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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/8/2017 4:42:07 PM
[b][u]Chapter Two[/u][/b] [u][b]The Council of War[/b][/u] [b]3:12 PM[/b] [b]Trayven Head Camp[/b] [spoiler]Closed. This is after all of their interactions, by the way.[/spoiler] [spoiler]All interactions may continue, however they will be in the past. So yeah.[/spoiler] "[i]Sisters, young Niki, proud Freya, and great Isabella - Brother, youthful Oliver,[/i] [i]I require a great deal of assistance against holding back the Tribune and those of which he has taken amongst his ranks. I fear that they have taken the Byoki Desert, and have now begun to send the greatest amongst their ranks - their darkness seeps away at our strength, slowly but surely.[/i] [i]As of now.. I am heading towards the Dojo, whether you have taken it or not. These abominable things seem attached to that goal of destroying the school of fighting for good.. amongst us, as well.[/i] [i]Farewell,[/i] [i]Arthur[/i]" [i]Isabella would promptly rip the parchment into two pieces, sighing deeply to herself before tearing the split letter into four, crumpling it in her gloved hand. The woman shook her head, as Freya would merely watch with a simple, saddened look.[/i] [i]Isabella was "great", in a sense. She was a giant of a woman, towering over Freya at a height of six feet and seven inches tall, while her bodily frame was something more. Her shoulders were broad and strong, in a near masculine look, with a muscular frame toning the body underneath the black steel armoring and purple and black uniform. Scarlet eyes stared at Freya for a bit, with tangles of long, vibrant light violet hair falling down to the base of Isabella's shoulders.[/i] [i]Isabella[/i]: "So he's being a complete dumbass and bringing the fight to us. We need to get these negotiations, Freya.." [i]Freya[/i]: "That's the idea. We've been stalled for the time-" [i]Isabella[/i]: "By [i]what[/i]? I took care of the thieves. They've fallen off the fuсking map after I gave one back, the rest are either dead or chained up. I've ensured that the city is devoid of any other jackasses, and right now? It is." [i]Freya would sigh a little, before responding.[/i] "...Lady Athena has revealed herself." [i]Isabella[/i]: "...Gods, that blue-haired idiot." ---------------------------------- [b]4:57 PM[/b] [b]The Top of the Dojo's Mountain[/b] [spoiler]Open for foreshadowing.[/spoiler] "[i]The fires of war spark with a flame, rebirthing in the dark.. the Tribune and his subjects reclaim what was their's to take.. as our fates become another thing that we must break.[/i]" [i]A lonesome, robed woman sung loudly above the bristling winds, the chilling presence of the beginning storm high above her having no effect on her. Her silk robes floated in the wind, her shawl covering her being entirely as she continued to sing.[/i] "[i]...The eagle and dragon fight for the skies, the golden lion ready to die, as the bаstard siblings ready their lives.. the serpent in the distance hides himself away, as the Tribune's wrath forces him to degrade away..[/i] [i]The night is dark.. devoid of life.. until a single light arrives..[/i]" --------------------------------- [b]4:58 PM[/b] [b]The Dojo[/b] [spoiler]Open to those at the council.[/spoiler] [i]While Isabella and a few others had taken to staying outside, Freya studied the building that she was within.[/i] [i]This was the true Dojo. No, not the fighting academy Dojo, the.. Dojo within the Dojo, it had been called. A place that was supposedly reserved to the Dojo's sensei and leaders. And yet, here she was: a foreigner. It was the Imperium's idea, and she had only taken to implementing it: a massive war table was in the center of the room, torches lining the walls as glasses of pure water lined the table. There was a rarity of alcohol beverages, they would be debating for a while.[/i] [i]So.. she would wait, for those whom would arrive. Alric, Gilliam, Cain, JT.. she waited on them, alright.[/i] [spoiler]You may all converse, as I probably won't be replying too much, lol.[/spoiler] [b]Emp/Lord-Captain Gilliam/Seneschal Vorgen[/b]: [b]Sleek/Alpha[/b]: [b]Jen/Rose[/b]: [b]Royal/Alric, Dojo Commander[/b]:

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  • "I hope.. ...gods, how.. how should I thank you? The rune stuff and the metal were both just.. physical things. But you.. you truly helped me there.. how can I repay that? I'm sorry, if I'm being awkward. I'm not.. regularly close to people." [i]Niki would blush a pinkish color, though still smiling still.[/i]

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  • "You don't need too. Unless you count dinner sometime? But for now, you don't have too. Just focus on what you want to do, and talk to Isabella." Rose smirked then, hoping Niki would catch her drift...

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  • "...I'd love dinner, actually." [i]Niki shrugged a little, smiling at Rose a little.[/i] "I should get dressed, though. Robes aren't.. preferable, in public."

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  • "I dress like a heathen and pass by just fine, but whatever suits you." Rose beamed then, surprised her little quip had actually worked.

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  • ((Timeskiperino)) "Haha.. that was fun. Really, really fun." [i]Niki laughed a little, her hands kept in her pockets after the two had exited the restaurant. She had looked pretty, yet.. simple, too. A white gambeson with silver buttons covered her being, accompanied by grey pants and a pair of tanned, soft shoes. She kept her hair tied back in a ponytail, for the date.[/i]

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  • Rose wasn't one for fancy dresses and the like, but did dress normally this time around. More casual in attire than anything, jeans and a button down shirt, her usual boots though she wore. Glancing to Niki, she grinned, happy she could please the mage. "I try my best to please, and even then I know you could use something like this." She leaned on one foot then, crossing her arms as she soaked in the moment.

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  • "Yeah.. thanks for that, too." [i]As if feeling a little more comfortable, Niki offered for Rose to come over to her, as she sat down on a bench. She rested her right arm on the back of the wooden bench, smiling at the woman.[/i] "I think that we should.. talk a little. Just.. just cause."

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  • Rose welcomed the notion, sitting next to Niki on the bench. Whatever it was the woman had in store, Rose was up for it. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" She had to ask it, even though she didn't really have too.

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  • "Well.. you're cute. You're nice, you're.. caring. And I hope that.. well, that you think the same as I do, except about me. ...Ugh, I think I worded that wrong.. point is, I.. I'd like to keep doing stuff like this, you know? Have.. more than just a friend to hang around with. A girlfriend. Knowing that she'd help me and protect me if needed. So.. well, should I even have to ask?" [i]Niki smiled a little, shrugging in her subtle, cute manner once again.[/i]

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  • Rose's face turned a ruby red color, matching her namesake as she broke into a wide grin then. She spoke, sounding overly giddy. "I was waiting for you to ask that, or me ask. Whichever. Just; yes, Niki. Yes!" She nearly squealed, the bandit girl unable to contain herself.

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  • [i]Niki beamed with a sudden grin of her own, before bringing Rose into a tight hug. Her arms wrapped around the bandit's body, now.. well, her girlfriend's body, as she laughed in celebration.[/i] "Oh, Rose.. Rose, Rose.. my Rose, my beautiful Rose." [i]Niki smiled to herself, simply reciting the name. It made her think of flowers and gardens, and blossoming sweet smells in the air. But beyond those, her Rose.[/i] "...Thank you." [i]She giggled again, planting a soft kiss on Rose's cheek in response. Her hands would be brought down to Rose's hips, as Niki would stare into the woman's eyes, still beaming with joy.[/i]

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  • Rose rested her forearms on Niki's shoulders, staring back at her lover with a wife grin on her face. "That's it? I know you can drag a kiss out longer then that." Rose chuckled, then brought Niki in close then, dragging out a passionate kiss from her.

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  • "Mmph!" [i]Niki yelled into the kiss, though she would suddenly go all out with it. She wrapped her hands around Rose's soft cheeks, as Niki would lean back upon the bench, bringing Rose closer. Eventually, she would break free for a gasp of air and "Rose-" before returning to the kissing.[/i]

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  • Rose twisted herself around to sit on Niki's lap, rubbing her hands along the curve of Niki's sides, returning the kiss once again, Rose was loving the moment. After a moment she backed up, looking down at Rose from where she sat. "I'm so happy you asked, Niki~"

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  • "I'm so happy that you said yes" [i]Niki would laugh, beaming with that cute, pearly white smile still, hands pressed against Rose's face. She brought them down to Rose's hips, still smiling.[/i] "This is.. the happiest day that I've ever had. I should.. I should talk to Bella, though you're the priority right now." [i]Niki kissed again, laughing into it.[/i]

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  • Rose embrace the kiss once more, then pulled away. "I'm glad I could cause it then, and you should. Get it done and over with."

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  • "Oh, Rose.. alright. Then we can party, free of worry.." [i]Niki smiled, as she awaited Rose to move up. Assuming that she did.. not char jacking, but timeskip.[/i] [i]The two would find themselves at the encampment, at night. Some partiers and late nighters, if anything. And in the distance, sharpening a giant axe..[/i] "...Bella. I gotta.. go now. I love you, alright? It'll be fine." [i]Niki smiled, nodding towards Rose.[/i] [i]Isabella was a giant of a woman. Probably six feet and seven inches tall, with burly muscles and some feminine attractiveness working with her. Tangles of light violet hair fell to broad shoulders, scarlet eyes focused on the edge of her weapon.[/i]

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  • Rose nodded, hanging back to let Niki do her thing. She knew the woman could do it, after all, it was what both of them wanted.

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  • [i]When Niki approached Bella, the latter of the two looked up, smiling a little as she motioned for her younger sister to sit down, as she leaned the battleaxe against the bench.[/i] [i]Isabella[/i]: "Hey, kiddo. You look happy. Got a guy? A girl?" [i]Niki[/i]: "Well.. maybe. Not why I'm here, though." [i]Niki shrugged, sitting down as she looked up at Bella, sighing.[/i] "...It's about the things you do. To those prisoners." [i]Isabella[/i]: "Come on. They're fuсking thieves and shit, not like-" [i]Niki[/i]: "They're people. People who don't deserve to be flayed, or mutilated, or.. or sсrewed in the head.. just to be sent as a twisted message. That's.. that's horrible, Bella." [i]Isabella sighed, looking up.[/i] "Well. Guess I'm a pretty bad person. Jeez." [i]Niki[/i]: "...Just please. Don't torture people anymore. It's inhumane, and awful. No one deserves that fate." [i]Isabella[/i]: "I know a couple." [i]Niki[/i]: "...Please?" [i]Finally, Isabella would release a sigh.[/i] "...Yeah. Sure." [i]Immediately, Niki would bring a hug to Isabella's waist, smiling to herself. As she hugged, her eyes flickered over to Rose's position.[/i] "...Well.. I gotta go. Thank you, Bella. Stay safe." [i]Isabella[/i]: "You've yet to tell me about the lucky guy." [i]Niki rose up and smiled, smirking a little.[/i] "Girl." [i]She shrugged, as Isabella merely shook her head and leaned back, closing her eyes. Niki would return to Rose, enveloping her into a tight hug.[/i] "...did I do alright?"

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  • Rose returned it, happy that Niki managed to pull off the feat. Standing there for a bit, she broke away after a bit, returning her hands to Niki's hips. "You did great~ Hopefully she'll stop it all."

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  • "I hope so.. Listen, I said that we could party a little.. I'm not really an alcohol person, but.. I think this calls for some drinks. Unless you want to be more passionate, of course." [i]For her first relationship, Niki could catch on quickly. She giggled, her own hands sliding down slowly to Rose's hips.[/i]

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  • "A bit more... Passionate sounds just fine for me." Rose grinned, placing her ow hands on Niki's hips once more.

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  • "...I'm fine with that, my Rose." [spoiler]Timeskip to the morning? Lol.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]If you want [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Alright. How should they wake up? Lmfao.[/spoiler]

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