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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/31/2017 12:57:52 PM
[b]Dojoville, Trayven Camp Outskirts, 6:00PM[/b] [i]"I swear I saw him going in there... Those people, the Trayvens, they're doing something with him. Don't get me wrong, I trust dad as much as the next kid he didn't abandon, but it's still a little sketchy. Moving in now." Natalie shoved the voice recorder into her pocket and disappeared into the shadows of the lightless room that surrounded her. It wasn't like her to skulk around in the dark, although when dealing with a group that probably didn't take too kindly to infiltrations, there was a pretty good chance that hiding was her best bet. Nat's hand found itself gripping the handle end of her bat tighter when she heard the incoming footsteps of a Trayven. She took place behind a silver filing cabinet, crouching to make herself less noticeable. When he passed by, she continued onwards through the building. She reached the window a few minutes later, peering her head over the top as she got a better look. Patrols were easy to spot but she didn't know their routes, so that left the buildings all around her to sneak her way through. The only problem was that they were crawling with soldiers too, and her magic couldn't help her here for whatever reason. Normally she would use a telekinetic blast and open a gravitic ring to slow her landing down, but this time, she was running on her lightness and agility to stay quiet. So rather than staying in the building, she waited until there were no visible patrols and she stepped out the window. Three floors up the woman was, adorned in all black to stay inconspicuous - A black pair of leggings with her knee high lace up boots, and a tank top underneath a black track jacket. The gloves were a nice addition but they made her grip suffer, meaning when she climbed down to the last windowsill, she fell from the second floor and landed on her ass. She got up soon after and snuck through the wall, opting to remove her gloves and climb up them instead. Only she landed in a bush within the barracks, which was sure to attract at least somebody's attention. [/i] ((Open to anyone with Trayven relations))

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