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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/28/2017 11:31:43 PM
"My surrender?" Alric scoffed, doing a formal bow. "My lady, I am Alric. First of my name, defender of the dojo and its people, Slayer of storm troopers, the Bloody Witcher." He stood tall, grinning wildly. "Our numbers are small, but our defenses are strong. You will tell me why we should surrender to you, and I'll show you why they call me the Bloody Witcher." His eyes narrowed, and his smile dropped as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Over dinner of course!" He smiled again, his eyes twinkling with a certain rogue feature to them. He walked past her, into the barrier around her encampment.

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  • [i]Freya would allow Alric to pass her, keeping the trident upon the ground.[/i] "The Bloody Witcher.." [i]She would murmur, nodding silently to herself as she followed after him.[/i] [i]Alric would find his flintlocks suddenly clicking, their triggers locking into place as he entered the barrier. His abilities would steadily be blocked out, as if they were nullified entirely. Calvary horses, warriors, archers, knights, even a few mages that wore rings and bonds that kept their abilities. Freya walked beside him now, keeping her trident within her right hand.[/i] "Our numbers are many, but we do not pride ourselves upon quantity. I ensured to recruit the best of our siege-worthy men and women, if there is a siege. Though with the Dojo's mountain.." [i]She motioned for Alric to enter a tent - her own tent, apparently, as she motioned for servants to bring dinner.[/i] "Sit, if you may."

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  • "I've been in army camps before. Claiming they had quality troops. The Nilfgaardians conquered most of the Northern Focking kingdoms. Even with the mountains." He stated, as though comparing the Garrison to a full fledged Empire. He nodded appreciatively and took a seat, leaning back into the chair and making himself comfortable.

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  • [i]The inside of the tent was comfortable, to say the very least. Freya didn't rely on servants to clean the war table - in fact, she simply allowed Alric to study them. They were surprisingly detailed.. drawn out pictures of the encampment, the Dojo, the mountain, the city itself.. [/i] "You compare this small batch to an empire? You flatter me, ser. Is it purposeful?" [i]Freya only cleared the table then, as the servants brought appetizers and drinks - wine for Freya, while Alric had some options of liquor to choose from, baskets of bread and biscuits, smoked bacon, and more.[/i] "No matter. We should arrange a proper meeting between ourselves and the other forces of Tatakai. A war is coming, dear Witcher. And this army.. this army wouldn't stand a chance. Perhaps it was.. better, to ask for a treaty. My father, however.. demanded a more hostile approach. So here we are - I suppose that I am his lapdog."

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  • "Purposeful, perhaps. Kind? Perhaps not, Nilfgaard does not hold the highest of reputations, especially among mages." He stated, looking at Freya when he spoke. He had... A broken sense of honour to say the least. "But on to business, you propose a treaty?" Alric asked, raising an eyebrow at the proposal. "Yet we do not know the slightest thing about you, my lady. Where does your family hail from? How do you know what is coming?"

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  • "Hmm. Yes, I do propose.. something of a treaty, for I am the only one that seems to care enough to do so. My older sister has taken to expanding our reach throughout Dojoville and the continent, and my older brother has taken to combating the true foe. A foe that has remained hidden in this realm, yet.. it has taken ours. I am of the city of Trayve - an adopted child of King Armillion Trayven. My adoptive father was.. a conqueror, whom only fathered one trueborn child. The rest.. taken in by the corrupt rulers that he overthrew. First Arthur came, then Isabella, the Princess of Dragons.. the bаstard boy, Oliver, who brought you the message. Little Julien, the Prince of the Arcadia.. and me. Princess Freya Rivelria, now Trayven, after my mother and father used their horde of an army and rаped, slaughtered, and pillaged their ways.. up to Trayve, where they were cut down. I was.. not too young, I can't forget them. But I certainly didn't love them." [i]Freya would sigh, as she ate a little of her biscuit. Then, the steaks, salads, and more would arrive.[/i] "The threat that we face is one that I will have to address, hopefully at a meeting between Tatakai's forces. This way.. we can unify, to some degree. Three armies.. against one."

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  • "The city... Trayve you called it? Where is it precisely?" Alric asked, picking up a knife and fork, cutting into the steak. He was... Oddly curious about Freya for one reason or another. "Ollimand, perhaps? I hear the continent is beautiful this time of year, much different from the mountains up here." He stated, lifting the fork up and taking the piece of steak into his mouth, chewing on it for a few moments. With his mouth closed, of course, proper in some way.

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  • "A different realm, to be.. more precise. A version of Tatakai, as both worlds seemingly share the same geography, though Trayve is built in closer proximity to how the Dojo is built in my world. Think of it as a larger Rome, if you want. I could describe the city, but.. forgive me. I've rambled on for far too long." [i]Freya silently began to cut apart her own steak, a certain quietness taking over the surprisingly polite woman as she would begin dinner. As for her subject - Alric would find that there was no poison in his drink, nor food. The Trayvens must've killed through steel, judging by that.[/i]

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  • "You mentioned, a third army? I believe the words were, the three armies to face this threat, or something along those lines? What other army could there be, to assist in your cause?" Alric asked, taking a sip of wine.

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  • "There's the Imperium, in the plains. The jackasses who thought it was a great idea to drop artillery during the Imperial assault.. on innocents, Dojo warriors, and Imperials. Point is, they have numbers. But when everything goes dark, those numbers better be ready to use anything without tech and abilities.. else, it'll be nasty. ...We aren't just fighting men, ser. We're fighting a war that could bring us all to our knees if we fail. We fight the Tribune, and his army of seeping chaos. The Tribune himself seeps through Tatakai, hoping to seize opportunity at any moment. He's done the same to Rivelria, and Khaom.." [i]Freya would stare, right towards Alric then.[/i] "It's why we need you. Not the numbers, but the expertise. A unified Tatakai stands a chance."

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  • Edited by Royal Blade: 10/29/2017 5:04:33 AM
    "Then I'm afraid you're too late, Lady Freya." Alric stated sadly, setting the wine glass down. "Many of our strongest, most experienced are already gone. Lord Alex Coldbourne, The Cobalt Phoenix, Ornstein the Dragonslayer and his wife, Nora The Pyromaniac." He shook his head, looking back up at Freya. "Those that [i]do[/i] remain, are off battling the Imperials forces in Khalosh. Ornstein and Nora's son for example, Nathaniel. The members that are still in the dojo are the lowest of them, civilians that came here to battle gods. Warriors that are here to forget their sorrows. What remains of the dojo is a sorry lot, you will find neither numbers nor expertise anymore." Alric finished his speech with a sip of wine, well more then a sip. He gulped down the entire glass, setting it down once more.

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  • "...[i]We need them[/i], Alric." [i]Freya would murmur, as she did not stare at her food, nor the adorned table. She brought her gaze straight to Alric, her breathing a little more intense then it had been beforehand, her fist almost twitching a little upon the table.[/i] "That council meeting will decide our fate. Not just as three armies, but as three civilizations. Three, hopefully.. unified.. civilizations. Else, we are doomed."

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  • "The dojo waeriors serve no one. I will do my best, and I will fight for you, but I cannot make promises for some of the others within those walls." He cut off another piece of steak, chewing on it for a few moments before swallowing.

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  • "...Thank you." [i]Freya would sit there for a moment, simply staring at the steak before her. She sighed, shaking her head.[/i] "And here, my idiotic father thought that we would have to fight.. gods damnit. I love that man, but he's.. obsessed with that damned concept of fighting and bloodshed. It's horrible."

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  • "If I may speak freely, your father doesn't seem to understand how to sway people to his cause." Alric took a sip of wine, holding the glass in his hand and spinning the wine inside around. "If you [i]had[/i] invaded the dojo as he wished, not a single one of the Warriors inside would take up arms for your cause. They do not enjoy being conquered." Alric stated, almost matter of factly.

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  • "Agreed. Though if you said that in the Great Hall, your head would be off your shoulders before you could even close your mouth." [i]Freya chuckled quietly to herself, before a messenger would enter, whispering something into her ear. Freya's eyes would widen midway, looking at Alric as the messenger left.[/i] "...The Imperium's agreed to a council. In the Dojo, but.. perhaps there [i]is[/i] a chance."

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  • "A council it is then!" Alric laughed jovially, finishing up what remained of his steak. "Hopefully this all goes well, yes?" He asked, taking yet another sip of wine.

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  • "Hopefully. In my line of work, nothing really goes well.. but perhaps that will change." [i]Freya smiled a little, leaning back in her wooden chair as she would study Alric for a few seconds, that smile still on her face.[/i] "Once this is over.. maybe we should stay a little. I should get to know the people here, you as well."

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  • "Perhaps you should. After all, this is quite the place. The people here are ones you do not see everywhere, and the weapons are magnificent. Even the people know how to be... Special." He looked at her this time, his eyes kind.

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  • [i]The two pairs of eyes would meet, as Freya matched the stare on her own. She broke away, rising up and pulling off her gloves.[/i] "It is getting dark, Alric. May I suggest that you return to your Dojo? I doubt you want to stay amongst us, the Trayven forces.. tend to drink and party, at least some do."

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  • "Then again, it might be wiser if I spent the night amongst your forces. If we are to fight together, we must dine together. Live together." Alric stated, looking away. His voice was more suggestive, giving Freya the option to turn him away.

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  • [i]Freya would study the Witcher for a few seconds of soft silence, her head tilting in a soft curiosity. That silence would continue, before a cute smile would cross her face. She would continue to undress her armoring, until she was left with her uniform.[/i] "Careful, Witcher." [i]A singsong tone left her mouth.[/i] "I like you, but be careful. Perhaps the Dojo would enjoy the thought of bringing the Trayven commander to a certain peace. But would they enjoy you "living" alongside me, this early?"

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  • "The Dojo warriors will see that we are not enemies." Alric stated, placing his hands on the table. "It would be wiser to do so, to establish our Alliance all the sooner. I will even ask for some of the other Knights to come to the camp if need be." He drummed his index, ring and pointer finger against the table. "Besides, I am not well liked at the dojo. People only follow me because I know what I'm doing, compared to some of the other sword fighters there are." Alric drummed his fingers along the table once more. "I am the closest to a Commander they have at this point, they fight under because they have do. They will have to follow me when we fight together. They must see we are truly allies. Capable of not only fighting together but also living Together."

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  • "...Together, then." [i]Freya would finally say, adjusting her uniform as she nodded towards Alric in agreement. She had trailed around the table, her fingers against the edge of the wood.[/i] "The gates shall remain open, and our weapons undrawn. Perhaps we shall commune, perhaps.. a certain unity can be found, between us. A peace, that we can nurture and even continue. More than the parchment of a decree, or whatever material an alliance may be made of." [i]Freya would finally say, resting her hand upon the table as she stood next to the sitting Alric.[/i]

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  • "I will inform the Warriors in the dojo." Alric, finally, rose to his feet and smiled at Freya. "It was a pleasure, my lady." He said kindly, doing a cordial bow before standing tall once more. "And yes, If it is possible. We should extend on what there is. Past the material of paper and promises."

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  • [i]Freya would watch the man leave, nodding a little. She crossed her arms together, sighing after Alric would leave.[/i] "Sir Alric.. you may just save us yet." [spoiler]Timeskip to when the Dojo arrives?[/spoiler]

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