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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/5/2017 2:15:35 AM
[i][b]A bar somewhere around the Dojo.[/b][/i] [b][i]As time went on, the weather had begun to get colder. This led many to seek refuge from certain temperatures, with some seeking warmth not in the building, but the bottle. The bar was its usual business today, as men and women sat chatting and drinking. They came from all walks of life, as another patron joined them. A female by the name of Eris Favas She entered the bar, a slight grin on her face as she had become a bit more comfortable in public. She though she did still keep a good deal of herself covered, she had begun to show a bit more. Her pants were harem style, not form fitting but more traditional where she came from, looking good on someone of her body. They stopped about midway on the calf, the bottom half revealing the coverings on her legs, her toes being bare and visible. For a shirt, this was more form fitting as it hugged her waist and core area closer, being sleeveless. The pants were intricately designed, looking like this: except less baggy in the groin section, while the shirt was a darker green and relatively undecorated, except for an obi style wrap around her waist. She moved over t the bar; the covering on her arm shown as she rested her arms on the table, ordering a drink.[/i][/b] [spoiler] open. Here's a few helpful links: Obi wrap: [/spoiler]

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  • "[b]CHEERS TO THE TRAYVENS, AND THANK ARMILLION FOR TOUGH BАSTARD GАLS[/b]!" [i]A resounding cheer went up throughout the bar, as a Trayven soldier would hold his flagon high into the air, whiskey dripping out of the side of the canister as he yelled. His fellow men and women, all adorned in purple uniforms and fine iron and steel other than one, yelled in unison, as the one in particular finished chugging her drink, letting out a few breaths of exhaustion. The cheerful bunch would notice Eris as she entered, the man leading the yell laughing and waving at her.[/i] "[b]Niki, try this one! Maybe if you're drunk enough, we'll get to see some more action-[/b]" "Oh, shut it." [i]The woman, Niki, would say, waving off the cheering man as the group laughed with glee. In description.. Niki wasn't too bad to look at. She seemed rather simple, probably an inch or two shorter than Eris, a purple and white uniform on her body while a white shawl decorated her neck. Pearly white hair fell onto her shoulders, simple green eyes looking over at Eris.[/i] [i]When Eris would sit down, this "Niki" would sit next to her, tapping her on the shoulder.[/i] "Hey. Sorry, they're.. excited. I hope that you aren't bothered."

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  • "No, it's fine." [b][i]She said, smiling a bit. Her eyes were strange, almost serpent like with a golden coloured iris. She was attractive to her planets standards, the short hair and her other features working with those of her face and body structure.[/i][/b] "I've had others say similar things, though I just ignore them. I'm Eris." [b][i]She said[/i][/b]

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  • "Ah, that's.. good to hear. Not that other people have said things, that's wrong.. but that you're alright. Usually, we'd show more respect, but.." [i]A few more loud cheers would ring out in the background.[/i] "...Niki. Niki Gold, to be exact. I'm the bаstard gal that they were on about. I hope that whatever people call you, it isn't too bad. People just refer to me as a bаstard. Worse, sometimes. So.. I know what it's like, in some way. Nonetheless.. good to meet you, Eris."

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  • "Nice to meet you as well, Niki." [b][i]She said smiling a bit at her.[/i][/b]"Are you guys celebrating something?" [b][i]She said, referring to the noise they were making. Most people weren't that noisy unless they were celebrating.[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/5/2017 8:14:29 PM
    "Er.. Trayven soldiers like to party. I usually don't partake. Too many drunk men and women all over you, wine spilling all over the place, it's.. annoying. Besides, I don't know parties too well. Us bаstards, we're sorta.. not supposed to be in parties. Me and Oliver, my twin brother, we just stay in our rooms until they end.. not exactly the favorite guests. Combine that with weird genetics.." [i]Niki would shrug a little, in a somber manner.[/i]

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  • "I know how that feels in a way. I'm not a big party person myself." [b][i]She said, laughing a bit[/i][/b] "Too much noise, and people always bumping into you, moving around. I wasn't exactly a favourite either." [b][i]She paused for a moment, before continuing.[/i][/b] "You mentioned too many people drinking. Everyone drinks where you're from."

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  • "[i]Everyone[/i] drinks in Trayve. It is punishable by death if you don't partake." [i]Niki said, in a clearly joking manner.[/i] "That's what my big sister, Isabella, once told me so that I'd drink a glass of wine when I was eight. Don't worry, she's a great lady.. she doesn't partake as much as you'd think that she would, surprisingly enough. It's nice, though. To meet someone that understands.. forgive me, I'm assuming your hardships. You've.. probably gone through worse, than just be a bаstard." [i]Niki fell silent, once more. It seemed more difficult for her to hold a conversation without either sounding like a jackass, or a complete awkward idiot.[/i]

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  • "It's ok. We've all gone through some tough things. Can't let that stop us, now can we. If we did, neither of us would be here right now." [b][i]She said, in an attempt to help comfort the girl, making her feel more comfortable.[/i][/b]

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  • "...true, I guess. Thank you. So, ah.. what about you, then? You're very fit, and if you can compare to me, as a person that's not favorable.. Oh, dear.. were you a pit fighter?" [i]Niki would guess, a more concerned look taking over.[/i]

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  • [b][i]She simply nodded when it was said, as she scratched under the black band around her neck. [/i][/b] "That was what I was mainly used for, though I had other duties. They mainly used me for show outside the arena, bred and modified me to look as good as I could."

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  • "I.. didn't know. Gods, that's.. terrible. ...they should pay. All of them." [i]A sudden, darker attitude would take over Niki then. She would sigh, shaking her head.[/i] "My brother, Julian, was a slave to sorcerers. No one should have to endure that. It's why House Trayven outlawed slavery, in Trayve's dominion.."

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  • "Good then, to at least se some people have a conscience." [b][i]She said smiling a bit[/i][/b] "Every little thing helps. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he fares better now?"

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  • "He does. And.. yes, I am happy to say that enslavement in Trayve is a crime that is punishable by death. It is a rather horrible manner of execution - it is death by gibbetting." [i]Niki's finger twitched a little.[/i] "The slavers are left in the gibbet for a day in public, in the executioner's square of the city. Then, they are taken to the east wall in the morning, and left to die before being collected and burned. It's a horrible practice. But our law code, as horrid as it may be at times, has.. worked. I do not support the methods at times."

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  • "Sometimes things have to be strict to work. And I'll agree, that does sound quite awful, though I've seen slavers do horrible things..." [b][i]She said, trailing off for a moment.[/i][/b] "Perhaps we should move to a bit of a less depressing topic? While our pasts aren't the best, it's better to look to the future."

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  • "Yeah, I.. I guess that we should, now that you mention it. So since that you're, ah.. a pit fighter.. do you think that you could help me in fist-to-fist combat? I specify in magic only, so if someone could help me with melee, it would help." [i]Niki would question as she would look over at her acquaintance, her simple green eyes looking over Eris.[/i] "With how, um.. strong and fine you seem, you're probably one of the better teachers I'll get."

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  • "I'd love to. Always good to know how to protect yourself." [b][i]She said smiling a bit, before clueing into the compliment. She blushed a bit as she realized the last part. She usually got embarrassed a little when people complimented her, adding a barely visible blush to her face [/i][/b]

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  • "I'm, ah.. oh gods, I'm embarrassing.. I'm sorry, for the remark, but.." [i]"But" would never be finished, as Niki silently blushed, before patting Eris on the back.[/i] "Let's.. go. Y'know, before the Trayven guys notice us. Then they won't stop picking on me for a month."

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  • Edited by Lordbakon: 11/6/2017 3:56:06 AM
    "Yeah. They seem like the kind to do that. Don't need the negativity." [b][i]She said smiling a bit, as she stood up. She had finished her drink enduring the conversation, so she paid for that [/i][/b]

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  • [i]As Eris and Niki would leave the bar, they would escape the attention of the local Trayven soldiers. They had appeared to be simply chugging down their liquor, still cheering and whooping with glee. Fun bunch.[/i] "You don't happen to have a place where we can train, do you?" [i]Niki would question, arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at Eris. She seemed to be slightly shaking, not out of a fearfulness, nor because it was cold. No, she seemed excited.[/i]

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  • "Well, we could train at my place if you want. It's smaller but if I moved a few things we'd have enough room. We could always just head to one of the courtyards too, if you wanted." [b][i]She said smiling a bit. She was happy to see the girl excited, and was a bit happy herself. She was putting her past to good use, making a bad thing good in a way.[/i][/b]

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  • "A courtyard in the Dojo, right?" [i]Niki would question, before she shrugged a little.[/i] "Sure. That'll be alright.. let's hope that the members of the Dojo don't.. Before I say anything, you aren't a Dojo member, are you? I don't have anything against the place. I'm more worried about the Dojo having a thing against me, and the stationed Trayven army.."

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  • "Don't worry, I don't have anything against anyone. I care more about who people actually are." [b][i]She said smiling a bit.[/i][/b] "Though we could always head to my place first. You're not too much shorter than me, I could probably find a pair of clothes for you instead of your military standards. I should probably grab training gear anyways."

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  • "I think your place will be alright, then. This garb, the military stuff.. it's alright, I guess. But regular clothing would probably tend to work better, so you lead the way." [i]Indeed, Niki would allow her newest companion, perhaps friend (Eris was practically a friend at this rate), to lead her to where she lived. A change in apparel that was more suited for maneuverability, and she would be fine.[/i]

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  • "Ok. Follow me then." [b][i]She said smiling a bit. She begin to walk in the direction of her home, which wasn't really too far from their current location. She would consider Niki a friend, happy to have met her as she led them to her abode.[/i][/b] [b][i]The home was nothing very special, something comfortable but affordable to one person working. She approached it, unlocking the door and letting Niki in.[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/6/2017 8:40:31 PM
    [i]Niki didn't mind the size of the home as she walked in, nor however fancy it was. As long as the homeowner took pride in it's shape and form.. she liked it enough. Additionally, Eris' home was comfy, in it's own ways, and that simply made her beam in a little more joy.[/i] "This is nice.. thank you, again. You're.. kinda the first friend I've had, outside of family. Ever." [i]Niki blushed a little in embarrassment, at that remark. Sure, the Trayvens were all heavily different, personality-wise, but she loved each and every member of it's household still. And she had found to enjoy Eris and her company as well.[/i] "Mind if I sit?"

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