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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/3/2017 5:50:43 AM
[i]When the arrow came for Jason's leg, he whipped it to the side since his ocular cybernetics were still online, left foot now placed behind the right, though it was quick to return to its ordinary position. He saw the second arrow, too, though he already knew where Amanda was. The mercenary jumped off of the big metal rack, the arrow whistling by him as he came down to the ground. While he fell, he aimed and fired, shooting the remaining thirty bullets at Amanda in bursts of ten, each with a second interval. He landed a good three meters in front of her, knees bending while the kinetic gel within his suit - and the suit itself - worked to practically nullify the impact. Immediately, he ejected the magazine of his SAW while breaking into a jog, the "radar" on his HUD having Amanda's location by... well, that's a trade secret. He pulled a second sixty-round mag from the satchel at his side, the rack he had just been on collapsing as he finished the reload. [/i]

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  • While Jason flew, Amanda shot two arrows into the metal racks on each side. While Jason ran, something new happened, something he literally ran into. She uncloaked, her shielding flaring to its normal settings then, as she drew an odd sword. // As he was loading the new magazine, a few feet from Amanda, his body lit up like Christmas then as thousands of volts of electricity bombarded his armor. If it did effect it, any of his electronics would be fried, scrambled, or worse. Amanda, on the other hand, raised the odd sword skyward, a massive boom heard then, deafening the area as it electrified with literal thunder. A hard light tower shield appeared on her arm then, and she stared him down, the Bushmaster on her shoulder spraying his body with bullets.

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  • [spoiler]where did this electro attack of a thousand volts come from exactly?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]the arrows, which are usually setup as a trap and triggered after with her bow. Its in her bio[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh I see, I missed he set up part then I suppose. Carry on!(just maybe say the source of the attack next time thx)[/spoiler]

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  • [i]When he ran into Amanda, Jason was quick to regain his composure, taking a good five steps back, his metal boots lightly tapping on the floor. The electricity visibly arced across his armour in bright blue, his shield breaking with an audible *POP!* when it was barraged with all those volts... and yet, they would have nowhere to go; the plating beneath the nanites didn't conduct at all. When Amanda oh-so dramatically raised her sword, the Russian started taking his shots, carefully firing at the Bushmaster on her shoulder... or more specifically, the thing that connected it with her armour, aiming to blow it off completely. As he fired in careful bursts, his left hand left the underbarrel grip, reaching down to his belt, grabbing one of the grenades. With a smirk, he pulled it off, tossing it to Amanda's right shoulder, looking to... blow the Bushmaster off if his bullets hadn't already, though he did definitely continued to fire, any and all recoil diminished by his greatly increased strength.[/i]

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  • The hardlight shield proved to stop his efforts, incinerating his rounds as the bushmaster was protected by Amanda's strengthened shielding. The barrel collapsed on itself then, waiting a new target. Using the shield, she swatted the grenade back at Jason, half burning its surface, but not enough to damage it. Once she did, she took up a powerful stance, almost looking like a roman centurion. She retaliated then for the grenade to go off.

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  • [i]Jason couldn't help but smirk beneath his helmet when Amanda went to swat at the grenade, even while his armour was dented by the .50 BMG rounds that pelted it, though the thick plating proved tough and hardy -- painfully so. When her hand made contact with the bomb, it immediately blew up with a harsh bang as it would turn out to be a contact grenade. The explosion enveloped Amanda's arm and her torso along with her head, burning hot shrapnel further increasing the damage that would undoubtedly be done. In the... chaos, Jason's now free hand reached to behind him, pulling the Barrett off of its magnetized strip. He backed up, his SAW still firing at the super soldier before him, never letting up the practically constant bursts of 5.56x45mm rounds. He held rifle close to his body as he screwed the barrel in, flicking the safety off quickly after. He was in close range, certainly, but... well, he didn't quite care.[/i]

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  • She had used the shield, the shrapnel and flames being stopped by its burning hot surface, as she was setback a bit to absorb the shock. The shield itself was a darker shade now, weakened a bit finally. Then, she surged forward then, jumpjets roaring as the shield slammed into him, a guaranteed hit in close range. With how the rifle was, it could end up dented, it scorched and melted a bit due to the shield. Then she swung the sword, its thick blade coated in intensely hot lightning, nearly plasma. It would partially cut his armor. It was a close swing, from behind her shield that she kept between him and her.

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  • [i]Jason still had those cybernetics of him turned on, meaning he had reacted as soon as Amanda had begun surging... but he still moved slower than he thought. He dashed to the side, bringing the Barrett out of harms way as it was currently his most effective weapon to use against Amanda, minus his energy-saber. The shield hit his right side, the stench of burning rubber filling the air as the nanites were scorched and the rubber they were coated in melted, the black goop sizzling and hissing beneath the heat. Still, the hit would also prove to save him. Jason was knocked off balance, involuntarily turned around with his front facing his opponent's back. He stumbled backwards because of it, toppling over with a slight grin as the lightning-sword whistled over his head. The thrusters on his suit activated once more, sending him skidding over the floor and away from Amanda at a very decent pace, changing direction only once he was a good fifteen meters away, at which point he got himself back on his feet. While he was skidding and sliding, his SAW disappeared into his satchel, the grip of his Barrett switching over to his now free right hand, the left wrapping around the underbarrel grip. Once he stood, he immediately fired, pulling the trigger three times in rapid succession, sending exactly three Raufoss Mk 211 bullets flying at Amanda's head with a muzzle velocity of 853 meters per second -- practically impossible to dodge. It was only possible because it was the M107A1, which was semi-automatic instead of bolt-action.[/i]

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  • She had raised the shield again, two of the rounds slamming into it, shattering the hardlight, while the third she had ducked under as a reaction to the first two hitting. Then she sprinted forward, outpacing him as she hit her max speed as a result of her thrusters. // Amanda watched him, the grenade was the perfect opportunity, when she made her own escapes and left him to face a hardlight version of herself. The joys of expensive toys, she grinned. Turning, she sprinted to keep up with his Wil-E Coyote escape, easily keeping up as she followed him. It would be extraordinarily confusing, as she once more set about placing charges, the massive row of untouched boxes and metal would disguise her position. Lets he how he handled this one.

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  • [i]Amanda was going melee now, and Jason intended to fully take advantage of that fact. He had no idea the woman he was facing right now was a decoy, of course, which left him ignorant to the real one's position. His thrusters took him to the skies as he blasted up and off the ground, bringing him up to the top of the rack the real Amanda was sabotaging. He quickly took aim once more, his perception of time slowing yet again, allowing him to adjust for any movements his opponent would make. He pulled the trigger another three times, sending two bullets at the woman's center of mass - her chest - and one at her head. Looked like he was going to be annoying.[/i]

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  • The woman moved in normal time, making his equally as hard to land a shot as she lunged upward at the last possible second, on round embedding into her chest plate, another grazing her leg, the third missing. It didn't stop her however, as she was flying right at him. // Amanda watched, pulling her bow again, as she needed the man to drop down below. Although now she had a chance. Pulling another plasma tipped arrow, she took aim, and sent it at one of his thrusters.

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  • [i]The tungsten penetrator core do a good job at digging the round into the woman's chestplate, getting lodged inside before the incendiary mix and high-explosive charge detonated both, likely doing a decent amount of damage to her -- likely. Funnily enough, it was the hardlight close that would get in the real Amanda's way. When she lunged up, he started moving, darting to his left, feet thumping on the rack below him, making it rattle while the sound of metal on metal rang through the warehouse. When he reached the end of the big "wall" of sorts, he swiveled around to his left, jumping from the rack he was on to the next one over, where he turned around again. He lifted his sniper, taking a deep breath as he expected Amanda to be charging after him. If she was, he would fire his last four bullets, the muzzle flash illuminating the otherwise dimly lit building.[/i]

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  • She didn't come, in stead having vanished from sight, the clone gone now. The actual Amanda cloaked again, playing the waiting game once more.

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  • [i]Jason took the time to pull the magazine out of his sniper rifle, the actual gun held in between his right arm and his side while he worked on loading another six bullets into the mag, filling it back up since he still had four rounds left. After, he slid it back into the gun, a smirk widening across his lips. With a slight hum, his shield came back online, a blue haze washing over him for just a moment before it seemed as if nothing had ever happened. In truth, he just had to avoid getting hit with another lightning bolt to the face and he'd be absolutely fine. He slid his Barrett into his satchel, pulling his SAW back out of it after, his left hand pulling his energy-saber from his lower back. He then hopped down from the rack, unceremoniously landing in the same "alley" Amanda had been in only moments earlier, meaning that if she was still there and going sneeki breeki... he'd likely see it.[/i]

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  • He didn't find anything, the alley empty for the most part. // Jason landed the alley over, thankfully. She drew back then, having another shock arrow prepped. She wasn't foolish, knowing the man most likely retreated to reload and get his shielding back or more. With the arrow fully drawn, she let it fly, aimed for the scalded part of his armor, knowing that it would deal the most damage there. Having fired it between a few boxes at him. Then, two seconds after, she hit the button, giving enough time for if the arrow hit, his shielding to drop. Once more, he stepped into a trap, as thermite was blown everywhere, the explosives wrenching metal apart and sending it scalding over Jason and the wall next to him, a torrent of fire unleashing once more as the first wall buckled and the section began to collapse.

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  • [i]He only had two seconds, but those two seconds were enough -- very barely, but enough nevertheless. Jason's energy shield flared up in navy blue when the arrow was fired, hitting him in the moment his attention was elsewhere. He wasn't stupid either, his body moving before he had even really fully processed what was happening. He vented the excess energy to his thrusters, boosting himself away from the arrow while it was still falling to the ground. His SAW hit the ground the moment the shock arrow did the same. The plasma blade of his energy-saber had appeared at the same time. the Russian brutishly cleaved and rammed his way through the rack into the same alley Amanda was in when everything exploded where he had only just been. The super soldier he was going up against was invisible to the eyes, certainly, but she was on his HUD, or more specifically... his motion tracker. His knock-off lightsaber was gripped within both hands, his boots skidding across the stone ground as he so suddenly shifted his direction, though he kept steadily on his feet. He threw himself right into melee range.[/i]

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  • The woman uncloaked just behind him, his wild movements making his efforts wild and unpredictable. Only he had himself fully turned around. The shield formed on her arm again, as her own thrusters roared, the second he landed, she flew forward at him.

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  • [i]He, however, had never left the floor, leaving him as combat ready as ever. When Amanda uncloaked behind him, he only smirked, a glint in his unseen eyes. The woman would boost herself head-first into her opponent's energy-saber as Jason turned around at the last moment, blade raised and pointed forwards, aimed for the right side of his foe's body, there where she was unprotected by her towering shield. He fastened his stance, steadied and ready, grip firm and his mind calm, as sharp as it could be, combat drugs flowing through his veins as his stim-injector finally activated, even if he despised using it. Amanda was a tough foe who was taking his all - or at least a lot - and so, he took to this.[/i]

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  • Amanda's body was angled slightly, the blade glancing off the curved shield, as she kept coming at him. If it worked, the blade would be trapped between him and the shield, hopefully singed or anything else. She flipped over him then in a wild arc, landing on her feet behind him. The woman shot her sword skyward again in the movement, another loud, deafening boom heard as it electrified again.

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 12/4/2017 3:30:02 PM
    [i]When the energy-saber's plasmatic blade glanced off of the shield and to Amanda's left side, Jason's smirk turned into a wide, wolfish grin as he went along with it, twisting to the side so that he slipped by the woman, his sword now coming in from behind her, horizontally cutting at her midriff, the closeness of the two warriors making the slash nearly impossible to dodge.[/i]

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  • The shield was still a problem, one he would have to find a way around. Although the tip glanced her shielding, making it flare orange then. She retaliated, shooting her arm out with the shield, pushing it into him. Then she pushed it left, swiping her electrified sword at him, aiming for his torso or arm. She was aiming to disable the saber, and land a hit when she could The only issue was that in melee, his drugs would be useless. She moved in blurred visions, faster than the normal eye could keep up with.

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  • [i]His drugs were massively helpful, on the contrary, as they worked in perfect tandem with his ocular cybernetics, his reflexes as sharp as a knife edge, Amanda seeming to move in slow motion for him, while his own strength and speed were amplified. The drawback was that the drugs and adrenaline muted and muffled that cautious voice in the back of his head. In short, it drove Jason far over the edge, his focus completely and ytterly on winning the fight. His energy-saber deactivated for just a moment as he was shoved aside by Amanda's shield, the nanites that still covered that side of his body sizzling noticeably, meaning that... his shields were off. He went along with the shove to some extent, the boosters on his lower body and legs activating, thrusting them to the left and into the direction of the sword, while his upper body went into the opposite direction. He landed on his side, quickly rolling away from Amanda, energy thrusters launching him back onto his two feet. His sword activated once more, the blade brutishly sent cleaving at Amanda in a diagonal strike, from the top right to the bottom left, hard and furious. It was a noticeable change in his fighting style, how he'd gone from thoughtful to... this.[/i]

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  • She angled the shield again, catching the blade against the shield as she shoved herself forward. If this worked, it would be amazing. Keeping the sword to his side, she opened a hole in his defense, a click heard then, the Bushmaster on her shoulder priming and then firing; loud thumps heard as the shortened barrel halved its accuracy, yet at close range, it didn't matter.

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  • [i]When Amanda burst forwards after blocking the strike, Jason was shoved back, though in his massively drugged state, it all hardly mattered since he'd think a way around it, no doubt. For the millionth time, his jump-kit activated, boosting him to the side only to rocket once more, to behind Amanda, Bushmaster trained on him the entire time, pelting him with the .50 BMG rounds. They dented his armour, but failed to pierce, though that was undoubtedly only for now as the plating started to cave in. He attacked again, sword thrusting at the mounted gun that had only been a pain.[/i]

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