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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/8/2017 4:42:07 PM
[b][u]Chapter Two[/u][/b] [u][b]The Council of War[/b][/u] [b]3:12 PM[/b] [b]Trayven Head Camp[/b] [spoiler]Closed. This is after all of their interactions, by the way.[/spoiler] [spoiler]All interactions may continue, however they will be in the past. So yeah.[/spoiler] "[i]Sisters, young Niki, proud Freya, and great Isabella - Brother, youthful Oliver,[/i] [i]I require a great deal of assistance against holding back the Tribune and those of which he has taken amongst his ranks. I fear that they have taken the Byoki Desert, and have now begun to send the greatest amongst their ranks - their darkness seeps away at our strength, slowly but surely.[/i] [i]As of now.. I am heading towards the Dojo, whether you have taken it or not. These abominable things seem attached to that goal of destroying the school of fighting for good.. amongst us, as well.[/i] [i]Farewell,[/i] [i]Arthur[/i]" [i]Isabella would promptly rip the parchment into two pieces, sighing deeply to herself before tearing the split letter into four, crumpling it in her gloved hand. The woman shook her head, as Freya would merely watch with a simple, saddened look.[/i] [i]Isabella was "great", in a sense. She was a giant of a woman, towering over Freya at a height of six feet and seven inches tall, while her bodily frame was something more. Her shoulders were broad and strong, in a near masculine look, with a muscular frame toning the body underneath the black steel armoring and purple and black uniform. Scarlet eyes stared at Freya for a bit, with tangles of long, vibrant light violet hair falling down to the base of Isabella's shoulders.[/i] [i]Isabella[/i]: "So he's being a complete dumbass and bringing the fight to us. We need to get these negotiations, Freya.." [i]Freya[/i]: "That's the idea. We've been stalled for the time-" [i]Isabella[/i]: "By [i]what[/i]? I took care of the thieves. They've fallen off the fuсking map after I gave one back, the rest are either dead or chained up. I've ensured that the city is devoid of any other jackasses, and right now? It is." [i]Freya would sigh a little, before responding.[/i] "...Lady Athena has revealed herself." [i]Isabella[/i]: "...Gods, that blue-haired idiot." ---------------------------------- [b]4:57 PM[/b] [b]The Top of the Dojo's Mountain[/b] [spoiler]Open for foreshadowing.[/spoiler] "[i]The fires of war spark with a flame, rebirthing in the dark.. the Tribune and his subjects reclaim what was their's to take.. as our fates become another thing that we must break.[/i]" [i]A lonesome, robed woman sung loudly above the bristling winds, the chilling presence of the beginning storm high above her having no effect on her. Her silk robes floated in the wind, her shawl covering her being entirely as she continued to sing.[/i] "[i]...The eagle and dragon fight for the skies, the golden lion ready to die, as the bаstard siblings ready their lives.. the serpent in the distance hides himself away, as the Tribune's wrath forces him to degrade away..[/i] [i]The night is dark.. devoid of life.. until a single light arrives..[/i]" --------------------------------- [b]4:58 PM[/b] [b]The Dojo[/b] [spoiler]Open to those at the council.[/spoiler] [i]While Isabella and a few others had taken to staying outside, Freya studied the building that she was within.[/i] [i]This was the true Dojo. No, not the fighting academy Dojo, the.. Dojo within the Dojo, it had been called. A place that was supposedly reserved to the Dojo's sensei and leaders. And yet, here she was: a foreigner. It was the Imperium's idea, and she had only taken to implementing it: a massive war table was in the center of the room, torches lining the walls as glasses of pure water lined the table. There was a rarity of alcohol beverages, they would be debating for a while.[/i] [i]So.. she would wait, for those whom would arrive. Alric, Gilliam, Cain, JT.. she waited on them, alright.[/i] [spoiler]You may all converse, as I probably won't be replying too much, lol.[/spoiler] [b]Emp/Lord-Captain Gilliam/Seneschal Vorgen[/b]: [b]Sleek/Alpha[/b]: [b]Jen/Rose[/b]: [b]Royal/Alric, Dojo Commander[/b]:

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  • "Could be.." [i]Niki murmured, almost in an uncomfortable, unconfident manner, before finally nailing the target in the center. It scared the crap out of her, but..[/i] ", will be." [i]She smiled a little, nodding.[/i]

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  • Rose noticed her lover's hesitation, and worried for a second before it was that Niki hit the bottle. She didn't want to force it on Niki, but would help her either way. "Its likens sword, practice makes perfect. I know they're loud, but guns and firearms are powerful weapons, especially when you get bigger and bigger."

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  • "The noise is okay.. battles are exceptionally loud, and I haven't even really fought in one. Maneuvered throughout them and supporting the troops, on the other hand.." [i]Niki fired again, the round slamming through another bottle.[/i] "This is.. extraordinarily relaxing, ironically enough. It's.. fun, even. Thanks, Rose.." [i]She would smile a little, nodding towards Rose with a loving grin.[/i]

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  • Rose smirked. "Its usually how I pass the time and relax. Things like this are normally relaxing for me, glad to see you enjoy it too." Beaming then as she finished speaking, Rose turned her head and looked out to where the bottles where, Niki having hit most of them.

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  • "Ha. Not surprised, it's actually rather fun.." [i]One final shot, and Niki would check the chamber, before nodding after ensuring that it was empty.[/i] "...Wow."

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  • Rose took it back, ejecting the magazine and pulling another from a pocket, slamming it in and then transforming the weapon back to its gladius form, sheathing it. Then, she pulled a revolver, and handed it over.

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  • [i]Niki would take the revolver, ensuring that it was on safety before studying it. From there, she checked the chamber, though that was all that she knew to do with a revolver at the time.[/i]

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  • After a bit she gestured for Niki to shootm

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  • [i]Utilizing the iron sights was.. difficult, but eventually she would manage. Eventually, as in her third shot, as she began blasting the bottles apart.[/i]

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  • Rose grinned, watching the bottles fragment and the shards fly everywhere.

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  • [i]After a fee more shots, Niki reloaded, firing a few more after smiling widely.[/i] "Holy.. wow, this is amazing! I'm.. probably the fourth best shooter in the Trayven army, technically. Gun shooter, I mean."

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  • "Well yeah, obvious reasons apply. I don't know why it is you're people are all sword n board and all. Magic I can understand." Rose shrugged then.

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  • "Well, we nullify all of this sci-fi technology still. Biological things will be difficult to counter, though it's in the works. Guns are alright.. care to try dueling in swordplay? I think I can position myself well enough."

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  • "If you want too, should probably call it a day though, retreat to you're tent, have something to drink..." She trailed off then, letting Niki guess.

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  • "...Something strong. I think we could have some fun, then." [i]Niki smiled, pecking Rose on the lips.[/i] "You know, they say that mages are more powerful and energetic when drunk? We'll have to test that, I suppose.."

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  • Alpha waited on the fringes of the council. She was a soldier, not a leader. As such, she expected no inclusion into the debate. If the Dojo were the Debate, Alpha would probably find her head on a platter soon

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  • "Didn't realize goats were allowed in here." [i]A man said to her side, not exactly in a rude manner but... Still not exactly the nicest either. [/i] [i]A man approached her, wearing a light jacket for the cold winds that had started blowing across the lands, the center of said jacket being opened. Revealing his bear chest, Alpha would immediately notice two flintlock pistols slung over his chest and stomach directly below the exposed portion of his chest. Attached to his hip, beneath his right hand, was a blade that curved slightly towards the end of it. A straighter blade rested on his back over his left hand shoulder, and his hands were clasped behind his back. The armour he bore was light, a stark contrast from the steel cans that Knights usually wore. Golden ornaments were across it, on the shoulders, on his throat, and even on his belt. His eyes were golden, cat like in their appearance with white patches in his otherwise black hair. A necklace was seen, which was clearly backwards. Taking a moment to fix it, the man brought the head of a cat in a medallion back to the exposed portion of his chest, grinning at the girl thing in front of him. [/i] "Sorry that was rude. I am Alric, the Bloody Witcher." [i]He did an informal bow, going down only halfway of what would be expected before standing tall. [/i]

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  • "And I'm just a goat." She said sarcastically. Alpha already knew his type. If it weren't for Irina Alpha'd been hunted down a long time ago just because she had fur. "A goat, with nothing to say." She clarified.

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  • "Explains why you're back here, instead of up there at the war table." [i]Alric stated bluntly, his smile fading from his face as if he sensed her mood. [/i] "Forgive me, my lady, for asking this but Is it the fact that you are a goat, or the fact that you are a child that keeps you restrained to the shadows?" [i]His lips curled into a sky smile, and he lowered one of his hands toward the hilt of the sword, drumming his fingers against sheath. [/i]

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  • "It is the fact that if I remain among you arrogant dojo-types, I'll start killing you all"

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  • "The thing is, I am not a warrior of the dojo. I am here to support the dojo, that much is true. But I am not one of those warriors." [i]Alric laughed lightly, moving his hand behind his back and clasping it with the other. He leaned backwards, before standing upright once more. [/i] "If you please, however, I'd like to hear what you would do in this situation. Would you prepare the dojo for attack? Or the village? Or are you simply here to watch the grown ups talk it out?"

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  • "You support the dojo, so you must know infinitely more than me" She said mockingly "Since you grown-ups can definitely work it out" She was only 19, but she was definitely more mature than some of the dojo goers

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  • "Perhaps we do, perhaps we don't." [i]The man smiled, giving a simple nod of the head, acknowledging her words. [/i] "For a girl of 19, you are wise. Wiser than some of the warriors within those walls."

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  • "And how do you know my age?" She said, turning to him and eyeing him

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  • "It's not hard to tell. I, myself, am 77 years of age. After that many years of life, you learn to tell the signs of ages."

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