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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/8/2017 3:27:17 AM
[i]With that, Niki would practice and halt a few jabs towards Eris. None of them would come close to actual, legitimate punches on her, but they were steadily becoming structured well. Niki clearly didn't have much for muscular mass, but she could adapt and learn quickly.[/i]

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  • [b][i]She could see Eris was happy, seeing her pick up the moves fast. Eris' strange gold eyes almost glistened for a moment in the light.[/i][/b] "Nice. Not many people learn the right structure that fast." [i][b]She says. She took the stance again, feet shoulder width apart. This time, instead of with the front hand, she twisted her body, throwing a punch with her back one. It clearly had a good deal more force behind it.[/b][/i] "Now, a jab is great to make your opponent move, but once you have an opening, a cross punch is a good way to make them hurt. Generally, I's aim for the jaw or neck with something like this." [b][i]She said, repeating it a few times so Niki could get the motion down.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Niki would nod once more, as she made sure to get her feet shoulder-width apart. She had recognized that from practicing with magic for so long, as long-range casting utilized balance, the environment, and the range quite heavily. Though she obviously couldn't apply that here. The first few punches with her left arm were weaker, but over time, they would begin to grow in strength and focus, as Niki smiled to herself in a successful manner.[/i] "I think.. no, it's too early to think I'm any good, but I certainly have a start. Thanks to you, Eris." [i]She smiled, light green eyes meeting Eris' golden pupils as if she genuinely intended the thanks. And hell, she did indeed.[/i]

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  • [b][i]She had moved over to the side Niki had been punching with, correcting just a few things about the punch: hit with the top two knuckles, nothing major, but just the minor things hat could make all the difference, her hands barely guiding Niki's arm. She smiled as Niki thanked her[/i][/b] "No problem! You pick things up pretty quickly for a beginner. With a bit of practice you could become a great fighter pretty fast." [i][b]She said, truly believing it even if it was a bit optimistic[/b][/i]

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  • "...I should work on this a lot more. One of my teachers applied his magic into melee abilities. Perhaps I could do the same? Utilizing actual energies, boosting momentum and speed.. I'd have to be careful on not breaking my own arms or worse, but it is a thought." [i]Niki would smile, while she seemed more than welcome to Eris' corrections on her posture. As if excited, a light green aura would surround her body, transparent and clear, while she seemed to practice punches with an increased vigor. A spell that enhanced her own vitality, if anything.[/i]

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  • "Everyone has their own little tricks and talents that help them fight. I have enhanced strength, so obviously my guts are a good deal harder." [b][i]She said, proud of the fact and her own kinds advantages.[/i][/b] "Your magic could be a similar advantage" [b][i]She moved around Niki, still just correcting the minor things. The magic that had happened didn't seem to phase her, as she help adjust Niki's posture, placing hands on Niki's hips to shift them a bit more forward to help with balance, using one foot to slide one of Niki's own so she was standing shoulder width apart[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Niki didn't mind the close proximity as much as she regularly would. In fact, she found herself enjoying it, only a little though, as she would look back at Eris calmly.[/i] "Guess you enjoy being.. close, then? I don't mind, to be a little honest." [i]After thinking about that for a moment, Niki wasn't sure whether it was an actual flirt, or just a manner that showed that she did actively trust Eris. She did like her a little.[/i]

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  • [b][i]Eris blushed a little as she removed her hands, having fixed any errors she saw. She spoke as she did, a little flustered.[/i][/b] "O-oh. No, I-it's just easier to h-help fix things than to tell." [b][i]She said, though not sure if she was flustered a bit because she herself had did something wrong or because she liked being around Niki a bit too. She obviously felt some like or attraction towards her, having agreed to teach her, and she did think Niki did look good.[/i][/b]

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  • "H-Hey, if you're embarrassed, it's alright. I.. I didn't mean to get too close to you, though I mean.." [i]While Niki did want to say something, she would keep it concealed away for now. Eris was so kind, and experienced in.. a great many things. Plus she had some tools for such activities. Niki was.. very new to the spectrum of attraction and such, after all.[/i]

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  • "N-no. If anything it's my fault. I should've asked first." [b][i]She said apologetically. Her past was the main reason for her reaction, everything always having been the slaves fault. She shook away the memory, looking up again. She seemed to have calmed down a bit, and while she wanted to comment on the girl in front of her as well, she resisted for now.[/i][/b] "Do- do you want to continue?"

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  • "...Of course. I'd be fine if you continued, it.. well.. -Please, continue." [i]Of course, Niki wanted to say more than just that, though the situation was already awkward enough. She kept her silence still, blushing a little at her trainer as the bаstard girl motioned for her to come a little closer. Admitting to her rush, she did enjoy the close proximity to her and Eris. And Eris was.. well, beautiful.[/i]

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  • "Here, how about I show you a few grapples? Though I will admit, it may cause things to get a little close..." [b][i]She said, no longer sounding embarrassed about it. Then again, when she thought of it in terms of a fight, it was a lot easier to not be.[/i][/b]

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  • "Of course. I'm fine, if you get.. well, closer. It's just a little new to me." [i]Niki would shrug, as she appeared to become just a little more relaxed in Eris' presence. She would free her body up, freely allowing for her one, and only, teacher to approach and begin to fix and teach her combative style and form.[/i]

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  • [b][i]Eris stood across from Niki, as she took her stance again.[/i][/b] "If you wouldn't mind throwing a punch so I could show you," [b][i]She said, not worried. In a controlled environment like this, there was very little harm of actually getting hurt[/i][/b]

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  • "Of course.." [i]Niki would make sure that her posture was well-managed, keeping her light shoulders towards Eris, with her feet at a width matching her shoulders. She would deliver a sudden jab towards Eris, making sure that it wouldn't hit her in the face or something of the sort.[/i]

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  • [b][i]Eris moved fast. Not fast enough the motions were a blur, but to show the practiced ease. With her front hand she patted the Fist to the side, the other hand grabbing the wrist. She rotates Niki's arm so the elbow pointed up, pressing gently with her own arm on it. It would force star to bend her body at an angle, making it impossible to throw another technique.[/i][/b] "An armbar is a pretty basic way to get into any grapple. From here if I wanted to, I could sweep your leg and have you on the ground, break your arm, put it behind you like a police hold, or any other manner of techniques." [b][i]She swept Niki's leg from the back, guiding her back gently to the ground as she sat on her, one leg on either side. From here the motion of an elbow would usually follow, as Eris demonstrated, not hitting her though.[/i][/b] "This is just one place you could take an armbar. Getting someone on the ground is generally smart, because then you have a two on one fight. Them, versus you and the floor."

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  • [i]Against the flooring, Niki would remain for the time, studying every one of Eris' moves, processing the instructions and remembering them in her mind. She would most certainly have to try it out later on, likely with Eris either participating or in her presence, at least. The versatility of the counter surprised her the most, and being surprised was.. something that Niki actually loved, to be quite honest.[/i] "I think that I'll have to work on the move itself, but.." [i]She would stammer out, those simple, lime green eyes looking up at her mentor for a few seconds in silence. She would then continue onwards, smiling a little more than she had been previously.[/i] "'ve given me a lot more confidence in my abilities, so I think that I can definitely work on it."

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  • "Practice definitely helps with these things. Only way to get better is though repetition. Just keep trying it, and you'll eventually get it." [b][i]She said smiling for a moment a she looked at Niki. Again, she had wanted to say something, a compliment, anything. She simply stayed there, as if she had zoned out, trying to figure out what to say and build the courage to say it.[/i][/b]

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  • "Yeah, um.. yeah." [i]Niki would descend into a soft silence, while she had taken to simply looking up at Eris. The position was certainly different. She couldn't disagree with the sitting position, those lime green eyes staring up softly.[/i]

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  • [b][i]It took Eris a few moments, but eventually she managed to say something she wanted to. She still seemed almost a little embarrassed to say it, as she blushed a bit when she spoke. [/i][/b] "Hey,I-I just wanted to let you know, I...I think you're quite attractive." [b][i]She said, almost as if she had forgotten that she was still sitting over top of her sparring partner [/i][/b]

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  • "...Oh.. that's, erm.. sweet of you. Truly, thank you.." [i]Niki's face would begin to flush with a light pink color, as it slowly descended into a deep red. She kept her gaze up though, looking right up at Eris in her seemingly suggestive position. Finally, she would speak up as well.[/i] "I think that you're.. quite beautiful, as well. And intelligent, and kind, and caring, and.. [i]Niki descended into silence, still looking up at Eris. She blushed a little more, as a soft sigh would leave her lips.[/i]

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  • "Honestly, I'd say the same things about you. Your one of the few people i really know who cared about my past. Then again, I haven't gotten to meet too many other people, but still." [b][i]She said smiling a bit, before remembering the position the two were still in. She stood up hastily, offering a hand down to Niki to help her back up as she seemed still a bit embarrassed from not realizing it[/i][/b]

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  • "Hey, it's.. alright," [i]Niki would say as she was still against the flooring, though she would still take Eris' hand and bring herself to her feet. In truth, she steadily grew more comfortable over time.[/i] "Would you be interested in.. getting something to eat, afterwards? Y'know, with me? It doesn't have to be a date or anything if you don't want that, but still.."

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  • "I'd love to." [b][i]She said smiling a bit, her arms clasped behind her. She smiled a bit, head cocked to the sight ever so slightly as she did.[/i][/b] "a-and I mean, if you want it to be..." [b][i]She said referring to the last part of the statement[/i][/b]

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  • "Of course. Maybe it'll be.. fun. This is my first chance at an actual relationship, and you are really sweet, so.." [i]If Niki was more comfortable, she would say a little bit more about her feelings, though she would simply stop for the time.[/i] "...We should finish training, though. If you want."

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  • "We can go for as long as you'd like to. I could show you some grapples or other things if you want." [b][i]She said smiling a bit, waiting for Niki's own response. She enjoyed the other woman's company.[/i][/b]

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