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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/27/2017 8:07:03 AM
"Technically, yes, but I am afraid that it might be... my fault, sweet lady." [i]Astra almost nervously coughed, so uncharacteristically on edge so suddenly. Normally, she was all self-assured and practically shone with confidence, but now... Regardless, she continued her little ministrations, holding Irina close and just gently scratching at her scalp, those glorious wings slowly unfurling, gently wrapping around the Vileblood to encase her in warmth and softness.[/i] "Uhm, you see, worlds have cycles. Every realm does, and they all eventually end. When a cycle ends, another starts anew, again, and again, infinitely so. The place where I originated from is currently in its second cycle, and has been for several million years, but... the humans, they worship me as a protective deity -- the only deity, in fact. I always... liked humans - your kind is cute, to be frank - so I got involved with them, guiding this cycle along how I saw best, but... the genuine deities fail to approve; they're jealous critters and have only grown spiteful towards me. They cannot even dream to snuff me, but the people I care for, such as you... In short, it might just be the gods trying to satisfy their own jealousy and envy." [i]Angel mama pissed off some gods and the gods decided to strike for the things she loved. Her lovely smile turned into a scowl, and Irina, close as she watch, could just hear the barest mutter of "should have killed them in their cribs" leaving the lady's lips. She pushed a quiet sigh past her lips, head slowly shaking as an apologetic look crossed her sweet visage, the pink of her irises shifting into an equally as apologetic blue.[/i] "Sorry to drag you into my affairs."

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  • [i]Irina would keep her silence, at least until Astra had apologized.[/i] [i]A slight cough was heard, before the Vileblood found a short laugh escaping her throat. It was cute, as it began a cycle of chuckles, as Irina herself merely smiled in her own melancholic, quiet way. Though of course, that sad calmness would only arrive when she was alone, or with an individual that she deeply cared for.. and dearest Astraeus was no exception to that at all.[/i] "...Sorry?" [i]She repeated after Astra, another burst of quiet laughter following that. She was batshit, sure.. but she did have a cute laugh, for a grown woman.[/i] "Don't be sorry, dearest. Just means that we'll.. primarily you, to be brutally honest, have to unleash your wrath upon these guards. I wish that I could help, except I'm just.. this. I'm not an angel, nor a shade between the spectral world and the grasp of death. I may be abnormal, but.. I wouldn't be of use." [i]Shades, angels, gods and men.. it made the Vileblood's head hurt a little. She released not a laugh, but a sigh, as she looked up at Astra only then. Icy, sharp blue would meet the warm light pink as the eyes found each other, the Vileblood awaiting anything from her lover.[/i]

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  • [i]The laughter just made Astraeus confused, her right eyebrow rising up high in curiosity, head cocking to the right, so cutely tilted. Just like Irina with her laugh, the angel could be strangely cute, inexperienced with this realm and its people as she was... Her confusion faded as quickly as it had blossomed up, swiftly replaced by a wide grin at the Vileblood's suggestion. She liked it, for sure.[/i] "Mmhm, yes, show these prissy deities the power of the Legion; our unified strength," [i]She quietly uttered to herself with an eager nod, "our unified strength" undoubtedly referring to the exact same Legion she had mentioned -- her very origins. Her grin widened, the grip her left arm and two wings had on Irina tightening ever so slightly, the armour that shrouded Astra's body fading, replaced in almost an instant by the soft, comfortable, stone grey robes she usually wore when not planning on murdering something... she'd do exactly what Irina had said, no doubt, but not right now, not instantaneously. Currently, she just spoiled her little psychopath with warmth, softness, and little scratches.[/i] "The thing I, personally, find absolutely laughable is that the deities... they came after me. You see, while cycled repeat for every world, they still remain different and unique: never will there be two identical cycles. The fundamentals change and shift. In the current cycles, the gods only spawned once the adorable little sentients started feeling the [i]need[/i] to have them. Belief is power. When enough beings believe something hard enough, they will find it to be true. The gods and goddesses might not have many followers anymore - if at all - but they still exist, if mostly weakened. Even a mere mortal such as you, sweet lady, are capable of snuffing them with the right tools -- tools that exist on the astral plane. There is, however, one that remains superb, though him, we will ignore and spare..." [i]Astraeus' grin turned into a fond smile, her mind obviously shifting to the particular deity she mentioned, even if no names were dropped. It wasn't a smile that suggested she was in love or whatever, but rather, it spoke about friendship... which was strange, to say the least, considering she was the exact same person-angel-thingy that decided to genocide all the deities in the previous cycle.[/i]

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  • "Alright, alright, so.. let me get all of this straight." [i]Irina had taken to laughing a little more, a final chuckle leaving her lips. She was practically upon the taller Astraeus now, biting her bottom lip a little with the tip of her pearly white teeth. Though of course, she'd speak a little more.[/i] "There are tools.. I shall assume weapons, in this case, that grant one the capabilities of killing these gods, who are being little pissаnts and ticking you off.. And we'll ought to acquire these said weapons, and kill these said gods for said reason, except for a longtime friend because he's an alright guy.. that close enough, my love?" [i]Irina couldn't stifle a laugh this time, that wide smile stretching to her pale cheeks. That was how she could understand the current situation, anyway.. in a slightly sarcastic, yet surprisingly accurate, manner - yet without a flurry of insults to accompany it, of course.[/i]

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  • [i]Astra let out a frankly adorable giggle, her lips spread in a wide, delighted grin, pretty face practically beaming with amusement. She ran her fingers through Irina's silky, ivory hair, unable to help herself but to fawn all over the little psychopath, eagerly patting the top of her head, just demurely indulging herself on the feeling of the Vileblood's locks stroking over her fingers.[/i] "That's the general gist of it all, yes, though allow me to correct two minor faults." [i]She paused for just a second, using that short time to slip her hand down, tentatively booping Irina right on the tip of the nose. Astraeus was acting so uncharacteristically sweet and playful, it was heartwarming for sure.[/i] "You need those tools - weapons, yes - to harm mostly everything in that realm. It might be odd, but I shall try to explain... As with the wraiths, earlier, they cannot be harmed by physical means -- they are only spiritual. Everything sentient has both a physical body, and a spiritual one; their consciousness, really, which resides on the astral plane. If you were to snuff their physical form, they would soon reappear, but if you snuff their spiritual form... The gods [i]can[/i] appear physically, but mostly, they are only spiritual; ethereal; living within the astral plane. As such, to end them, you need such specialized gear: runed weapons amply work, but offensive sorcery does, too, as it does not take a physical form unless specifically crafted and woven to... And that, brings me to your second fault, despite it barely being a mistake, but rather, just a wrong assumption." [i]The little angel lightly booped her little lady on the nose again, her wings twitching and quivering just enough for Irina to feel it, wrapped up within them as she was.[/i] "And I just so happen to have plenty of both."

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  • "...Well.. I suppose that you'll have to outfit me, then. I cannot say that anyone else, other than two good friends, have gifted me with such providing gear. Now.. I can make that number three, thanks to you." [i]Irina would allow herself to be cloaked within the thick blankets of Astra's cloaking wings, another cute burst of quiet laughter escaping her light pink lips as Astra would press her finger against her small, perky nose. She would simply stare up at her loving Astraeus with an extensive grin upon her pale face. This would be an exciting affair, to hunt those who would dare try her and her lover.[/i] "What would you have though, my lady? Hopefully, weapons that would be more appropriate to a dexterous fighter, such as I? You are beyond my speed and strength, yet compared to the denizens of the Dojo, I am beyond their comprehensions of speed."

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 10/31/2017 12:43:14 AM
    "No need to thank me, darling... ...but, yes, I do know what type of weapon would benefit most of your skill and style. Not to alarm you, but I have been keeping an eye on you ever since we, ah, became an item, you know -- perks of being capable of moving within the threads of realms, I suppose..." [i]Astra's voice trailed off towards the end of her sentence, becoming a simple mutter to herself. But that was fun to know. Irina had been getting stalked by a probably immortal, god-slaying, dimension-hopping, time-traveling, monster-killing angel. Nice indeed, eheh... Regardless, said angel lightly booped her lover on the nose again, only to reluctantly, even begrudgingly, break away. She took a good few steps back, her wings furling up on her back once more, nestling close to her armour and the sheath of her sword in between both extra limbs. She carried a grin on her lips as she slowly brought her hands up, bending her arms at their elbows, and just like that... she clapped her hands exactly three times in rapid succession, the air rippling around the motion with every clap, until on the third, the previously colourless ripple turned gold. As if appearing out of thin air, two paired swords materialized in between the two woman, floating at about chest height for Astra, meaning that Irina had to look up to them, considering the sheer amount of difference between the two -- Astra being a super tall angel mama, Irina being a slightly less super tall psychopath... mama. Aaanyway, back to the swords. They were both identical to one another as far as Irina could see, each kept within its own sheath, surprisingly ornate in design, yet a bland, rock-like grey in colour, lightly engraved with blood-red runes and symbols, their meaning unknown to the Vileblood who received the swords -- though she could certainly make a guess, or ask Astraeus. The twin blades were each about three-and-a-half foot long, give or take an inch or two considering the fact they were sheathed, both with a cruciform guard, shaped like a Catholic cross and engraved with runes much like the sheaths. The four inch grips were finely bound in rust brown leather, topped with a heart-shaped pommel identical to the one on all of Astra's weapons.[/i] "I think these should suffice, my fair maiden... They served me perfectly well during my, ah, crusade of sorts, so I hope they are the same for you. Treat them with care, and you will find that they shall cut through any hide, any armour, you may face -- no physical protection shall withstand the edges of these blades, I assure you. Even the very soul of whatever you might cut shall be rendered asunder, as they exist on the astral plane, too." [i]Oh baby. It would... probably be for the best if Irina gave them back to Astra after their murder spree was done. Because otherwise the Vileblood could one-shot literally everyone and everything in the Dojo. Which, now that I think about it, wouldn't even be that bad. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/i]

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  • "Those are.. wow." [i]Irina was beyond astonished, by the twin blades that the angelic being had brought into manifestation, her icy blue eyes staring up at the sheaths that held back their blades before her being, as both of her cybernetic hands would reach out towards their hilts. Her metal palms, coated by synthetic flesh and gloves of course, would rush against the heart-shaped pommels of the weapons, her fingers tightly bounding against the two swords and their leather, her grip agreeing with the rust-colored texture that wrapped itself about the weapons. After testing them, Irina would offer to take them on her own, reaching out for the holsters of the weapons themselves.[/i] "The swords don't happen to have names, do they? All of the best ones do. The ones with the most dedication put into them, anyway." [i]It was simply a belief, really, and one of the many that Irina could accurately agree with. From the blades of legend to the common edges that would be kept by a soldier, a sword with a name tended to show a sign within someone, that they took pride in their combat, and usually, that they were dedicated to the act of swinging blade-to-blade. It was just something that Irina thought of.[/i] [i]She had also thought of how Astra watched her, ever so much. For that, she was truly happy, though a little worried as well.. Astra could see Irina at her best, yet her worst as well. But that was beside the point. Irina was basically a godmod Arthur Dayne now, which is badass.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]literally who[/spoiler] [i]Irina's reaction to the swords brought a wide smile to Astra's lips and a delighted twinkle to her eyes, which promptly fluctuated into a merry, emerald green colour. Her wings twitched and quivered, wrapping around her own body. She was happy that her little psycho was so pleased and excited about the twins, their identical hilts somehow a perfect fit for her two synthetic hands, flawlessly matching with every groove and seam to allow for an absolutely faultless grip. When her two limbs wrapped around the sheaths of the swords, she'd find them to be made out of fine, hardened, black leather, reinforced by beautiful embroidery of sleek metal, hugging the leather tightly to create a tough holster for the delicate blades within. As suddenly as the weapons had been summoned, the Vileblood felt something bubble up from the deepest depths of her very being; an innate desire to draw her new swords, to look upon their blades, to truly feel their weight.[/i] "Why yes, they do have their own names... I think they would be Aurum and Argentum in your common Latin; Gold and Silver, fitting for their twinship. Do not mix them up, sweet lady, lest you want to earn their ire." [i]She did mention something about treating them well and that they'd cut through anything, before... It seemed that the swords were conscious to some extent, their efficiency being dependent on how Irina would treat them. Treat them well, and they'd do good. Treat them badly, and they'd do awful, undoubtedly.[/i] "...though, I suppose you cannot know which is which, since I doubt you understand the runes..." [i]Astraeus slightly cocked her head to the right, wondering how she'd explain this... Finally, she simply walked over to Irina, joining her at her left, hands gently wrapping around her wrists.[/i] "This," [i]She began, lightly tugging Irina's right wrist up,[/i] "Is Aurum." "And this," [i]She continued, now tugging Irina's adjacent wrist up,[/i] "Is Argentum."

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  • "Aurum and Argentum. Perhaps we should line the sheaths with strands.. golden weaves and silver. Color coding, if they would appreciate that." [i]Irina's eyes stared upon those swords, her mouth left slightly gaping as she would study the sheathed blades, still holding onto their firm, comforting grips with those smooth, synthetic hands. She stroked their hilts with her thumbs as she pressed their prints against the leather, a widened smile creeping across that pale face with every growing second.[/i] "...Oh, Astra. I don't know if you should trust me with such tools. They are fantastically designed, and so perfectly crafted and suited for a swordsman. But.. I almost feel unworthy to even grasp their hilts. ...Can you remove their sheaths for me, dear? I simply wish to peer upon their blades. And.. if you don't mind, perhaps you could find me a dagger to wield as well, if I was disarmed in the midst of combat?"

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  • "Modifying their sheaths? No, no, that would be an insult to their creator, and the blades themselves would not approve, either. As I said earlier, fair lady, do not earn their ire, lest you want to find their edge turn on you." [i]The mood got just a little gloomy for a moment, at least until Astra's hands slipped down Irina's arms, fingertips very lightly trailing across her clothing, sliding down her body, after, then clasping at her waist while the angelic lady pressed a big, loving smooch on the Vileblood's left cheek. She just seized the little moment to show some affection, how sweet.[/i] "A dagger, also? My, what a needy thing you are..." [i]She laughed quietly, playfully, her wings quivering as she kissed Irina's cheek again, right on her jawbone by her ear. Then, the woman broke away, hands returning to her sides as she slipped over to her lover's front, granting her first request, clearly. Her delicate hands gently wrapped around the hilts where the sheaths met them, her ten digits extraordinarily careful as she slowly pulled them away from Irina, inch by inch, bit by bit, treating the swords and their scabbards with respect -- something that was a tad odd, considering Astraeus murdered deities for fun. Regardless. Perfect, silvery blades were revealed slowly, shining in the sun, shimmering and glimmering, though the air that surrounded the metal was pitch black, almost as if the light about a half centimeter around the swords was being sucked up, leaving it black as the abyss. Still, they were fine piece of craftsmanship, with razor-sharp edges and sharp tips, free of any chinks or blemishes, perfectly symmetrical.[/i]

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  • "You don't have to get me a dagger, I.. I was just suggesting it, just in case. But.. Aurum and Argentum. Aurum and Argentum." [i]Irina would continue to recite those two words with a simple, curious loving, her light blue eyes glinting off of those beautiful, shining edges. She would flush beautifully, with an ample smile crossing her pale face as Astra would both plant her loving smooch and unsheathe those two fantastical blades. Irina would look up, nodding silently towards the magnificent angel that had gifted such tools to her.[/i] "Oh.. thank you. So.. when shall we begin the hunt? We can begin now, or later.. whenever you should feel it to be time, though I feel as if now would be the best opportunity to begin." [i]Indeed, Irina was not only a happy little psychopath with two incredibly terrifying yet beautiful swords, but she was quite eager to assist the angel and love of her life. Afterwards.. she figured that she and Astraeus could try a few things together, without being disturbed by the Dojo or asshole gods.[/i]

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  • "You should wield your own swords first, sweet lady, for it is a foolish decision to head into battle with weapons you neither know nor trust. Get a feel for their weight, their grips in your hand, their edge to the wind..." [i]Astra smiled, sliding the swords back down into their respective sheaths, slowly and carefully, until the blades were hidden and the guard kissed the metal that rimmed the two scabbards. Irina still held their sheaths in hand, grips only a little bit away... she was used to her Rakuyo, so surely Aurum and Argentum would mean little difficulty?[/i] "...oh, and also: do not leave the swords separated for too long. They are a pair, and you should keep them as such... I fear they get horribly sick when they miss their twin." [i]What a weird way to talk about a pair of weapons... The angel snapped her fingers once more, right hand opening, flat palm facing the sky. Blue flames flickered up as she likely summoned in the dagger Irina requested, pulling it from some extensive arsenal in between the seams of the worlds, calling it, beckoning it, to its Master's hand. Soon enough, she held it, the sheath it was kept within presented across her hand, fingers deftly wrapping around it. She got Irina's attention back with a quick whistle, the dagger held towards her, grip facing the sky. It was like a significantly smaller version of the twin blades the Vileblood held, only about a single foot in length, four inches of which were dedicated to the grip, eight to the blade. It lacked a guard, though the black leather-wrapped hilt was bottomed with a heart-shaped pommel made from silvery metal. The sheath itself was adorned like those of Aurum and Argentum both, fabricated from hardened black leather and reinforced - while simultaneously embroidered - by metal.[/i] "I hope this will fulfill your needs."

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  • [i]Oh, how the combination of weaponry would prove useful in the battles to come, Irina thought. She would allow her left hand to take the sheaths of the two swords, her right hand left free after the movement in the case that she would take the dagger as well. Though, Astra's words would prove true: she would need some time to adapt and train with the two newly acquired weapons. Hopefully, Aurum and Argentum didn't mind. And if they did.. well, running with only the dagger, assuming that it was just as godly, was an option too.[/i] "When could I possibly train with the two swords, though? Preferably with you, too. The people here would lead armies just to acquire such tools. Although it would be practice, I'm not taking that chance, even if Aurum and Argentum deny them and go blunt." [i]"Go blunt" was the simplest that Irina could put it, concerning Astra's own warning about the two weapons. At the suggestion of keeping them together, Irina would simply nod, nothing more. Though the knife was.. interesting. She figured that Astra had much more kept away within her inventory. She would have to thank the angel, somehow..[/i] [i]Well, we know how that'll end up.[/i]

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 11/22/2017 11:46:46 AM
    "'Go blunt'?" [i]The angel giggled mirthfully, her now empty hands drawing her longsword off of her back, slender digits wrapping around the grip, elegantly pulling it out of its barebones sheath, left hand slipping off to her side after. With a quick thought and a twist of her right wrist, the blade started falling apart, metal turning to ash and fluttering away in the wind. More and more of the blade fell away until, at last, Astra held something more akin to the sword she usually held, rather than the massive longsword. Their four feet made them lengthier than Irina's new twin swords , blade and hilt both longer to make up for the woman's height: three-and-a-half feet for the blade, half a foot for the grip. The dull grey metal shone with blood-red runes and symbols, while the grip was wrapped in rust brown leather, ending with a heart-shaped pommel. The usual.[/i] "No, no, they will not go blunt if they reject their wielders... As you might be thinking, they are conscious - the blades think and feel - and as such, if one were to anger them, they will shear apart the poor soul's very being without hesitation or pause. Now then, draw them, sweet lady, for there is no better way to earn your swords' trust by using them. I want you to give me all you have and more -- show me what you are made of!" [i]D-D-DUEL.[/i]

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