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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
12/6/2017 7:41:10 PM

Bungie restrictions.

Two days before the drop of Curse of Osiris I came here to get a fireteam going for trials. I successfully made it through trials with flawless with the whole party and then at the end I didn't get any of the special things for the flawless completion where as the other person who was with me from the get go did. I checked and found it only shows 3 successful completions. So next day I go to try again and I have a flippin restriction from crucible. I don't know what I did or why I received the restriction but no one else in the same party with me did AND they got the loot from it. I play by the rules, I have a strong connection, I don't quit matches early or anything but I wake up day before Curse of Osiris drops and I have a crucible restriction for what seems like to me no reason. They have no way of checking how long it's for or what happened in order to avoid further trouble, nothing, so I have no idea what I did, how to avoid this again, or how long I will be restricted from crucible. I am really frustrated by this and don't know what to do. I feel like I shouldn't have to wait this out as I did nothing wrong yet they have no options to have them review it again or even tell me what they think I did wrong in order to deserve this. I mean if I knew and was like oh hey maybe that did happen or there was anything I could do to make sure I don't have this happen again I would do it no problem. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you know if there is some review option I am unaware of to get this looked at or at the very least a way to find out how long or what happened? If not why is this not something they have an option for or AT LEAST TO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED?

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