sly wink accompanying her words.[/i]

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  • [b]Athena smiled at the comment.[/b] "Thanks. And, uh, the hell happened to your hair? Wasn't it... like... red as fućk last time we met?"

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  • [i]Helena made a thoughtful 'hmm' as she slowly nodded, taking the time to sip her black coffee and mull over her response. For someone who was rather chaotic and... destructive, she did like to think a lot. [/i] "So 't was, so 't was. Felt like mixin' 't up a lil's all, 'cause the same colour just gets borin' t'me, t'be honest."

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  • "Fair enough. For me, it's honestly just as much a part of me as my habit of only wearing band shirts. But I can see how the same shit all the time would bore someone. Anyways, how've you been since our last... encounter?"

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  • "Usual, really... blowin' up bars here 'n there..." [i]She chuckled quietly with a shake of her head, letting her joke sail before getting... well, moderately serious. She sipped her coffee, rolling her shoulders.[/i] "Jokes aside, been busy with work 'n such. Reason why y'haven't seen me since we met, y'know. Work, work, 'n more fuсkin' work... Eh, shouldn't complain. What 'bout you, though? What kinda mayhem've y'been spreadin'?"

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  • Edited by Jörmungandr: 12/27/2017 1:20:12 AM
    "Nothing much. Drinking. Socializing. Boredom. The usual. There's definitely some... interesting people around here." [b]Her usual smirk crept across her face.[/b] "Few can top you, though."

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  • "Boredom? Psh, should've just given ol' Helena a call, t'be honest... been spendin' m'free time up in orbit, doin'... well, jack shit, really. Shit's lame, lemme tell ya... I mean, really, ya'd think a big fuсkin' military fleet would've somethin' int'restin', eh?"

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  • "You'd think. You'd also think a place where -blam!-ing super soldiers are the norm wouldn't be boring either. Life's just fućking weird I guess. I'll definitely make sure to call you up in the future, though."

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  • "Good," [i]She replied shortly and simply, the colour of her eyes drifting from that piercing, intense yellow to a much more loving wine red.[/i] "So, so, so, what t'talk about next, hmm? Don't think've ever told ya 'bout m'job..."

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