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11/16/2017 4:09:10 PM
This is almost like "make a game yourself and see how you do" response. It's not the players job to understand "how hard" it is as no one gives a damn when you pay money for a product. You want a thank you? Maybe do things right rather than a half assed downgrade to D1 (which was also shit). Let's apply what you said to the master chief collection. Arguably one of the most broken things ever released. Should people have thanked 343 just cause it's "hard" to do 4.5 games in one? Absolutely not, especially when they paid 60$ for a broken product. It's the developers job to make it work and the consumer to judge based off what they get. Furthermore 343 took that task themselves, so maybe they shouldn't have done it if it was hard 🤔furthermore the collection had various things wrong with it besides it's coding. Bungie is flat out incompetent in various areas. How do you go from various pvp mode choices to a quick play and competitive playlist only? Makes sense to have the options out while the player base is at its peak. How do you then go from being able to replay the story in D1 to having the ability to replay a few missions when they are activated on challenges? From picking strikes to not picking strikes? they completely obliterated player choice in this game. You can't even use shaders until you have your final gear in place, unless you're ok with tossing shaders after going up a few light levels and repeating the process. I'm glad you mention the raid. How do we go from the vault of glass to whatever the hell D2 gave us? Bosses don't drop loot, the loot itself is copy and pasted with no raid specific perks anymore. There's far more puzzles when the game is a shooter. The raiding quality has dropped ever since VoG and even VoG had issues. It's to the point where they need to either drop raids entirely and replace it with something else or Seriously think on how to get an Interesting raid setup. Cause raids naturally don't pull in half the player base, but it's an issue when your raids continuously drop in player count after each raid addition due to how BS they are. I don't even play the game anymore but even if I did I'd be avoiding raids entirely, they're not interesting and have only gotten progressively worse. There's more wrong with this game than just coding. You're absolutely right most players won't understand coding, but one doesn't need to understand it to see issues with the game nor does that lack of understanding excuse them from criticizing. It's funny how you're a "developer" but this is what you fail to see. The end product is all that matters, the consumer doesn't care of the process to get there.

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