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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/29/2017 9:17:58 PM
[i]Mion was intelligent beyond her years: and it served her well. She watched if there were patterns in their patrols, and would predict the moments where they would turn a blind eye to her when she climbed the wall. If not, the guards proving to be smart, she would plan a distraction. Summoning a red orb in her hands, she tossed it as far away as possible, to one of the buildings beyond repair. The concussive grenade was remotely triggered, so when the time was right, she'd detonate it, causing everyone to look in that direction and hopefully slip by unnoticed. Once her planning was done, she began to reach for the gaps in the wall, slotting her hands into them. She had to put a bit of effort into lifting herself up, but fortunately her new body would lessen some of that effort. And slowly but surely, she began to reach for the top.[/i]

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  • [i]Mion would find herself unable to access her abilities. In facd, it felt as if whatever magics that she had were.. draining, slowly. And with the failed attempt to use her ability, she felt a surge of heat rush through her body, as a red energy began to seep off of her body.[/i] [i]She had become a beacon. A living, walking beacon, within the dome anyway.[/i] [i]The archers would be drawn in by how Mion had glimmered, before one of them would yell out, as if calling out towards her. He did not pull back the string of his bow, nor did he sound the alarms. [/i] "You, child - you tried to cast something, did you?"

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  • [spoiler]O Fuk[/spoiler] [i]To the archers, Mion seemed like a younger boy because of her outfit. It prevented them from getting a good look at her face too, fortunately. The child was caught off guard as she stared at her hands, watching the red glow give away her position. And when she turned around to face the archers above, she stumbled back with a flustered expression and landed on her behind, clearly panicked.[/i] "I... Er... Um..." [i]She stuttered, as she began to shuffle backwards.[/i]

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  • "Hold, child.." [i]The archer would warn her, raising a hand as if signifying a certain peace. From behind Mion, she could hear the brushing of footsteps against the ground, as a patrol passed by Mion. Mion would draw their attention towards her, as the group would murmur amongst themselves. After a few seconds of whispering, an armored woman would approach, kneeling down to Mion.[/i] "Child? Rise, if you can." [i]She would hold out a gloved hand, studying the cloaked child. She couldn't tell the gender, even in such close proximity.[/i]

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 10/30/2017 8:49:45 AM
    [i]Once one of the soldiers had inched a hand towards her, she quickly stood up and ran to the wall, until realising that she was cornered. Putting her back against the concrete barrier, she started hyperventilating as she panicked and tried to look for a way out. [/i] [i]She knew that she somehow couldn't use her bracelets, so she knew she was powerless. And she had ignored her out of fear, staring at the group of armoured men and women.[/i]

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  • [i]The patrol would murmur to themselves, as if still attempting to still help Miom, or at least escort the child out of the barrier. Two within the group eyed her, staring at her being with a certain distaste. The female from beforehand, who had tried to reach out to Mion, was not amongst their numbers.[/i] [i]Soon, the beacon-like glow would begin to slowly fade, though it had not dissipated away just yet. No, Mion was still a walking beacon, while the female soldier from beforehand would kneel down this time, beckoning Mion forth silently. If the child sook to run over accept the peace.. she'd be running quite a bit, unless she began to climb the wall.[/i]

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  • [i]Her heavy breathing had calmed down quite a bit, as she saw that none of them had made any threatening advances towards her. She was a bit unsettled by the two that stared at her with a distrust, though she tried her best to ignore it for now. She looked at the soldier's hand, then to her face, then back again. She would stare at the hand for a few seconds before slowly, but cautiously walking forward. She wavered at bit when she reached out before pulling her hand back, looking at the soldier's face again. And after a short moment, she finally took the hand, though with a loose grip.[/i]

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  • [i]The female soldier would nod silently, not bothering to look back at the four that were some distance behind her. She would look into Mion's eyes, though, the light blue of Mion's gems meeting a simple green, as she spoke once again, this time with a curious tone.[/i] "Did anyone send you here to watch us, child? Or.. were you trying to get inside? This isn't a very safe place for children, I'm afraid.."

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  • "I, um... Well..." [i]Mion stuttered, a bit nervous to speak. She waited for a few seconds to calm herself before mustering up her voice.[/i] "I was... curious. I saw the burnt buildings when I came here, and... then I saw you all walking around. Then I saw the huge fort here, and..." [i]Mion eventually trailed off, looking down to her feet.[/i] "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go inside the fort. I just wanted to know what was happening..." [i]She apologised. [/i]

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  • "Well, it's.." [i]A long and tedious process to explain, as most soldiers would say in response, though Mion's childish curiosity, fearful composure, and yet seemingly understanding attitude would bring the soldier to admitting what this was all about.[/i] "I, alongside the men and women stationed here, are from Trayve: a city far, far away from here, to be honest. We're here, hoping to see that the Dojo supports us in the wars to come. Though we've taken to more.. offensive approaches."

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  • [i]Trayve...? War...? Offensive Approaches...? Mion took that information in, processing it in her mind as she gazed up at the soldier. Immediately, she got a lot of questions surfacing with barely any answers.[/i] "What...? Then... what's with the ruined buildings? Who, or what are you at war with?"

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  • "The buildings, when we arrived.. Dojoville was burning to the ground, with giant beasts lurking alongside the shadows of fire and death. For now, we've halted them, and we've begun to rebuild, in a manner." [i]Indeed, Mion could see how the city had been burned down. Even near the Trayven garrison, smoldered buildings and collapsed portions of the city remained. It was a crisis, if anything at all.[/i] "We fight an enemy that we simply cannot understand.. the Tribune, and his army."

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  • [i]Mion lowered her head again to contemplate the current situation. Another civilisation from a faraway place has came here to seek help from this place, trying to use every method of getting them on their side. And they were desperate as well, seeing that they did have to leave their home.[/i] "What would Mother do...?" [i]The girl whispered to herself, barely audible to the female soldier. She was clearly conflicted, and it seemed like she wanted to help in some way. But what good would a child would do?[/i]

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  • [i]From what Mion knew of Irina.. Irina may have actually supported the cause. Not so much as to become a mindless follower, but not so little as a useless individual in the midst of conflict. Dragging yourself too far into something was a problem of it's own, as you could never pull yourself out.[/i] [i]The soldier studied Mion, noticing that the child was.. taller than most children that she had seen, perhaps a young teenager even. Though it would be up to Mion to question whether she would help, and even then her role may have been minor.[/i]

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  • [i]Mion wasn't really the type to just be a bystander. She... had a certain feeling of uncertainty whenever if she left someone to their own devices, she wouldn't be able to make a difference. Not while there are human lives on the line, and while there's a war brewing. She hated conflicts. In her heart, she wanted things to be solved in the best possible scenario.[/i] "Listen, um... I want to help, somehow." [i]Mion spoke up.[/i] "I may not be much, but... I'll do whatever I can, even if it's something menial."

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  • "Child labor.. isn't exactly common, nor taken well, in a military.." [i]The woman would say, almost in a knowledgeably disappointing tone. Though she would respond once more, a slight hopefulness in her voice.[/i] "Though.. I suppose that you can still support us. As it happens, I hold.. a little authority in this encampment. My sister would disagree, but she would understand, soon enough. You may call me Niki. Niki.. Gold, to be exact. Where I originate from.. I am a bаstard child. Plain and simple, really."

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 11/4/2017 12:19:37 AM
    "Niki Gold..." [i]Mion repeated to herself. She gave a slight nod to the name, before turning to her again.[/i] "Alright, so what exactly could I do? I'm kind of useless without my bracelets, though..."

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  • "Hmm.. I could get you a ring. They're called Tib- something.. they'll enable forms of magic within the barriers that are present. As for now.. simply serving might work. I don't want you to get yourself injured on the front lines.." [i]Niki expressed a slight concern towards Mion's condition, it seemed, as the bаstard child motioned for Mion to follow her into the gateway, of which had begun to open for another group.[/i]

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  • [i]Mion nodded, as she tailed Niki close behind and walked the same pace as her. She subconsciously placed her hand on her right wrist, feeling the designs of her bracelets as she looked around the area past the gates. She really didn't mind doing work like this. Her gravity bracelet could help her easily lift things, though a fair effort would be needed for heavier things. And for excavation, perhaps her grenades would work...[/i]

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  • [i]The soldier, Niki, had taken to studying the bands that were kept around Mion's wrist. Those simple, yet undoubtedly curious lime eyes would look after the bracelets for a few seconds as the pathway into the encampment was clear, before Niki motioned for Mion to follow her to the left portion of the camp, beside the towering walls above them.[/i] [i]Inside the camp, standards of purple flags and golden lions in the center were raised high, as soldiers trained and simply lived amongst each other. Some were dueling in small dirt pits, or firing bows, or simply laughing amongst each other. Cavalry horses would ride past the two, while tents and small quarters had been set up for the time.[/i] [i]Niki would stop Mion at one such tent, before heading in herself. She would then return, brought to kneeling down as she would fit a ring upon the child's finger, before looking up at Mion.[/i] "One of my spare Libertas. Try using an ability - don't worry, I won't push you around for being a mage, I'm sorta one too."

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  • [i]Mion would look around the camp with a certain amount of curiosity. How many people have come here? And when did they build this? She had some understanding of the situation she was in, but there were still some gaps here and there.[/i] [i]Once she had received the ring, which was placed on her pointer finger, she would observe it with the same curiosity she had from before. And when prompted to try and use one of her powers, she nodded and put out her left hand. As Mion closed her eyes and focused, a bow started to appear in her hand, starting from the grip as the limbs faded in. Then came the string, which connected to each limb instantaneously, appearing as if it were made out of light.[/i]

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  • [i]Indeed, the bow that had been generated by Mion's wristband would catch the suddenly sparking interest of her fellow mage, as Niki would keep kneeling, yet she stared upon the bow of light that had seemingly been born into the world, clutched within Mion's thin little hand. The simple lime pupils of her eyes almost widened, as she would reach out to touch the bow's riser. Though her hand would draw back, instead simply resting upon her thigh.[/i] "I suppose that it wouldn't be a great idea for me to touch the bow.. what can the other wristbands do? If you don't mind telling me, of course."

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 11/9/2017 11:19:11 AM
    "Um, well..." [i]Mion began, as she let go of the bow, watching it dissipate into thin air.[/i] "...I can lift, push and pull things at a distance, and I can also manipulate electricity. The one last thing I can do is create concussive explosives." [i]They were a peculiar set of abilities, but they were useful in their own ways nonetheless. Niki's attention would be brought to Mion's hood however, as a tuft of white hair was seen hanging down the left side of her forehead.[/i]

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  • "That's quite a lot, with how.. young, you seem." [i]The older of the two would murmur quietly, before her hand would reach out, feeling the tuft of white hair in silence. Her eyes widened a little, as she would look back and forth, sighing.[/i] "If you're.. y'know, a girl.. you can take off the hood. If you.. feel comfortable. I had my thoughts, but.."

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  • "H-hey, what are you-?!" [i]Mion would gasp in surprise as Niki touched a tuft of her hair. The girl would push away the hand, taking a few steps back and staring at the soldier. She would then attempt to hastily tuck back the tuft back into her hood, while still keeping her eyes on the soldier. After that, Mion just felt... uncertain. Should she really show her face to them? She contemplated this question for a moment before giving in, sighing and lifting her hands to her hood to throw it back. It revealed to Niki a young teen, somewhere around 12. Mion's hair had become slightly messy because of being under the hood, some bangs covering her ears and forehead. Feeling this, the girl removed her ponytail holder, revealing that her snowy white hair could extend down her back.[/i] " you want me to say my name to you as well? Seeing that I've already shown my face to you."

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  • "I knew that you were young, but.." [i]In reality, Niki had hoped for just a small teenager to have been Mion. But she was.. younger, than she hoped. Niki went silent for a few seconds, before a soft sigh would then leave her lips.[/i] "I don't demand a name, but.. I will care for you, nonetheless. Freya would kill me, but.. tell people that you're at least fourteen. Please?"

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