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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/28/2017 8:59:22 PM
[i]Isabella turned back, her face going a little pale at the sight of the returning Star.[/i] "Oh, I'm.. fine. There was this assassin, and they tried to cut my throat, so I threw him to the ground and.." [i]She waved her hands at the mess around the two.[/i] "I was just cleaning up the mess he made. Tried to slice me open, he swung too hard and spun himself around and cut open that fence.." [i]It was very clear that she was being sarcastic.[/i]

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  • "Uh huh." Star laughed and shook her head while putting an arm around Bella. "I totally believe you, Bella. 100%. Completely. No sarcasm at all."

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  • [spoiler]Must I mention that Isabella's still in full armor? Lmao.[/spoiler] "Ha.. well, at least someone believes me. Maybe that's what happens when your real father was.. I'll tell you later. We should go.. get ice cream." [i]Isabella did seem confused about the topic of "ice cream", but she was willing to see about it still. She patted Star on the back, looking down at the shorter woman as a smile crossed her face.[/i] "Lead the way, m'lady. You heard right, you're temporarily "m'lady". If this goes well.. might be promoted to "my lady" or something." [i]Sarcastic, joking, and prone to anger issues. Isabella was the whole package.[/i]

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  • "Okay then?" Star chuckled as she led the way to an icecream parlour. The outside was all colorful and surrounded by happy families.

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  • [i]The families didn't seem too happy to Isabella, at least not in her eyes. At the sight of them, her smile shifted into a simple, melancholic line of an expression. The hand on Star's back closed a little, though the sadness would disappear, replaced by a shorter smile than before.[/i] "So, how does.. this stuff work? I mean, ice cream is.. isn't a thing in Trayve."

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  • "It's ice, cream, and awesomeness all put together. You'll love it." They got up to the counter and Star looked over the options. "Let's see...I think you should get a cone, but what to put in it?"

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  • "...Chocolate?" [i]The giant of a woman would softly murmur, pointing at the option of "Chocolate".[/i] "Funny.. that's the one thing that I recognize on this. We have a baker, in the Keep, you see.. he and his wife live there, and cooked treats for us when we were little.. thank the gods for him and his hard chocolate, though. His pies were good, but those pieces of chocolate that you could break apart, they'd melt into your mouth and taste like heaven. Sorta, anyway.." [i]A few people had begun to stare at Isabella.[/i] "...So this ice cream stuff is like that?"

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  • "...Sure. Two scoops of chocolate in a waffle cone and two scoops of mint choco in another cone!" Star ordered and after a minute she offered Bella the chocolate icecream.

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  • [i]Isabella would calmly take the cone, studying the exterior before licking it a little. She'd quiver a little, practically eating away at it until it became too cold.[/i] "God, my sister would kill me if she knew- but this is fantastic!"

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  • "Isn't it?!" Star laughed, eating her own cone. "Glad you enjoy it."

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  • "...Thank you. Seriously. Y'know.. maybe it's terrible of me. But.. I sorta want you on the ride against the Dojo. Then establish Trayven control - we'd make sure that ladies like you, no matter how cute they are, don't get beaten up.. or the town isn't burning to the ground.. or invasions from space.. peace, that's what this place deserves."

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  • "Is it? You should know a warzone when you see one." Star finished her icecream with a satisfied sigh. "Not geting my pretty face beaten sounds nice."

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  • "...You ever been on a warzone? My first one.. gods, it was something. It smelt of shit and blood.. then the first man I ever killed ran up to me. Now.. he wasn't very intelligent. I'm six foot seven, he was five foot eight and holding up his shield, trying to bash me with it. Shields aren't good against great axes. I slammed the head into the poor man - Gods, either he was pathetic or I'm something else - either way, his arm snapped back, a scream leaving his lips as he fell. I.. I think he tried yelling. Then I split his head in two. It was.. ...something else." [i]Isabella would sigh, only then.[/i] "I can assure you that under Trayven control, you won't see battlefields left and right. I promise."

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  • "I saw my home town get blown up and incinerated into ash in an instant before the city I was currently residing began to break into complete chaos. Tanks rolled up the streets, fighter jets manuevered between the skyscrapers...people screaming...." Star shrugged, grin still on her face. "I think this place attracts people like us. People that have seen the world around them burn."

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  • "Yes, and around us.." [i]Isabella motioned towards the families, the civilians, all of them. Though she did seem a little surprised.[/i] "You've seen tragedy. We both have. All things come to an end.. but we can keep the peace on Tatakai, for years. Maybe a hundred if our lineage fulfilled our wishes."

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  • "That's the same thing the people that bombed my city said. That kind of peace comes at a price, Bella." Star sighed and began to walk away.

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  • "Star.." [i]Isabella followed, sighing to herself.[/i] "I'm not trying to pull you in amongst like a fish. But this.. this has a bigger purpose. Just.. just trust me." [i]It was a little hard to take her seriously, with a cone of chocolate ice cream in Isabella's hands. She quickly licked away at her cone, though.[/i]

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  • Star turned and grinned a little. "Would you mind if I asked to help you? I mean, specifically you. Be by your side as this thing you're talking about goes down? Having someone of my kind by their side has helped many people come to victory."

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  • [i]Isabella would look up at Star silently, finishing her ice cream cone with a quiet stare towards the woman. Finally, she would sigh and nod, approaching Star as she drew her axe - the axe upon her side, holding the shaft of the weapon with both hands and pressed against her chest.[/i] "...I take your allegiance seriously, Star. If you wish to serve alongside me, help me.. please, kneel."

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  • "Alright, not how we do things where I come from, but okay." Star got on one knee. "Good?"

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  • "...That's fine. Just.. traditional things." [i]Isabella would hover the head of the axe over Star's left shoulder, before bringing it over the woman's head, and back to her right shoulder.[/i] "Star, my lady, I raise you. Not as a knightess, but a knightess that would serve alongside me, until you see fit to depart. I shall not dishonor you, nor shall I take advantage of your service." [i]Isabella would raise her axe above Star's scalp, before bringing it to her own chest.[/i] "...If you wish, please stand. I should.. probably present a badge. Except I have no badge to grant.."

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  • "Badge? Ooh, making things all official, are we?" Star chuckled. "Maybe you can get me a badge some other time, Bella."

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  • "...Sure. That comes with a uniform, some armoring of your choosing, though I'm sure you have armor already. A weapon of your choosing, too.. a bow, I believe would be suitable? We should just build you a portable ballista or something." [i]Isabella would smile a little, shrugging.[/i] "Though.. you should meet my sister. We can head there now, if you want."

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  • "It's not one of those skimpy uniforms some girls wear, right? With a chainmail bikini? Also, sure. Let's go see your sister." Star stood straight, confident.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 10/29/2017 3:31:06 PM
    "What? Oh, fuсk no. Hell no. I mean, we're fuсked up in the head.. especially my brother Arthur, there's something wrong with him, but we're not that weird." [i]Isabella laughed, as she motioned for Star to follow her to the fortress in the center of Dojoville. From high above, men and women guarding the walls and watchtowers would study the approaching Isabella and her companion. The taller woman would hold open a tent for Star to enter.. where Freya Trayven was residing.[/i] "Isabella, who.." [i]The redhead woman would mutter, her eyes looking up and down at Star in a slight confusion. Her eyes were suspiciously red, as if she was either considerably tired or had been.. crying. She sighed, as Isabella entered.[/i] [b]Bella[/b]: "Freya.. this is Star. Best fuсking archer I've ever seen. And sorta my.. companion. Knightess." [b]Freya[/b]: "Sworn defender and servant?" [i]The taller, older of the two would scoff a little.[/i] [b]Bella[/b]: "Servant? No, she's a friend. A term that you're probably not used to, since you're busy fuсking every soldier in the camp."

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  • "Roleplaying a servant in the bedroom maybe, but never in real life. Also, if you're sleeping with all your soldiers may I recommend getting yourself tested sometime?" Star chuckled, swaying on her feet a little as if she can't stand still.

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