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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/18/2017 10:21:07 PM
[i]Maru hissed and backs up instantly regretting his decision to that. Maru was a severe handicap as he was now forced to balance his wieght between his remaining three legs as held the stump off the ground. He was off balance because of it now.[/i]

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  • [i]Jason took his chance, starting to sprint at Maru again, flipping his saber over so that the tip was facing the dragon, his left hand joining its brother on the grip, holding it tight. If the handicapped shifter didn't move quick, everything was likely over for him, the Russian closing in fast, aiming to jam his weapon through his foe's throat, which would undoubtedly end in a full decapitation.[/i]

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  • [i]Maru would have lost his balance after having his other hand chopped off. Not being able to support his massive body with his back legs alone so he be almost laying on his side glaring at him knowing his life was at a end. [/i]

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  • [i]Jason would make it quick, not believing in making people - or creatures - suffer. He rammed his plasma-saber into Maru's throat, piercing through his spine, plasmatic tip sticking out the other side. The Russian pushed the grip of his sword down, swiftly tearing through the mighty dragon's neck on both ends, the veins burned shut by the sheer heat. Smoke rose up from the field, Jason slipping underneath his foe's head, pulling his saber out as he turned. With a heave and a downwards swing, the mercenary cleaved through what still attacked Maru's head with his body, the plasma blade gliding through bone and fresh alike with terrifying ease, like a hot knife through boiling butter, only aided by the man's augmented strength. The dragon would go limp, body and head both impacting the ground with a thud.[/i] "Whew," [i]He pushed a breath past his lips, plasma-saber turning off.[/i] "What a tough puppy that was..."

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  • "Told you that he would be."says talath [i]talath had shown after fight had ended Aiyanna following close at talath heels. Talath had actually just come back from the woods he could hear the fight from there in it's all savagery. Glancing over at maru's body. Talath could remember the last fight he had with his little brothermaru had actually tired and almost succeeded in trying to kill him once before.[/i]

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  • "Aye, that you did... but I also told you that I'd succeed, didn't I?" [i]Jason chuckled silently, the Dojo gates opening up from the insides in the meantime, MJ hobbling on out, walking past the big, dead dragon and straight to Aiyanna, who he playfully headbutted. Then, the Russian flicked his plans-saber back on, swiping twice, cleaving Maru's horns right off, catching them in his left hand.[/i] "...should get this corpse cleaned..."

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  • "Eh you did say that certainly and you can have the body though cause if my family takes it. Maru's body would be burned till nothing remains but ashes. "Says talath [i] Aiyanna wagged her tail like mad letting out a very playful bark when mj headbutts her. Talath chuckles a little bit watching her interacting with mj like that. Aiyanna gives mj's nose a playful lick. [/i] "Last time i fought him he damn near blind me with that acid of his."says talath

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  • [i]MJ playfully barked back at Aiyanna when his nose was licked, the wolf gently headbutting the hellhound a second time, his own tail wagging at the speed of light. He barked again, returning the lick with joyous intent.[/i] "I think I must've fuсked something up in his throat when I shot him in it... He didn't heal nor did he spit, or belch, or breathe. Honestly, if I hadn't taken out his healing, things [i]might[/i] have gone differently..." [i]With the permission to keep the body, Jason "sheathed" the grip of his plasma-saber at his lower back after deactivating it. He used his left index finger to tap away on a small display on his right forearm, and soon... a ship jumped into view with a crack like lightning. It was designed surprisingly box-like, lengthy and rectangular with a pointed nose and four large wings, huge engines attached to all of them. A blue grid-esque field seemed to scan Maru's corpse, starting to break it down and simultaneously rebuild it at a molecular level, "teleporting" the body into the cargo bay, probably. Soon, nothing but the blood that splattered the ground remained, the dragon's while corpse just beamed up into the ship, which vanished as suddenly as it had appeared, another crack ringing through the sky.[/i] "There we go..."

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  • "Yeah the inside of a dragons can be sensitive to certain things. When you shot him you probably hit his vocal cords silencing him. I hope didn't breath in that gas he breathed out cause that could eat your insides up and cause nasty poisoning effect. "Says talath [i]Aiyanna playfully bumped her head against him prancing around him a bit her tail wagging like mad. As she clearly was trying to get him to play. [/i]

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  • "Yeah, I guess I must've... lucky shot, too, because I fired a bunch of others in there, but only that one did the trick... and no, I didn't breathe it in -- lucky me, eh? Suit filtered it so I won't be dying of my insides melting. Phewie." [i]He sighed in relief, arms folding over one another as he looked at the two dogs playing, smiling. MJ pranced on after Aiyanna, pitter-pattering on the ground, tail swishing, wagging, and waving. Seemed he very definitely did want to play with his big friend.[/i]

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  • "Yeah i kinda forgot to mention that as a heads up but you seem to just though. Those two really do like each other don't they."says talath [i]he watched Aiyanna playfully yip and bark as she playful pounce on him. Her body posture very relaxed and playful. [/i]

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  • [i]MJ's was, similarly, also very relaxed and playful, all comfy and joyful as he played around with his, ah, friend. When she pounced on him, he rolled over with a little bark, exposing his throat as a show of... trust, perhaps, and playful submission.[/i] "Yeah, that they definitely do... Don't think I've ever seen MJ this playful, not even with other dogs."

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  • "I haven't really seen play with other dogs like that before other my friend's little kids there baby dragons by the way and they about her size when they transform maybe a foot or two taller."says talath [i]aiyanna playfully nudged mj with her muzzle when he rolled over before giving another lick to his nose. her tail wagging happily back and forth as she played with him.[/i]

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  • "I feel sorry for your friend," [i]Jason responded with a short, hearty laugh to go with his words, though it was cut short as he quickly continued.[/i] "I mean, raising normal kids is hard enough, but kids that can turn into fuсking mini dragons? Christ, I couldn't do it..." [i]MJ rolled back up at the nudge and the lick, deftly getting back onto his paws. He barked and he yipped, tail going beyond the speed of light as he playfully headbutted Aiyanna yet again, giving her a soft push with the top of his head. He slightly jumped, bouncing back and forth between his front two paws.[/i]

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  • "Hey don't forget this they grow even faster than normal kids there. They also breath fire and ice. They ain't her actual kids those their real mother was killed and their father went missing. She's raised those for kids not to harm humans. She's Got two boys and two girls."says talath [i]aiyanna bark happily as he gently headbutts her lightly pushing her. That's when talath seen her do the one thing she's never done submit to another dog or wolf. As her tail was still wagging as her throat and soft belly were exposed basically the same body language saying hey i trust you too.[/i] "Oh wow that's the first time i have ever seen her do that with another dog before."says talath

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  • "Oh, Christ, I really do feel bad for that friend... [i]four[/i] dragons to take care of and raise. I'd lose my fuсkin' mind, I can guarantee you that much. Don't burn this, don't freeze that, stop eating those, and so on and so forth... normal babies are bad enough." [i]He chuckled again, eyes still focused on Aiyanna and MJ, just watching them play and mess around. He, too, was surprised by how damn well the two canines clicked with each other, though it also softened his tough self, a smile spreading across his lips.[/i] "I guess those two really do click well, eh? It might be because they're almost the same size, but even then, MJ is typically a lot less sociable with his... fellows." [i]MJ gave Aiyanna a playful lick across the underside of her snout and a gentle headbutt, nudging her with the top of his head. He barked happily, tail going as fast as it possibly could, joy and excitement both just beaming off of him by now, so happy he was.[/i]

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  • "Yeah don't know how many times i seen her chase her little boy jura around the house. That little boy is a handful sometimes. He's me bit like three different times those guys have very sharp teeth."says talath [i]he chuckles thinking about it. He watches aiyanna roll back over still lying on the ground wagging her tail like mad still. She hopped after a little bit giving mj a playful nudge. [/i] "Hmm they definitely do don't they. "says talath

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  • "Again, props to her for pulling it off." [i]Seemed like Jason was certainly impressed by Talath's friend, and really, that was for good reason. He rolled his shoulders, sighing quietly before sinking down to the ground, squatting even in his undoubtedly extremely heavy armour, his feet fully on the ground. It was certainly better than just standing around. MJ returned the nudge to Aiyanna, his tall, triangular ears wiggling and twitching as he yipped at his little friend again, playfully nipping at her afterwards. Maybe Talath could pull his ball out again, or something, so that the two hounds could chase it again, though they were certainly having plenty of fun with each other.[/i]

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  • "Yeah she's definitely has her hands full that why sometimes i will help her watch them.."says talath [i]talath pulls a tennis ball his pocket getting aiyanna attention for a second when he does. Aiyanna barks excitedly while practically bounong on her feet she wants the ball that bad as watches him raise it up.[/i]

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  • "That's nice of you... I don't have any children to take care of -- not even any to babysit." [i]Aiyanna barking and bouncing around quickly got MJ's attention, blue eyes darting over to Talath and the ball both. He barked loudly and excitedly, literally starting to bounce around on his four paws, eager to chase the ball once the dragon-man threw it.[/i]

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  • "Well to be fair i don't either but those little kids are pretty darn cute. But someone was actually stupid enough once to kidnap her youngest and smallest girl syrilth. Let's just say its not smart to get between a mother dragon and kids especially if you stupid enough to try to take one. "Says talath [i]he throws the ball pretty hard letting go far as aiyanna shot off after running to try and catch it.[/i] "She not the type of woman to play around when it comes to those kids."says talath

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  • [i]MJ burst from a full stop into a full sprint as soon as Talath threw the ball, the wolf-hound shooting off like a bullet from a gun. He sprinted after the tennis ball, tail pointing straight backwards, his ears flat against his head as he just ran for it.[/i] "Yeah, no, I can't imagine that being a smart idea... I'm gonna guess that guy never saw the light of day again? Assuming that friend of yours killed him."

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  • "Pretty much they had chained her little girl up and locked her up in a cage. Mind you now this the runt of the little she's smaller than her siblings so yeah she wasn't happy. I actually got a picture of the little scamps loving up on aiyanna there."says talath [i]he pulls out his phone glancing at both dogs running to catch the ball. Pulling up a photo with aiyanna in the center with four kids around her. The smallest of them a little girl wearing a lavender dress sitting on the large wolf's back. She was covered in light purple scales with light brown hair and eyes that just clearly shown pure delight. Her siblings looked more or less the same expect one boy had red eyes platinum blonde hair and was covered in snow white scales. The aiyanna was running alongside mj as they both chased after it.[/i]

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  • "Huh, what a bunch of cuties..." [i]Jason looked at the picture for a good for moments, giving the other three kids a few glances though most of his attention was focused on the "runt of the litter" as Talath had called her... inevitably, though, his silver eyes went to the kid who stood out amongst the others -- one with the red eyes.[/i] "What about this one?" [i]He asked, carefully tapping the kid with his right index finger, subsequently making the phone zoom in on him.[/i] "He got a different dad than the other three, I assume?" [i]MJ pushed himself just a little harder, running at Aiyanna's side, both dogs about equally as fast in their mad dash towards the ball.[/i]

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  • "Yeah that's jura we don't who his parents are my friend said his egg was in with the others when she got his egg was a lot bigger than there's."says talath [i]the ball hit the ground with a large bounce. Aiyanna misses it as it hits the ground.[/i]

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  • [i]When the ball bounced up again, MJ snatched it out of the air, teeth gripping it with careful gentleness, making sure not to destroy the tennis ball. Proudly, he ran back to Talath with a relaxed jog, letting his heart calm down after his mad sprint.[/i] "A mystery kid, huh? You ever thought to do a DNA test, or is that something you dragon-people can't do?"

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