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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/6/2017 10:27:04 AM
"We, um..." [i]Mion mulled over her thoughts, thinking about how to best explain how they were sisters to Bedlam.[/i] "We're being... Cared for from Irina. So since that was the case, we decided that we were sisters..."

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  • Edited by Stitch: 11/6/2017 10:31:22 AM
    "Huh, right." Bedlam patted Mion on the head lightly with a snicker. "Well, that's interesting. What's her name again?" "Mion. Now, please go away. We were about to go get ice cream a-" "Oh? Ice cream? Why don't I tag along? Come on, Mion. I'll make up having you fall out of the tree by getting you whatever you like."

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  • [i]Mion stared at Bedlam before sighing, getting up and dusting herself off. She made sure nothing was ripped, then turned back to Bedlam.[/i] "Alright, fine. But don't do anything like that ever again." [i]Mion pouted. [/i]

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  • "I won't, I promise. Pinkie swear?" Bedlam leaned down with a friendly smile and stuck out his pinkie finger. "I just want to have fun is all."

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  • [i]Mion put out her own pinkie, wrapping it around with Bedlam's before letting go. She was quick to forgive, which was nice.[/i]

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  • He stood back up and laughed as he began to walk away. "To the ice cream we go!" Panta sighed and slowly followed behind the more enthusiastic Bedlam. "Come on, sis. Just try not to mind him." "I heard that."

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  • "R-right!" [i]Mion jogged until she was beside Panta, adjusting her handbag as she walked the same pace as her. This wasn't really how she thought her day would go, but it was a change she appreciated. Though that still resulted in her getting hurt a little bit...[/i]

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  • Panta wrapped a protective arm arouns Mion's shoulders as they walked, not wanting anymore harm to befall her younger sister. Bedlam yawned as they walked and decided to break the silence. "So, Mion? Did Panta talk about me at all?"

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  • "Well, she..." [i]Mion sneaked a gaze at Panta, to see if she could say what she had said or not.[/i]

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  • Panta was staring at the ground, blushing hard with her blonde hair covering most of her face. Bedlam snickered when Mion stopped talking. "Oh? Why'd you stop midsentence, Mion?"

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  • [i]Mion ignored Bedlam as she continued.[/i] "...she didn't talk about you once. Nothing at all." [i]The girl tried her best to sound as convincing as possible.[/i]

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  • Panta sighed in relief and hugged Mion while they walked. Bedlam smiled to himself and kept looking forward as he mumbled. "Yep, that's a sister for you...." Eventually they made it out of the woods and made it to an ice cream parlour. All kinds of pretty lights and displays filled the parlour.

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  • [i]Once Mion saw the parlour, she would gaze at it with wonder, her eyes seeming to sparkle. And with a excitement she didn't know she even had, she started to drag Panta along to the parlour.[/i] "Come on! Let's go see what's there!"

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  • Panta giggled and allowed Mion to pull her along. She turned to Bedlam as if to get help, but he just shrugged and laughed before following closely behind. "Alright, sis! Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you."

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  • "I'm going to want a double scoop of vanilla with sprinkles and strawberry toppings, along with some chocolate stick things stick into them!" [i]Mion said to Panta, as they approached the counter.[/i]

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  • Panta simply nodded and attempted to remember what Mion had asked for. She got up to the counter and ordered what Mion had asked for before ordering her own single scoop of cotton candy flavoured ice cream. After a few moments of waiting, Panta handed Mion her icecream. "There you go, sis! Enjoy."

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  • [i]Her eyes seemed to sparkle once again as she saw her own ordered Ice-Cream, gratefully taking it from Panta's hands.[/i] "Thank you!" [i]She would then lick the Ice-Cream once, putting a hand to her cheek as she savoured the flavour. She seemed to be really enjoying this.[/i]

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  • Panta couldn't help getting excited as well from just being around the now happy little girl. Panta licked her own ice cream a little before leading Mion outside to sit on a bench that Bedlam was already on. "You know, I could've just poofed up some icecream, Pan." "That's cheating, Bedlam."

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  • [i]Mion's attention was grabbed when Bedlam mentioned something about 'poofing' up things. She turned to him, a confused look on her face.[/i] "Wait... you can make things appear out of thin air?"

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  • Bedlam nodded with a smirk. "Yerpitty doo da! Almost anything is at my fingertips with just a tad of good ol'chaos manipulation."

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  • "Chaos... Magic? What?" [i]Bedlam and Panta could almost see imaginary question marks over Mion's head.[/i]

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  • "Chaos manipulation. I take the energy of disarray and bad stuff in general mostly and use it to do stuff. Not too complicated."

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  • [i]Mion just stared incredulously at Bedlam.[/i] "I... don't know about you, but... that just sounds wrong. Like, really wrong..."

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  • "Wrong how? Not my fault I was born with this power and a desire to cause bad things to happen." Panta nervously laughed. "Y-Yeah, but Bedlam here has gotten a lot better and doesn't do as much of said bad stuff anymore."

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  • [i]Mion kept on giving the same stare before sighing.[/i] "Alright... if you're not that bad, guess I can let it slide." [i]She went back to her Ice-cream, with as much fervour than before.[/i]

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  • "Let it slide? Wha-you act like I'm a criminal!" "You kind of are, Bedlam. Though, you shouldn't judge so much, Mion." Panta swiftly finished her single scoop of ice cream with a smile.

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