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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/7/2017 8:07:14 PM
"Holy shit. Someone's still alive out there. I thought Lilith killed everyone. The weapon... did it fire? We came here to shut it down but then..." [b]There was something, and then screaming heard over the radio[/b] *heavy, rapid breathing* "...We don't have much time. She has me locked in some sort of... thing. I'll send you my location. Hurry." [b]The interface updated, giving Kiyala a potential route to the Imperial pilot. She would move to the end of the hallway, upstairs, and into the foyer. If she could make it there, she could either take the main entrance or take the emergency path that led outside. Then, she could probably make it to the main room where the pilot and control for the quantum siphon would be. And maybe, even this so called weapon...[/b]

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  • Kiyala made a rush up to where the pilot’s location was, blaster raised as she busted through whatever she needed to to reach the pilot.

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  • [b]She would make it to the foyer, only to be blocked by that... thing. Another one of those mechanical people, with glowing eyes and a bird-like appearance, was patrolling in the middle of the room. More of those Imperials were ahead, and were of course twitching and phasing between dimensions. What would she do now? She had to either kill them all and go through the main entrance, or avoid them and sneak her way farther upstairs to the emergency exit...[/b]

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  • [spoiler]You responded; was just busy with other stuff. Came back earlier today.[/spoiler] Kiyala decided the best way to do such would’ve been to sneak her way through them, heading for the emergency exit.

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  • [spoiler]Okay. I completely understand.[/spoiler] [b]She would need to now ride the service elevator to her right, which would directly take her to a hidden upper level that held the exit...[/b] [b]And then the voice of the masked stranger spoke over the intercoms, and even her helmet relay...[/b] "The girl who wears the silver crown shall take her hand and cleanse the sullen earth of evil. This was the prophecy that was said to save us. Now, all that's left of this place is death. Question now is, are you?" [b]There was a sound, and the entire facility was set on lockdown. Everything was glowing red from the emergency lights that had engaged. And of course, this meant the elevator was locked too. She would need to head to the security office on the top floor to the left to unlock it[/b]

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  • She huffed, clearly annoyed by everything that was happening, as she began ascendingher way to the top floor, using any form of climbing or stairs.

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  • [b]She was able to ascend about halfway until the wall exploded. It would have knocked her back, leaving her gripping onto the railing for dear life as the dull grey light of the world shown in. Along with that, a bright red light coming from the eye of that... thing that had attacked her earlier peered inside. It turned to a softer yellow, alert yet neutral, and it flew off[/b] "Dammit! Are you okay?" [b]It was the pilot again, clearly aware of what just happened[/b]

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  • “Yeah; I’m alive, I think. Anything new on your end?” She asked the pilot walking up toward the security office.

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  • "Nothing yet. Lilith hasn't come back yet. I should have enough time to guide you here before she does." [b]She would approach the door, which was of course locked and couldn't be broken through. It seemed as though it relied on some sort of "genetic key" for access...[/b] "Damn. It's locked. Let me think. This facility used to be Imperial-run. Maybe it will recognize you. I know it's a long shot, but we don't have much of a choice."

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  • She cracked her neck. “Alright then; maybe it’ll work.” She had told herself, activating whatever genetic Key this thing was to see if it worked.

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  • [b]Surprisingly, it did. Giving her access to the security room. There was a central switch she could hit and the entire facility would be unlocked...[/b] [spoiler]It'll get more epic. At least, more stressful[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gotcha.[/spoiler] ...Which she proceeded to press, before planning on going after whoever and wherever this pilot was.

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  • [b]The lock down lifted, and the elevator was now accessible to her. All she had to do was ride it up...[/b] [spoiler]Next post will have more detail. Promise.[/spoiler]

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  • She cracked her neck, slamming her palm on the button on the elevator as it began to go up.

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  • [b]It took her up to a hidden floor... err... more like a hallway. At the end was a sealed bulkhead door, illuminated by a dull red light. Yet again it was sealed with a genetic key lock...[/b] [spoiler]Last thing I need you to do in your own post. Then it'll be fast-tracked[/spoiler]

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  • “What was with me and genetic keys?” Kiyala had thought to herself, the echoey voice from before returning. [i]”The Key...”[/i] Kiyala simply questioned what the purpose of that statement was.

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  • "Would you kindly just unlock it? I don't have much time left." [b]The pilot was growing worried, almost impatient...[/b]

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  • She unlocked it, rushing into the room, her Blaster raised on anyone in the area.

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  • [spoiler]There was no- -blam!- it[/spoiler] [b]There was no one, as it was an unguarded path to the siphon. If she were to go down it far enough, she would encounter yet another door for her to unlock...[/b]

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  • Going down, she began getting annoyed by the locks, and proceeded to go up to the key, doing the same thing she did to the other two locks previously.

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  • [b]Finally, it had appeared that she had reached whatever "device" was responsible for all of this and the drain on her still unknown powers. It held some sort of energy which pulsed through it at regular intervals, coming from God knows where. The entire metal contraption, huge in the fact that it almost took about half of the entire room (which was large in itself), was almost stunning. It seemed like it was designed to harbor some kind of... portal. To where, it was unknown. But there was no sign of a pilot, save a strange circular contraption meant to hold a human that connected to the machine...[/b]

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  • She walked over to the circular device finding a way to deactivate it.

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  • [b]But it held no one. No pilot, captive, or anything else for that matter...[/b] "Looking for me?" [b]A voice spoke, but it wasn't the pilot. It was the one who wore the mask. And suddenly, another blunt object hit her head, and she was knocked unconscious[/b] ---------------------------------- [b][i]A few minutes later...[/i][/b] [b]She woke up strapped onto a metal disc, the circular device she had encountered earlier. Several wires connected to her flesh, with the entire device angled to where she almost standing up, but still was looking up to the device And the one who wore the mask...[/b]

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  • She could barely speak...yet the echoey voice continued to speak. [i]”You have...potential. Potential that only you may tap. And once you do, you shall become one of the Shadows...”[/i] She was too focused on the disc and the masked woman to care about what the voice told her.

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 11/19/2017 3:15:29 AM
    "SHUT UP! SHUT THE -blam!- UP!" [b]It was like they could hear the voice themselves, rage and anger on the hidden face in response. Then it stared directly through Kiyala and at the being...[/b] "I won't let you take her again. I won't let you put all of this into motion..." [b]They moved over to what seemed to be a sort of lever, putting their hand on the switch handle.[/b] "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE OUR LIVES AWAY!" [b]They threw it down, the singularity that began to open almost acting like a vacuum. But it didn't pull anything through...[/b] [b]The portal widened as the energy moved towards the disc, through the wires, and into Kiyala. Then all there was was pain. Pure, agonizing pain. For both of them. Whatever the being was, it would feel it's connection slowly being to weaken, as Kiyala's powers were literally being torn away from her soul. She would see things, events that had happened, were happening, and would happen. Some events were in other timelines, some were of her own reality She saw herself, crackling with power and energy as she walked amongst a field of ash and broken corpses. She saw words dying, cities burning. Then she saw her own past, everything she may or may not have done. She saw a child, maybe hers, maybe not. Who knew? All this while in unimaginable pain. Then something went wrong A sudden explosion rocked the machine, detaching her along with the disk from it. She landed on the ground, free from the contraption and the pain that came with it, and was able to see something new. Things were coming out of it now. Entities. Beings of pure and twisted energy. Were they demons? No one knew. All that was certain was that these things were coming straight for her...[/b] "N...No. NO!" [b]A sudden protective shield came over her, repelling the beings. The one who had been masked the entire time crawled up next to her, their armor, specifically the mask, broken and covered with blood[/b] "-blam!-. Those things aren't going to stop." [spoiler]I'll describe her next post[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gotcha.[/spoiler] [i]”You believe that you have won... ...The endlessness of the Void, and the Sentients beg to differ.”[/i] That shield proceeded to conjure up enough force to shoot the entity away, throwing her a small distance.

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