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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/8/2017 6:15:21 PM
[i]Jason had seen and witnessed some truly messed up shit in his life, but the spider made him feel uneasy and unnerved nonetheless, how hairy and big it was, scuttling on too many legs with that unnatural fluidity... The men he had with him weren't exactly comfy, we either, though nothing was getting shot yet at least.[/i] "Man," [i]Jason started in response, giving the woman a quick once-over while doing his damnest to kgnkre the spider,[/i] "Is everyone here just unnaturally tall? Making me feel like a midget... ...anyway, I'm Jason."

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/8/2017 7:23:31 PM
    "Nah the biggest person here is talug we are short compared to him. And don't tiny wont harm you neither will the other spiders here jason. I could say size doesn't matter but that would be lying."says marcella [i]she stood up from the stump chuckling a little bit. She starts walking into woods the spider following her as if was a dog. a very unnatural one.[/i] "Plus spiders are very useful as they have already found the nest of those creatures."says marcella [i]apparently shes has a lot control over spider more than Jason would ever realize. As she also had a small spider piggybacking on her back the size of a small cat it's black body blending in to her black cloak she was wearing. As she walked down a path that was cleared for foot traffic. There was however a lot of random silk strands around a lot them very thick and sticky looking to the touch. One the strands she was following however was clearly moving as if something had gotten captured on the other end as bounced madly. Marcella was paying keen attention to it as it was one of the webs near the creatures nest.[/i] "Hmm looks like they caught one."says marcella

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  • "Talug is the tallest, I'm the shortest..." [i]Jason mumbled quietly as he moved after Marcella, the grass rustling beneath his boots, a twig occasionally snapping when he stepped on it. He looked around himself as he avoided the strings of silk, having to do a slight jog to keep up with the rest since they were all significantly taller than him, minus the two soldiers accompanying him since they were each roughly as tall.[/i] "So then, we just go in, kill the... well, whatever they are, torch the place, then get out?" [i]Phewie. He was glad he and the two USEG soldiers had brought thermite grenades and incendiary grenades, meaning that they could incinerate everything rather well. He rolled his shoulders even while in his armour, gun lightly tapping against his the breastplate of his armour. He wasn't quite at ease yet with all these spiders everywhere... ...seriously, his motion tracker was just constantly aflame with activity.[/i]

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  • "Well if makes you feel better my ma is only 4'9" and your still taller than me."says talath [i]which was true since he was only 6'1''. He was following behind marcella glancing around occasionally as he followed marcella until she held up a hand a spot a limb that was clearly from a spider that was torn off. Marcella suddenly jumps a foot as a loud crash heard nearby followed by a string of curses as struggling drew her attention quickly as her spider bolts in that direction jumping up faster than normal human could move as marcella said only one word just knowing that it was her mother and she was clearly fighting one the creatures.[/i] "Mother?!"says marcella "Looks like trouble shit."says talath

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  • "We're about the same height, actually... but, hey, it's still nice." [i]He let out a light laugh and a shrug, seeming a whole lot taller than he actually was since he was all armoured up within his suit, the helmet of which especially threw off his actual height with how tall it was. Then, shit went down, causing Jason to enter full serious mode. He didn't doubt for a second that he and his men were the tankiest here, because while the giants might have hard skin, they had power armour made out of fancy sci-fi metals. He raised his gun, giving a soundless sign with his left hand as it had only just left the underbarrel grip of his rifle, signing for the men to follow up and raise their guns. He started walking, heading over to where the spider had shot off to and where the alleged mother was, only to stop after moving a good few meters away.[/i]

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  • [i]that when he saw marcella mother which was to say the least what was visible was a woman from the torso up but from the waist down she was part spider. but she was pinned to the ground on her back trying to push the creature off of her as it dug into her make her bleed black blood a trait that only demons have. She was putting up one hell of a fight too. As marcella's spider jump onto it back sinking its long fangs into making it squeal horribly as reared up trying to pry the spider off. But it gave them one hell of a clean shot as it kept on biting. [/i]

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  • [i]Well, that opportunity was all they needed. Jason nodded towards the werewolf-like beasts, which was plenty of guidance for the men accompanying him. They all opened fire in perfect sync, a whole hail of 7.62x51mm rounds raining down on the beast, each and every one of them tipped with tungsten to make piercing the monstrosity's hide as easy as firing the guns. The storm of gunfire stopped after each of them had fired five bullets exactly, the thundering of their rifles cutting off suddenly and brashly, leaving the beast filled with fifteen bullets, spread across its abdomen, chest, collar, and throat, though they had taken special care not to hurt Marcella's mother or the spider, their aim as sharp as a knife-edge. But if the spider was accidentally hit, rip spider.[/i]

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  • [i]lucky for the spider as jumps into the trees out of the way of fire making it not in the way as they were shooting. Marcella's mother stayed put for moment obviously still jumpy from being attacked and then the sudden gunfire within seconds. The creature didn't survive it as it fell to the ground lifeless and bleeding out. Marcella's mother looked to see who shot it and looked slightly afraid of Jason and his men. Which she was matter fact and could clearly be looking for her daughter.[/i]

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  • [i]Jason noticed the spider-woman looking over at him and his men, giving nothing more than a slight wave with his left hand, like a mock salute. He didn't mean anything bad, that much was clear, though he did look behind him for a moment, a whistle leaving his helmet.[/i] "Yo, Marcella! Your mom's here and probably looking for you." [i]With that said, he let go of his FAL completely, the weapon left hanging on the thick leather strap it was attached to. He pulled a medkit out of his stylish satchel, starting to walk over to the wounded woman, his intent clearly to patch up the gashes left by the beast that had been assaulting her.[/i] "Ma'am," [i]He respectively spoke up, presenting the medkit just to make it clear that he wasn't going to harm,[/i] "Would you mind if I patch you up?"

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 12/9/2017 9:04:25 PM
    "Coming just got to move from behind him."says marcella [i]marcella moved from behind where talug was standing. She walked over to her mother who to become less nervous and scared when she was near.[/i] "Sorry im just very shy around people Im marvella and i don't mind."she says [i]She clearly had put up quite a fight until they had gotten there as she had several big bites on her arm as black blood still slowly bled from it as long as three scratch marks down her side as long as another series on her back. The rest of her body the lower part was way too sturdy for to punch through as it clearly had tried to as one its claws had broken off in trying to. As it was stuck there. Marcella's spider had dropped back down from the trees landing nearby but clearly is keeping a vigil on their surroundings its senses much more keen than their's. As its seen wandering around as marcella stick by her mother.[/i]

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  • "I'm Jason," [i]He introduced himself simply and shortly with a slight nod. The Russian drew closer when it was clear Marvella wasn't objecting to getting her wounds patched up, which was enough of a sign for him to do what he needed to do so she... wouldn't die. His light footsteps rustled the grass while the click of his medkit opening was heard soon as well when he stood right next to the spider-lady -- or more in front of her, really. He started rummaging through the kit, fishing out a handful of needed supplies. Jason first started suturing and stitching the woman's wounds, the needle and thread kept perfectly clean and sterile. He very carefully and neatly did the wounds dabbing the blood away with an equally as clean towel whenever the flow got too much and interfered. Once the wounds were shut, Mervella would feel a painful string as alcohol-doused gauze was wrapped around them, preventing infections and such while also protecting the stitches. In short, the scary, edgy mercenary was a damned good medic.[/i]

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  • "Thank you''says marvella [i]After he is done stitching her up her wounds. She seems to not mind the sting of the alcohol to much after that. As she stands back up on on her many legs. She's a little bit shorter than Jason when she stands. [/i] "We need to get to the nest i have already had my spiders drive most of them back there already that aren't already sleeping."says marvella

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  • "Aye, no need to thank me." [i]Jason carefully placed the bottle of medicinal alcohol, the roll of gauze, the roll of stitching thread, and the needle back into the medkit, which then disappeared into the same pouch it came from. His hands returned to his gun while he gave a nod with his helmeted head.[/i] "Let's go, then; force these fuсks out of the forest and back to whatever they crawled out of." [i]With a smirk, he rolled his shoulders, that very action seeming like a gimmick to him at this point. Oh well.[/i]

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  • "Yeah lets go its not far now. "Says marvella [i][she leads to very chaotic looking seen very various spiders were seen basically charging two creatures and of course they were still alive but not for long as they were now at the nest area. that much was clear as it was a cave entrance to their home apparently as some spiders could be seen heading in to flush even more out.[/i]

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  • [i]The two beasts were swiftly and quickly ended by deathly accurate bursts from Jason and his men, the thundering of gunfire filling the forest once more, echoing in between the trees. The animals were filled with nine bullets each - three or a total of six from the men - aimed to the ches and head.[/i] [b]"Captain,"[/b] [i]One of the two armoured men that accompanied Jason spoke up once the two creatures had been exterminated,[/i] [b]"We could plant plastic explosive 'ere at the mouth of the cave; collapse t 'n lock the beasts inside."[/b] [i]Jason only shook his head.[/i] "No, no, Sergeant. They would dig themselves out, no doubt about it, and the cave may have a second exit. So then, let's move in."

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  • [i]they would ended up following the spiders into the cave as they were the one leading the way. Which actually was smart cause they would be able to see them. They spiders went everywhere looking for the creatures that were scattered about the tunnels. [/i]

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  • [i]The two armoured USEG personnel expertly planted charges of plastic explosive on the walls of the tunnels in the meantime, pulling the packets from pouches they carried with them. They wouldn't immediately blow up everything, but once they were back out of the caves, the whole entire system would be detonated.[/i]

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  • [i]they eventually reached the heart of the nest where a lot of them were asleep. Which there was about five grown individuals as several of their retched young asleep as well. several of the larger spiders had crept in without a sound spreading out amongst them. Then striking with very deadly accuracy.[/i]

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  • [i]When the spiders struck, so did the Marines. They had spread out through the room like the arachnids had, any sound the heavily armoured soldiers had previously made now curiously muted, not even their footsteps heard. Metal blades glinted for not even a half-second as they were drawn, disappearing almost instantly as they sank into furred flesh, digging into three separate necks, cutting major arteries, veins, and muscles.[/i]

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  • [i]the creatures would be waking up after this. Plus even if they did they would not be able to escape with talug guarding the rooms entrance. They seemed to get all them except one as it turns out not all them were sleeping and this one that showed up was one of the ones known to be poisonous. It growled at them in a threatening manor it wasn't alone as there were two more behind it. Several spiders could be seen throwing themselves at them purposely causing a distraction so they could take them down. The spiders were delivering several painful bite to their necks and face.[/i]

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  • [i]The distraction was more than what the three Marines needed, their blood-slicked knives sheathed and replaced by their rifles within seconds. They switched to semi-automatic with a quick flick of their thumbs, carefully and accurately unleashing their fire after. Each single shot was carefully placed and fired, each of them paying extra care to avoid hitting their spidery bros, while the creatures were hit by bullets in their weakest spots. [/i]

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  • [i]after that not much was alive anymore as they had killed the last of them. As they hit the ground dead as the spiders were seen making one last sweep making sure that they were all dead for good. Which after a few minutes of that the spiders were seen heading back out a good sign that they were all dead. Marcella knew this as she seen them do this.[/i] "Alright looks like they are all dead now."says marcella

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  • "Good, good... So then, you two," [i]Jason paused for just a moment, gesturing towards the USEG personnel dudes,[/i] "Continue planting the plastic explosive charges along the walls and on structural weaknesses; can blow this place up from the inside and [i]ensure[/i] that these... whatever-they-are won't come back." [i]With a nod, the two men started doing as they were ordered, maneuvering around the dead beasts and along the walls. They silently and dutifully planted the beige brown packs across the rocky room, each with a remote detonater signal thingy, their red LED lights illimating the dark cave. Soon enough, they were done. [/i]

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  • [i]the others had left the cave while the other two were setting the charges. They were waiting for jason and his men as they were finishing up.[/i]

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  • [i]The three men soon joined them, Jason delivering a wave of his hand -- not as a greet but as a signal. One of the two USEG men then tapped the side of his head, setting the primed charges to blow, his blue eyes focused on the cave. They move back a few meters, advising the others to do the same. A harrowing explosion was heard as the plastic explosive was detonated, blowing chunks out of the rock and tearing the system's walls, roof, and floor apart. Entire cracks spread, and with a rumble, it all collapsed on itself, a stream of orange fire and smoke forced out the mouth of the cave. [/i]

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  • [i]they moved back far enough to be safe from the explosion they watched the cave collapse on itself. Anything that would be alive in there is now dead and buried beneath the rumble.[/i] "Im glad that we won't be those things ever again."says marvella [i]talug just nodded not saying much as he watched a few spiders carry off one the creatures that was outside the cave dead. He shudders bit not crazy about the big spiders that were around.[/i] "We should head back cause it looks like the spiders are taking the bodies of the creatures."says talath

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