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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Atom: 11/26/2017 8:43:33 PM
Spotted. He quickly walked towards the man, getting in his position once more, and putting one foot forward attacked the throat once more. Luckily for Dale- his armor protected him from the onslaught of pebbles.

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  • Though, Bedlam was facing his opponent, knowing exactly where Dale was somehow. Even though the sand was thick and near impossible to see further than a foot in any direction, Dale would see a shield made of red light illuminate a little bit of the surrounding area as his fist rammed into it. The hard light cracked from the punch, but remained unbroken. "The hell? You don't feel the movemnts of air, do you? Ugh! Your uniqueness is killing me."

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  • Deciding to not answer once more, he let out a flurry of fist based attacks, knowing he could break it from the crack in the shield. (I'm assuming that I can do damage to it, yes, because it was cracked by a jab.) He reared back and gave it a good punch, shattering it before and ancient quickly on his opponent and attempting to hit the throat once more.

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  • After the shield shattered Bedlam ducked, swiping at Dale's feet with his legs. He missed by a few inches short, but the sand beneath Dale's feet shifted rapidly out from under him.

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  • As a result, he sank into the sand a few inches, making him only about two above Bedlam. Keeping his form, he didn't let up in his light attacks, using his left arm to jab at Bedlam's left side of his stomach. It seemed there would no wind ups for attacks for the moment.

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  • With the visibility at zero from the storm only getting stronger over time and the light shield being destroyed, it was hard to accurately land shots on the kid as he was [u]already low to the ground from swiping at his opponent's feet.[/u] With Dale trying to throw punches, he simply rolled back into the storm, hidden by dense sand so he could stand up a few feet away without being in the way of harm.

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  • [spoiler]mfw I realize that. For some reason I thought he was doing like- when you draw a line with your foot- but really fas- you know what nvm it worked out anyway ffs my b[/spoiler] He wouldn't let that distance be created, sniffing the air to follow within a foot of his opponent, smelling where the sweat on his body was to see where he was on a 3-D like plain, low down or standing up. He quickly threw out a right hook in Bedlam's direction as he lunged forward. It would close the distance but at the cost of Dale's right side being exposed.

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  • Bedlam took the hit to his side and let out another grunt in pain with a wince, but not without forming a dagger of red light in his left hand and shoving it up at Dale's exposed armpit at the same time...where I'd assume little armour would be.

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  • Edited by Atom: 11/26/2017 9:23:16 PM
    There was little armor as Bedlam predicted, and the knife made it's way into Dale's arm with some effort- it seemed that sharp objects had more effect than the sand. However, as the knife touched, waves of electricity arced out of the armor and into Bedlam's arm. Dale let out a pained grunt, but took advantage of Bedlam's closeness and of the shock to use his other arm to grab his opponent's collar bone. Using the tank crushing strength, he squeezed hard, Pressing his thumb into Bedlam's neck. [spoiler]So, recap! Dale got shanked in the right arm- which caused a shock. Using both the closeness, speed of the action and shock, Dale placed his hand on Bedlam's collar bone with his thumb upon the base of the neck and squeezed as hard as he could. Just shoot me a pm for anything wrong. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/26/2017 9:49:45 PM
    Bedlam smiled from the shock, seeming unfazed. In an instant all that energy went back through the dagger and exploded at the tip while the dagger was twisted in deeper. Dale's hand made an audible cracking noise as it crushed some of Bedlam's bone, but his right hand shot up to grab Dale's wrist and press down with just as much pressure as Dale's hand. The thumb on Bedlam's neck tore through the side of his neck. He tried to move away, but only barely managed to stop it from digging in enough to be a killing blow. His bottom right side of his neck now bled as a large chuck had been torn off. The storm began to form thin, sharp needles of compact sand that would stab into exposed skin or thin cloth. For some reason Bedlam remained unaffected by it.

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  • Edited by Atom: 11/26/2017 10:10:23 PM
    With Bedlam's neck torn open it wouldn't be long before the fight ended. However- Dale's right arm had exploded off along with his collar bone, so he'd have to end it fast. Quickly, he wrapped his right leg around Bedlam and went on one knee, squeezing hard enough to break his legs. However this was not the purpose. With his palm only a few inches from Bedlam's already injured neck... His hand twitched and suddenly there was a horrible screaming as air was torn apart by an incredibly fast axe. It swung through the sand with ease, heading directly for Dale's palm. With only Bedlam's body in the way, it crashed into the back of Dale's opponent's lower neck at the weight of two tons. [spoiler]So Dale wrapped his right leg around Bedlam, and took a kneel to keep him still, as well as using his injured arm to hold him down in the sand. Then, he called his axe back, its weight changing to that of two tons before hitting Bedlam's lower neck (Ex. Where the neck meets the back.) [/spoiler]

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  • "Sitting....still?" Bedlam was barely able to speak and not much louder than a whisper. The young man vanished into a red mist, reappearing a little over a dozen feet behind Dale. He fell to his hands and knees, the blood stopped flowing out of his neck, but he shook and looked as if he may pass out. The sandstorm made it completely impossible to see anything clearly at this point, the wind strong enough to lift a normal human being off the ground.

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  • The sound of the axe hitting Dale's palm, and being thrown again at twice the weight directly at Bedlam was muffled by the sandstorm- and proceeded directly into Bedlam's position, knowing he couldn't move (due to his broken legs? idk if it happened, I just know you disappeared. I guess it wouldn't matter.) due to his injuries. The axe flew through the air, aimed directly at Dale's opponent, found by the scent of his blood, sweat and overall smelliness. It was completely hidden by the sand in both sound and sight until it burst out going at insane speeds.

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  • The thing is, an exact replica of Dale's axe came back at the same time as Dale's. It was aimed straight at his chest weighing in at 2 tons as well, it was impossible to see in the storm and the axe had no scent to it. "Copying is fun..." Bedlam said, with a stretched out hand for the axe replica to land in.

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  • Edited by Atom: 11/26/2017 11:38:19 PM
    The first axe landed in Dale's palm, while the second collided with his chest. His armor severely dented, mostly because of the axe's top, where the blades curved. Lucky for him, he was wearing heavy steel and ceramic armor. Even more lucky was that the axe would hit him, causing him to fall back, and get out of the way of the axe's movement towards Bedlam. In Dale's original form, blunt attacks and force have very little, almost no effect. So the axe would smash through most the armor before he fell back, and breaking two of his ribs. However, he used the force of falling back to create more momentum for his own throw, twisting and chucking it at Bedlam's new position. It's sound, smell and sight covered by the storm before it was too late, gaining the mass of two modern tanks. It quickly smashed past the replica and directly into Bedlam, spotted by the massive amount of sweat. However, Dale currently lay face first in the sand, rolling over and stopping most the blood flow from his arm with the sand. [spoiler]The axe smashes into his chest, top part first, (so not the full blade), tears through his armor and causes him to fall and get hit back. Dale uses this force to throw his axe- weight boosted- directly at Bedlam. Then he lies on his severed arm to stop blood flow. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/27/2017 12:28:07 AM
    Bedlam vanished into red mist the second the hammer hit Dale, forming again after a split second, but this time several feet away from Dale on the opposite side. He did this with the plan to have the hammer fly back into Dale again, but this worked too as the hammer flew to his hand. Considering its weight he just let it drop and formed a round shield on his good arm. Dale had thrown his at air, considering he couldn't have known Bedlam had changed position until it was too late and he threw the axe. [spoiler]Bedlam is on the other side of Dale now.[/spoiler] The storm was getting strong enough to the point of easily lifting a few hundred pounds off the ground. The sand in the air was mixed with foot long spikes of sharp glass shards that had formed from how powerful the storm had gotten. They'd pelt and shatter against Dale's armour, cutting into anything not covered in metal or resistant fabric.

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  • Dale would have been hit by the [u]axe[/u] of he had not fallen when hit first. It flew over his head, towards Bedlam, and landed a few feet away. Calling his own axe back, Dale stood up, only barely kept down by the storm by his armor and sheer mass. The arm that was severed was losing blood once more- and was occasionally hit by the shards, which causes Dale to wince. He reared back, chucking the axe at near sonic speeds, as it suddenly weighed little. It changed to its max weight again, crashing into the shield with incredible force. (Not sure how strong it is, but the shock would probably crush through his arm and into his shoulder.) Falling to one knee, he pulled the SMG off his side, and pointed it right at the shield, firing. The axe would break it, then if it didn't kill Bedlam, he'd be hit by a hail of bullets.

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  • "OH F*CK!" Is all Dale would hear over the storm. Unknown to him, the axe had sent Bedlam flying several hundred feet away and screaming bloody murder at suddenly being thrown so fast and far into the sky, the shield only cracking and somehow stopping the blow from hurting his arm. He landed on the shield, shattering it, but making him not take any fall damage. "F*ck...that axe...." He slowly got up, healing the gash in his neck fully by this time, but his one arm was still limp by his side. He couldn't heal pulverized bone without waiting a few hours. The storm was insane by now and past anything that would accure in nature, getting so strong that it would tear a house apart like a tornado as that's basically what it was by this point. The glass shards began to get even more condensed and hard. They hit with enough force to lightly dent [u]weaker[/u] metals and fly through flesh as if it were nothing. [spoiler]Underlined weaker so you'd know I don't mean it would get through Dale's steel armour.[/spoiler]

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  • Quickly thinking (and while Bedlam was flying), he moved the shoulder plate of his armor to cover his bleeding arm, as well as tying up the arm with fragments of his shirt he stretched from the wound. Hurt like a bicth(don't ban me bungo.) but it would give him much more time. He then called the axe back, and pushed off the ground with all his might- so much so that he flew forward to meet Bedlam, though he couldn't control his flight entirely. He ended up smashing into the shield with his back- his natural blunt force resistance coming into play once more. Dale then swung himself mid air to chuck the axe again. If he was going to win- he HAD to be aggressive. [spoiler]Boosted himself into the shield, smashed against it mid air with his back, and then twisted, and used that twist to throw his axe while close to Bedlam. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/27/2017 1:10:56 AM
    When in the air the storm easily pushed him off target and kept him up off the ground for a while. While he was up there he'd be pelted by large amounts of the glass shards from all sides before gently falling to the ground a couple seconds later. Bedlam had used his shield to land like before. He was probably undetectable by this point with the storm covering sight, hearing, and smell. [spoiler] jumped up in a storm.[/spoiler]

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  • Dale hit the ground with a thump. He'd either have to wait the storm out or find Bedlam within it. He did the only thing possible. He reloaded his SMG, and pointed it to where Bedlam was... And fired, turning around in a complete circle before the clip ran out. Even with the storm, the bullets would have a decent chance of hitting, considering the rather high fire rate for smaller projectiles. He began to rinse and repeat, firing in a circle, and anchoring himself within the sand.

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  • Bedlam buried himself into the sand (not literally) upon hearing the gunshots, a round grazing his already damaged arm and another took off a part of one ear. "You make this too easy...getting all riled up and shooting blindly in a circle." The storm only showed signs of strengthening as Dale fired, the shards gradually getting harder, larger, and faster while continuing to ram into Dale.

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  • Edited by Atom: 11/27/2017 1:33:15 AM
    Dale would have to hunker down. He shifted himself into the sand, so that his back faced the storm, and began crawling through, avoiding most of the shards by being close to the ground. He came across a dune and circled it, so that the storm could only hit him in one way, at his armored back. He placed his axe in the dune, and then spotted Bedlam's own, grasping on to it so that the storm wouldn't be able to move him.

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/27/2017 1:41:59 AM
    Bedlam sighed as he formed another shield on his arm and began to walk towards Dale. He was in no hurry as the storm raged on to the point of having shards capable of easily denting steel.

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  • He held onto the the axe, using it as an anchor with his other axe to keep himself kept on the ground. His armor was being dented, but the thickness of it was enough to keep him safe.

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  • The younger man eventually reached Dale, standing a few feet away. He let the replica axe vaporize as he didn't need it anymore. With his good arm he formed a metal spike and stabbed it into Dale's knee. [spoiler]Seeing as how Dale was facing the ground, I'd assume he'd be able to stab into the less armoured part behind the knee.[/spoiler]

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