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11/16/2017 4:22:46 PM
I think its really hard for people to excited about a lot with this game because there's so many problems with the core of destiny. Hence a majority of the hate. Raid lairs-Sounds interesting, but a couple times through and players will have the armor/weapons with no point in doing it again. We need static rolls.Also remove the raid/trials clan engram.I've never touched the raid but I have all the raid weapons, maybe if they came with different rolls I'd have more incentive to do it but they don't so why bother. I can see the already short lairs being forgotten just has fast as the raid. Heroic strikes-Thanks for bringing back something that nobody asked to be removed. Unless they come with strike specific loot I won't bother. Harder strike for a my tenth better devils that drops at a higher level when power level means nothing anyway. No point. Forge weapons-Nice idea. Let me guess 10 "new"reskinned weapons, 4 will ultimately turn out to be trash with bad rolls that you cant change, 3 decent pve weapons ,3 decent pvp weapons that are okay but you'll rarely use because they're just not as good as the Meta.Chances are if 1 has high caliber rounds you won't even look at the other 2 .Remove high caliber rounds please they just make a majority of weapons obsolete. Where's rumble? Doubles? Skirmish? Rift? Delete supremacy for god sakes! I don't want to play that damn mode 5 times out of 6!!Give us the ability to choose what we wanna play. They're going to spend so much time and effort bringing all that back when it should have launched with all of this which in turn is going to be another year before we get something that really feels "new".

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