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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/8/2017 11:25:24 PM
Star took a deep breath before repeating what Eris had shown her, keeping her toes uncurled and hitting with the ball of her foot. "Woo! This is getting fun." She bounced around a little.

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  • "Most people don't call the besides fun, really. Then again, you need to learn the beaux moves before you can get to the advanced stuff." [b][i]She says. As Star kicked, Eris moved around, checking the stance. He pushed Star's arms up a little, as they dropped a bit as she kicked. Happened to most people[/i][/b]

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  • "Thanks. When do we get to grappling stuff? The striking seems rather simple." Star chained two jabs, a cross, and then another jab perfectly. "Let's go!"

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  • "Grappling isn't too difficult either once you get the idea down. Remember, it's not about looking fancy. You're always just using your opponents own body against them. I'll show you a few basic ones, if you'd be so kind as to throw a punch at me." [b][i]She said. She stood their in a stance, ready for the attack.[/i][/b]

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  • "Alright." Star threw a simple punch at Eris.

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  • [b][i]Eris moved fast. Not fast enough the motions were a blur, but to show the practiced ease. With her front hand she patted the Fist to the side, the other hand grabbing the wrist. She rotates Star's arm so the elbow pointed up, pressing gently with her own arm on it. It would force star to bend her body at an angle, making it impossible to throw another technique.[/i][/b] "An armbar is a pretty basic way to get into any grapple. From here if I wanted to, I could sweep your leg and have you on the ground, break your arm, put it behind you like a police hold, or any other manner of techniques."

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  • "Huh. Nice. Willing to show me? N-Not the arm breaking though. Don't. I need it." Star stayed still, not wanting to hurt herself somehow.

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  • [b][i]She giggled a bit.[/i][/b] "Don't worry, I can promise you won't end up hurt. I've done these moves on people for many years, control is something you learn." [b][i]She said. She swept Star's leg from the back, guiding her back gently to the ground as she sat on her, one leg on either side. From here the motion of an elbow would usually follow, as Eris demonstrated, not hitting her thigh.[/i][/b] "This is just one place you could take an armbar. Getting someone on the ground is generally smart, because then you have a two on one fight. Them, versus you and the floor."

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  • Star's one eye flashed pink for a second and her face got a little red, but she quickly got a hold of herself. "Y-Yeah? Okay. Cool. What else can you do?"

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  • [b][i]She stood up, helping Star to her feet[/i][/b] "Choke holds, joint locks, all the fun stuff. You can take away someone's entire Arsenal with one good lock. Well, assuming they can't electrocute themselves it something." [b][i]She joked[/i][/b]

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  • Star got up and giggled a little. "Thank you again for this. This is fun and very educational. Wanna keep going?"

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  • "Sure, as long as you'd like to. Always happy to help people." [b][i]She said, happily as she clenched her hands together behind her. She took the stance again.[/i][/b] "Another good grappling technique can moved to from the armbar, and getting to its pretty easy. We call it a two handed block, like I did to you. The first hand pats the strike out of the way so you don't get hit." [b][i]She said, moving through it slowly with her own hands[/i][/b] "The catch is there if the pat fails, and allows you to catch the opponents arm and do things to them. It lets you block twice in once, as well as counter your opponent"

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  • "Alright...okay...yeah..." Star nodded and paid close attention to the movement and what Eris was saying. "Grappling could be so useful for me."

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  • "Grappling is great because it works no matter who your opponent is or how strong. You use their body against them. Here, throw another punch. I generally don't show this, but I'll show you a chokehold. Don't worry, I won't hurt you with it."

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  • Star threw another punch. "Please don't choke me..."

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  • [i][b]Eris once again caught the punch, moving into the armbar once again. From here, she brought Star's arm behind her own body, as a cop in movies making an arrest would. From the she released the hand, putting an arm around Star's neck gently so the crook of the elbow was on the throat, bit no choke happened. She stepped back a bit, so Star's back was bent, meaning she couldn't kick or punch Eris[/b][/i] "If you choke someone, put the crook of the elbow on their neck. It pinches off the blood flow to the brain, and can knock them out in seconds."

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  • "Okay, cool. Very nice." Star stayed where she was, once again not wanting to get hurt.

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  • [b][i]she moved so Star was standing straight up again, before letting go so she could move without fear.[/i][/b] "Once you start to learn, you'll see that from almost any move you can get into some form go lock. Those locks can go to other grapples or locks, or breaks if you want. All it takes is one well placed move."

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  • "Sweeeet. Teach me, oh wise one!" She said in a slightly joking manner, but she obviously was excited to learn more. "This is almost as good as shooting a gun."

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  • "I'll admit, I wouldn't know the feeling. Only time I ever have was running for my life, so you don't really get to take the time and enjoy it." [b][i]She said laughing a bit.[/i][/b]

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  • "Heey! I could teach you in return! What do you say? You'd be learning from a literal pro! I'll show you the trophies for proof if I have to." She laughed.

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  • "Sure, that sound great." [b][i]She said happily, her eyes lighting up a bit as she suggested it. It was definitely a skill she wanted to learn[/i][/b]

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  • "After you teach me some more ground grapples maybe? I really wanna learn more and don't worry about hurting me or making me uncomfortable. I'll be fine." She shrugged. "I'm used to it."

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  • "Bringing someone to the ground is easy really. It all depends on whether you make them go forwards or backwards. Getting them to go forwards is just the opposite of what I did earlier."

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  • "Alright. Mind showing me some more?" Star asked, getting into a stance.

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