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11/16/2017 3:46:29 PM
Interesting that you think patrol is the big improvement. I haven’t done a patrol since the questline that required it. I wonder if I’m in the minority. To me the biggest improvement is not having to go to orbit to visit another planet. I really think that may be the end of the list for me. Pretty much everything seems worse or the same: Weapons and armor. same or maybe worse because they’re so tired at this point. Nobody uses grenade launchers: machine guns were better. Now nobody uses fusions or snipers. Exotics are uninspiring. The infusion and mods systems suck. Strikes: give it a push. No better, not really materially worse either. Crucible: I suck at it and don’t generally like it but the better players assure me it’s worse with 4v4 and the inability to pick the engagement type (control or clash etc). The team shooting is very annoying. That much is worse. Story line: meh. Maybe a bit better? Planets: I think worse. Titan is really tiny and boring. Enemies: same but worse because they are so played out now. Special events: worse. Iron Banner and Faction Rallies fall flat. QoL: much worse. The vault is laughable. The leveling and RNG is absurd. Getting duplicates is worse than ever. Cayde chests open empty. Throttling of progress and cool downs. Raid: I’ve completed each part but not the final boss so I’m no expert but I’m not a huge fan. Can’t say it’s worse but it’s not amazing like VOG.

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