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11/4/2017 7:31:41 PM
Cheesy or not, there's no incentive to play the sectors otherwise. The weapons are trash, the shaders are limited use and you get them randomly, so you might end up with the one of two that you have no intention of ever using, the armor is cloned, and the only way to get the tokens is by doing content that you've been doing for going on 2 months. I don't think people are mad at the cheese. I think they're mad at the fact that the time in for reward out is exceedingly low. If you spent 3 minutes clearing out a sector and got 5 tokens I guess it'd be alright. But if you compare that to things like strikes or Nightfalls which give a RANDOM AMOUNT OF TOKENS between a set amount, it becomes an unfair grind. Why should one teammate get 18 tokens while the others get 13 and 15? You were all in the strike together, everyone should receive the same amount. If they want to make a method of grinding faction tokens equally rewarding, then they should apply that logic to all methods of acquiring those tokens.

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