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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/3/2017 2:28:04 AM
Amanda organized forces and the like, issuing orders from behind the main assault lines. She may be a soldier, but in war, someone had to keep the chaos controlled. // Rose slammed her spear down into the body of one of the countless opposing soldiers in the area, yanking it out then and slamming her shield into him then, edge first, a low thud heard as he collapsed. That was one of countless many, she knew, it, and so moved to the next. // Athena disguised herself then as one of the enemy foot soldiers, jogging forward then as her form solidified into it. She was going to get close. And cause a lot of mayhem.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/3/2017 5:52:00 PM
    [i]Next to her, Rose could hear a flurry of protective flame, as Niki had taken to fighting alongside her. Ribbons of fire swirled throughout the front lines of the Tribune's forces, as the vanguards clashed against each other, orders from captains spewing from either side.[/i] "FORWARDS!" [i]Freya would roar, as the Trayven vanguard would begin to push through the triangular formation: an arrowhead of shields and spears, against an ocean of soldiers in shining white. Niki pulled Rose back into the phalanx, sweat already beading on the mage's head.[/i] "Good t-to.. oh, no, take cover!" [i]Niki was cut off, suddenly dropping and attempting to bring Rose down. Flurries of arrows ripped throughout the Trayven troops that were not protected by the shields, a few members of the vanguard's phalanx dropping from arrows within their chests, or heads. The Tribune's soldiers then began their assault, as members of the Trayven vanguard began to fall as the Tribune vanguard and the second line of golden-purple soldiers met.[/i] [i]And in between, a mage and her lover. Niki attempted to pull Rose back, and yet attempted to also protect her friend, as a soldier's blade suddenly whistled over Rose's head.[/i] [spoiler]Is Athena's disguise tech? Or a legit one?[/spoiler]

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  • Rose ducked with Niki, trusting her lover's instinct, as she kept under the blade, then shot back up and jammed her spear into the wielder's neck, killing him. She needed metal, and lots of it, the only issue was actually getting it. [spoiler]Tech, hardlight [/spoiler]

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  • [i]Not even a few seconds later, and absolute chaos ensued across the battlefield as the ranks and rows of soldiers would break apart, the ocean of Tribune soldiers finally beginning to charge towards the offensive assault. White and purple met each other head-on, only to scatter crimson red as blood would seep into Ollimand's earth.[/i] "T-Through here!" [i]Niki yelled out through the engaging mess, as she spotted the remains of the Trayven phalanx, accompanied by more soldiers in order to form a cluster. They had begun to move through the mess, drawing closer and closer to the gates.[/i]

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  • Rose kept with Niki, never leaving her side as she covered the mages back. She wanted to see this through, and if it many going through hell with Niki, then so be it.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 12/5/2017 12:28:57 PM
    [i]Blades, arrows, and lances flew amongst them, blood suddenly splattered upon Niki and blinding her for a few seconds. And in that time, a knight of Tribune origin had thrusted his lance towards Rose's side, aiming to shred through her waist.[/i] ---------------------------- [i]Athena would find her first target.[/i] [i]A robed female, from the looks of it, her shawl a bright white and silver color. She seemed to have been coordinating the efforts for ranged reinforcements from above. A mage.[/i]

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  • Athena threw her shield, knocking the lance aside, using her metalmancy to bring it back to her. Then she shot her spear forward, nailing the man in the neck. /// Athena stopped, pulling her sniper as she laid down in a few bushes, taking sight. A bit of sight adjustment, her HUD reading out the information she needed to make the adjustments. Then, she held her breath, and fired at the leader.

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  • [i]When Rose returned her gaze.. Niki was gone. It was as if she had disappeared, in the waves of purple and white. Purple for her uniform, white for her hair. The Trayven forces had begun to push up at last.. either Niki was amongst them, or..[/i] --------------------------------- [i]Athena's target would fall to the ground, sputtering out blood as she clutched her chest. It was as if she was literally picking into the wound, retching in agonizing pain, before Athena's victim found the bullet in her bloody hand. The soaked shawl dripped with crimson blood, yet it was as if the wound was.. closing. Torn muscle and flesh, slowly attempting to stitch itself together.[/i] "...found you." [i]A sudden wave of earth and concrete shot towards Athena's position, releasing from the very ground itself. She would need to move, and fast.[/i]

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  • Rose yelled, furious, as she began to kill whatever she could. She didn't want to lose Niki, she couldn't. /// Booms echoed, explosions flying everywhere, as slowly Rubicon forces pushed into the area. Gunshots, loud cracks of rifles, tanks following behind. They had no honor in melee, what they fought with wad a brutal determination. That was the enemy, respect them, but don't give them leverage. The sudden increase in Trayve forces, especially ones with rifles, shotguns, advanced armor and especially tanks, would bolster the fighting force. // Athena fired one more round, aimed for the head, hoping it would hit in all the chaos before she shot herself upward, sprinting away from the sudden turn of events. Magic, of course, why wouldn't it be. Why didn't she expect it?

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  • [i]Soon, it would be the Trayven troops that found themselves attempting to defend from Rose. At least, until one young man attempted to calm her.[/i] "Rose - Rose, calm down-!" [i]In the center of chaos, the two stood, the young man keeping his shield up. He.. looked like Niki. Same angular jawline, his was more masculine though. The same blue eyes, the same silvery hair. Only this one did not love Rose: this one was trying to calm her.[/i] [i]Oliver. Niki's twin brother, she had mentioned him before.[/i] -------------------------------- "...I give them roughly thirty minutes before this ends. The battle itself, not the hell left afterwards." [i]Isabella would approach Amanda, finishing up the straps upon her armoring.[/i] "I won't bother you. You've got men to lead, and I do too. Let's hope that they get coсky and send a few teams to flank us - I want some new swords for the collection." -------------------------------- [i]The second round slammed into the woman's cranium, as she fell back, bleeding from the blown apart portion of her skull. Whether Athena had succeeded in the kill or not, was the question. She had best hurry, as the stone had still carried onwards, behind her, attempting to catch her in it's grinding motions and rip her to mutilated pieces.[/i]

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  • Rose gave him a sideways glance, confused, glancing around then and not knowing exactly what to expect now. She was panting heavily, chest heaving under her breastplate. // Amanda turned her head slightly, nodding to Isabella. She was in her full armor once more, resting her hands on her hips as she overlooked a holographic interface of the raging battle. "I hope they do, I wouldn't mind getting my hands a bit dirty..." She chuckled then, glancing out to the battle now. // Athena scrambled forward then, rushing to where the woman fell. She would assure her death, pulling a grenade from her belt and pulling the pin, holding the handle down to keep it from arming as she sprinted forward. Once close enough, she tossed it, then kept going, turning to the left now to avoid the blast.

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  • "Just.. calm down. W-Where's Niki? She said that she'd.." [i]Whatever Oliver was going to say (presumably "stay with you" to Rose), was cut off as a hammer would suddenly slam into his waist, the head of the thing crushing his armor as he was sent flying. The Tribune's forces, no matter the odds, were beginning one final push against the invasion: supported by flaming archers from above, fire rained down upon the Trayvens, cutting them down. Valkyries were faced against an acidic substance upon the arrows, meanwhile - literally intended to burn through them.[/i] [i]Oliver's attacker had sent the young man sprawling to the side, as they would then face Rose: a hulking golem of a being, of jagged rock and concrete, standing about eight feet tall and carrying a massive club of a weapon. It would rear back, swinging towards Rose horizontally and intending to bring down both her, and a row of Trayven troops, whom either ducked or would try to block out of terror.[/i] ----------------------------------- [i]Athena's final attack had.. worked, supposedly, as the mage's parts flew across the crater that would be left behind, torn entrails and mushy bits following the gore and bloody remains of her outer bits. She was.. dead, for all the assassin knew.[/i] [spoiler]GG, now we don't have to worry about mages slaughtering everyone lmfao.[/spoiler]

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  • Rose sprinted towards it then, using its own bulk against it. If there was one thing she knew, bigger the target, slower it was. She slid under it then, going between its legs and appearing behind it. /// Rubicon forces where instructed to use hardlight against the arrows with each wave, saving a good deal of them, arrows that did hit where quickly taken out to avoid serious burns. /// Athena would continue, looking for another target then.

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  • [i]Rose could succeed, as the few men and women amongst her would either be crushed, sent flying into the smoky night air, or avoiding the hammer entirely. The beast would turn it's head, before attempting to then crush Rose as it stomped it's foot down towards the earth.[/i] ---------------------------------- "[i]Acta, non verba![/i]" - [i]The war cry would be shouted by Freya, as the combined forces then delivered a final push of their own, fire and acid amidst their ranks. The Trayvens, perhaps with a renewed vigor, would charge up to the walls, those with ladders beginning to scale the stony fortress.[/i] ---------------------------------- [i]Athena would soon spot another target - targets, actually, that could end the entire siege: men and women, carrying vats of a dark, thick essence to the walls. No doubt that they intended to pour it onto the attackers, and then..[/i]

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  • Rose scrambled away again, she had no way of combating this thing, now formal way to damage it.... Where was Niki however? // Rubicon forces laid siege to the wall, not climbing or attempting to cross it yet. // Athens stalked forward, jamming a new magazine into her rifle as she followed the group.

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  • [i]And that was when throughout the chaotic atmosphere, Rose would hear a scream of horror. Not pain nor agony, just utmost terror.[/i] [i]Niki. Somewhere within the city, no doubt, and likely close by.[/i] ---------------------------------- [i]Those carrying the barrels would be unable to locate Athena, yet they would continue onwards yet, towards the walls.[/i]

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  • Rose's face went pale, as she turned tale, and ran after the scream, ignoring all else to find her. She wouldn't give up, not until she knew the girl was safe. // Athena kept firing, dropping more and more of the soldiers, not faltering in her little goal of stopping them all.

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  • [i]As Rose passed throughout the mobs of Trayvens, Valkyries, Tribune, and Dojo soldiers - she would hear a distant roar, as the goliath of a rock monster then began to charge after her, crushing members upon all four sides with ease.[/i] [i]The fuсker almost seemed sentient.[/i] ---------------------------------- "[i]Another[/i]?!" [i]A soldier yelled out, as those few survivors would turn tail and run off, yet arrows rained down upon Athena. Though Athena would manage to see the monstrosity of rock and rubble.. eerily familiar to her magic target.[/i]

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  • Rose ignored it, mind focused on finding her lover for now, racing as she hated to think of what might be happening. /// Athena turned, firing upon the massive thing. Plasma was powerful, but against stone? Different story.

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  • "ROSE!" [i]Niki's scream rang throughout the air, as the battlefield had begun to grow darker than before. The colossal monster of rock had then looked up at the darkening skies, before the plasma began to shred it's shell, the beast then crashing against the wall and using it as cover against Athena.[/i]

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  • "NIKI!" It was all she could scream ,as she followed Niki's voice, doing as best she could to track it down. // Athena kept the pressure on it, not even knowing what it was, but kept it pinned either way.

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  • [i]As Rose came closer and closer, Niki's scream would merely resonate; as if repeated, over and over..[/i] "ROSE!" [i]As she drew closer, Rose felt the battle.. being drowned out almost. It was.. something dark. Something was wrong.[/i] ------------------------------- [i]The beast would take it's chance, slashing at Athena and destroying the wall.[/i]

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  • Rose was panicking, looking around constantly, not even knowing what to do at this point "NIKI?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" she had to yell it, unable to contain herself. /// Athena kept firing at it, backing up as she did so, melting its surface.

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  • "[i]I-I can't..[/i] [i]I can't-![/i]" [i]Niki's voice would drift away, almost, as Rose would be enveloped into darkness. She would be traversed, almost, to an alleyway. Alpha was there.. frozen, but there. Everything was there.[/i] [i]Something was very wrong, but.. it would be best to explore. For now.[/i]

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  • Rose was panicking, barely holding herself together at the moment as she was trying not to break down. Shaking a bit, he hand was rattling her spear, as she looked around the area. Where was Niki? What was going on? "Niki...?"

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  • "[i]Niki is gone. There is.. only the abyss and I, now.[/i]" [i]A response.[/i] [i]From the shadows, would descend a cloaked figure, her feminine posture hidden away by burnt shawl and tattered robe, and in result creating a hidden being. There was something.. wrong.[/i] "[i]...You can leave, yet. Turn away. But do not return.[/i]" [i]The ghastly thing stood there, it's siren voice speaking smooth and soft. It spoke a warning, almost, as the alleyway would begin to churn and shift for Rose.[/i]

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