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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/17/2017 2:17:02 PM
223 [b][i]The Trees Have Eyes...[/i][/b] [b][i]Afternoon, Dojo Forest[/i][/b] [b][i]The sound of a rifle going off was heard, as a deer in the woods fell dead. Three hunters walked over to it, one smoking a cigar as he did. He looked at his kill, laughing a bit as there was a hole straight through the eye.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Dead shot perfect, as always." [b][i]He said bragging to his friends[/i][/b] Hunter #1: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Cmon, grab the antlers so we can continue." [b][i]He said, as the third hunter, easily the youngest of the bunch of males, cut off the antlers and put them in a bag. The smoker stood up, as the three walked off, leaving the kill there. But they should've known the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]The sun was beginning to set as they moved, not yet using flashlights to guide their way. As they walked, they chatted about other kills, the price antlers would fetch, as they came across a small sapling. The smoker laughed, coughing a bit as he walked over to it, crouching down.[/i][/b] Smoker: "Hey, watch this." [b][i]He said, putting his cigar to the tree as it began to catch alight. Soon, the tree was burning and became nothing more than charcoal. The three laughed, as the began to walk once more. But they stopped, a presence washing over them. They should've remembered the saying "The trees have inquisitive eyes"[/i][/b] [b][i]Vines snaked across the ground towards them, moving along the highest branches of trees as well, as the theee stopped, looking around. The smoker reached for his rifle, but vines pinned it to the ground. They were lifted by their legs by vines, being dangled from a tree as a figure approached. It's form was like a woman, though made of wood and vine, claws for hands. It spoke to them, its voice raspy and feminine.[/i][/b] Dryad: "You should not disrespect nature. It could have quite dire consequences." [i][b]It said as it moved around them, inspecting them. One went to speak, but the Dryad let out a growl to silence him. As another reached for its pistol, it noticed it was snatched, What looked like some naturally made satyr having snatched their weapons. The Dryad spoke to the three again.[/b][/i] Dryad: "Those who have done nothing wrong but witness these crimes here today, by happy Gaia is a forgiving Mother. She shall spare you torment..." [b][i]The vines released them, dropping them to the ground as they took off running.[/i][/b] Dryad: "As for you..." [b][i]She said looking to the final one.[/i][/b] "Gaia demands life given for life taken." [b][i]He was dropped from the tree, only to have his neck ensnared by a vine. It constructed around him, crushing his neck as he now dangle their from the tree. He would be a warning to others.[/i][/b] [b][i]To outsiders of the situation, the Dryad would look to be in her true form. It was a human female, her skin the colour of redwood, her black hair in short dreadlocks, tied back into a somewhat ponytail behind her head. A mask covered her face as her body appeared to be free of tattoos. Her upper chest was only covered by a wrap of leather, covering her breasts fully and a bit above the gut, a band around her left arm with three small bones on it. Her lower half were covered by woven pants, stopping about midway on the calf to reveal the coverings on the lower leg made of leather and wrapped with dark brown linen to stay on. They came under the sole of her bare feet like a stirrup would. The same kind of covering could be seen on her hands, as she wore claw like gloves. Two spikes sat on her hips as her weapons, with a bow on her back. She turned after giving punishment, not sure where she was.[/i][/b] [spoiler]open. Meet Daun, the Shaman.[/spoiler]

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  • "As all creatures are. You are just surprise me every time I speak to you. It is impressive."

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  • "Mmhm. Say, does your divine Gaia provide cooked meat? I am really hungry."

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  • "No, but fortunately there's a deer nearby that hunters wasted. It's meat shall provide." [b][i]She said, as moments later the corpse was dragged over by vines.[/i][/b]

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  • "That's rather... sickening. You kill the person for harming the deer, and then proceed to plan on eating it yourself? For shame. You know, I can help teach you how to tie a noose to end that shame~?"

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  • "How is it sickening. Gaia Mother provides food for us, an in turn we thank her for it, we bless the corpse so its spirit may return to Mother, and we make sure nothing is wasted. It is a sign of respect for her creatures." [b][i]She said. She moved to the corpse, kneeling over it as she said a prayer, befor speaking to her companion[/i][/b] "Would you mind starting a fire while I skin and gut this?"

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  • "That makes me want to waste some, just to spite you, and your higher power." She lights a fire.

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  • "It is my beliefs to it waste anything. I never said you must follow the same rules."

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  • "Good."

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  • [b][i]She began skinning the deer and preparing it to eat. She sung softly as she did, a tune in her native tongue.[/i][/b]

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  • Zenia yawned.

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  • [b][i]It would take her a few moments, but after a bit she began carving off chunks of meat for them to eat.[/i][/b]

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  • She kinda just fell asleep, waiting. Seems she was exhausted.

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  • [i][b]Daun began to cook it, as she moved over to her companion, gently nudging her awake[/b][/i]

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  • She woke up. "...Nn... What... Ah, please don't hurt me!"

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  • [b][i]Daun laughed a bit.[/i][/b] "Do not fret, I am your ally. Food should be ready soon."

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  • "Oh, food?"

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  • "Yes. Gaia Mother has given us a decent bounty with this one."

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  • "Oh thank god... I'm dying of hunger." She imitates someone dying.

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  • "Ou'll be fine. Now come, eat your fill." [b][i]She said, removing the large piece of venison from over the fire, cooked good when you thought about their conditions[/i][/b]

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  • She came over.

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  • [i]There was a rustle in the nearby bushes as a feminine voice spoke but it was clear whom it belonged to was clearly shy.[/i] "Are you lost young lady i would come out but most don't like the appearance i have."She says [i]the woman that was hiding amongst the bushes wasn't your typical human as she was a spider demon to be specific about. As such a creature she had the ability to alter herself something more pleasing to the eye. But that wasn't one of these times. This was none other than marvella. She was about 6'9" in height normally but in this form she was only 5'9". Marvella upper half had pale skin, long black hair, pale blue eyes and she was wearing a long sleeved blue grey tunic that covered her upper half. But her lower half was that of a black and grey spider with magenta colored spots. She had seen everything to as had happened to be in one trees before all of this before descending to the ground.[/i] "Tell are you afraid of spiders?"she asks.

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  • "No, I am not. To all creatures I show kindness, unless I am forced not to. If you are a friend to Gaia Mother, than you are friend to me." [b][i]She said happily. There was a calmness to her voice, the tribal woman truly unafraid of whatever could be revealed.[/i][/b]

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  • "Oh ok"she says [i]Marvella appears shyly walking out the bush to revealing what she actually is to her. Its clear she is shy like she would disappear if duan didn't want her there. [/i] "My name is marvella and i live in these woods in a house not far from here with my daughter marcella and her Sylvie friend. I can take you there if you wish and they can probably help you from there."she says [i]as the woman was speaking some of the local spiders are seen starting to appear if summoned by Marvella but in truth these ones were completely harmless as venture forth some of them of which stop near her but these are docile and Marvella pets one of them like you would a beloved pet. [/i] "The spiders here in these woods will never hurt. They will help you though."she says

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  • "I am Daun. It's is a pleasure to meet you. As for your assistance, I am humbled but I politely refuse. I am more than capable of sustaining myself in these forest." [b][i]She says, as the sliders came closer she crouched down, putting a hand out to them. A swarm is spiders, transparent green, came off her own, docile as the others were.[/i][/b] "As for your spiders, they would not bring me harm otherwise. I am a friend to all creatures."

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  • "Alright then that is far i normally keep to myself out here as many dont like me or my daughters abilities when it comes to spiders. They wont even hurt you and they normally dispose of bodies like that deer. So it won't be wasted. Of there also a house sized spider that roams around these woods to she goes by Gertrude and is completely tame."says Marvella

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