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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/2/2017 11:28:08 AM
[i]The aimed firearms certainly initiated a more concerned look on the visitor's pale face, though she would not suddenly bolt away in fear. She would look over at Vorgen as he approached, recognizing him, and his companions, as men whom served the Imperium of Mankind. It was a mental question, whether she should admit her position or not.. they held the advantages of numbers, equipment, and would certainly try to "talk" in order to gain yet another advantage.[/i] "The same reason as you would, sir. In order to avoid pointless combat.. I thought it best to study the Dojo as it's fighters rest in the night. Though I assume that your group had developed the same idea, then? I take that you are of the Imperium, judging by the double-headed eagles.." [i]She would murmur quietly, her hushed voice releasing clouds into the chilly night air. Vorgen would notice a pin upon the woman's own jacket: a golden head of a lion, the mane frilled back, the maw opened for a roar. The sigil of the Trayvens, if anything.[/i]

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 11/2/2017 3:02:24 PM
    "[b]That you are correct Miss. Judging by that pin....[/b]" [i]The Seneschal stopped for a second, deducing the woman's identity. She did not seem to be the one to send a mere messenger-boy for such a task. Applying the council, what the Picts had captured and what that boy had said...[/i] "[b]You must be none other than the 'infamous' Lady Freya Traven."[/b] [i]The Seneschal said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone and a smile on his face as walked around the Trayven in a circle.[/i] [b]"That man over there, beside the tree is my Lord and one of the most important of the God-Emperor's servants. Rogue Trader Lord-Captain Lucius Gilliam Cain. Quite a frivolous title should I say so myself. I hold the contrary however. I am Lord Gilliam's Seneschal, Vorgen Thayle. [i]I would refrain Calling me a servant to Gilliam. I serve only the Emperor[/i]."[/b] [i]Vorgen had stated, whispering the last part with a small chuckle fondly remembering that moment, the time when some idiotic Water Caste Tau had called Vorgen that. Gilliam sighed as he snapped his fingers twice. A floating infant with wings had approached the regal man, holding a hand rolled cigar in one hand. It would've been rather angelic if not for the cybernetics that had been attached to it. Part of its skull was replaced with metal plating, an eye now an eerie lens and wires stretching across it's body. This was a Cherub, advanced servitors usually owned by persons of high ranking in the Imperium. It had placed the cigar in the lord's agape mouth, it's index finger popping off to reveal a torch lighter. Lighting the cigar it had hovered patiently as Gilliam let out a puff of smoke.[/i] "I can get the whole visiting the dojo for learning it's cultures. But I believe it is a futile effort, it is similar to a space port may Him on Terra forgive me for making that suggestion. A cultural melting pot in laymans terms." [i]The Trader had said, possibly talking either Vorgen or Freya. He let out another puff of smoke as he turned to look at the Trayven.[/i] "This is but a memorial site, and it would dishonor the dead if we were to bring them up at the meeting for no reason. I can only trust you know this as well." [i]Compared to the raging maniac that the messenger had heard, the Rogue Trader was more calm but nonetheless retained his aura of fear due to his ranking.[/i] "[b]Thus I believe it would be more productive if we were to learn each other's cultures.[/b]" "Yet you were the one who suggested this fruitless venture." "[b]Not quite, you did learn that the Dojo is quite possibly, impossible to pin down cultural wise.[/b]" "I do suppose that is true."

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  • "Infamous is something that I have yet to hear, but.. yes, I am "Lady" Freya." [i]There was a simple, subtle disapproving in the tone that belonged to Freya then. Not of the infamous comment, she could tell that the Seneschal intended no insult. She even shrugged a little, a faint smile creeping onto her face. No, it was more directed to "Lady" if anything. Freya hated being labeled as that, instead of "Commander", or just "Freya", but it was a necessity to.. some degree.[/i] [i]At the mention of Lord-Captain Gilliam, and the Seneschal Vorgen, the cloaked woman would place a hand over her heart, with the golden pin of the lion just above her gloved fingers. She bowed her head towards both men separately, nodding towards each before looking up at them.[/i] "I would say that it is a pleasure to meet both of you, though the chilling weather.. disagrees." [i]Freya would respond to Vorgen, though she would not hang onto the servant topic. She did not consider the man to serve anyhow, he was simply doing his duty. Playing his part. She wouldn't pursue after it, simply out of respect, and because she didn't wish to see what would happen if she did call him a "servant of Gilliam's".[/i] "Mm. The burial tree tree reminds me of a wall, back in Trayve.. except bigger. Terribly larger."' ...I suppose that would strike the beginning of our cultural exchange. I'd be happy to speak, while we should probably find a more suitable location for the time."

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 11/3/2017 4:45:10 AM
    "The tree would remind me of a certain Burial World I had made a trip to. It was to deliver the ashes of a fallen Cadian regiment for burial." [i]Gilliam had said, not exactly fond of mentioning it but it had felt appropriate.[/i] "Thousands of men dead at the hands of The Enemy Without, Xenos." "[b]On a brighter topic, how about we see what establishments are in this place? At there we can answer more questions, and hopefully you the same. I would suggest The Retribution as a place of visit, but I do not know what your opinions of spacecraft are.[/b]" [spoiler]Apologies for the shit reply, didn't really know what to do lmao.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Nah, you're good mang.[/spoiler] [i]Freya would have to consider the meeting on The Retribution. It wasn't as if she was any better: she had brought the members of the Dojo into her garrison, disabling their abnormal, superhuman abilities and leaving them to steel and flesh. Though she didn't attack them, and now here she was, invited to a potential ally's (or enemy's) shuttle.[/i] "...If you would allow simple beings such as I upon the ship, then most certainly." [i]"Simple beings" was said with a subtle sarcasm, while it should have been clear that Freya intended no insult. Like Vorgen's advice of calling him a servant of the Emperor only - except that Freya couldn't do much in response, if Gilliam or Vorgen snapped back.[/i]

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  • "[b]All humans are treated fairly in the eyes of the God-Emperor. Be it from an Agri-World or a Death World. The only exception to this are heretics and mutants, they have thrown away the Emperor's protection in favor of foul sorceries.[/b]" [i]Vorgen had said, it seemed that the Imperium did not tolerate anyone who wasn't human....[/i] "[b]If you would follow us to the Genellian Spaceport, we shall depart for The Retribution as soon as possible.[/b]" [i]The Seneschal had motioned for the Stormtroopers and Freya to follow, walking besides Lord Gilliam with the Cherub as the Stormtroopers went into a formation to intercept any assassination attempts or whatnot.[/i] "[b]The Imperium of Man has a long and varied history, spanning millennia. But to explain it all would take more than a single night. So I shall only explain the most important parts if you should choose to ask.[/b]"

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  • "Heretics and mutants.. great." [i]That was probably a bad thing.. in Freya's case, anyway. No doubt that the agents of the Imperium could recognize the abnormal magics that made up the barrier that would surround the garrison that Freya held. It was not daemonic, but it was certainly magical. Additionally, she had taken to harboring abhumans and magic users, too.[/i] [i]She would follow, as a simple silence would take over. Perhaps the meeting with the Lord-Commander would be successful.[/i]

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  • [i]LORD CAPTAIN REEEEE Anyways. The group had taken a rather quiet stroll to the Genellian Station, the only sound interrupting the silence was the low hum of the grav-plates on the Cherub. Once they had reached the station the Seneschal had identified themselves and were escorted to the shuttle itself. It was relatively small red and black spacecraft, almost 12 meters in height and 28 in wingspan. The taper and the 'wings' were clearly an imitation of the Imperial Aquila. The Heavy Bolter on the nose held 400 rounds, alas this was it's only defense. It was a transport craft made for travel from orbit to atmosphere. The reinforced the glass showed the pilot starting up the shuttle with the twin jet engines roaring to life, the back of it folding down as a ramp. The entire group had entered the craft which left some empty seats.[/i] "[i]Preparing for Orbit in 3...[/i] [i]The ramp folded back up and sealed itself.[/i] "[i]Two...[/i]" [i]"One.[/i]" [i]The Lander had took to the skies, heading for The Retribution which was currently in Orbit.[/i] "While most of the Imperium does not necessarily tolerate Xenos, we must as it is our job. Though this comes at a price, namely escorting....[u]them[/u]." [i]Gilliam had nearly shuddered at the mentioning of The Inquisition.[/i]

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  • "Them?" [i]Freya would softly question, her hands crossed over her chest as she would question the factor, or existence rather, of "Them". Clearly, they didn't sound like an exciting topic.. though she would pursue.[/i] [spoiler]Shit reply, sorta hasty rn. Sorry, man.[/spoiler]

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  • "The Inquisition." [i]Gilliam had said in a hushed tone to Freya.[/i] "They are the Agents of the Emperor to be specific. Rooting out heresy and daemons and whatnot. I used to be one of their Acolytes, back then I was not a Rogue Trader but a simple Arbite. Back then I was blind to the frightening truth. Though the Emperor had protected me that fateful day from being executed for encountering cultists and eventually a Daemon, it seemed he had different plans for me." "The reason I fear them is the fact they hold absolute authority, as if their word is the God-Emperor's itself. They are not...evil, but they can execute me if they happen to be on a bad day. So far I have been lucky to escort more tolerant Inquisitors and their acolytes." [i]He explained, before crossing his arms. 15 minutes had passed and The Retribution was in view.[/i]

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  • "Hmm. Not to.. offend, but that has it's flaws. I don't understand the evils that your realm may possess, so correct me if I am wrong.. but what if an Inquisitor takes to abusing their duties? Forgive me, again. In Trayve, we do not suffer the threat of daemonic beings and such." [i]Freya would murmur, as she would then simply look onwards, towards The Retribution in the distance. She couldn't hide a certain type of impressment. The Imperium was.. very militaristic, like the Trayvens were, but even more than the medieval/fantasy bunch.[/i]

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  • "Inquisitors and by proxy their acolytes are chosen due to how pure of heart and to the Emperor they are. But as for those who abuse their authority usually get put down by the Ordo Hereticus. You see, it is split into 3 Major Orders. Hereticus, which deals with the threat within the Imperium. Namely Heretics or Cultists who worship the Ruinous Powers. Xenos, which deals with the threat of Alien species and such. Not much to comment on there Finally Malleus...where I was recruited as an Acolyte for some time. They are the ones who deal with the threat of the warp and beings that are spawned from it. Usually most goals between these three co-align. But back on topic. There is little chance of corruption within the Inquisition due to the other members usually being able to root it out and burn it. That is all I can spare about the Inquisition, I believe I've already said too much about them." [i]The Lander had approached one of the docking bays and had landed itself. From what view Freya could get from the cockpit window, Tech Priests and their Servitors had been constantly working. The loading ramp had opened up, finally releasing the group from the ship.[/i] "This is The Retribution. A small part of it anyways. I cannot give a full tour I'm afraid, as even the oldest members of this ship do not know what it holds. So we shall go to the upper quarters, there we can talk." [i]He had said, turning to look at the Guards.[/i] "Alpha Squad, you may leave."

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  • "Say all that you feel comfortable about saying. Or rather, whatever won't get you killed. Whether about me or your Imperium, I'd prefer an honest man over a deceitful friend." [i]Wow, much quoting.[/i] [i]The Trayven took The Retribution in a rather subtle manner, in contrast to literally any other medieval-fantasy commander that came upon the Imperium machine. Indeed, she did gaze upon the Tech Priests and such, while listening to the surprisingly interesting methods of this Inquisition as she followed Gilliam.[/i]

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  • [i]Gilliam had nodded, a small sign of respect. He was slowly warming up to the Trayven, namely because any other person would have pressed on about the matter.[/i] "Do tell me, what Feudal-World do your people hail from? I apologize for my friend's improper titling the other day. He has a knack for identifying Xenos however, otherwise I would've booted him off the ship years ago." [i]Gilliam had asked the Trayven as now only Vorgen, Gilliam and Freya walked the halls of The Retribution.[/i] "I hail from the hive world of Scintilla myself, there I was an Arbite or what you might call a guard I suppose. I had dealt with hive gangers and mutants of course until that fateful day...which I had explained. Anyways, this is the Elevatus which is an elevator." [i]The Rogue Trader explained as they approached a pad with controls on it. He pressed a button and the doors had shut behind them as they had risen to the Upper Corridors. Your typical elevator music had played at a low but possibly annoying level.[/i]

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  • "We have elevators, in the finer fortresses and keeps. They aren't as developed.. and we've yet to implement music, but it is a start." [i]Indeed, in some castles held within Trayve's dominion, functional elevator systems were a thing. They were accompanied by stairs and ladders if still necessary of course, but they were still quite common.[/i] "No offense taken. Though I fear that you should apologize to the messenger more. He is my bаstard brother, and.. he did not take it as lightly." [i]She would smile, at that. A simple jest, if anything.[/i] "I hail from the nation of Trayve, formed by my father and named after his House - Trayven, easily enough. While I am not a Trayven by blood.. Armillion would allow me to take the name. He has.. a fondness for adoption, I suppose."

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  • "I can only assume he is your Lord over your kingdom of yours? I suppose since you revealed that you are adopted, I shall tell you a secret of my own. I am technically not a Cain, by blood. You see the last true heir of the Cain Dynasty's Warrant of Trade by blood had passed away. A gift from said Trader I had saved. But since I hold the Warrant in my possession, in the eyes of the law I am indeed a Cain. Hence why I go by Gilliam. It seems we share more than we both realized." [i]Gilliam had told Freya, cracking a small smile as the elevator came to a stop, giving a cheerful chime before opening the doors They opened to reveal the bridge; a hive of activity with crew moving about. They found themselves standing on some sort of observation platform, able to see a small city of operators at their stations. Most of the crew wore black and gold fatigues, the only people sticking out were Gilliam, Freya, and Vorgen. There was some stairs leading up to the Captain's chair which Gilliam promptly took a seat.[/i] "This is the bridge of the ship. Thousands of men and women pledge their lives to serve this ship, for it is their home. It is the head ship of the Cain family. The Emperor had watched over us many times, guiding his light towards victory with this ship."

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