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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/27/2017 11:32:57 AM
[b][u]Chapter One[/u][/b] [u][b]Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus[/b][/u] [b]Dojoville Center, now taken by the Trayven forces[/b] [b]6:41 PM[/b] [b]Trayven Head Camp[/b] ---------------------------------- [spoiler]Open, if you intend to be taken down by the stationed Trayvens and meet Freya.[/spoiler] "Thirty-six deaths. In one night." [i]Freya's fist rested upon the wooden table, the solid surface coated by maps of the Dojo, and the surrounding area of Dojoville and the forest underneath the mountain. A lamp flickered in the corner of the room, a small bed next to it, alongside a pack of the commander's armory and such. Standing before the woman was a cloaked knight, the cloth binding around his suit hiding away the helmet upon his head and back.[/i] [i]Freya Trayven herself wasn't biologically a Trayven, as she was one of the five that were not. The eldest brother would know that honor, she would not. But while he was off against the threat of darkness, and her eldest sister had taken to leading the front lines, Freya was wagering the war against the true enemy. The enemy of the people, in fact - the Dojo. She had created the assault plans, studied the previous invasions.. the Dojo had never faced an encamped enemy, however. They were used to spaceships and gun warfare - they would be surprised.[/i] [i]From a perspective, Freya was ferocious, in her own manners. She was above the average female height, at about five feet and ten inches tall, albeit a complete midget to half of the Dojo's members still. Her bodily frame was bounded by a deep purple and white uniform, buttons tightening the vest around her front, links of chainmail running through the uniform as steel plate coated her shoulders as pauldrons and wrapped around her forearms. Curls of short, blood red hair fell from her head, while those two bright orange gems stared down at the scout knight that had approached her.[/i] [i]She didn't initially believe the man, of course. The woman brushed past the armored knight, whom was only an inch taller in his armor, as she passed through the tent's entrance and into the lightly raining outside of Dojoville. Proud golden lion banners hung above the tents, a giant pole bearing the Trayven flag, instead of the Dojo's. Armored knights, calvary riders upon their steeds, armed soldiers, servants and squires rushed through the garrison, most simply nodding towards their commander as she approached the corpsmen stations, or rather the medical station.[/i] [i]The fortress was already something, in the few days that it had been stationed. The Dojo cared not for the Trayven, if which helped their cause just as much. No, it appeared that whatever had caused the wildfire had merely stalled their progress. Now, thick wooden walls, stationed concrete, and watchtowers made up the defense, while if one were to peer at the base from afar, they would find a slight, clear grey barrier surrounding it. About twenty feet from each wall, the barrier's fence would end, while it reached a few stories into the air. There were certainly more than a hundred there, to say the very least.[/i] [i]And the scout was right. Thirty-six dead bodies lined the ground, accompanied by two more that had been mauled and desecrated by Dojo civilians. The civilians that were taken by the Trayvens were bounded to wooden stakes, thrashing at their bonds. There were three, in total.[/i] [i]Freya would recognize these dead men. She closed her eyes, nodding towards the corpsmen to take away the bodies for burning. She would only then turn towards the first of the Dojo civilians. She'd regularly leave executions to others that were.. more fit, to the role, but.. no one would hurt her men.[/i] [i]So she took it upon herself to do it.[/i] ---------------------------------- [spoiler]Open to all.[/spoiler] [b]Dojo Gates[/b] "I deliver a message from Lady Freya Trayven!" [i]A cavalryman rode his white horse up to the Dojo's gates, circling around as he awaited an answer. In his hand, he held not a weapon, but instead a banner of Trayven - white and purple in color, with a golden, roaring lion head in the center. Upon his waist, was a tightly packed scroll of ancient parchment. He.. seemed to be waiting.[/i]

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  • "Oh, Freya's just bitchy as hell. I deserved it, I've not exactly been a loving sister these past few weeks. Your dad probably enjoyed it more than she did, I know that I certainly did. Point is.. Freya pretends to be hardcore, serious, that shit." [i]Isabella smiled a little, shrugging about her little sister.[/i] "Star thought that we should invite her. Freya.. barely knows her, but it would.. really lighten her up." ---------------------------- "All we have so far are scouts and patrols. We're still trying to be rid of the few stationed Imperials, nothing much.. that is a good idea, when we can say that we've taken a full sector other than Dojoville's sector."

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  • [i]"Well if we ever do it again, give her a call. I'm sure that me and Star could loosen her up." [/i] ------------------------ [i]Without even saying a word, JT switched screens from the base to the plains south of the Dojo and village. Beside it was a screen of the Ko Rudo Mountains, and below that was the Shi Canyon. "Take a look at these. Potentially good spots for bases, these are." [/i]

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  • "Oh, that'd be a sight," [i]Isabella giggled a little to herself, a few light chuckles escaping.[/i] "She'd be going on about it for days, probably. It depends on how much she likes it, I suppose." [i]Isabella was keeping the topic on Freya getting lаid for a reason. She didn't want to pull up Natalie's father, of which had taken to threatening Star. Internally, Isabella was fuсking furious, but she'd make sure to keep that rage contained.[/i] ------------------------------- "The Shi Canyon would be a good spot for an outpost. A base in the Ko-Rudo Mountains, though.. if we increased the custos' range - the barrier's range - we would be fine, up there. Then we could mine away at the resources as well..l [i]Freya nodded to herself. JT's suggestions were agreeable, while she would have to wait on Arthur's host to arrive. The Trayven army stationed here was large, but it wasn't comparable to the one that her brother would lead.[/i]

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  • [i]"You have my phone number, right? Next time you decde to play a game of poker, just give me and Star a ring up." [/i] --------------------------------- [i]"Right. Now, was there anythin' else y'need or no?" [/i]

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  • "Mhm. I'll see if she has any other friends who would like to come along. Military friends, lieutenants.. maybe even Arthur. Hell, it's not even legit inсest, like those fuсkwads in Upper Khaom do to "keep the family lineage pure" or whatever. Anyway.. I think I have two more things for you. Some appropriate armor - no chainmail bras, Star asked already - and a weapon, of your choice. Particularly melee, still working on our gun Libertas, though outside of here.. eh, maybe." ------------------------------- "...I think that's it. FOBs, potential bases.. we need air support against masses of enemies. I think the Imperium can handle that? You may leave, though, if you wish. It was a pleasure, Marshal."

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  • [i]"Hold on, Star asked for a chainmail bra?" Nat inquisitively questioned out of a slight disbelief. Of all the people to ask about a bra made of chainmail, Star wasn't high on the list of suspects Nat had. It made her wonder what she was up to in her free time, though she didn't dwell on it much out of trust. [/i] ------------- [i]"Likewise, Freya." JT exited the tent and grappled off; He had managed to grab a ring in all the chaos, one which would allow him to keep his augmentations active. Thank god Natalie had some damn issues, he thought. [/i] [spoiler]Took the ring because we forgot to hook him up lol. [/spoiler]

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  • "In a very sarcastic manner? Why, yes she did. You don't think that we actually have chainmail bras and panties, do you? That'd be.. more than uncomfortable. But we still need to chat about your weapon, 'n armoring too." [i]Isabella would finish, as the Marshal would then leave the tent. A simple, unsatisfied smirk crossed the tall woman's face, before those scarlet eyes returned to the shorter Natalie.[/i] "I think I can have a weapon forged for you in a bit. Even better, since you are a mage, a weapon enhanced by an enchantment."

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  • [i]Natalie chuckled at that word. Why? She didn't think that the Trayvens were the type to use anything magical. They struck her as the type to use swords, boards and gold hoards to win wars, though she really should've expected it. "Right. And just what will you be equipping me with?" [/i]

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  • "Hell, something.. relatively decent. Weapon of your choice, if you want." [i]Isabella was studying Natalie's laugh, before she would catch onto it after a few seconds.[/i] "...Yes, we use magic. Hell, I sorta do too. [i]Sorta[/i]."

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  • [i]"I never would have taken you for the mage, Isabella. Well, with the exception of some charms," Nat said in a jesting manner. She thought about what kind of gear she would require, before something soon came to her. "...Do you by any chance take requests on gear? It's nothing too fancy,just some armour plans I've drawn up in my free time." [/i]

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  • "Just charms? Ha. You'd be surprised by Khaom's definition of mages. I was one of the bunch that specialized as both a gladiator in the arena and a "war machine" in warfare - magic isn't allowed in the ring, but anything goes on the battlefield. And sure, if you don't mind some purple and white decals to go along with it. Nothing to slow you down, but we need to know who's who in a clusterfuсk of a fight. If you have whatever you got in mind, I can go ahead and bully the smiths and enchantress into working on it immediately." [i]A pit fighter, a mage to some degree, and convincing in two manners, though Isabella was more intimidating than anything. She shrugged, smiling a little at Nat while a genuine interest came to her mind about the woman's idea.[/i]

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  • [i]"Purple and white? That kind of goes against my whole 'Black and sneaky' theme, but it works for me," Nat jokingly responded. That scheme of colours rather intrigued the woman, as it would give her reason to revert herself back to the purple hair she had so long ago. She reached into her boots and pulled out a few papers - On it were a series of sketches for what looked like plated clothing, some parts of it studded. Beside that was the schematics for a staff, though one with half of it being collapsible to form a hiltless sword. [/i] [spoiler]Imagine a staff from Dragon Age: Inquisition with that foot and a half long knife on the bottom, but the long shaft of it collapses into the hilt. From there she can use it as either a sword, to fight, or a staff, to boost her spells as a catalyst. [/spoiler]

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  • "Hell, I've always rocked a purple-and-black look, so we could do that.. your preference." [i]Isabella would study the papers given to her. Out of habit, she straightened them, finally nodding as she kept them in her hand.[/i] "We can do this, yeah. The blade of the sword'll likely be of an alloyed steel, though I can hook you up with better, if you want. Might be a little heavier, though."

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  • [i]"That works for me. The lighter it is, the easier it is for me to handle anyways." [/i]

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  • "Hmm. Yeah, I got this. You need some living quarters or anything? I can hook you up, if you do. Tell Star if she needs a place, unless you two have a home."

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  • [i]"That's alright, at least for me. I have a place, thanks anyways. Star though, you might need to ask her." [/i]

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  • [i]Isabella would nod, motioning for Nat to head on.[/i] "Whenever that council rolls up or whatever, I'll be outside with a few.. sibling. Freya thinks that I'll instigate a war or something.. and to be quite honest, talking to people about peace negotiations isn't my thing, so we can probably hang around outside for a bit. I'll bring the gear there, that fine? The council should be tomorrow, so smiths'll be done."

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  • [i]"Yeah that works by me. Maybe we could get some people together and throw a party." [/i]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 11/6/2017 1:26:18 AM
    "Hmm. Me, you, Star.. maybe that one other gal at the party. Not that fuсking bear guy. Hmm.. oh, Oliver and Niki are pretty fun, new to this whole thing. And Freya's definitely seeing someone on the side, so.. I think."

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  • [i]"I'd say we've got a party, with those numbers." [/i]

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  • "Eight people. And Oliver's a fuсkin' virgin. Gods, he'll sob. Anyway.. you take care, Nat. I gotta go.. do military stuff. Doubt you'd want to listen to guys talk about thieves in Dojoville 'n shit."

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  • [i]"Aight, I'll catch you later." And with a mock bow and pleasant giggle, Nat walked off. [/i]

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  • [i]Instead of the heavily armored, katana wielding, magic using, gunslingers that made up the dojo, the messenger of this 'Freya' had met a rather ordinary man on his way out, he looked a bit old, ancient truthfully. The man could've been mistaken for a monk, if not for the bizarre two headed eagle emblem that was imprinted on his robes. Was he a member of another clan? He was Caucasian, bald on his head with wiring had poked out of the back and towards his back. The decrepit man bore a golden rod with a capital i on the top, parchments which detailed the glorious God-Emperor in all of his majesty were wax-pressed on his robes, a rather strange sight. This was Adept Logus, who turned his head to view the messenger.[/i] "What brings a messenger to this cesspооl of warriors and gun-toting maniacs?" [i]He spoke, his voice revealing his age. Though he seemed a bit....lively, more than a man of his age should be.[/i]

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  • "I bring a declaration from the Trayven forces beneath, ser. A message for the Dojo, nothing more than that. Would you be the receiver? Typical of them, the damned murderers, to send the elderly to do common work." [i]It would appear that the young man upon the horse and Logus would share something of a negative opinion upon the state of the Dojo, while the former, younger of the two would steadily slide off of his lightly armored horse. He would allow the standard in his hand to be slammed into the ground, the messenger proceeding forwards towards the Adept.[/i]

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  • [i]Logus had found an exploitation within the messenger, as he was an Adept in socializing after all.[/i] "No. I am not affiliated with the Dojo, I merely came to inform them that all trades between my people, The Imperium of Man and if they were to step foot near the....Tatakoi Plains as they call it, they will be shot on sight. I do appreciate your concern, however I still have a century left in these old bones." [i]He said with a slight chuckle, a smile forming on his face.[/i] "I believe we can cooperate however, according to your....colorful description of the Dojo, you seem to have a rather unfavorable opinion of them. Is this shared with your people as well?"

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