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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/7/2017 8:58:13 PM
[b][u]Dimensional Invader Dojo woods 9:00 PM[/u][/b] [i]The cool air of the evening swept through the trees, causing the leaves to rattle across the ground. Not a soul was nearby under the dark trees as the fabric of space was suddenly shattered. A bright yellow light broke through the darkness and shined very brightly. The light was followed by thundering noises from the portal forming. The loud crackling noises calmed and so did the light, but they were followed by another sight, which was much more disturbing. A disgusting mass of tentacles poured through the wormhole, writhing about, touching everything around them. There also came a noise from whatever owned the tentacles, screaming and kissing as it pulled itself through the portal. Finally after, a few moments of struggling, the thing had pulled itself through. The portal behind it slowly started to close. The creature that came out was a gruesome monster, tentacles hung down from its fleshy, red body. The body and tentacles were covered in tiny sharp spikes. Its head hung like a small ball of flesh with piercing red and black eyes on it. The mouth beak under the tentacles and head carried razor sharp teeth and very powerful saliva. This creature was Myurethio, the tentacle monster, and now he finally managed to enter our world. He gazed around at his surroundings, and the tentacles felt nearby items at the same time. Myur levitated and floated through the forest slowly, examining the environment and organisms surrounding him, then stared back at the closing portal. A satisfied grow exited his mouth as he watched it close, although he knew it might’ve attracted attention of local sentient life. He moved carefully, watching for others nearby.[/i] [spoiler]Open, intro[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I've watched enough hentai to know where this is going[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]It says that on his bio[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]oh well I guess I'll just kill myself then[/spoiler]

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  • [i]a tall thin but slender woman with light grey skin tattooed with strange markings all over every inch of her skin except for left side of her face. She had long purple hair and bright purple eyes that shown fear of the creature. She heard the noise cautiously peeked from behind the tree. She wasn't the type to fight unless someone attacked her first and she would if she had too. [/i]

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  • [i]That didn't save Myur from the bolt of a ballista slamming into his body. The oversized arrow tore through the lower half of his frame, ripping through flesh and muscle in only a few milliseconds before it rested within his body. The bolt's twisted arrowhead trapped itself within him, before exploding, sending a burning rush of agonizing heat throughout the monster. He could feel his abilities draining away, dissipating as if drawn from his body in an instant.[/i] "Again." [i]Muttered the commander, as her men simply nodded and began to load yet another ballista shot into the weapon.[/i] [i]Freya Trayven was, beyond all comprehensions.. angry. She freely approached the beast, a heated gladius in one hand, with a fiery torch in the other. She already had another invader to deal with, and she certainly didn't need this one in the fray, undoubtedly assisting that one either. There were a few more, much important reasons, to Freya at least. But they could go unmentioned.[/i]

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  • Myurethio spun around and looked at her. Immediately, his arms raised up and grabbed at nearby trees. He used the trees for momentum as pulled himself through the forest with them, running away from the balista. His body went up into the trees as he moved, making it hard to target him, especially with his rapid movements.

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  • [i]Such mobility for a giant creature. Freya would notice that, as she made sure to follow the grotesque being.[/i] [i]From the sides, fiery arrows came and flew into Myur's side and underneath him, the arrowheads digging into his flesh as the flame met skin. The vibrant lighting allowed for the archers to still have a sustainable view of the creature. And with the massive ballista bolt protruding out of his side, it was even more difficult to traverse through the tight Dojo woods. Fighting would be a better choice.[/i]

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  • Myur stopped while he was ahead, sinking into the ground to keep himself hidden for a moment. He yanked out the balista bolt from his side surprisingly quick, then did the same with the arrows. He waited for Freya from there.

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  • ((Is Myur.. literally in the ground? Or is he camouflaged, or...?))

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  • [spoiler]He’s laying flat on the ground, slightly dug in.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]The first issue with Myur's issue was the fact that.. well, the ballista wasn't exactly easy to rip out. Even with his strength, the ballista's barbed end would remain, until he literally ripped a piece of himself out, worsening his condition. The barb arrowhead would snap off, traversing through his body. Secondly, the flaming arrows were flaming for more than two reasons..[/i] "Seven o'clock. Archers, fire!" [i]Freya's voice would ring out, as volleys of arrows would shower upon Myur.[/i]

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  • Knowing that the entire attack was bs, Myur followed suit. He continued pulling at the bolt, then opened another dimensional tear. He opened it above them and the portal caught the arrows fell into it. The portal was yellow, the same dimension he came from which would no doubt have to some type of positive effect for him. This showed as energy flowed out of it toward him.

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  • "Pull back. I will handle this." [i]Freya would motion for the archers to then fall back, as she rose up the torch, keeping her gladius in hand as well. A mimicry of Hercules against the hydra - using flame to cauterize and destroy the beasts limbs.[/i]

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  • Once she moved in, the portal closed and Myur was ready to fight. He rose up from the ground and spread his tentacles out in preparation. He watched her as she drew closer.

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  • [i]Freya wouldn't waste time with speeches, nor would she assault immediately. No, she would take to Myur's right side, gladius raised alongside the torch, while she raised the flaming object dangerously close to Myur. A taunt.[/i]

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  • Myur reached a tentacle around her arm holding the torch and yanked it down, sending her and the torch to the ground, then he put another tentacle around her sword arm, holding it down.

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  • [i]Unfortunately, Myur would realize that Freya was capable of reaction. The first tentacle sent her way was shoved into the flaming torch, as she batted it aside with ease, catching Myur aflame. The second was promptly stabbed, the wound burnt by the gladius's intensely heated blade.[/i]

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  • Myur was slightly repelled at first, but then continued. He hovered over her quickly and let the burning tentacle wrap around her neck. He then picked her up off the ground letting the tentacle act as a noose while another grabbed her sword arm.

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  • [i]And once more, Myur was repelled, except the burning tentacle was cleaved off, the fire still spreading upon him and cauterizing the wound even more. The same was done to the tentacle that shot towards Freya's sword arm.[/i] "Combat is certainly new to you." [i]Freya taunted, backing away. An angry enemy was a dead enemy.[/i]

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  • Myur suddenly dropped on her with surprising speed and started oozing slime. His tentacles wrapped all around her arms with unbelievable speed. The slime seemed to be some type of shield for him. He began strangling her and pulling her arms apart.

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  • [i]With Freya not exactly being underneath, and a magical thing called trees halting Myur's descend, he did find himself safely landing on the ground. No crushed Freya, though.[/i]

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  • “HAHA, HAHA, WHAT THE FUСK ARE YOU!?” The voice was from a young man who had spotted the beast leaving the portal from his perch in the trees. Ainsley couldn’t have been any older than 18. He had an athletic body, muscular yet not so much that he would stand out based on physicality. He was of Caucasian descent, with lightly tanned skin and dark, brown hair. The unnatural things about him were his electric opal eyes that lacked pupils and the electric aura that emanated from him.

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  • Myur looked at him angrily, his eyes piercing through Ainsley’s magnificent eyes. “I am Myurethio, the conqueror, what are you, scum?”

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  • “I’m what’s known to the average human being as... an average human being! But you, sir, have no right to call yourself a conqueror or call others scum considering you, ah, y’know. ARE A TOTAL FRIGGIN’ ALIEN!?” Ainsley was bewildered, to be frank. Dis octopus, man....

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  • [b][i]As the creature moved through the forest, it noircies the creatures: birds, mice, and other such organism. Though it saw one quite different from the rest of the creatures.[/i][/b] [b][i]Eris sat by a tree, resting her back on it as she did. She donned a white button up shirt, the sleeves down to her elbows, her arm coverings shielding the rest of them. Her legs were covered by the coverings she always wore, and a shorter pleated skirt, purple and white in colour. She had her legs crossed, covering anything that might cause someone to try and peek as she sat reading a book. The title was covered, but the cover was burgundy as she flipped through the pages.[/i][/b] [b][i]Her hair was shorter cut and black, her eyes a gold iris with snake like design. Her skin was a bit tanned, and she was very good looking, almost unnaturally so. She didn't seem to notice the creature as she continued to read though.[/i][/b]

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