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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Kruos the Wicked: 11/20/2017 9:16:40 PM
[spoiler]Character Bio:[/spoiler] [b][i][u]On the Winds of Winter[/u][/i][/b] She was so close. Tatakai was in sight now, a sprawling sphere of life and relative beauty that silently floated amidst the empty blackness of space. This place would be her salvation, a chance to get away from the horrors of her past. Maybe she could forget it all, and simply start a life where the slate would be clean and she would be born anew. But, as fate would have it, it seemed her past would refuse to forget her... A small, worn ship was following her now. [i]Mercenaries,[/i] she thought, [i]Hired by Frontier to either find me and bring me home or kill me. I'm not exactly sure which is worse.[/i] She pulled down hard on a lever, and the ship suddenly veered to the right. It doubled back quickly, firing on the mercenary craft in an effort to at least slow it down. It seemed to be heavily armored, unlike those in which she had encountered before. [i]Great. What do you have military weaponry equipped too?[/i] As a matter of fact, it did. It fired at her immediately, severely damaging her ship in the process. At this point, she knew she had no other choice. It was either go as fast as possible into Tatakai's atmosphere and risk burning up upon re-entry, or get captured and/or die after her ship was completely rendered inoperable. And so, she went with the former, charging towards the planet's surface in hopes to escape the craft. It fired again, and she felt more and more of her ship begin to crumble. All she could do now was to hope she would survive the crash... ----------------------------------- [url=]Dojoville Ruins, Late-Afternoon[/url] A burning ship fell out of the sky like a meteor, crash landing violently at the edges of the city. The burning crater of metal and earth the incident left behind was almost a spectacle. Then, in the midst of the wreckage, a lone pilot in some sort of exosuit crawled out of it. She seemed fine, but not unscathed by such an impact. After trudging her way through the city and ascended the path, it was already dusk. Light flurries of snow were falling, with a certain grace not to be seen with other weather, as she made her way toward the Dojo's gates. The woman took off her helmet, marveling at the snow as if she had never seen it before, and went to the door. She hesitated, lightly knocking in response. "Hello," she said weakly yet directly, "My name is Caroline Winter. And I would like to enter your Dojo." She simply collapsed onto the ground, pressed up against a wall as she began to laugh... [spoiler]Open! First post, first character! And yes, I would like to take the test as soon as possible.[/spoiler]

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  • "...Not the weirdest thing that I've seen.." [i]The feminine, muffled voice would speak up towards Caroline, it's light yet hardened tone and foreign accent accompanied by the trudging of footsteps, abound upon crunching leaves and the stony path that progressed upwards to the Dojo's solid, thickened wood gate.[/i] [i]Finally, a shadow would be casted upon Caroline's form.[/i] [i]The being, in particular, was interesting if you had a thing for bounty hunters or something for guns and armor. She was humanoid, at a rather average height, while the being underneath her customized apparel was womanly: she was athletic, curvaceous, yet built for flexibility and maneuvering throughout combat, judging from her general frame. The apparel that coated her form was modified armoring, meanwhile: an outfit of light army green platings covering her chest and abdomen regions, pauldrons and forearms protecting her upper limbs while the same material would be strapped upon her thighs and her shins as well. The material that would make up the rest of the suit appeared to have been a sort of rough weaving that transpired throughout her armoring. It appeared to be a mixture between full-armoring and light weaving: a crossing in order to create versatility, perhaps.[/i] [i]The first form of equipment was given away by the select weapons and forms of offense and utility upon her being, freely kept in the sight of whomever would dry their eyes upon her being. Extending out from her back appeared to have been an upgraded, functional jetpack, with two exhausts for releasing the propelling gases that would likely allow her to hover for some time. Around her waist, meanwhile, were two forms of weaponry that were merely revealed if one looked upon her: a blaster pistol, and a blade. The blaster, specifically, was a simple thing: it was designed in the archetype of a pistol, holstered and even buckled by a leather strapping of it's sheath, hiding it's barrel from view. Yet the obvious exhaust ports would give away it's technological functions. Kept to the left side of her waist, meanwhile, was a sharpened, sheathed bladed tool. The weapon was crafted as in mimicry of a classic shortsword for combative purposes: the blade was fifteen inches long, it's hilt being about six inches in length, fashioned in a manner to be simple yet effective. The blade was straight, yet made of the same material as her armoring, the edges of the blade fashioned for a sharpened edge. The end was carved into a vicious, sharpened point - the tool could be utilized for thrusts and slashes, from the looks of it. The final hints at her equipment were the gauntlets around her hands, and the large duffel bag - while the bag was obviously stuffed, the gauntlets simply seemed to be.. hiding something, or some several things, intentionally. Whatever they were had to be revealed in the field of combat.[/i] [i]Kept around her neck and bounded to her broad shoulders was a tattered, simple cape. The cloth was weaved from an almost grey color, seemingly mixed with weavings and strands of gold in the mixture, giving off both a near obvious glare, and expressing the wealth of the individual before Caroline. The futuristic helmet that would conceal her head from one's view was made from the same unique metal that would protect her being and such. The visor was shaped in a simple "T" fashion, the glass underneath hiding away her face, for the most part. Yet, two lime green eyes could be seen within, looking upon Caroline..[/i] [i]Without question, the seemingly armed and militaristic woman knelt down beside Caroline, retrieving a metallic bottle of what appeared to swish with a liquid within - water. She would hold it up to Caroline's lips.[/i] "Drink. You look like a mess.." [spoiler]Sorry for the length, first time I've used this char.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Your fine[/spoiler] She took the drink wearily, her hand initially shaking as she took it to sip. Once she was finished, Caroline looked directly at the woman. "Thank you" she said, hoarse and weak. "It means a lot to me that someone here bothered to help."

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  • "No problem. Not entirely from here. Though I do think that we can both get inside. Get you patched up, the usual." [i]All that Caroline would see were two green eyes in that helmet, the rest being clouded out. Though she could make out a feminine, roundish face within.[/i] "Name's Zara, friends call me Green." [i]Zara would offer her hand, both for a handshake and to bring Carolina up.[/i]

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  • A Titan had watched the ship crash. He watched the cybernetic woman stumble to the Dojo. He was carrying a grey and black striped [url=]kitten[/url] in his arms, approached the woman. The Titan's helmet was off. His skin was fairly pail. His hair was soft brown and peppered with greys. His brown and soft eyes were weary. The scar under his left eye was very noticable. It stood out on his face. He stroked the kitten's head, saying, "Can you paws for a minute? I wanna say merrow." He chuckled, laughing at his own joke.

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  • "Did I just here a... really bad cat joke?" the woman said, smiling from her place against the wall. She had almost snow-like skin, white hair, an deep, icy blue eyes that made her look like she was born out of the cold.

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  • Edited by Splashback77: 11/23/2017 4:07:20 PM
    "Yeah. This kitten is named Rezzil. After Rezyl Azzir," Mason said, "I have 11 other cats, and 12 dogs."

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  • "Rezzil... the name sounds familiar, but I can't exactly place it. I'm Caroline by the way. You?"

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  • "My name's Mason. Mason Grey," he replied.

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  • “Yo did you hear that?” [i]Asked a voice, one that sounded to be that of a teenager, someone perhaps no older than sixteen. He sounded mildly concerned.[/i] “Hear what?” [i]Replied another voice, this one a woman who sounded a bit older and just a little bit annoyed.[/i] “Stop being so crabby I swear I just heard someone out there. They don’t sound like they’re in good shape.” [i]The boy shot back.[/i] “I didn’t come out here to help strangers.” [i]The woman replied with a huff.[/i] “We’re here to get guns and stay away from the civil war. You got anything better to do than help someone?” [i]The teenager asked, returning the rudeness.[/i] “If this is a trap I’m tripping you and bolting.” [i]Came the harsh response from the woman. She wasn’t too keen on going to find whoever was outside, as she was cold and wanted to go back into the little cottage she’d rented for herself and her companion. Nonetheless, she stepped towards the gates and pulled them open with the help of the boy, who promptly ran to the source of the voice, stopping before the individual. He was short, maybe about five foot eight, and lean. His complexion was lightly tanned, his eyes and his mop of wavy hair a dusty brown. His cheeks and nose were rosy from the cold, despite him wearing a hoodie and jeans. The woman followed after a moment, deciding not to run. She looked perhaps four or five years older than him, and she stood an inch taller, her frame athletic and yet most certainly appealing. She wore a pair of black jeans and a black field jacket, a scarf around her neck, and a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots. She was tanner than her companion, her hair a darker brown. Like him, she too sported the rosy cheeks and nose, though she was more annoyed with the weather than he was.[/i] “You ok?” [i]The teenager asked.[/i] “Well she’s breathing and talking cohesively. That’s ok in my book. Let’s go, it’s f*ckin’ cold.” [i]The woman replied, turning on her heel.[/i] “Well I’m gonna stay and make sure.” [i]He retorted, annoyed with his companion’s rudeness.[/i] [i]She huffed, and did not move.[/i]

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  • She raised an eyebrow, curious at the strange relationship between the two. Then she realized that they were waiting for an answer... "Me?" she replied, almost sarcastically, "Oh I'm fine. Thank you for your concern though." The woman looked down at the Frontier insignia on her exosuit, along with her old EVE identification number. [i]But your not fine, you're merely just distracted.[/i]

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  • “Alright, let’s go.” [i]The woman said, annoyed.[/i] “Clearly you aren’t fine... your ship just crashed...” [i]The boy remarked, looking at her confusedly. The woman huffed annoyedly, crossing her arms and waiting.[/i]

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  • To be truthful, she wasn't really fine in the slightest. She had scratch marks on her forehead, previously hidden by her hair, and she kept looking back at her left arm. The woman was most certainly injured, but it seemed that her cybernetic enhancements allowed her some sort of increased resilience... "No, really I'm f- gah. Dammit."

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  • “I’m just trying to help, promise I’m not here to hurt you. Besides, you probably could snap me like a twig if you tried.” [i]He offered a meek smile, and began looking the woman over for injury. His companion simply watched, her expression still one of annoyance.[/i]

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  • If you looked closely, you could see several scratches on her forehead and parts of her face. Her right arm seemed... misaligned or in some sort of pain, but otherwise she seemed alright. The exosuit she wore absorbed most of the damage, but became damaged in the process.

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  • “Tara do you have a bandana or something in your pockets?” [i]The teenager asked the woman who was with him.[/i] “Yeah...” [i]She said with a sigh, before retrieving a clean bandana from the inside pocket of her jacket, and tossing it to him. The teenager quickly set about wrapping it over her wounds, basic field treatment, but not much else. He couldn’t do much else with her in the exo.[/i] “Can you walk? We can get you inside somewhere or maybe to a hospital or something.” [i]He offered.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]>Using Game of Thrones titles for posts >Shame.... Shame.... Shame[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]*Shaming Intensifies*[/spoiler]

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  • "Wow. They're [i]open.[/i] Why does everyone do that to them?" Came a voice from beside Caroline "Really, you'd think that they'd learn."

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  • "Oh... umm... hello there." Caroline said, kind of nervous. She had been through a lot to get here, and she was almost glad to finally hear someone else's voice... [i]You know that's bullshit. You're just glad your out of that hellhole[/i] Caroline pushed the mental comment out of her mind. It was right in a way, but she didn't want it to be...

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  • "So, lemme guess. Crash? Hunted? Looking for a loved one? Just want a fight?" The voice continued, seemingly bored

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  • "Combination of the first two, actually. But to be truthful, I'm just running. From... my past, I guess." She wanted to say she was running from herself, from her "sins" of being her. But she couldn't. She didn't believe that that was fully true. Regardless, she turned around towards the voice in hopes to finally see who exactly she was talking to...

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  • It was someone standing in orange armor, a woman, crossing her arms. She seemed young....and a goat? her body was obscured by her armor, but her helmet was off, showing off very long and floppy ears, long fangs protruding from her upper lip, white fur, and a single blue eye, as her left was obscured by an eyepatch. "I see."

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  • She looked at her , curious but not completely surprised. After all, she had seen weirder things throughout her career as a professional assassin. Then again... a goat? She had to admit that was sort of odd. [i]Hey, at least you'll die here knowing you've seen your fair share of weird shit, right? I mean, not that this is weird, but...[/i]

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  • "Ah, I see. I'm just a slab of meat to be looked over like a zoo animal." She said "At least care to give me a name?"

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  • "I... wouldn't know what to call you. Unless you want me to somehow find out your name." she replied, almost angry at her for mistaking her intentions. The goat just seemed... odd at first. But then again, this was the Dojo. At least, what she thought it was.

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