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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/5/2017 6:11:20 AM
"A World of Hell and Sin." [b]Dojo Outskirts. 2200 =====================[/b] "You said this place was somewhat intact" A woman spoke, yelling towards one of her many followers. One responded, a woman; "Well, I was wrong. Its evacuated, which means we have plenty of time to go ahead and loot it all." Smirking then, the leader gestured for the party to move forward. With Dojo in a chaotic and oppressed time, it left it all ripe for the taking, and several groups of bandits had taken that into consideration. One group in particular went after the rich side of town, knowing it was a risk, but knew it was also abandoned. The upper class of any city would evacuate to summer homes and the like, not wanting to be caught up in it all. Nikkei took advantage of it, and brought along her entire band of thieves and bandits, which went under the simple name of "Damnation". Motioning to Rose, she sent the second half of the group forward. Rose being her second in command, as well as significant other, she trusted the the girl with the task. Leading them forward, Rose was easily identifiable, mostly because of the tattoo on her right arm; a sword pointed down from her towards her elbow, graced in vines with small thorns, at the bottom read the word "Thorn" in Latin. Dressed to match the already [i]pointy[/i] tattoo, she wore a sleeveless vest over a similar white shirt, black pants and boots. Short, pixie cut auburn hair, and silver eyes laced with specks of red, an odd but amazing mutation. Motioning for a few to go forward, she held her rifle in hand, a trick weapon capable of either its standardized rifle form, short sword, or a short spear. All that was needed was for this haul to go off without a hitch, but everyone knew it wouldn't. Mansions wouldn't be left unprotected, alarms and safety systems all linked to the NHPD. They where ready however. Leaving the main street of the entire neighborhood, Rose lead the group towards a mansion marked [i]3347[/i], its address. Stark whiter with gilded doorknobs and fancified glass windows, the whole thing was dark on the inside, driveways empty of everything aside from a few cars left behind. No chimneys or other ways in where seen, which means the standard method of either picking or breaking a lock, or a window. That would be a- "ROSE! Backdoor, its unlocked!" -not a challenge. Going around the back, the man that yelled it wasn't wrong. Opening the door, she went inside, and then motioned for the others to follow. Now is where the fun began. Ten or so people began carrying all sorts of items out, ranging from Tv's to consoles, computers and other expensive items, even the doorknobs. Nothing that was valuable would be left behind, Rose made sure of it. It took an hour to go through the entire house, and by the end it was just about stripped bare of valuables. It wouldn't be destroyed or torched, yet left barren instead. With it over, the small party had enough to last months in cash and loot, but they wouldn't stop there. The next night they would be back, but it all depended on how Nikkei's side of it went. Raising a hand held radio, Rose hailed her lover, needing an answer in a hushed whisper. Even if it was empty, it was a force of habit not to make noise. "Nick, house is done, heading back to the Rig, how's you're end." Silence ensued for a bit, before Rose repeated it. Then a bit longer before worry set in did Nikkei reply. "House is looted, John set off an alarm, police will be here soon. 15 minutes, we need to go." Nodding to no one in particular, she hit a button on radio, which let a beep be heard on Nikkei's end for confirmation. Waving a hand in a circular motion, a few people echoed the order, silence was needed now and caution to be taken. The looted supplies dragged off to a massive semi truck, looking decked for war and towing a massive trailer. The massive vehicle was farther down the street in a round-about, for each exit. On it they set about all the loot. Strapping it down and laying out blankets and ways to protect valuables. Ten minutes went by then, before the first of Nikkei's party showed up, carrying a few valuables. Slowly the rest appeared, and began laying it all out on the trailer. The rest of the space on it taken up by a lot of the same loot as Rose's group brought. Another item followed as well; only heard at first, as the sound of a V8. Rose knew already who brought it, and went to greet the blond bombshell that she called a lover. Nikkei's face sat behind the glass of the driver side, beaming in a wide grin, rolling down the window of the cherry red Ferrari. "Found the keys on the dining room table, decided it wouldn't be too hard to take." Grinning wildly, she stepped from it, the door opening in a suicide style, waving for Rose to get in, and then Nikkei spoke again. "Something to match you're colorful name, I guess. Just don't trash the thing yet." In a look of awe and shock, Rose ran her hands across the interior detailing; leather and engraved in some places. Speaking then; "You know, this is why I love you. The small gifts always make it worth while~" They both grinned, and then Rose pushed Nikkei away, to get going. "Get going you, make sure Sammy doesn't crash the rig." Beaming like a kid given candy, Nikkei left, and then Rose closed the door. Taking out the parking brake, and shooting her foot down, the engine purred and then roared like a lion, and the brown haired girl grinned. What no one realised, was the sirens in the distance. [spoiler]Intro or something I guess, feel free to intervene as part of or working with the police, or help in the little raid.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]Unfortunately for them, their numbers were dwindling fast.[/i] [i]The bandits, after some time, would find several of their fellow men and women disappearing, never returning back to their group. Until one would be dropped off, in the outskirts of Dojoville, on the street.[/i] [i]The thief's body was whipped and beaten, completely naked, while her left hand had been deliberately sawed off. Her entire body was shaking, a thick black tattoo of a thief's mask stamped into her neck. One of the thieves that had been raiding.[/i] [i]Where were the rest?[/i]

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  • The rest would turn up soon if the first had appeared, the only question then was what else had been done aside from physical torture, and who exactly had done it. Rose took notice of the disappearances when the usual rollcall was done and people where missing, and with most of the group missing, more caution was taken, and the group went silent for the time being.

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  • [i]The torture on the woman had seemingly extended to a mental form of torture, as well. Clasped within her remaining hand was a note of parchment, written upon as well.[/i] [u]When the pack of hyenas disturb the den, the lion retaliates with just as much strength to defend his kingdoms.[/u] [u]Take this act of mercy, not as a warning, but rather as a reminder that lions punish, yet forgive their subjects, but will never forget their acts.[/u]

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  • With it, the group went silent, hard to tell if it was either disbanded or waiting for the right moment, for now nothing wad heard from them.

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  • A single goat-girl had been watching, but did not intervene. She only watched the looters with amusement, Alpha having looted some local pawn shops for guns to scrap for parts, along with some food, considering some resturants were abandoned recently, meaning some of the food was still edible. Mostly frozen fries she had fried using the grease left in the fryers. Still, they tasted good. The sirens made her sigh, and she got up. Alpha was tired of the police. Nobody was around and the police was probably aware that the owners were probably dead. But still, it meant she might have to use a weapon today.

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  • The group of bandits seemed ready to leave, and it was proven true when the massive rig fired up, the sound of its twin engines growling and consuming diesel. Turning slowly, careful not to damage any of the loot it had with it, the group sat all around it, hanging on the sides and the like. Taking point, the Ferrari followed behind it, the two vehicles heading east. Not too far down the street to the opposite end though, the first of the police cars was seen.

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  • Alpha followed the rig. If the police knew who she was, she'd get hurt, and bad. Getting shot wasn't a good idea usually, so the goat decided the rig was a better choice. "Ah shit!" She said, noticing the multiple sirens.

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  • Due to her distance, nobody heard her, but for now the sound of sirens filled the air, and the bandits heard it too. Several turned their heads, and some prepped for a fight as the two vehicles picked up speed.

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  • She pulled her glock from her waist band and slung her dufflebag over her shoulder. Making sure she had a round in the chamber, the girl then proceeded to run like hell. then suddenly, there was a small puff of smoke, and Alpha re-appeared a few meters ahead, and this repeated until she rapidly gained ground on the rig.

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  • The massive vehicle was fast, barreling down the street, but Alpha got closer. However her intentions where hard to tell, and several gunshots went off, all aimed at her.

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  • She didn't fire back, but kept going. In order to get the rig off her ass, she jumped mid-dash, twisted, and fired two shots that landed in the closest cop car's front two tires, making it flip over itself. Then as if she had done nothing unusual, she kept dashing

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  • The shots from the rig stopped, they assumed that she was helping now, while the Ferrari bumped into Alpha from behind, knocking the goat up off her feet due to its sloped and low front end, making her land on it. It was better than running. Inside Rose glanced at her, nodding to Alpha as she kept the speed up behind the rig.

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  • Alpha quickly whirled around and fired at any cars enroaching on them. The bullets would find their marks, all disabling the tires of the cars behind them and keeping them from becoming cellmates.

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  • The shots would make a few flip, injuries would ensue, and some crashed into each other. It was going fine, three cars down and a few more approaching. Then the sound of rotors and a helicopter was seen gaining on them. The height it was at and the speed would make it impossible to hit with a pistol.

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  • For normal people? Definately. Alpha was anything but human at this point though, and fired a few shots, her prediction being slightly off but a few shots were enough to hit the pilots with a few bullets. The only issue was the bullets lacked power, and instead of actually hitting the pilots, they were mostly showered with shrapnel from the windows of the cockpit.

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  • Some dropped from the wind, one did hit the window, and cracked it severally. Then a shout was heard from the car. "TAKE THE WHEEL!"

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  • She quickly slid into the passenger window, and grabbed the wheel. The goat would wait for the girl's next move then.

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  • She pulled something from the dash then, a spear it looked like, but then it transformed then into a rifle. Sticking herself halfway out the window, she raised it, firing off three shots. Nothing was heard then, aside from two tinks and then she slipped back in, taking the wheel once more. Shouting again, she glanced at Alpha "What's you're name!?"

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  • "Alpha." She said, her voice slightly staticky and modulated. "You?" She asked, looking out her window to check for more cops

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  • Rise grinned, extending her right hand for a hand shake. "Rose! Good to meet you!" The girl seemed young for what she was doing, then again at this point why did it matter.

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  • Alpha shook it, and Rose could feel the paw pads on her fingertips and palms. "Charmed!" She said over the noise.

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  • Rose chuckled. Alpha had made a big mistake however, trusting bandits not to be well... Bandits. For now she was fine, as Rose kept the Ferrari behind the Rig, and slowly the passed out of the city, going out into the wilds of Tatakai.

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  • The thing was, the moment Rose or anyone tried something Alpha'd be ready. Plus, she was pretty damn handy with her gun. Alpha was practically raised by smugglers, this wasn't new to her. "So, where to?" She asked nonchalantly

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  • "Well, considering you're sudden appearance and the fact you did help, I can't exactly say. Its up to what command tells you. And I am second in command and lady lover of command." Rose shrugged, in all honesty she was talking her way out of it. She didn't want to actually tell Alpha where they where headed, but knew the goat would memorize it. Deeper into the wilds of the planet they went though, forested areas and eventually a flat plains area, tall grass seen, a few trees here and their.

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  • "I just didn't want to lose my shit. I needed that for a project I'm working on" The goat-girl explained. "And lady lo- I don't wanna know. If command tells me to go -blam!- myself, I'll just leave."

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