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Edited by Jokru: 12/11/2017 7:44:13 PM


When I launch destiny 2, instead of getting into game, I get into a connecting screen. I have tried restarting my PC, my router and the application. Every thing else, literally any game or website works fine. I even port forwarded destiny 2. Edit: I also tried removing the files in appdata Edit2: I have now also tried launching the game in another region, no luck Edit3: Or is it possible that I am shadowbanned? Did my level 18 character annoy someone? What is this problem? Update to edit: Character is now 20 due to the game working for a moment. Edit4: Meanwhile I suppose I could review the loading/connecting screen: The shapes in the background moving like they do creates a very calming, but still an epic atmosphere So I ask again bungie, can I please play the game I paid 40€ for? Edit5: Okay so it works for now, all I had to do was: 1. Restart my PC 2. Restart Destiny 2 3. Restart router 4. Restart Destiny 2 5. Delete files at C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs 6. Restart Destiny 2 7. Change region of Destiny 2 8. Restart Destiny 2 9. Install VPN 10. Activate VPN 11. Restart Destiny 2 12. Deactivate VPN 12. Restart Destiny 2 13. Restart router 14. Restart Destiny 2 15. Go take a dump for 20 minutes 16. Profit All-in-all this took about an hour and I would highy prefer if I could play Destiny 2 without an hour of setting up each time. 2/5 80% of game is actually a loading screen that says connecting. Edit6: Broken again, am I not allowed to close my game bungie?

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