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9/27/2017 3:08:49 PM

No Hatred, but Destiny 2 is Severely Punishing for Solo Players.

I see people posting about being stuck at 300-305 Light (or Power, or whatever we're calling it now...), and I deeply appreciate their frustration while also applauding them for getting to even that Power Level. But for Solo Players, it's even worse in Destiny 2. I can't even get past 269, much less hit that magical 300+ mark. I've been "stuck" at 269 for two full weeks now, with no real hope of progressing any time soon. I understand that the Milestones are there to give "powerful gear", but I'm a Solo Player. The reasons for that I spell out below, and there's really no chance of any of those circumstances changing. - I do the Flashpoints, but that's one item per week, so progression is severely limited with that. - I'm the only active member of my 4-person Clan, so that's limited to my 5000 Clan XP contribution. - I don't ever PvP. I don't believe that PvP should have ever been introduced to any game resembling an MMORPG, and while I am not saying that Destiny is an MMORPG, it's "close enough", and I just don't enjoy any type of PvP. The rest of my issues are that I will most likely not be able to do any of the other Milestones. - By circumstance and availability, I am required to play Solo. The old Clan I used to play with has moved on to a different Clan. I'm the only active member of my little 4-player Clan, and since my Xbox is in my bedroom, I cannot use a headset to communicate with a Fireteam as I am only able to play late night, and my wife is sleeping right behind me. I am loathe to wake her. But because of this, I am unable to join another, larger Clan, as they require (and rightly so) members to ustilize their headsets for team communication. This, I cannot do. - I've done the Mida Exotic Quest. The one for Sturm on Nessus requires a Fireteam as a Strike is the last step, so I'm stuck there. The other Exotic Quests I'm slowly working through. But the 'O Captain' Quest line finishing with a Strike has me a bit skittish about completing the rest of them... but eventually, with time, I'll get through them (hopefully). - The Raid is likewise out of the Question. - The Nightfall is also not going to be happening any time soon. - I don't ever PvP, so the Crucible I will not participate in for the aforementioned reasons. Also, from what I've read about it, the Crucible is extremely unfriendly to Solo Players. - I have only recently reached the 100+ Legendary Shard mark, so until now Xur has been unavailable for Infusion as to utilize his inventory, it would drain pretty much every Shard I had. Plus, I then have to hope that he's selling a weapon or armor that I could Infuse into my Gear. So far, he's sold nothing I could use for Infusion except for a Warlock Chest. In short, while I understand what Bungie was/is trying to do with getting Players to meet each other and "make friends", they've weighted the game so heavily towards that goal, that it has become severely punishing to Solo Players. So, no hate on any of you who have regular Fireteams and Clan activity. Your information is correct and would have been very helpful, but my very situation with Gaming prevents me from doing 90% of the Milestones to advance. Edit = I got my first Exotic Engram in a week and a half last night! It turned into a Warlock Helmet that I already have, and have no use for... It was especially painful because, when it decrypted, it decrypted one -blam!-ing point below the Exotic Helmet I'm already using... I could only shake my head as I dismantled it. Really disappointing.

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  • I can relate in some level to parts of your post, understand some of the replies to your post and also absolutely disagree with parts of your post and many of the commenters below. First off, for all of you saying to move the xbox out of the room or to talk while the wife sleeps - get off your high horses, try on his/her shoes for a moment and at least LOOK like you are trying to relate or understand where s/he is coming from before blabbing on about how everyone else should do exactly what works for you. I'm sick only playing xbox @ night after the wife and toddler are asleep, cannot guarantee 5 taught minutes of playtime without having to get up to deal with a screaming child who won't sleep through the night (thank you toddler separation anxiety) - fb means any public activities likely hold the weight of disappointing people when i have to leave during a boss fight or just as our team is FINALLY in the lead in crucible. I can ONLY play in the bedroom because I only have 1 free monitor that is too small too see from the living room and did too serious back issues am forced to sleep/sit in a special reclining chair - which happens to be in the bedroom with my sleeping wife. I wear a cheap headphone that has to be near silent because even with ear plugs, a sound making machine, a fan, an air conditioner/heater, etc, she complaints that she can't sleep because she "hears talking" so that rules out by kind of play where i talk into a mic or have it loud enough to hear my team. I don't have the time to give to my clan what's required and likely am only kept because i once was an admin that was capable of giving several hours a week to walk thru teammates and potentials thru raid activities (regular and heroic) during D1. not complaining about my situation, but merely stating the facts. I'm unable to play during the day because of work and responsibility taking care of a 2 year old. if i have time to play, then there's things that are more important and higher priority. I get to play at night ONLY because i get night duty worth the cold who wakes up between 5 and 20 times at night. she has severe separation anxiety and night terrors, frequent ear infective and is leaving thru her molars, is too young to understand explanations and gets sick frequently - this also means many sleeps nights. however, i take the time to play d2 or get more work done at night time to keep me awake so i can handle the toddler when she freaks out or wakes up - otherwise, i'll fall asleep and not hear her. this is the cost of chronic back pain even after 1 failed neck surgery, 1 lower back surgery, several failed injections of steroidal cortizone shots in my neck and back, frequent migraine attacks, inability to continue working the standard 9-5 job use the last 3 16-hours-per-day jobs are nasty messed my back/neck up in the first place. Sooo, my spouse now brings home the bread, I work lots of small contract jobs to pay the medical costs and keep our savings in check, watch the child during the day, take naps from about 4/5 am till about 9 when my use goes to work, rinse and repeat, then pull the night shift. Given that I ONLY have time to play when I'm not coaxing my child to sleep at night, or sleeping for a few hours in the morning, working during the day, raising a 2 year old in between contract work, etc - as well as only being able to play from my sleeping chair on a tiny monitor in my bedroom with my spouse who wears an eye shield and social ear plugs with a noise machine, and unable to do activities that take longer than a few minutes at a time and creating getting kicked off i run away for a few minutes to several hours helping my child.... Given all that, I've STILL managed to get myself to 282 light even when using my preferred energy weapon and gear, and 280/281 if i use all 3 of my preferred weapons. My tricks included running from event to event - picking works that are inhabited by other like minded event scrubbers - doing easy ones if alone to make heroic - popping token rewards one at a time to make sure i level up before each engram i pop - i run iron banner for the daily challenges and pvp for the quick weeklies, patrols are my rice and events my beans - for stock at the 265-270 range feet of the stock missions and patrolling only the EDZ before moving out to the other worlds and activating patrols (blocked behind a mission chain on another world) which meant i want just hunting for events and chests when i played. i added in other missions and then hopped on pvp and somehow managed to get thru the 2 strikes for my milestone and 2 pvp missions for that milestone. A little bit each night, knowing very well some nights would be a wash, others i would have to send apologies to randoms via private message later for bailing @ the boss or during a competitive pvp match. Raids and Trials of the Nine are pretty much ruled out for now - to get that chance, I'll have to level up higher, get practice in, watch some YouTube videos, and then plan with my wife a month in advance to get a full Saturday to run thru a raid and then find a group of randoms via the guided game mechanic to do a raid run, a nightfall, and maybe even lfg for a couple chances at "trials of nine" and hope it doesn't fall on a weekend that my toddler or wife or I am sick, that it is not during a contract period because i have to work weekends to get enough time alone and distraction free to get my best work done, and that nothing comes up that requires us to visit another city or requires my wife to be unavailable, asks make sure that i also plan time for her to get a full day's break free from toddler responsibility as well.... my point from all of this is that there are some limitations in your list that may not be easy to change or even worth finding a way around. there are some limitations in your list that sounds soft and pliable - or day you can work around if you truly want to play aspects of the game you cannot right now. there are things that i can relate to and things that i cannot relate to personally but can understand where the frustrations come from.

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