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11/25/2017 6:25:41 PM

College Applications and Mental Sanity.

I am applying for a city college and a CSU college. Deadlines are due on the 30th. My half-brother/unofficial guardian wants me to go to city partly becasue I get my 1st year paid for due to a policy or program. I don't see myself going there. I can't see myself being happy there. I am tired of arguing with him over it. I've tried time and time again, but he won't budge. And I can't give up either. I want to go to a CSU. It will still be in the same city and I will still live at home. I can see myself being happy. I have an increased chance of getting in due to a policy or program. My grades aren't the best they can be, but last year 4 A's and 2 B's. Last semester, Straight A's. They still don't make up for the D's and C's I got Freshman and Sophmore year. (I had some A's and B's too) He's saying I don't have a chance. I want to at least try. And I will. However, for both colleges, there are questions that I need help answering, and I've been asking for help for weeks, but he just pushes it back a day. This morning, he tried to help me. I was lost on what I needed and he put the balme on me. "I should know what exactly I need". Well I don't know. A lot of the questions involves parental/guardian information. My parents are deceased. because of 1 question, I am an independent student. My half-brother isn't my guardian on paperwork. But don't I have to go on what's on paperwork? He doesn't know and he thinks that no one will check. But what if someone does? What would happen? I haven't submitted my information and I don't plan on it untill I have had my counselors check it. Here's my points. To the people that are in high school and are not yet Seniors, Start getting ready for it. It's not fun, but don't rush. Gather what you need 1st. Please Plan it. To the Freshman, DON'T Mess around. You don't want to fix it in summer school or have it ruin your chances. To the adults, What do I do?

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  • Edited by The Cellar Door: 11/27/2017 2:22:54 AM
    I would approach your guidance counselor first and foremost. They are there to help get you into college. They will know what to do on those questions concerning your guardian. Some tips: You should know that college admissions counselors love to see someone who has made noticeable improvement and through their maturity has taken a more serious approach towards continuing their education. You seem to have made significant improvement, and this is something you should include in your personal statement. Talk about why school has become an importance to you. They understand that entering high school is a big change for kids at a delicate time in their development. Furthermore, don’t write a single personal statement and send it to every college you apply for. Write a general one, and then contour it to the specific college you’re applying to. Why do you feel as though that college in particular will provide you with the means to succeed? Do you plan on going to grad school? What does a degree from that school mean for you? Don’t include your GPA in your personal statement if it is lower than a 3.0. They’ll see it elsewhere. Don’t explain why it’s low, describe your improvement. Recommendations are more important than most people take them for. I’m in a physics program, that I didn’t get into the first time, and I had a philosophy professor from community college and a family friend who is a business executive do my recommendations. I did that solely because I knew that their writing skills are exceptional and I had a good rapport with them. Even for a physics major, you should go with the best recommendation you can, because sometimes the most relevant is not the best. This is different for internships and grad school, but for entering college, it’s a good philosophy to hold. If you don’t get in, it is not the end of the world. I was a terrible student in high school. This resulted in me being rejected from every college I applied to. I bit the bullet, and went to community college. I hated it, but I did it. Put a lot of work in. You should know that transferring is [i]much[/i] easier than being accepted from high school. Not only from an application standpoint, but admission to transfer students is typically higher because you’ve already proven that you can succeed in a college environment. Now I’ve been at my university for 3 years, and I’m about a year away from getting two bachelors and hopefully going off to grad school. So regardless of what happens after high school, know that you can still make it happen.

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