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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/28/2017 3:46:20 AM
[spoiler]y'all I dunno the state of Dojoville since it was blown up and shit a few times so I'm gonna improvise[/spoiler] [b][u]Dojoville, Some Random Bar. 14:00 PM.[/u][/b] [i]It was a little past the middle of the day, the sun shining brightly even in the winter, bathing the streets of Dojoville in its warm yellow light, the bright blue sky sparsely dotted with clouds. The frosty weather nipped at exposed skin, leaving the streets almost completely barren and empty, most people hidden inside their cozy homes and comfy beds, warm and pleasant. As such, the otherwise bustling bars, taverns, and other similar places were the exact opposite of busy, only the most faithful customers there and present... along with a few more interesting individuals, most of which had little more than ill intent. It was in one such bars that the main focus of this post took place, a small gathering of interesting individuals seated around a circular table in the middle of the main room, all four of the wooden seats occupied. The table and its chairs was rustic, crafted from fine oak wood, giving a slight polish to protect against scratches and give it some shine. The room itself was much the same, just about everything made from wood, leaving the tavern with a look that suggested it was ripped straight from the Middle Ages, or something. The other tables were circular as well, each accompanied by exactly four chairs, while the two corners next to the door were filled with L-shaped booths of sorts, the couch-like seats given some red velvet padding of soft cloth, the seats paired with tables that fitted. As far as the more miscellaneous things went, there was a counter on the opposite side of the door, "walling" the place with the booze and the food off from the drunkards, though it was currently left unattended, the tender likely in the backroom. The individuals around the middle table were all far, far less interesting than the fine furniture of the tavern, consisting of three males and only one lady, whose back was facing the door, almost as if for a quick getaway. She was dressed in a cloth, gunmetal grey trench coat, the front of which was let open to show a piece of midnight black harness-like protection wear, the thing like a Kevlar vest but far sleeker, even as it hugged the woman's chest very nicely, the metal given a little rounding. It was likely made out of some metal weave, while her arms were seemingly unprotected, covered by the sleeves of her coat, hands dressed in black fingerless gloves that showed healthy tan skin and well-kept nails. On her legs, she had a pair of pencil grey jeans, with underneath, some black military boots, the right impatiently tapping on the wooden flooring. And, well, her head... it was covered by a helmet that was similar to the harness she wore on her torso, black and made from some sort of sleek metal, stylized like an ancient Barbuta helmet, the visor filled with golden one-way glass, leaving the whole piece of headwear completely expressionless and even emotionless. The men that accompanied the nameless, faceless woman were all dressed in fine, pencil grey suits, wearing polished black dress shoes on their feet, though the barbarians didn't even wear ties. Their faces were all generic and lame, handsome with slight facial hair and slicked back hair, black and blonde, and very much lame. They were uninteresting and only there to get harmed, or whatever.[/i] "So," [i]The woman spoke, her voice lightly distorted by a very slight static tone, though it was undeniably feminine, warm, and lovely to listen to, like a gentle breeze in the middle of a day in summer,[/i] "I take it y'all're goin' with the deal?" [i]When the three men nodded in unison, the lady pulled a chrome briefcase from beneath the table, the digits on her right hand firmly wrapped around the black grip. She plopped it down, sliding it to the middle of the circular surface, wearily watching the men, who were all eagerly eyeing it.[/i] "It's all in here. I'd like it if y'all would abstain from opening it until I'm out of here, though, for entirely private reasons." [i]Of course, since it wouldn't be any other way, one of the males took it upon himself to see exactly what was inside, pulling it over to him with a curious-yet-confused face, thumbs elegantly flicking the little clasps off, before opening the suitcase, revealing what was inside. When he did, just about everyone froze, except for the nameless woman, who just groaned in annoyance. Within the metal-framed case was a whole lot of wiring and other fancy, technical stuff, a keypad with the numbers 0 to 9 on the very left, with above it, a digital clock that was at 02:27 exactly, counting down by the second, while below the keypad, a single red button sat. Dominating the rest of the suitcase's inside were whole packets of explosives, neatly held in place. A bomb. Of course.[/i] "Goddammit, you goooooons..." [i]She made a dramatic sigh, her right hand darting out to the time bomb, tip of her thumb booping the red button, followed by the 5, followed by the button again, the clock going empty before flashing with 00:05.[/i] [b]"Yo! What the fuсk?!"[/b] "Sorry babe." [i]In those four remaining seconds, she tipped her seat backwards, rolling in the same direction once it hit the floor with a harsh crash, deftly landing on her feet. She turned on her heels with a half-assed wave of her hand, her boots skidding over the wooden floor. 2. She made a mad dash towards the door, right shoulder aimed at it as she prepared to ram through it. 1. She made contact, her speed and weight crashing into the door, snapping the lock and causing it to fall open. The missus fell with it, so suddenly turned around when it shot open, making her stumble back. 0. The bomb exploded with three rapid beeps mid-fall, the blast knocking her flat on her back and sending her onto the street a good meter or two. She was perfectly fine, however, even as the tavern was torn apart by a fiery inferno and a whole fuсkton of force, the three men in suits very much dead. Then, a large piece of shrapnel very unceremoniously dug into the front of her viso, hitting with a thud, sending a jolt through her body before she went limp.[/i] "Mmmmmmmmoooother[i]fuсker[/i]!" [i]She exclaimed after a good few seconds of silence and limp-ness, her voice cracking the silence that had managed to set in... no, wait, her ears were still blown out, leaving her deaf for the moment.[/i] "Fffffffuсking hellllllllll, Gods, oh Christ! Shrapnel huuuurts!" [i]She squirmed around in agony, twisting and turning as her hands wildly grasped at the piece of jagged metal that was embedded into her helmet. Her ten fingers wrapped around it, the edges digging into her flesh and her skin, blood dripping onto the front of her helm with soft little thuds, and yet, with a mighty yank, it came out, sent flying to the sidewalk, the piece that had been stuck thickly coated in blood.[/i] "GODS! Fuсking, fuсk, good Christ, ohhhhh FUСKING HELL!" [i]She squirmed some more, rolling over to her front in her wild flailing, blood dribbling out from the hole in her visor, the "glass" cracked rather thoroughly. Then, the woman went limp again, the trickle of crimson slowing down, only to stop completely. She groaned quietly, swearing underneath her breath, rolling back onto her... well, back, only to find herself surrounded by people. When her hearing returned, she found out they were bombarding her with worries, asking if she was okay or whatever. She didn't really care, waving them off with a gesture of her bloody hands and a quick, rude, and very brash "fuсk off already" until she was bothered no more. She grunted as she rose to her feet, her hands soon... no longer dripping blood as she slid them into the pockets of her trench coat.[/i] [spoiler]open y'all[/spoiler]

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  • "Oooh, look at li'l miss 'ya gotta earn m'name'," [i]Hel sarcastically remarked with a roll of her eyes.[/i]

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  • "F*ck off? I already did that twice today." One girl remained standing beside the woman. Her hair was black and long enough to go all the way down her back. Her eyes however had some color as they were a bright blue. The most noticeable feature would be the large white wings folded on her back. The clothes on her body were rather simple in contrast; ripped jeans, white t, and Converse All-Star sneakers. "I think I have a problem honestly..." She looked down, face getting a bit red.

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 11/28/2017 6:17:44 AM
    "I don't wanna know 'bout your chronic masturbаtion problem," [i]The woman cut in rather bluntly, shamelessly, and again, brashly, giving the supposed angel a quick once-over with a disinterested look.[/i] "But yaaaay, it's an angel, AKA tot'ly not the second most generic thing in existence." [i]What was she rude. She rolled her shoulders with a slight grunt, starting to do some stretches, the bones in her back and her neck cracking and popping audibly as she worked her stiffness out. Then, she took to her knuckles, popping them hard and loud, the action tearing a sigh of relief from her lips.[/i]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/28/2017 6:18:53 AM
    "Wings don't equal angel...." She now gave the woman a similar look to the one she was giving her. "And it was a joke, but thank you for at least not ignoring me, I guess. I should feel blessed such an amazing person such as you acknowledged my existence, shouldn't I?"

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  • "Damn right y'should, 'cause I'm the best fuсking thing t'arrive 'ere." [i]She continued to do her stretches and such, bending over to touch the tips of her toes, groaning as it made her back crack oh-so satisfyingly. Then, she straightened herself, nodding to none other than herself.[/i] "Fuuuuck, gettin' blown up really works the stiffness into ya.... Gods above, that's soooooo fuсking satisfying."

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  • The girl couldn't help a small chuckle at the woman's comments and weirdness in general. She may have have felt insulted earlier, but she obviously got over it quickly instead of being a sissy and crying. "I wouldn't know, I've never been blown up before. I was shot a few times this in the wings a while back, don't care." She stared back at the ground, sighing.

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  • "I don't, no, so I'm glad y'caught on b'fore y'ranted m'ears off with some sob story. 'Least y're a quick learner, eh? Name's Helena, FYI." [i]The lady, Helena as she had named herself, finally stopped doing her stretches since she'd apparently worked the stiffness out, though now... she was concerned with something else entirely.[/i] "Y'wanna skedaddle? Feds're comin' soon 'n I don't wanna be annoyed t'death."

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  • "Victoria...and y-yeah, that's probably a good idea." She looked back up at Helena, grinning a little. V wasn't exactly ready to be bothered by police either, no one ever wants to be pelted with questions. " lead? I'm not a leader...if you can't tell."

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  • "I can practic'ly smell 't." [i]Without further ado, Helena was off, slipping off into the nearest alleyway and away from the street, since she didn't doubt for even a moment that the cops would arrive soon, likely accompanied by firefights and ambulances. She didn't quite run, but she didn't walk, either, instead jogging at a nice, brisk pace, her breathing slow, steady, and rhythmic as she moved away from the street, further and further.[/i]

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  • Victoria seemed to easily keep pace with Helena without any sign of breathing harder. To her it was just a slow walk really. "Where are we...well, you going? I'm just following really...sorry if I am annoying you. I'm just curious and a tad lonely. I don't have a lo-and I'm saying things you don't care about again."

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  • [i]And to Helena, it was a nice, if slow, jog, all relaxed and comfortable, but that was because she wasn't generic lady with wings number 300. She grinned when Victoria cut herself off again, the smile going unseen because of her helmet.[/i] "Y're a fast learner indeed... perfect. For where I'm goin', I dunno, Vic. Away from the feds."

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  • "Thanks." V grinned a little at the compliment, but it vanished quickly back to a rather neutral expression. "I could always fly you out of town or something. I doubt they'd think to look up. Most people don't..."

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  • "No." [i]Well... that was a very short, straightforward, and definite answer. Seemed Helena was very much against getting flown... not that it would've been easy on Victoria, either, since the woman stood at a good six feet and two inches, undoubtedly boosted a tad by her helmet and boots.[/i]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/28/2017 7:06:43 PM
    "Ummm....Anyway I could help? Or anything? Why don't we go...uhh sit at a bar?....That's something you people do around here, right?" The winged girl just kept talking as if she couldn't shut up.

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  • "For real, though, can ya, like... [i]shut the fuсk up.[/i]" [i]She dramatically rolled her eyes, transitioning from a light jog into a slow walk, only to then stop completely. The two stood before another bar, this one rather similar to the first; just as rustic and cozy.[/i]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/28/2017 7:31:08 PM
    "Y-Yeah, sorry....Oops! Sorr-Wait, I-I'll j-just stop...." Victoria's head and wings drooped as she kept following. Her black hair covered her face almost completely.

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  • [i]Hel kept running for a good handful of minutes after, only to come to a skidding stop by a manhole cover. She rolled her shoulders, squatting down by it, her left hand fishing through the insides of her trench coat, until her fingers wrapped around what she needed. Nonchalantly, she pulled out a rust brown crowbar, starting to lift the metal lid off of the sewer entrance.[/i]

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  • "Wait, we're not going in the bar?" Victoria just continued following, confused why they had just stopped at a bar for no reason at all. "...You're going underground?"

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  • "No. Watch 'n learn." [i]With a sharp breath, she managed to lift the cover, keeping it still and steady upright with her left hand after, only to slowly lower it to the ground after turning it around. She took her helmet off, tossing it down and into the sewers, her trench coat quickly following suit. Then, she shoved the thick metal lid back in place, pushing it over the hole, after which it slid in place. She groaned in relief, rising back up to her full height. She gave her head a wild shake, hands correcting her hair a little after, so that she didn't look like a hobo. The woman's face was revealed at long last, her thick, fiery red hair let loose to hang, reaching to her shoulder blades, where it was neatly cut. The locks were nice and well-kept, curly and wavy, if a tad messy and haphazard after being stuck in a helmet. Her face was surprisingly angular and pretty, with big golden eyes, barely plump pink lips, and a slightly upturned nose. Of course, this also left her black combat harness bare, showing Victoria all the several holsters Helena had with her, holding a Colt Anaconda, a Taurus Raging Judge, a Mateba Autorevolver, and a few other firearms, while she also wore a few slings that held spare ammo and a couple of grenades.[/i]

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  • Helena could see Victoria's wings unfurl and twitch a little when she saw her face, the winged girl's own face turning a bit red. "O-Oh, I get it....They won't recognize you like this. That's a great idea, Helena."

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  • "Yep," [i]She shortly replied with a little nod, her hands quickly going over her weapons, fingers patting her revolvers and pistols both, only for her to then nod.[/i] "Didn't miss any... good. Now, bar." [i]Helena waved Vic along as she started again, now simply walking rather than running, heading out onto the street and immediately turning left... which brought her to a bar. Seemed she either knew Dojoville damned well, or just got lucky.[/i]

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  • Victoria followed closely behind with a faint smile. She tried to hold her wings down, but for some reason they kept trying to spring back up, embarrassing the girl for some reason. "Stay doooown..."

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  • "The fuсk's going on with the wings?" [i]As blunt and as harsh as ever, it seemed, though she sounded genuinely curious, for once, rather than purely sarcastic, satirical, joking, or just сuntish. Seemed Helena actually wondered, her golden eyes focused on the little wings.[/i]

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  • Victoria seemed to freeze up for a second when the question was asked, her face getting even redder as she whimpered. "I-It's n-nothing! Nothing at all!" She got super defensive, her legs crossing a little and her arms covering her chest as if her skin was exposed and she needed to cover herself. "Uhh...y-yeah...umm....nothing...."

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  • [i]Hel's right eyebrow shot up high out of pure, raw curiosity when Victoria got all defensive, and she hated to admit, cute. It was strangely adorable, the woman thought to herself, though she was quick to nonchalantly brush the thought of. With a slight snort and a shrug, she responded.[/i] "Whatever, kid..." [i]And just like that, the little lady had lost Helena's attention and interest, the woman jogging up to the front door of the bar, quickly pushing it open, hand on the knob, shoulder against the door. She was soon met with a wave of warmth, sighing in delight as she stepped out of the cold and into comfort.[/i]

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