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12/24/2017 6:17:59 PM

State of Destiny 2

First off Destiny 1 is maybe my favorite game of all time but for sure favorite of this generation of consoles and the last possible and destiny 2 has its moments of greatness but there's so much more bad things that by far out way the good. The crap management team on this game needs to be fired! They've made so many bad game breaking decisions! The gameplay and everything they've made is fun and fine. The horrific gun system they have now is ruining this game. Noone wanted this!!! Just change it back to destiny 1 style with random rolls make snipers and shotguns actually useful again. Who the Eff made the decision to take away the grimoire and dead ghosts to find in the world? Theres no use to just go exploring anymore that was half the fun of the original jumping climbing stuff looking for dead ghosts. You guys have made a beautiful world that everyone just flies through to get to their destination without taking a second to look around and enjoy it. Why is every strike boss the exact same? Damage him now you can't go stand here for a minute now you shoot him again then repeat 3 times. EVERY SINGLE 1!!! WHY??? This dawning is pathetic you're really that greedy that you only give us 2 engrams a week PER ACCOUNT?? WTF bungie man cmon this is one of the coolest armor sets in the whole game one of 3 or 4 sets that are actually worth getting and you make it impossible to get without gambling!! I wouldn't mind paying if I got what k wanted but you spend $20 buck and get reskinned ship and sparrow!! Wtf I don't want that crap. We should be getting more skills with the sequel not taking what tiny bit of rpg element you had and ripping it from us. We need more depth to this game overall and to our skill tree. Let us have a choice in how we want to play. I'm not saying destiny 1 had it right because it's barely any difference but we need more to be unique. When I heard about destiny the first time it was like oh there's titans that have a bunch of armor and they're like walking tanks and then hunter are fast as lighting jumping around the battlefield and then warlocks who have great magical abilities and mastered the space magic then I played and you can barely tell a difference and I'm debating on that. Every class feel almost identical so why even bother with armor mobility and recovery? I honestly feel if there were larger gaps between each class there would be so much more depth to the game and what you could do with your guardian. Turning in engrams used to be one of my favorite parts turning a blue into legendary or legendary into exotic it was so exciting now I get 45 legendary engrams a week and I get the same exact thing every single time and it's 85% armor so it's like 2% chance for a masterwork!! And what's with masterworks they're so pathetically weak seriously 1/4 of a second faster reload is supposed to get me excited??? You have a kill tracker give me levels to unlock and more and better perks to get let me have a real masterful weapon not some dinky barely noticeable handling stat. Exotics are handed out freely so they don't seem exotic at all just another gun or armor. We want to feel powerful and not in the way we are now where you just walk through the game like it's nothing. We 1 shot most enemies the game never gets difficult until you hit nightfall alone or a raid. When the worst gun in the game melts enemies the strongest gun in the game has no room to improve so what's the point?? Solo nightfalls and crota used to be one of my favorite things now you have to put in some serious time to know exactly what to do and where to beat that stupid time limit the time limit shouldn't be automatic loss it should just be there for higher rewards for faster completion with time trials with leaderboards so you can see how you stack up with the rest of the fireteams out there that'd add another exciting thing to do while playing and strike specific loot and nightfall specific loot I mean why is that not a thing?? Bad management that's why. I love this game I play it I spend money on it not because it's a good game because I love the first such and want this to be the best game out there and I'm getting no love back at all. None of us are sure the casuals are happy with it and just don't understand why we are upset. They don't care enough to understand the hurt we feel as a fanbase! You slapped up in the face then spit in it with osiris and the dawning 95% being behind eververse! It's not bad that it's there it has its place but that place isn't building a massive pay wall in front of the bulk of the content!! Just give us a place where we can go if we don't have enough time to grind during these 3 weeks or a season or whatever it may be then we can pay for the armor set we want or the 99 cent sparrow we want or whatever. Every item in the game should be attainable in game not some random loot box for leveling up that's total crap I played so much I did all my milestones I leveled up a ton with 3 characters the first season and never got the ramen emote or the salty one so I'll never have that because I was unlucky not because I didn't play enough I played hours and hours every day for 2 months to no avail. This game just feels like a big -blam!- you to all of us hardcore players. I love this game and hope you'll listen to us. We honestly just want destiny 1 with updated graphics and ship battles or some big new feature. With a new enemy race or 2 to fight. Vandals as guardians is one I've been wanting since the house of wolves dlc something like that to shake up the game to get people wanting to play again. I just don't get how this happened who made these decisions we deserve to know what happened to -blam!-ed this up for everybody?

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