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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Inflatablepants: 12/3/2017 7:52:18 PM
[b][u]Zane VS Ero[/u][/b] The second bracket fight Would begin as Zane appeared in the arena, with the Initiate General spawning at the opposite end. They stood in the becoming familiar empty simulation arena. The slot machine would role again, and it show an image of a large tree. As this happened, a massive mound began to grow in front of the two. This mound became lush with green grass as the large Hill took form. Atop the hill, a massive Oak tree formed, making the entire centre of the hill shady and cool. Around the hill a very thin tree line formed around it. It was a gorgeous day in the simulation. But now it was time to get bloody. Haakon would then speak. “SECOND BRACKET FIGHTERS! YOU MAY COMMENCE THE BLOODSHED...NOW!” [spoiler] This segment is THREE DAYS LONG. -Follow ALL official dojo guidelines -Keep the beef you may develop with your foe to PM’s or contact one of the referees. -What a ref say’s goes. We aren’t participating in the tourney so you guys can have fun. Please respect that. -You are allowed 5 weapons in a fight which includes offensive weapons(EG:Grenades, mines etc). You can switch your load out between fights but not during. -The max caliber of bullet permitted is the .50cal BMG. -Be courteous and respect your foe. They are skilled fighters just like you. Never assume your attack lands unless it would hit no matter what, and take damage reasonably. Good fights are rewarded at the end of the tourney. -Death to your foe is decided by your foe. When your opponent has submitted, CLEARLY SUBMITTED(they will make a spoiler stating their submission or have dialogue stating it), you may perform a fantastical fatality. -Reply maximum is 60. In order to get things going the odd man out fights(the ones that hold the schedule back) will be shortened to 50. -Have fun![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Your match-up algorithm f*cking hates me, hot d*mn.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Well originally you were with Jen but I switched it up after we replaced JT with Zane.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I want the Saint status if I do this sh*t.[/spoiler]

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  • Zane breathed in deep, holding it for a few seconds before exhailing. He drew his new Gun Blade, LionHeart MK2 and began to run up the hill, checking his HUD for movement. His last opponent, JT, had pushed him farther then he would have liked. He'd have to be more careful, as he had no information on his opponent.

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  • [i]The last round had proved rather...different...then Genral had anticipated the tourney would be. While confused, he had enjoyed his time with the dwarf woman, and found a rest period to be good for him. He'd rashly entered battle with Iran unknown entity, and if it hadn't been her that he'd been up against, such a mistake would most likely have cost his life. Silently, his right hand moved to his head, then down to the chest, from there up to the left shoulder, and finally across to the right before the Initiate pressed it against the palm of his other hand. If he'd die, he decided he'd die in prayer. Walking backwards calmly, patiently, he disappeared into the foliage surrounding the clear hill, deciding it best to wait, to breathe, and to observe before acting.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane walked slowly when he reached the top of the hill. His breathing calm and steady, his hand twitching slightly as he listened out for movement.[/i] "Alfred, activate the thermal vision then enter stealth mode" [i]His suit began to cloak, hiding his position. He used this time to move silently and scan the area, looking for his opponent.[/i]

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  • [i]As the cloak began to activate, three explosive-round shots flew from the forest floor up to Zane's position on the hill, aimed for his center of mass. In climbing the hill, the man had gained vantage, but at the loss of cover and a shackling of visibility. Due to the range and sun, the rounds were accurate, but only just. They would strike the edge of the man's chest, with perhaps one true of aim to his heart.[/i]

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  • [i]His ears twiched inside of his suit as soon as the shots rang out, his natural reflexes and boosted assassin training kicking in. He quickly turned and covered himself with his cape, blocking the explosive shots but staggering back and disrupting the cloak. He quickly drew his elemental .44, loading shock rounds and locking on to Eros location. He leapt up into the air and fired off 3 shots, aiming to stun.[/i]

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  • [i]As he'd guessed, the explosive rounds had done little. It'd been difficult to watch on the move, but it looked like the man had thrown his cloak or cape up and let that take the brunt of the explosive damage. Genral only settled down when Zane had flown to the air and fired rounds to his previous location. With the man in the air, visibility clearly was not a concern for his opponent. Good, the Initiate could use that. Still, he held off firing, despite clear sight lines. With the man's reaction speed to the explosive rounds earlier, he reckoned this would be more a test of patience than combat abilities. And what was patience, but the ability to pray without answer? Watching from afar, he waited for his opponent's next move with dogged determination.[/i]

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  • [i]Zanes suit had finally locked on to Ero's position, so he switched to his AK-47 and opened fire. Bullets rained down, and he followed up with a shot from the under barrel grenade launcher.[/i]

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  • [i]Due to the vertical and horizontal distance provided by their opposite standings in regard to the hill, as well as the trees surrounding him, he had little concern for the AK-47, its bullets striking the trees around him as he'd thought they would. The rifle was good in the close to mid range, but lost accuracy past that. As such, whilst Zane fired with his terrorists' rifle, Genral flicked some switches on the Staff of Aaron, taking out the mag and shoving it into a bandolier. From a separate one, he brought out another magazine, the bullets notably different from the explosive rounds he'd used to initiate, and slotted it into the marksman rifle's cavity. The grenade, however, was much more demanding of his attention. Despite immediately breaking into a sprint, the string exploded on impact, needling his armor with wood shrapnel and launching him into a tree. Following his collapse to the ground, he rolled quickly onto one knee, placing his body behind a thick tree, from which he peeked with the gun and loosed a shot at the enemy soldier, aimed again for center of mass.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane saw the muzzle flash from the rifle as he landed, the bullet finding it's mark into his chest. His armors shock absorbers kicking in to dampen the impact. He raised his ward and changed to his gunblade, charging at the general.[/i]

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  • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 12/3/2017 3:35:51 PM
    [i]The APR hadn't done what it usually did, but with the diversity of the people this tourney seemingly had, the Initiate wasn't as much surprised as irritated, a grunt of annoyance coming from his lips as he rapidly loosed seven more of the Armor-Piercing Rounds at the growing chest of the charging opponent.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Oh my bad, didn't know it was an AP round [/spoiler] [i]His ward caught the bullets, suspending them as he continued to charge. The bullets then aimed right back at the general, and as he dropped the ward, the bullets were sent right back at the general.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]No need to apologize, I didn't say anything about it other than that he had changed ammo.[/spoiler] [i]The bullets played true, slamming hard into the tree behind which he'd taken cover, but the wood was thick enough to stop most of them. One managed to punch through the edge and graze Genral's leg, but his adrenaline was up, so he didn't even feel it. Muscle memory swung the rifle onto his back, the strap pulling tightly with a familiar comfort. Reaching down, he undid the strap locking his handgun into its holster, taking the rubber and metal grip in hand and sliding it quietly from the leather.[/i]

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  • [i]By this point Zane had reached the tree that the general was taking cover behind. He grabbed two flash bangs and threw them behind the tree, one to the general's right and left. [/i]

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  • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 12/3/2017 4:24:29 PM
    [i]Zane could hear a very faint grunt of surprise, then the flashbangs went off. Their proximity and radius most guaranteed that Genral was now blind and deafened, though Zane himself might have been hit a bit, though far less severely.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane's vision was slightly impaired, but he could still make out the form of the general. He quickly moved behind the tree, slashing downward with his gunblade.[/i]

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  • [i]His vision must have been more impaired than he'd been inclined to believe, because when he slashed down, his sword bit only into open air. The Initiate was gone, vanished into the wind. /// Seconds Earlier The flashbangs rolled to either side of Genral. Adrenaline fueling a stretching of his time perception, he did three things: First, he'd shut his visor off, cancelling the blinding affect, though he could still hear and suffered the deafening ringing from the twin grenades. Second, he'd blown up the motion sensor mini-map onto his HUD. Third and finally, he activated his suits reflections systems, rendering him imperceptible to normal, thermal, and x-ray vision. /// As Zane made the approach, he watched the motion on the mini-map, careful to skirt around the tree, back flat against, as Zane began to round it. Now, he stepped out, still invisible, and leveled the handgun's barrel to the back of Zane's head, a mere inch-and-a-half of space separating the two surfaces. Without a word, sound, or other acknowledgement, he loosed six explosive rounds at the back of his opponents head.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane had felt that he had missed, and was about to pay for it. The shots that impacted against the back of his helmet confirmed that, denting and cracking while causing him to stagger forward.[/i] "Cheeky bastard...." [i]He saw the barrel of the gun as he turned around, charging and slashing with his gunblade.[/i]

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  • [i]The barrel soon vanished, the active camo once more retaking the whole of Genral's persons, rendering him as a distortion within the air, the only tell of his location. Part by part, it began to assemble once more a solid mirror, the distortion becoming less pronounced and the Initiate disappearing once more. Or at least, he would have been, if his disruption of the reflective sequence hadn't continued. As Zane slashed wildly, he moved like liquid, the Initiate attempted a sliding in his step around the attack and coming up to his opponents chest. His left arm wrapped Zane's right, his sword arm, at the elbow and gripped it tightly between his forearm, bicep, and chest. The right arm of Genral, which held his handgun,tried to shoot up to jab Zane under the chin, loosing the final explosive round in the magazine at point blank range before clicking the release, shooting out the empty mag into the exposed throat region of the man.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane felt the General grabble onto him, and saw the uncloaking of the gun. He saw where it was aimed, and raised his free hand to block the shot, the ward forming and suspending the round in place along with the ejected mag. [/i] "You shouldn't have done that, cause now I know where you are." [i]He dropped the ward, the round and empty mag falling to the ground. His training kicked in, and he kicked the General's leg out from under him while grabbing ahold of the arm that was wrapped around his own. Electricity crackled from his hand, and he sent the discharge into his opponent before slamming him to the ground, breaking free.[/i]

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  • [i]As Zane blocked the bullet with his ward, Genral's instincts kicked in, his torso twisting, sliding his hold from the elbow to near the end of the forearm, his trigger finger sliding out from its position in the metal loop and laying on the barrel, from where he slapped the gun against Zane's chest in an attempt to push the man lo the left and down, effectively trying to throw him to the floor. When Zane grabbed his own forearm, Genral received the full force of the electric discharge, letting go of Zane as he was launched back. His years before, during, and after his gaining as an Initiate took over then, allowing him to toughen out the worst of it, though his movements were notably stiffer as he did a backwards somersault, rolling onto one knee and throwing his head up to watch his opponent, even as he reloaded the Rock.[/i]

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  • [i]Zane had extended his arm outward, his palm landing on the grass. He flipped back upward, drawing his elemental .44 and letting loose 2 quick shots. [/i]

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