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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: Dojo Bio Page
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/3/2017 7:05:55 PM
[u]IMMUNITIES[/u] Uruk Captains have special immunities that make them more capable than regular troops and units. [b]Fire-Proof[/b]: Dúsh is entirely immune to fire-based attacks and flames in general. If one utilizes some "magic fire" bullshit, then this immunity can be bypassed. [b]Immune to Curse[/b]: Dúsh is entirely immune to curses and curse-based attacks. Fuсk off, edgelords. [u]HATES[/u] These things may manage to infuriate an Uruk Captain, driving them into an unstoppable haze of destruction. They cannot be broken, nor stopped, during this stage, unless killed or given time to reconcile themselves. During Dúsh's little flipout.. he just mostly ignores damage and spins around, as I would say, like an аutistic ballerina with some weird fеtish for cutting dogs open. [b]Enraged by Caragors[/b] - While I doubt that he'll meet any in Dojo, Dúsh HATES caragors. Period. [b]Bestial Frenzy[/b] - Dúsh becomes enraged after killing a wild animal - this applies to legitimate beasts, pets, lycanthropes, and FUСKING FURRIES. [b]Enraged by Mortal Wounds[/b] - If injured horrifically, Dúsh will release one final fury before eventually bleeding out. [b]Enraged by Cowards[/b] - Dúsh exceptionally hates individuals whom run from confrontations, hide behind cover, or teleport behind him. Lmao. [u]CLASS TRAITS[/u] These are select abilities and boons that Uruk Captains can utilize within the field of combat, both applying to passive abilities, and abilities that Dúsh can use whenever he finds necessary. [b]Advanced Class: Berserker[/b] - Dúsh is a Berserker, a fighter whom is literally fueled by combat. Due to this, he can randomly become enraged due to a dice roll. 1-4, and he is not Enraged. 5, he is enraged the next turn. 6, Dúsh becomes enraged. [b]Furious Charge (5 Turn Cooldown)[/b] - Dúsh charges his opponents at a rapidly enhanced speed, tackling them into the ground and beating them into the earth. Thanks to steel plating upon his knuckles, Uruks generally not caring about pain, and Dúsh's strength.. I would advise not getting hit unless you're suddenly a tank. [b]Rabid (3 Turn Cooldown)[/b] - Dúsh roars suddenly, knocking back opponents near him and blasting their eardrums in the process. If he looks like he's about to scream, get going. [b]Rampage (Passive)[/b] - Dúsh relentlessly charges into battle, attacking both friend and foe. [b]Flying Axes (3 Turn Cooldown)[/b] - Dúsh prepares his axes, before suddenly throwing them like savage, bladed boomerangs. These axes spin throughout the air and cleave their targets into two, before returning back to Dúsh's grasp by spinning back. [b]Tribe Bonus: Hail of Bolts (4 Turn Cooldown)[/b] - Dúsh holsters his axes for a short time, only to draw two fully automatic, loaded crossbows, as he then suddenly unleashes twenty bolts in total (ten from each crossbow) upon his targets. Has to be manually reloaded afterwards. [b]Class Bonus: Savage Counter (Passive)[/b] - Dúsh can automatically counter [i]any[/i] melee attack, least with a solid weapon or a regular weapon, that is directly towards him. Be warned, edgelords. [u]BONUSES[/u] Additional stats and boosts that help out Uruk Captains even more than before. [b]Epic Trait: Thick Skinned[/b] - Dúsh has an even greater resistance to pain and such, taking a reduced amount of damage from most sources of harm. Unless you slam a truck into him, or 99% of RP characters. [b]Epic Rage[/b] - Dúsh remains angry and enraged for roughly six minutes straight, give or take some time. Yes, three-hundred seconds of being more triggered than I am. Christ. [b]Beast Slayer[/b] - I will threaten to instakill your doggos, and I will instakill your doggos- I mean, Dúsh is incredibly capable of dishing out damage to beasts, seemingly doing much more damage than would be expected. [u]WEAKNESSES-[/u] Oh hell no.

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