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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/13/2017 12:34:06 PM
"First off, that is really fuсking creepy. Second, you don't have to keep up the disguise if you don't want to. The raid is long over after all. But don't have to go. We all need social interaction and honestly, I don't mind the complaining." [i]I told her with a small grin.[/i] "How about we head somewhere more warm? Because you look like you're about to become an popsicle."

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  • "Yeah.. that would seriously help. Either Dojoville, or.. ...No, fuсk Dojoville. Fuсk Tatakai in general. Stupid knights and fires and Dojo members, ugh." [i]Knights, fire, and Dojo members. Pandora didn't seem to be having the best time in the Dojo.[/i] "But yeah, let's head somewhere.. better."

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  • "Admittedly, I hate the Dojo's guts as well. But I do need to go in there, only in one of the hallway rooms however." [i]I told her, which was the truth. The only reason I even came to this place was due to the unique opportunities I can get nowhere else.[/i] "Might as well grab your books Pan, or something."

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  • "Good. Let's roll." [i]Pandora would begin to retrieve her studies and such, holding them tightly with a surprisingly well manner, for a average height woman. Though with her unnatural balancing and strength kicking in.. she would be fine.[/i]

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  • [i]I had led her up the steps and past the massive brown studded gate and into Courtyard A2. It was tranquil as ever, it was abandoned thankfully. I didn't really care for the tree though. We had reached the hallways in record time without one dumbass asking for a fight, the doors haven't really been touched in ages it seemed. The walls were decorated with art and assortments of weapons, which I didn't see the point of.[/i] "Nobody really comes through here nor do they enter their rooms. Which I find extremely useful for my situation." [i]I stopped my trek at an unmarked door and opened it. It was a rather militaristic room, a cot laid beside one of the walls. On the wall opposite of the cot was a small box upon a desk. I approached the box and opened it, receiving a blast of cold to my face as I grabbed a flask filled with blood.[/i] "This once belonged to a half-blood dragon female. Lucien requested I bring a sample to the labs later, I obliged of course." [i]I explained to Pandora as I grabbed an empty vial from the box and poured some of the blood into the vial.[/i]

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  • "A half-dragon.. Maybe this is selfish, but.. you wouldn't tell Mr. Farcon if you.. gave me a bit of the sample, would you? Utilizing dragon scales as a defensive measure, perhaps offense if I got creative, would help me out a lot. Heat resistant and all." [i]Pandora would inquire, as her search for advancement would find a new stone to step and advance upon - and in came in the form of that dragon blood. She could always go out and kill a dragon on her own: a previous thought, though she feared to end up like that "Irina" figure.[/i]

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  • "If it was scales you wanted, then I'll do you something better." [i]I said as I placed down the flask and put the vial on a holder of sorts. Reaching into the box once more I produced the arm of that half-blood, and with one slice of my high-frequency blade I had cut her off a piece.[/i] "You'll get the scales and the enhanced strength from it. Not to mention said scales are highly resistance to lightning as well as heat." [i]I tossed the piece at Pan as I placed the flask back in the box and shut it, the box making a good amount of clicks and a hiss. Once that was done I grabbed the vial.[/i] "I offered Lucien to bring both the arm and a sample of the blood to R&D. I need to keep more of it in case they well....need more."

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  • [i]Pandora would catch the piece that Sam would toss towards her, fingers clutching the piece while a sweetened smile would cross the agent's youthful face.[/i] "I should try this stuff on a Dojo member in a bit. Maybe.." [i]She smiled to herself, nodding a little.[/i] "Thank you, though."

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  • "I know I'm not exactly knowledgable about the whole biomass thing you got going on, but I'll try to give some advice. Practice with making sure you can even get the scales out first off instead of just running around willy nilly. Try to get creative with them as well, they're durable in addition to being fireproof. Probably try to use them as a projectile? Though there's the issue of growing the scales back, buuuutttt I'm sure you have a way of doing that." [i]That was probably the only piece of advice that wasn't 'stay away from a crazy PTSD ridden furry' that I told her.[/i]

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  • "I can grow the scales back. It would be slow in the heat of combat, but I could. And about projectiles.. I've used a biomass crossbow beforehand. A construct of bone, really. Dragonscale heads at the end of the bolts would be heavy, but it's not like I'd be sniping or anything. Thanks for this, though. ...Why'd you help me? Figured I'd earn it." [i]Pandora looked over, her head tilted a little.[/i]

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  • "I was thinking more like flechettes, but okay. As for me giving you this, I'm only letting this pass because we're both agents and maybe friends, notable acquaintices for sure though. We aren't trying to hinder each other in some petty competition for a bit of pride. Not to mention we've just gone through some shit and I know when not to be a dick." [i]I admitted to Pan, I'm not the best with words but she could possibly understand my point.[/i] " time you ask for something like this, you're most likely going to have to earn it."

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  • "...Thank you. And yeah, I'll definitely try to earn it next time. Whatever you need that isn't completely ridiculous, I can handle." [i]Pandora smirked a little, rolling up her sleeves as she would then wrap her hands around the piece of flesh. Sam could slowly see the flesh degrading away, as if being devoured by Pandora's very being.[/i] "So.. what about that Drake guy? I know he's one of Alpha's friends who.. who betrayed her."

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  • [i]Samuel observed the piece of half-dragon being consumed.[/i] "Officially he is a bounty hunter hired by the state, formerly with a group called Arrowhead. If you want my opinion however... He seems the type of guy to sell him out to the highest bidder, like most bounty hunters of course. Did I ever tell you I was a contractor similar to him?" [i]A deflection, I did not want to speak of Alpha nor what Drake did. Especially to Pandora of all people. It was best to keep that quiet.[/i] "I was younger then, I needed money of course."

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  • "Never knew that," [i]Pandora would look over, as the slab of meat would slowly degrade away into nothingness. In silence, Pandora would roll up her sleeves and.. concentrate, almost. Sharpened scales would break the skin of her arms, which would lead to her nodding in some amount of approval.[/i] "Hmm. Though now you're.. here. You did what you had to do in order to survive." [i]It was as if she preferred Sam over Drake much, much more.[/i]

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