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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/17/2017 2:17:02 PM
223 [b][i]The Trees Have Eyes...[/i][/b] [b][i]Afternoon, Dojo Forest[/i][/b] [b][i]The sound of a rifle going off was heard, as a deer in the woods fell dead. Three hunters walked over to it, one smoking a cigar as he did. He looked at his kill, laughing a bit as there was a hole straight through the eye.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Dead shot perfect, as always." [b][i]He said bragging to his friends[/i][/b] Hunter #1: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Cmon, grab the antlers so we can continue." [b][i]He said, as the third hunter, easily the youngest of the bunch of males, cut off the antlers and put them in a bag. The smoker stood up, as the three walked off, leaving the kill there. But they should've known the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]The sun was beginning to set as they moved, not yet using flashlights to guide their way. As they walked, they chatted about other kills, the price antlers would fetch, as they came across a small sapling. The smoker laughed, coughing a bit as he walked over to it, crouching down.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Hey, watch this." [b][i]He said, putting his cigar to the tree as it began to catch alight. Soon, the tree was burning and became nothing more than charcoal. The three laughed, as the began to walk once more. But they stopped, a presence washing over them. They should've remembered the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]Vines snaked across the ground towards them, moving along the highest branches of trees as well, as the theee stopped, looking around. The smoker reached for his rifle, but vines pinned it to the ground. They were lifted by their legs by vines, being dangled from a tree as a figure approached. It's form was like a woman, though made of wood and vine, claws for hands. It spoke to them, its voice raspy and feminine.[/i][/b] Dryad: "You should not disrespect nature. It could have quite dire consequences." [i][b]It said as it moved around them, inspecting them. One went to speak, but the Dryad let out a growl to silence him. As another reached for its pistol, it noticed it was snatched, What looked like some naturally made satyr having snatched their weapons. The Dryad spoke to the three again.[/b][/i] Dryad: "Those who have done nothing wrong but witness these crimes here today, by happy Gaia is a forgiving Mother. She shall spare you torment..." [b][i]The vines released them, dropping them to the ground as they took off running.[/i][/b] Dryad: "As for you..." [b][i]She said looking to the final one.[/i][/b] "Gaia demands life given for life taken." [b][i]He was dropped from the tree, only to have his neck ensnared by a vine. It constructed around him, crushing his neck as he now dangle their from the tree. He would be a warning to others.[/i][/b] [b][i]To outsiders of the situation, the Dryad would look to be in her true form. It was a human female, her skin the colour of redwood, her black hair in short dreadlocks, tied back into a somewhat ponytail behind her head. A mask covered her face as her body appeared to be free of tattoos. Her upper chest was only covered by a wrap of leather, covering her breasts fully and a bit above the gut, a band around her left arm with three small bones on it. Her lower half were covered by woven pants, stopping about midway on the calf to reveal the coverings on the lower leg made of leather and wrapped with dark brown linen to stay on. They came under the sole of her bare feet like a stirrup would. The same kind of covering could be seen on her hands, as she wore claw like gloves. Two spikes sat on her hips as her weapons, with a bow on her back. She turned after giving punishment, not sure where she was.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open. Meet Daun, the Shaman.[/spoiler]

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  • "This is tatakai the woods your in are known as the deep woods by the locals."she says

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  • "I like it here. These forest, the remind me much of my home. Before I was outcast and cursed, that is." [b][i]She said, moving to a tree and putting a hand to it. It seemed to revitalize as she touched it.[/i][/b]

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  • "A lot of creatures makes this there home. I also know what it's like to be a outcast. But here you wont really be alone if you meet the right person. I was actually going to where my roommate is roaming the woods right now."says marcella

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  • "I tend to be a loner most the time anyways. Not many where I am from get along well with my kin. Much different cultures." [b][i]She said, smiling a bit.[/i][/b] "Though if many here are as kind as you have been, that may not be a problem here."

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  • "We're pretty nice around here so you shouldn't have too much trouble. Im going to see where my friend Sylvie is at your welcome to come with if you want."says marcella [i]her spider flipped itself back over when mentioning that she was heading out. [/i]

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  • "I shall join you if you do not mind." [b][i]She asked politely. She hadn't wanted to sound like she was Invitinv herslef[/i][/b]

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  • "I do not mind at all. "Says marcella [i]she starts walking away towards the direction she was heading earlier. She is heading towards the area Sylvie normally is. Which isn't too far as tiny is suddenly seen scaling a tree like he notices something. That something is Sylvie who happens to be sleeping in a spot of crisscrossed vines. She is easily spotted by her long bright purple hair hanging over the side of the branch. Sylvie would be seen resting peacefully as she wore a black tank top and tan shorts. She had grey skin tattooed with strange markings. She wasn't wearing any shoes either. [/i]

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  • "This place is called tatakai but your standing in the deep woods"says marcella [spoiler]sorry got buried.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Very soon there was yet another noise. There was footsteps. Heavy, clanky, loud footsteps. Everyone would know that the person would be coming. There was also a muffled sigh, but it sounded oddly loud. It sounded hollow, like it was said through a helmet of some sort. It was a sigh that Daun knew all too well, one that was almost immediately recognizable. The newcomer’s identity would be known to her. It was one of her traveling companions, their leader to be exact. It was the Paladin, and he did not sound happy at all. He was wearing his usual attire, his huge armor. It seemed to be modeled off of the Knights Templar of crusading times, but where the Paladin has grown, the Knights Templar did not exist. He was rooted in the same place as Daun, and had the same problem as her. He had no clue where he was, but he did know how they had arrived. As he approached, the armor was able to be seen in greater detail. His helmet was a medieval great helm, but was more angular than traditional helmets. The helm was painted a pure white, the edges and faceplate being painted a dark green. However, the helmet was a victim of decades of conquest and skirmishes, and therefore had much wear and tear. The scratches and scrapes revealed a black, tempered steel. However, despite what the helmet was made for, its current owner sook only charity and protection. Daun would know that better than most. His cuirass was tens of giant plates, all covered in white paint. They folded over and about each other, looking extremely intricate and expensive. The edges of all the plates were painted the same dark green as the helmet’s trimming, although they looked more fresh, like he’d recently repainted the entire torso-piece. The shoulders jutted out and were little more than broad, massive plates used to deflect attack. The entire piece was blocky, bulky, and very thick. It was a wonder he could carry it all. Over the cuirass was a sheet of leather, dyed white. It had a large, intricate green cross on it. In the joints of it all, black chainmail was seen. The arm-pieces looked like massive tubes of steel, with elbow-caps and jointed chainmail covering any skin. It was here that someone could see that the entire thing was padded with leather bonds and armor under the chainmail and plate. The gauntlets went from the middle of the forearm to the tips of the fingers, all being white. On his right gauntlet, however, was a green cross. It looked exactly like the one on his chest piece. The greaves were like the arms down to a tee, besides the shape now being that of thighs and calves instead of shoulders and forearms. The boots were like any other pair of metal boots, and were also painted white. On top of all this intricate design, was a fur trimming that ran across all of it, and it looked extremely soft, whatever it was. There was also a soft, white glow surrounding him, his armor was blessed on top of all the other protection. There were two massive things stuck to his back. A mace and a shield. The shield was easily as big as the Paladin himself, and was just one solid sheet of metal bound in leather. The mace was around four feet long, and it was painted green. Not much to say, it’s just a mace. However, they both glowed with a golden light, seemingly blessed as well. The Paladin was a massive man, standing at six-feet-ten-inches. From behind his helmet, his eyes were visible. They were a steely gray, and seemed to be filled with disappointment. And he was very disappointed in Daun. Killing a man for something as trivial as killing an animal? Sure was a waste of his healing for the day.[/b] “Daun. How many times have I told you not to attack the locals while we pass through?” [b]His voice was loud, booming, and deep. It held an authority that could only be described as parental. And he did act like their group’s father most of the time, so it fit. He walks towards the man she had killed, and put his hand on the man’s chest. His hand glowing gold.[/b]

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  • "He suffered accordingly. It is Gaia's code, for when one takes life and squanders it, one must give life in return. We are all animals after all, it is like killing a man." [b][i]She said, seeming to brush off his comment. Though she had been banished from her tribe, she still followed their laws and customs to the letter when she could.[/i][/b] "He killed a deer and left the corpse to rot, and burnt new life to the ground, both of which would have been more use than him. I'm simply giving him the same fate he gave to both. No, remove your hand from the man. He has what he deserves." [b][i]The vine pulled the man away from the paladin. She was stubborn, as usual, then again that could be attributed to her more bestial nature.[/i][/b]

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  • “Daun, you have told me that probably a hundred times. The point isn’t that you killed someone. If I got hung up on that, then I’d be yelling at Zenia all day. The problem is that we don’t know these people even slightly.” [b]The Paladin sighs again, walking towards where Daun had dragged the corpse. He looked weary, like he was tired. In reality, he was. He had been setting up a place for them to stay all day, and now Daun killed somebody for no reason? It was annoying.[/b] “Put the corpse down and let me get him back. I’d rather not have the authorities on us, alright? There was multiple witnesses, and I’ll have to pay them for damages. You’re making this way harder than it has to be. I get you’re angry, but please. Just stop.”

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  • [b][i]A growling noise emmenâtes from behind the mask on her face. She was clearly a bit peeved, though he knew she would never do anything to even remotely harm himself or the group. After a few seconds, the vine released the man, sliding away into the forests with the others. She had already taken their profits from killing the deer and taking only the antlers, as the bag now sat near a tree. She muttered something in her native tongue, most likely something insulting as she crossed her arms.[/i][/b]

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  • “Thank you, Daun.” [b]The Paladin slowly walked over to the corpse, and put his hands down on it again. The windpipe slowly healed, airflow returning as the soul was bound back into the body. He quickly began to breathe and pump blood again, but was unconscious. The Paladin tossed the man a few feet away, mostly so Daun wouldn’t try something again. He walked over to Daun, and kneeled down to her eye-level.[/b] “Thank you, Daun. Really. I know it must’ve been hard to go against something you’ve done your entire life like that.” [b]He puts a hand on her shoulder, and the comforting warmth of the blessed armor began to radiate through her.[/b] “I’ll make this up to you sometime later, okay?”

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  • "As I believe your kind say, you're damn right you do." [b][i]She said, still crossing her arms. Her face was covered by her mask, but it was evident the angered expression she was making. She looked over at the body, not using any form of magic on it for now.[/i][/b] "Where have you been? You have clearly been up for a bit." [b][i]She said as she looked to the forest guardian accompanying her, sending it away. She removed the mask from her face after she had calmed down a bit, placing it on her hip[/i][/b]

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  • “Mm. Yeah, been up for a little while. I’ve been purchasing a place for us to stay while we do things here on... Whatever planet this is. I’ve been gathering intel and such as well. You had anything to eat yet? I’m trying to get the whole team together.” [b]He removes his hand from her shoulder, discouraged that it did nothing to calm her down.[/b]

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  • "Not yet, I was following these three and before that I was recovering. Don't know how we got here, but whatever it was it felt like it drugged me. Must've been pretty powerful to have done that." [b][i]She said as she paced a bit, moving to a patch of flowers on the ground, saying a blessing over them before harvesting them.[/i][/b] "I need to get the recipe to that."

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  • “It’s all very strange... I know where we are, but I have no clue how any of us got here. It’s rather... Unsettling. I usually remember stuff like that, even when we’re just wandering... So far I’ve only found you. I’ve heard that Camilla and Orion are somewhere in the nearby city, but I wouldn’t count on them being there still... Shall we get going? Should probably look before they clear out.”

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  • "We should. As much as I dislike the city and those who dwell in it's walls, we do need to find our companions." [b][i]She said. Daun has always disliked the city. They went against everything her people stood for most of the time, and she usually got comments on some aspect of her appearance.[/i][/b]

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  • “Eh, this city’s not too bad. That meaning only about an eighth of it actually exists. The place got torched about a month back, lots of people died. Let’s go.” [b]The Paladin began walking away, out of the forest. He was worried about Daun. He’d never had to actually try and convince her to let someone go before, at least of what he remembered.[/b]

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  • [b][i]It could be all manner of things. Maybe she was just having a bad day. If someone had managed to actually drug her and knock her out, well it would probably piss her off considering she usually boasted about her resistance to such things.[/i][/b] "That is a shame. So many of Gaia Mother's creations, all lost."

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  • “Hundreds of thousands of just people. We don’t know about animals or trees or anything, but I’m sure you could find it if you want to. Worst part is, nobody knows who started the fire. It’s terrible. If we’re here long enough, I could bring some stuff back.”

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  • "If not, hopefully we can at least guilde the spirits back to peace." [b][i]She said. Though she could be a bit more violent st times, Daun truly did care for all life. That much she has always made wvident[/i][/b]

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  • “Well, according to all accounts they were killed by something that looked like a Balrog, so I have a feeling peace isn’t really in the equation anymore for them.” [b]The Paladin kept walking, and behind his helmet he had a worried expression. He thought one day that her extremism would get her killed very quickly, it was just a matter of time. It’s why he kept trying to wane her off of it.[/b]

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  • "To ease the spirits is not to kill the beast. I mean to give a blessing to the dead." [b][i]She said calmly. She knew that the beast would be hard for someone like her to fight. She was religious, not stupid[/i][/b]

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  • “I never said anything about fighting anything. You know that I’m not one to fight unless it’s threatening you guys. I mean that the souls will be hard to put to rest because of how violently and painfully they all died.” [b]Well she sure did act stupid with her amount of errors in understanding how the Paladin talked, even though they’d known each other for a while at that point.[/b]

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