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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/28/2017 5:41:47 PM
"I [i]am[/i] in need of a proper rifle, If I'm being honest. The best I have is small blasters." Nathaniel reached over, taking the weapon from its place. He ran his fingers along the barrel of the weapon, gripping it tightly. He turned towards Treyman, offering it. "I may be in need of a weapon, but I am unsure if you need it more than I. If you do, then please accept it. If not, then I will take this weapon as my own."

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  • [i]"Keep it. The Legion Standard Kit consists of Plasma, and I have AntiMatter gear for myself if need be." Treyman shrugged his left shoulder, which in itself held four leather straps. One was connected to a Godwyn-Pattern Bolter, built for human hands, while two were custom built AntiMatter rifles - a sniper and assault rifle - while the last was a plasma marksman rifle. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/31/2017 12:57:10 AM
    "Well, now that that's out of the way..." Vel had told them, looking at the map. "Clem!" The Grineer had happily told them, pointing his two Grakata LMGs out. "Your men must prepare for anything. This species can change them into corrupted monsters...turn your kind against us." Bariss told Nate and Treyman. "Let's not forget we only saw two different types of units of Infested. The logs that Sun-Rei recovered from the Immortal Outpost confirmed there were other units that we hadn't seen yet..." Velinnea had explained to the group, Sun-Rei giving a wide grin to the group, holding her flamethrower up. "Any other questions before we dismiss? With the invasion, and all, we'll have to launch the attack tomorrow." She told them. --------------------- [spoiler]Orn.[/spoiler] "And I'll do the same, Iota." Katya told them...before a echoey voice entered their heads. [i]"We...see through everyone's lies..we...will rise from the shadows..."[/i] The two would then experience the equivalent of a headache for a little bit before both lost consciousness. :::::::::::::::::::::::: (????) Charlia would've woken up in what seemed to be a room...[url=]a big room in fact.[/url] Light blinded her for a second, a planet once thought destroyed in view. Earth. Katya laid unconscious next to her, as a small rumble was heard, most likely from under where they were...which happened to be a gaping hole. This seemed to once be some type of ancient Hall, by the looks of it, destroyed and crumbled by some unknown force. Up ahead, there was massive gaping hole dividing the two from the rest of the room. A [url=]being[/url] appeared in front of Charlia, scanning her. It then made a small noise, looking to the dividing gap being filled up by rocks made into a bridge. As Katya slowly came to, the being bowed at the both of them.

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  • "No questions, my lady." Nathaniel noted, nodding his head towards her in respect. "I will prepare my crew members, and what other forces I can. Perhaps Crow will be back in action, bacta is a true life saver." Nate said, looking around at the group that was gathered. "It is honour to fight by your sight, Lord Treyman. I've heard Tales of you and my father, Ornstein. The Dragonslayer."

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  • [i]"Wrong guy: That was the Cowboy." JT chuckled in the background: The two were commonly mistaken for each other due to the names. Treyman just walked out of the room while JT remained, heading off to prepare the Crusader for an assault. [/i]

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  • "Katya.." [i]Charlia would then quietly mutter, prying onto Katya's hand in preparation for whatever was to come. That was before she had realized that Katya was seemingly asleep, a fact that Charlia would forget, or rather fail to discover, until now. Her face went a little pale, her fingers clasping Katya's hand a little harder.[/i] "Katya.. come on, wake up. Katya.." [i]She muttered, repeatedly, staring at the being and the setting that they had suddenly been pulled into. It felt familiar to her, in a way, but oh so different and new to her mind as well.[/i]

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  • "Good then...Let's make sure we make a name for ourselves." Vel tells them, smiling as she let go of the Khalosh map, preparing for what would potentially be a head-on attack in the hive of the Infestation. [spoiler](TIMESKIP!)[/spoiler] Multiple Republic gunships landed outside the site, seemingly a massive parking lot that led to some type of ticket booth, a massive plaza behind the booth and a bunch of retaken shrubbery and trees. Velinnea came out of the ship, Bariss and Sun-Rei with her, along with three other clones. The clones began raising their blasters for anything that was moving, the screams of Infested being heard all around them. They were quite distant, and didn't seem to be going closer, as Clover and Lucky Squadron's gunship landed not too far away. As three clones took down the shrubbery blocking their way in, Vel had waited for their reinforcements to arrive, a massive dome seemingly up ahead a long path. ---------------------------- Katya would slowly wake up, her eyes creaking open...before she realized they weren't where they originally were, scrambling for her lightsaber on her belt, iginiting it and pointing it at the being...who once again swayed to the bridge. There, deep within some heavy gallium and alloy-plated metal was two things, almost as if they were calling to Charlia. One seemed to be some sort of [url=]rifle, seemingly almost as if it had never been used[/url], while the other seemed to be some type of [url=]twin-daggers[/url], finely made and crafted.

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  • "Of to the end, we go." [i]Victoria would mutter to herself, before the Sister would land upon the parking lot's concrete, the Boltgun that was tightly clasped within her hands loaded with a fresh magazine. Victoria was armored, of course, in the standardized Sororitas armoring, minus the saint decals and fleur de lys that would usually acquaint the body armor, the red ribbons and medallions of gold removed as well.[/i] [i]Before long, she shoved past Tethys, catching up to Velinnea in a certain rush.[/i] ----------------------------- "By heaven.." [i]Charlia muttered to herself, holding the twin daggers within her hands. The weapons were seemingly made for her grasp, in their oddly alien form, while she spun them in her hands before holstering the two knives at her waist. She would then pick up the Prime weapon slowly, a breath leaving her mouth, as she adjusted herself to the rifle before her.[/i]

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  • [i]Nathaniel's boots thumped as they hit the ground besides her, dust particles floating into the air as a result. Falling to one knee, he placed his right palm against the ground, taking a deep breath. Since he was an elemental mage, he could use the ground as a seismic detector, to try and located those infested. He pointed towards a building across the lot.[/i] "They're watching."

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  • [i]Treyman raised his rifle from behind Nathaniel and a trio of shots silently rang out. The gun spat a white fluid out of its barrel in complete silence, and when the wall was hit, it would start to quickly deconstruct. The Ingested on the other side were hit by the rest of his bullets; And very quickly melted down. He didn't speak and neither did the cowboy, who was following and keeping an eye on things from the Legion Flagship in orbit. [/i]

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  • Nate could've detected a large amount of Infested within the area. However, it was most biggest within the dome. Vel saw Victoria come up to her, as the clones cleared the shrubbery, revealing a couple dead Infested Chargers, courtesy of Treyman. "This feels wrong...almost like a trap." She tells them, walking down a set of stairs that were cleared, as they lead down to a plaza. The fountain in the middle seemed to spew out some kind of vile liquid, and some areas around the floor of the plaza had spores growing out of it. "I feel something...dangerous. Big. Very deadly. Most likely whoever is leading the Infested." Bariss had told Tethys, Nate and JT, waiting for the rest to move, about 30 or so clones behind Vel and Victoria. ------------------------- [spoiler]O.[/spoiler] Katya walked up to her, just before someone, sounding both masculine and feminine in voice, was heard from behind the two. " have arrived. the future." [url=]A being, feminine in shape, [/url] told the two, as it walked up to them.

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  • "No... It's not that. It's a trap, that much I guarantee. It's not the leader that's here through... No. Something much less important." [i]Nathaniel said quietly as he rose to his feet and adjusted the rifle in his hands. The one he collected from the table earlier.[/i] "That's a waste of life... An unnecessary threat." [i]Nathaniel spoke confidently, as he was a captain in the Mandalorian ranks. He certainly had military experience. Not much as JT and Treyman, that much was certain.[/i]

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  • "Now's the time to pull back, if it's a gut feeling.." [i]Victoria would murmur through her helm, the woman's voice muffled by the black helmet of which adorned her head. Tethys, meanwhile, kept silent. She would keep her composure, looking for.. anything. But most of all - searching for life, or power. The Infested were alive with infection, so perhaps..[/i] ---------------------------------- [i]Out of pure reaction, Charlia brought the rifle to the approaching being's skull. The barrel rested upon the feminine creature's cranium, a soft click heard as the safety was turned off.[/i] "Don't act as if you predict anything, my lady." [i]Charlia guessed, judging by the being's feminine look.[/i] "Else, you'll find yourself in the wrong." [i]In truth.. she was angry. Furious. Fuming with a simple outrage. She had two goals now, and this monster was tearing apart both.[/i]

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  • [i]"Keep moving. If we run into resistance, end it; You will not back down." Treyman spoke in a collected yet demanding tone. He was arguably one of the most experienced people here - Commanding an army at the age of twenty six, stopping two wars singlehandedly, and combatting hivemind entities was not something that allowed a commander to be soft on the field. He was assuming command of the team because he felt the most experienced, though there was room to argue with him. JT just snickered over the comms linked to Treyman, whilst his personal A.I was uploading thermal scans of the area to the rest of the crew. Anything up to twenty meters was marked in red, while the group was marked in blue. [/i]

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  • "Mandelorians don't back down, Lord Treyman." [i]Nathaniel laughed in a jovial manner, walking beside Treyman. He had a similar experience to Treyman, nearly. 5 years Treyman's junior, Nathaniel was only 21 years old now. Yet, he had an impressive record. His tales of murdering dragons were many, and covered 16 years of his life before entering war. Kingdom Wars, as some had called it. Where Nathaniel led a platoon of men against an enemy. He became famous for their success rate, and their "inability to die," until the war's end that is. Moving on, he arrived at the dojo and fought in the dojo tournament, resulting in a draw against one of its most formidable warriors: JJ Granted, the next three years were mostly petty crimes alongside a pirate crew named "Fired Ice," it kept his wits for battle. Until he eventually joined the Mandelorian order, where he proved himself in battle more then once. [/i] [i]Now, here he was. Fighting alongside great warriors such as Treyman, JT, Freya and others. He was... Ecstatic to say the least.[/i]

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  • Velinnea simply nodded, as the group walked down toward the plaza. Everything seemed...quiet... At first. Right after that, Treyman’s legs would’ve been wrapped around by some type of vine-like arms, being dragged further from the group by an [url=]Ancient[/url], whom was also with 6 [url=]Boilers[/url], whom had begun spewing out what seemed to be pods of some sort onto the path leading into the arena, blocking their path temporarily. “Open fire!” Yelled Vel, firing her WESTARs in the direction of the Ancient. Bariss pulled out her Dakra Prime and leapt toward one of the Boilers. Sun-Reinactivated her flamethrower and began spraying the pods with her stable stream of fire. ————————————————- [spoiler]Orn.[/spoiler] “Ah...guillible and naive as ever, Iota...or should I say, Charlia?” The being responded, lifting its hand in response. Both Katya and Charlia would be lifted off the ground, floating a little bit above the ground. “You two, along with the third shall be part of a growing force who will secure Tatakai and rule over the entirety of two galaxies. The one here...and yours.” The being told Charlia, Katya fidgeting for her lightsaber. “And why should we? You’re at fault here for sending us to...wherever this place is.” Katya had yelled out in the beings’s direction, as the being simply shook it’s head. “Because you two, and the third have potential. Locked away behind your suffering. The channeling of such hatred can be used to your advantage; the people known as ‘the Dojo’ and those who follow false gods will see just how pitiful their ‘achievements’ were.” The being explained.

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  • [i]While the others focused upon the Ancients, Victoria would simply hone in on the Boilers that had begun to act as well. *[b]BLAM[/b]!* *[b]BLAM[/b]!* *[b]BLAM[/b]!* - The Bolter's rounds would shred their bodies apart with terrible ease, as fragments of torn gore and flying shrapnel flew throughout the Boiler's bodies.[/i] --------------------------------- "...[i]Without[/i] leaving Tatakai as a smoldered shell of itself, I hope? Bringing the people against the true enemy...?" [i]Charlia, now revealed, would question quietly. A fuming anger would begin to seep through her, though. She could end it, if she just raised her hand up and pulled that trigger..[/i]

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  • [i]Raising his newly received Boltor Prime rifle, Nathaniel shifted his attention toward the Boilers. The recoiled rested comfortably in his hands, as he was used to this sort of kickback in blasters and other rifles. Moving forward slightly, a Grey L shaped ship flew overhead, dropping a half dozen Mandos from it, who landed on the ground with jetpacks.[/i] "Captain Nathaniel." [i]One of the Mandos greeted, running up to Nathaniel. [/i]

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  • [i]"Bad call..." JT would mutter under his breath from orbit, before Treyman heard it and smirked a little underneath his mask. His legs were tangled up in a mass of tentacles but he managed to keep his hands deftly freed, so after slipping the rifle back into his back, he would reach for the silver hilt that rested peacefully on his belt. It activated at the press of a red button and shot out an infernal colour, vaporizing the skin of the tentacles that it had stricken. He carved his way to freedom and landed dexterously on his feet, where he would use his Jump Jets embedded in his back and the soles of his feet to dash up into the air. When he came back down, not only was the beast sliced in half, but the Omega had slain two more creatures with a lunge forwards and an aggressive duo of swings from his crimson-bladed weapon. Treyman darted around the field, his movements elegant and precise in each of his slashes. To him, this was no battlefield. This was a dance and the sounds of gunfire were a tune to play to, and he moved with the grace of a duelist and dancer all the same, whilst carving a swath across the battlefield. [/i]

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  • The Boilers and Ancients were dealt with, their corpses beginning to decay on the floor. But they seemed to have rustled nest...sort of. Soon, the pods that the Boilers left behind (and those that Sun-Rei didn’t burn to death) exploded, releasing fresh Infested soldiers, Chargers and [url=]Volatile Runners[/url] Mostly, as they charged toward the group. As well, two more Ancients appeared, beginning to heal those that were injured during the fight, along with 10 or so Volatile Runners (15 Chargers, 30 Volatile Runners, 2 Ancients remain.) Velinnea fires off her WESTARs toward the Runners, taking 3 of them out as they charged toward the group, although a Charger tackled her to the ground, attempting to rip off her armor using its claws, Vel herself kicking and scrambling to get out of that mess. Bariss was with Victoria and Treyman, using her Dakra Prime in a way that would be like no other, gracing the battlefield almost akin to a dance or a solo balle. Sun-Rei stayed with Nate, bursting out any Infested with her flmaethrower, taking out a few Chargers who attempted to flank Nate from the sides. (12 Chargers, 27 VRs, and 2 Ancients left) ——————————————— “Please. Devastating the Dojo will simply be useless in the grand scheme of things...or rather, what one of ethree empires wishes to do.” It tells Charlia and Katya, pacing around the two, Katya her Saber raised toward the being. “Grineer. Corpus. Infested. All with different goals, yet containing the same plan. Conquer Tatakai. We are simply puppeteering the movements of all three groups...along with the god named Aeron Tenebrae.” Was the thing’s explanation.

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  • [i]Victoria would certainly not waste time, as that savior attitude would kick in oh so suddenly: she separated herself, perhaps out of idiocy or trying to save Vel, as she suddenly slammed her right foot into the Charger's body. With her already enhanced strength and ceramite crushing into it, it was practically sent rolling across the ground, before Victoria finished job with a Bolt.[/i] "You need to go - I'll cover you, GO!" [i]She would yell at Velinnea, pulling her up while simultaneously firing into the hordes.[/i] ------------------------------ [i]Charlia would only keep her silence for the time. The being had caught her interests, but at what cost? Charlia's service? Katya? She had to find a way to decide what to do, and fast, else her ladder up to victory would collapse.[/i]

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  • [i]Two of the six Mandolorians that had arrived moved towards Vel and Victoria, one of them providing covering fire as a second ran up and assisted Vel and Victoria as best he could. Nathaniel, along with the remaining Mandos and Sun-Rei moved forward, creating a triangular formation. Nathaniel was leading, Sun Rei a few steps behind to his left and a Mandolorian a few steps back to his right. Another was each of the two respectively, with the sixth and final Mando jumping through the group of people providing cover where it was needed. They were well trained, and Nathaniel barking orders at them further proved his prowess when it came to leading troops. [/i]

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  • [i]Treyman danced across the field, his blade slicing away at Volatile Runners that would come for him. Whenever they jumped up high to take him on, he would duck and slash the air above him. When they came from the sides, he swiped the blade across his visage and drove it into another; He wasn't even paying attention to what was around him, he was too busy in a mindless frenzy of murder of the Infested. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 11/15/2017 6:03:23 PM
    By this point, most of the Infested were defeated, their corpses decaying quite rapidly away into the ashes. This didn’t change the fact that there were still a few left. (6 Chargers remaining) Instantly, a squadron of clones in green armor came in, one firing his mini gun toward the remaining Chargers. “You guys move; we can finish the rest of them!” The minigun person shouted. “Cipher, Trench, with me and Vel; rest of my squadron, stay here and defend this area.” Clover had shouted, Vel slowly getting up. “Vic, we need to...” Vel began to say, before a massive roar was heard from the stadium ahead. Soon, 5 Juggernauts and a WHOLE lot of Infested began making their way forward, which including Ancients, Boilers, And Chargers. Vel proceeded to drag Victoria away from the attack, Bariss and Sun-Rei also trying to get Nate and Treyman out of there, while Clover proceeded to pull Vel away from the remainder of her team, as they blocked the way from the Infested. ————————————————- [spoiler]O.[/spoiler] “It seems you believe that you’ll lose her loyalty. That the Imperials will be lost to your cause.” The being had told Charlia, Katya seemingly sticking by Charlia’s side. “And based on her, she’s sticking to your side.” Was it’s response, before he looked up at something walking in. [url=]Most likely looking feminine[/url] she walked in, wearing what seemed to be claws on her hands. “Shadow Master.” She had told the being, kneeling in respect in front of him. “Angst...follow them, to the Dojo. Make sure that they live past what happens soon.” The being had told them, Angst looking toward Charlia, staring at her for a bit before turning back to this ‘Shadow Master’. “Yes, Master.” She replied, staring at Charlia.

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  • [i]Victoria would allow herself to be quite literally drug by Velinnea, as she kept firing at the hordes, with Vel's hand tugging her away from the mess. Though she would refrain from an utter onslaught, reloading quickly and falling back soon.[/i] -------------------------------- "...We should know what comes next, you know.." [i]Charlia muttered, finally sighing and holstering the pistol. She hated it all. But she would have to play the accursed game, of these two higher beings. Else, her time was up, and Katya's time would be up too.[/i]

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  • "MOVE BACK!" [i]Nathaniel yelled, the Mandolorians quickly gathering up on him as they moved back, providing covering fire to the others in the group.[/i]

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