Some players including myself are stuck with the previous factions we chose from the last rally.
Your community manager in the help section said he forwarded this last week(edit: rephrased sentence). It's now the last day for this event and all we have is silence.
This is why people say you don't communicate. If you're not going to fix it tell us so I don't have to come here looking to see if you are going to fix it or not.
FYI I came back after 3 weeks to give you another chance but this is what you give us thanks a lot.
You know what Bungie never mind I figured it out. Looking at the amount of people who posted this issue in the "help" section of the forums looks like this only affects a small amount of players so who cares right.
Edit 2: Please don't say this takes time. I'm not a moron. If they can't fix it in time which clearly they didn't they could've either said sorry we're trying or extend the event. No they wanted to see if they can get by with people not knowing there is yet another issue. That's what I take from their silence.
Programmer here and figured I should let you know not all bugs can be fixed overnight. Some bugs are simple and easy to fix, others are deep and problematic to find and fix with out possibly creating a new problem. Especially ones that effect a small number of players. I know they plan to completely change faction rallies so it could be they tried to fix it quickly but couldn’t and figured they will add the fix next season.