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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 11/11/2017 4:48:43 AM
[b]Step Into the Dojo:[/b] [i]Dojo Gates, 10:00 PM[/i] Eddie’s flight has taken a little longer than was planned. As it turned out, planning an inter-dimensional rift jump wasn’t quite like dusting crops, and instead of arriving early in the morning on a Thursday, as had been planned, the transport craft had arrived at 10:00 PM on a Friday, which actually worked out for the best, as it turns out. He’d been sent to Tatakai for his journalism internship, where he was supposed to document his time in this enigmatic crossroads of civilizations. Of course, he was acutely aware of the [i].357[/i] he carried in his waistband, and of all the gear he carried from his [i]other[/i] internship. After all, Eddie Tobias had his sights on becoming a vigilante, and what better place could he learn to become one than the Dojo? [spoiler]Yeah, it’s short and it’s kinda shitty, but I’m tired and just kinda wanted to get this out. Feel free to just chat or if you want to teach him, go do that too I guess. Oh, and [url=]here’s his bio.[/url][/spoiler]

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  • "Welcome to our merry little bunch of misfits." Came a slightly modulated voice. "God help you."

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  • "[b]Yeah... feels great already.[/b]" After his skirmish with Rose, Eddie was battered and tired, with a throbbing headache, several bruises, and a mutilated suitcase, not mentioning the suitcase that had been stolen. While he wasn't in the best of moods, he still tried to be polite. He turned around, still wearing most of his tattered vigilante outfit. "[b]Well, I'm Eddie, Eddie Tobias. And you are?--[/b]"

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  • "Alpha." He would see a goat-person sitting there. "I'd be charmed to know your name"

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  • [spoiler]I just said his name, lol[/spoiler] "[b]Charmed, eh?[/b]" Eddie raised an eyebrow inquisitively, but seeming unfazed by her appearance. Maybe after what he'd been through today, she wasn't all too strange. "[b]Well it's nice to see you Alpha, but you don't seem all that enthusiastic about being here. Anything I should know about this place?[/b]"

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  • "That if you're here to continue doing what you just did, you'll lose your life, or a few limbs." She said deadpan

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  • "[b]Well, somebody has to do it. Might as well be me.[/b]" He said, equally deadpan. "[b]And anyways, this place is full of some of the best fighters in the universe. So how can thieves like that-[/b]" he pointed in the vague direction of his fight with Rose, "[b]-be able to get away with crimes in broad daylight? If I could stop her, I'm sure it wouldn't be so hard for some literal demigod to stop her.[/b]"

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  • "Because many of the 'demigods' here are men and women and boys and girls and everything else who do good because it's fun. As such, they don't always do what is expected, their duty." She said, gesturing to the burnt out Dojoville. Her hand had intermittent tremors, most likely brought on as a remnant of her time at the ASF holding facility. "They stand by and let others act, for better or worse."

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  • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 11/13/2017 8:52:41 PM
    Eddie noticed the tremor, but decided not to put much emphasis on it. Instead, he looked out past her, towards the burned out wastelands that she referred to. “[b]Then somebody’ll have to show them how it’s done.[/b]” he said resolutely. “[b]Y’know, where I’m from, nobody did anything when a fascist dictator rose up, and threatened the lives of everyone in the city. Nobody stood up to the Rebels that were just as misaligned as the government they wanted to overthrow. Why should they? It was a hopeless battle. But sometimes, those are the ones worth fighting for.[/b]” He looked back at Alpha, as if he somehow knew who she was, and what she’d been through. His words eerily echoed her own. “[b]So yeah, maybe I won’t be able to protect everyone here, or stop the crime everywhere I go. Maybe I’ll get gunned down, or beaten up. At the end of the day, I’m alright with that. Because I fought when nobody else would.[/b]”

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  • "You're as bad as I am. I tried. I tried to stop the tide of misguided justice from the rebels and the hate and the sadism from the ASF It got me nothing but pain and suffering." She said, shaking her head "Fighting does little to nothing if it's just you."

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  • “[b]We’ll see about that.[/b]” Eddie shouldered his things once more to leave, but as he turned to go, he looked over his shoulder to say one last thing. “[b]The ASF lost, Alpha. That only happened because of people like you.[/b]”

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  • "No. It only happened because 'justice' won." She said, sighing. His name would probably end up on the wall of the dead in the dojo. A pity, really.

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  • [spoiler][url=]Bio[/url][/spoiler] "Eyy, another human!" Eddie could see Glen walking towards him with a smirk, expensive sunglasses covering his green eyes. His whole attire screamed money with designer jeans and an unwrinkled black button up shirt, but on his feet he wore muddy boots that stood out in contrast. "Normal one at that!...As far as I can tell."

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  • “[b]Well, seems like I’m kinda the odd one out in a place like this.[/b]” Eddie gestured at his surroundings, indicating that he too felt that he was the only normal person in this odd, odd place. To find someone who was also a human, much less someone who looked about his age, was an incredible relief. Eddie don’t exactly wear designer, but he seemed fairly well off, with black jeans and a grey t-shirt that seemed of good quality. He was in good shape, which certainly helped him to carry his massive bags from the starport. “[b]I’m Eddie, Eddie Tobias. Nice to meet you man.[/b]” He shrugs his right shoulder to fix his duffle-bag’s position, and then extends his arm to shake.

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  • "Glen Rider." Glen took Eddie's hand and firmly shook it before releasing. "Yeah, it's weird how normal to us is weird and out of place here. I mean, damn the technology here is insane. I need to try and get my hands on it as soon as possible. For the first time in my life I'm falling behind."

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  • “[b]Word man, this place is jacked with some cool tech. Hopefully I’ll be able to get my hands on some new toys while I’m here.[/b]” Eddie glanced down at his wrist, where he had a holographic watch issuing directions, presumably to his hotel. He turned it off with a press of a button, and then looked back up at Glen. “[b]Back home, there hasn’t been much innovation in the past few years. All the conflicts going on and such. Maybe we’ll be able to make some cool shit here instead.[/b]”

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  • "Where I come from the conflict has only caused technology to advance faster. Wars cause progress, man. How do you think I can afford to look this good? Profiting on war. It's honestly rather easy if you're smart enough to stay ahead." Glen shrugged. "I always keep the coolest stuff to myself though."

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  • "[b]Well, military tech's certainly improved in the past few years, but that's only because we fell under the rule of a militaristic dictator.[/b]" Eddie shrugged, as if the statement was a simple fact of life. "[b]That being said,[/b]" he continued, "[b]I also keep some stuff for myself. It's not much, but I've been working to combine some of my dad's old spec-ops gear with riot gear; something that's high-tech and stealthy, but also able to incapacitate. That's why I came to the Dojo: to build, and to train.[/b]"

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  • "Same reasons, man. I wanted to get my hands on what I've seen here and better myself. The guy I had to fight to get in here honestly wasn't that strong though....What was his name? Tesuto? I dunno. It was a samurai looking fellow." Glen cracked his back and began to walk. "Why don't we take a little stroll? Or are you heading straight to where you're staying?"

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  • "[b]Well...[/b]" Eddie rapped on his watch again, and looked at the time, "[b]I got plenty of time. Sure, I'm down. Where do you wanna go?[/b]" Eddie shouldered his bags again, and got ready to walk. In truth, he needed the exercise anyways. The comment about Tesuto confused him slightly--he hadn't heard of anyone that he needed to fight to enter, but he'd been allowed in anyways, so he'd roll with it.

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  • [i]something small about four inches in height dart between his legs very fast as keeps moving and its hard to see. What it was a small robotic ai colored lavender and black when it stopped moving. It looked at him and waved at him. [/i]

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  • “Whoa... hey there little guy.” Eddie gave a tiny wave, confusion apparent on his face, before he kneeled down to get a better look at the construct. He picked up the camera that was slung around his neck, and quickly snapped a picture of the little drone, before looking up above the edge of the camera quizzically. “So what’re you supposed to be?” He said quietly.

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  • [i]it was clear it was made from unknown alien technology that highly advanced for even this place. Surprisingly it answers him in a feminine voice that has mechanical note to it. "I am mida im a highly advanced robotic ai. Im currently following my owner she's over there if you want to meet her."says the robot The robot then points to his left directing his attention to a woman with purplish grey skin, long electric blue hair, fuchsia eyes and a slender but athletic build. The woman was in her late twenties but it was hard to tell. She was wearing black cargo pants and red t-shirt. Shewaved in his direction appearing to be friendly. [/i]

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  • “[b]Well I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you Mida.[/b]” From his kneeling position, Eddie waved back at Mida’s creator, and then proceeded to stand up and walk towards her. He was in his late teens or early twenty’s, by the looks of him, and he wore black jeans and a grey t-shirt, with no weapons or alien technology apparent on his body, besides from a holographic watch. His hair was black, which paired nicely with his dark brown eyes. “[b]And you are?...[/b]” He says to the woman in a friendly manner.

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  • "Im Xexa Hewx its nice to meet you."she says [i]she looked as normal as one could for being an alien. But she was fairly smart as she bent down to pick up her ai. When she stand back up with mida in her hands it climbs up her arm unto her right shoulder.[/i] "She's a neat little robot ain't she."she says

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  • “[b]Yeah, she really is.[/b]” Eddie took a moment to look at the AI and her maker before, being the teenager that he was, decided to break the slightly awkward silence with some conversation. “[b]So, this is kinda my first time in Tatakai. Know any good places to go to around here?[/b]”

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