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Edited by Kell of Kellogs: 10/24/2017 8:55:09 PM

banned for nothing

Well I'm seeing many other people saying that they are being banned simply in the first second they are entering the game as I did not even have how to create the character and I did not have the possibility to enter I believe that the program has a bug I read all the rules and I did not nothing to be banned wanted an official response to believe in a bungie transparency. if you have also been banned without doing anything post here to know the problem! edit1: apparently a lot of people are being banned for some random reason even without any linked overlay application.

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  • [url][/url] - [b]So, your banned? YOUR FAULT![/b]

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    6 Replies
    • I can't even play because I have an AMD Phenom II processor which has NEVER caused a problem with all of the other high end games I play. I had given Bungie until Friday to fix this before requesting a refund. However with all of the problems with running a chat program which consoles have available to them I'm requesting a refund right this very minute and don't think I will pay $60 for a headache and a stupidly ruthless company that doesn't even know how to make a game work in PC.

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    • Seems like a lot of people who were erroneously banned have reported both 1) updating their Nvidia drivers to the recently released version and 2) their game crashed to desktop not long before they were banned. Its probably just coincidence, but maybe there’s something to that. Could the crash have tripped whatever monitoring is in use?

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      • Protip for bungie - Don't roll out permabans without obvious warnings to players when a game is brand new.

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      • Edited by ShineHunter: 10/25/2017 4:10:04 PM
        I looked at the play button and I got banned. Joking aside this is worry. I want to play this evening, but I don't want to get banned. I have one friends who wants to stay away until Bungie gets their shiz together. Disappointing isn't a strong enough word. However they is no doubt a small percentage of real hackers got banned so that isn't bad, but people just wanting to check their PC sensors or record/stream their gameplay now that really does suck potato sacks.

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        • -Yesterday, we banned approximately 400 players on PC -Bans were applied to players who were using tools that pose a threat to the shared ecosystem of the game Don't use cheating tools! I'am glad they caught 400 cheaters yesterday and of course, no one has any of those tools on their PCs, lol

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          13 Replies
          • LOL according to Bungie it's only about 400 of you PC players banned and it was all legit bans! *saying this sarcastically because I'm on your side here, I have no doubt Bungie shat the bed here*

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            3 Replies
            • Everyone banned says the same thing. "I did nothing" Yeah..... sure thing. Suck it up, you got caught this time.

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              5 Replies
              • Entered a refund request, 13-15 days to get my money back, F***** bungie, they died at Halo 3.... i never thought i would say this but i am really glad 343i is doing Halo now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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              • I got refunded, even Blizzard wanna get away from this shit. bye bungie

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              • The worst thing is being treated as guilty until proven innocent as customers that have no idea what they did wrong (no communication, just some judge, jury, executioner and we, the customers, cant represent ourselves) . People are happy with getting a refund because the customer service from Bungie is abhorrent, basically calling its customer base liars. Bungie, I don't cheat, I love video games (I've been a massive Bungie fan since the "Halo" days), I maintain my pc so this crap doesn't happen. If we've done something wrong, please let us know why we've been banned. You can't treat you customers like this or they will walk away. The only thing I can think of, was adjusting my clock speeds for my graphic cards because they were maxing out temps and thermal throttling, whilst the game was running to test stability (a stab in the dark because 400 customer have no clue what the F is going on)

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                2 Replies
                • the truth and that the bungie and the judge, the lawyer and any other system. Its transparency does not exist because you are banned and can not know why, you can not appeal, you can not defend yourself, you pass like a bad person wanting to play and have fun with your friends. I did not imagine that such a big company could do me a giant evil, I will follow my life away because I can not defend myself, we see that the world is full of fake news and at all times people wanting to take advantage of who can not defend themselves. I studied in a college and could yes have something that they found against the rules but it was not using nothing, I lost my privacy trying to defend my integrity but the world and of who has the power.

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                • Welcome to D2, the one game you shouldn't have bought

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                  4 Replies
                  • /bump for being Banned for running programs that every single person out there would run. You really can't expect people to not run performance tuning software on a PC? Isn't this why we own PC's. PC Master race and all.

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                    25 Replies
                    • PC release has been a glorious -blam!-ing disaster you cannot accidentally do this. you have to [i]try[/i] to fail this spectacularly

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                      • Edited by A Blues fan: 10/25/2017 1:25:10 PM
                        I think it's bad that people are permanently banned for this (that is what the mentor's answer to this topic says). Yet Cosmo said you wouldn't be banned so I'm confused. Bungie need to come out and make a statement about this. [quote]This is not true. You will not get banned for using any of the apps mentioned in this post, but they may be un-compatible with Destiny 2 when using certain or features. In short, the game might not run properly but you aren't getting banned just for running them.[/quote]

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                        • Edited by Harvock01: 10/25/2017 2:14:21 PM
                          Ok, can someone help me here? The bans are occuring and they are likely going to continue happening if we don't play along with these Bungie restrictions. But we cannot uninstall our stuff either. I have Geforece Experience, MSI Afterburner overclocking my GPU and Discord opened all the time. So, do someone knows, specially someone from Bungie since they are creating these restrictions, can let me know what are the settings that I must configure on these applications to avoid having my account getting banned? Like disabling the "Activate overlay in gaming" on the Overlay settings of the Settings menu on Discord. Is there something else that we must do? What about the MSI Afterburner and the Geforce Experience? Any help is highly appreciated.

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                          • They can't complain about the game if we ban them as soon as they load it...... #BungieLogic

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                          • Edited by Rebellis: 10/25/2017 5:13:53 PM
                            These people probably forgot to turn off their Rust hacks, fired up Destiny, and was like BAM “Oh sh!t”. There goes $100 down the toilet. But somehow this is all Bungie’s fault.

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                            4 Replies
                            • It's over. Bungie said we have been banned for using tools that can ruin the ecosystem.

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                              • Best reply on Twitter: "The only thing that could *possibly* have tripped this on my end is that i had cheat engine installed and *not running*." LOL

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                                • Guys, please check this out -

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                                • Anyone else notice how Bungie only unbans 4 beta accounts after all this attention is drawn to them? seems like they're doing damage control since those 4 account holders probably had irrefutable evidence on their side.

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                                  • [quote] edit1: apparently a lot of people are being banned for some random reason even without any linked overlay application.[/quote] Well i hate to break it to ya according to bungie, you were cheating.

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                                  • Edited by Soupreem: 10/25/2017 8:42:36 PM
                                    PS4 here, I'd go for a refund if you can, I wish I could get a refund, but PSN support said my window of potential was up, I'm selling my disc at my next opportunity and will be out $60 total. Take my advice, refund until shit improves.

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                                    • unfortunately there is no way to prove that you are innocent. :(

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