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Edited by Kell of Kellogs: 10/24/2017 8:55:09 PM

banned for nothing

Well I'm seeing many other people saying that they are being banned simply in the first second they are entering the game as I did not even have how to create the character and I did not have the possibility to enter I believe that the program has a bug I read all the rules and I did not nothing to be banned wanted an official response to believe in a bungie transparency. if you have also been banned without doing anything post here to know the problem! edit1: apparently a lot of people are being banned for some random reason even without any linked overlay application.

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  • Why don't you asswipes actually spell out / include a list of 'dangerous software' if you're going to go down the holocaust route? What tools pose a threat to the ecosystem? Will I get banned for running visual studio? Do these 'dangerous programs' have to be running or simply exist on my machine? According to Kellogs: [quote]-We did not (and will not) issue any bans for the use of overlays or performance tools, including Discord, Xsplit, OBS, RTSS, etc.[/quote] So what's the problem? Security through obscurity is great and all, but not when you're incompetent.

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  • Ive been unbanned, my story

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    • I kinda feel sorry for Cozmo as Community Manager. Bungie has created a right little shitstorm for him. Pretty much f***** him over, as well as us. If it was just a few people, sure yeh, they got banned, Bungie can ignore it basically. But this is hundreds of people who can't even get into the main menu, and more bans all the time. They can't keep their head in the sand with the sheer number of victims. If it wasn't for us buying Destiny 2 Bungie, you wouldn't have been able to make/release the damned game. You know, the rate this is going, even television news will jump on it, they have done in the past with matters much less significant in the gaming genre. If it reaches that stage, your completely screwed. Front up, apologize, unban us, and get it over with. The longer this is dragged out, the worse it will get.

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      2 Replies
      • Welcome to bungievision world PC scrubs 🤣 (Master race - what a joke)

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        • I find I simply hilarious that console players have been cheating in pvp since day 1 with network manipulation, not to mention doss’ing opponents in trials, with COMPLETE IMMUNITY and zero consequences. Yet pc players are being outright banned before even playing the game. There’s no words. Only bungie.

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          • Lol rekt cheater.

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            • Update: As part of our ban review process, we have identified a group of players who were banned in error. Those players have been unbanned. The bans were not related to the third-party applications listed above. We will continue to review the process we use to ensure a fun and fair game.

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              • Edited by TimsGamingDen: 10/26/2017 3:58:45 AM
                Using geforce experienxe for years (overlay is on) no ban here, played about 15 hours... ...

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              • Edited by kasambr: 10/26/2017 4:26:43 AM
                good news, I was unbanned apparently the community managed to get them to discover the bug, I did not have contact any of the members of the bungie team I spent the last 36 hours being humiliated and called dishonest for something that I and others had not done, I feel Too bad people tried to make it worse. Many thanks bungie for doing your job. I still believe a transparency with more information about ban and also create an easier way to contact. thanks to the news portals!!!!

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              • Boas novas pessoal, Fui Desbanido, aparentemente a comunidade conseguiu fazer com que eles descobrissem o bug, não tive contato nenhum dos membros da equipe da bungie passei as ultimas 36 horas sendo humilhado e chamado de desonesto por algo que eu e outros nao tinha feito, sinto pena das pessoas que tentaram deixar pior. Muito obrigado bungie por fazer seu trabalho. Ainda acredito que uma transparência com mais informações sobre ban e também criar um caminho mais fácil para contato. Obrigado Aos Portais de noticia por ajudarem!

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              • It's nice that the threads with the Most up votes get unbanned and they threads with no up votes are still banned for Doing nothing......

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                • TRY LOGGING IN AGAIN ;p

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                • Holy crap! If they won't even help you guys out because of some random ban, I hope this game fails even more. Talk about being scammed. Worst PC launch ever! I hope y'all get your money back at least, because this game isn't worth the money.

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                  • LMFAO THIS IS GREAT Many People being banned for no reason on launch day and Bungie replies saying its permanent and they wont discuss bans further

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                    • Edited by ROVE DRIFTER: 10/25/2017 11:28:37 AM
                      Wait wait wait wait, hold upppp.... So basicly everyone who bought the game on PC and had a overlay (which I assume is another program running in the background) gets a game crash and their account banned for cheating? Then you try to contact Bungie but there is no means to do so. Contact Blizzard and they cant contact Bungie either. So you hopelessly post on a forum because you took the whole day off to play and the moderator just copy pastes a generic message saying its permanent and they wont discuss any bans? Really????? Good god I feel so bad for you guys on PC right now :0 Bungie is not digging its own grave they actually build a rocket powered machine to tunnel to the centre of the earth to take their whole studio with them in a mass cremation ceremony. Ho Ly Cow *edit: I cannot wait for the lame excuses they are going to come up with in the weekly update :')

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                      30 Replies
                      • Lil Brother console players stand with you PC players fight the good fight!!!

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                          You were all warned by console players, that's all I'm saying

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                          • [url][/url] - [b]So, your banned? YOUR FAULT![/b]

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                              Don't worry they have your money and will now count you as a happy customer

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                            • Got banned yesterday after about 2 hours of game play. Never been banned from any game in my life. I never researched cheats, no idea how to do it. I did have Discord and Afterburner running in the background. No overlays. And if you really want to know if I was cheating look at my 0.57 k/d ratio I got in the first match. I hope they fix this soon.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Well, looks like Bungie just gave you guys the collective finger. I'm absolutely appalled. As a console player, I was iffy on further purchases as it was. But after reading this shit, I'm done. I just can't give this company any more of my money. Period.

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                                • I been monitoring this entire fiasco and I don't even play on PC I play on Xbox and it sucks man I feel bad for all you guys unfortunately with Bungie's official response it seems like they're doubling down on there bans! I don't think they'll be restoring many accounts if any! Fu cking crooks! Might be time to get the refund if you haven't already just my advice A company that blames its customers instead looking internally finding out what they may have done wrong and try and fix it, do you really wanna do business with them? If you can get a refund I would get it. If you can't just cut your losses and chalk it up to a lesson learned Coming from someone who played this game religiously for the good part of 3 years from beta D1 Bungie lost there vision on this game and I can't see them coming back

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                                • I was one of the "400" (probably closer to 1,000) who got banned. I was running evga xoc for overclocking, asus AI Suite 3 for fan control, shadowplay, and chrome on another monitor. I got to the cutscene where you are flying back to the city with your ghost, and then got the ban. How is bungie going to tell me that within five minutes of booting up the game that they reviewed all my processes by hand decided one was trying to inject code? That's crap. I bought my key on, and initially they were refusing to issue refunds, telling people to go to bungie to try and get unbanned. Too bad they have a zero tolerance policy on discussing bans. Once you're banned, you're banned forever. I played the beta for around four hours, have been playing other games through steam, uplay and origin since, and no other service has told me that I have a program that injects code. I have no clue what kind of crap this is, but bungie is lying about something. Blizzard has finally started issuing refunds.

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                                  • Bungie just diggin even deeper.

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                                  • Edited by Super68: 10/26/2017 2:12:15 AM
                                    I believe that many who are being banned honestly don't know why they have been banned, or what they did wrong to get banned. But I have even more confidence that Bungie would not ban without a good, factual cause, so there is something significant on these banned machines that is causing the ban. [SEE BELOW FOR EDIT] Perhaps it would be beneficial if Bungie would provide a detailed reason for the ban to the banned player as per their diagnostics, so those that are truly ignorant of the reason could understand, and new players moving forward could know in advance what not to do. EDIT: As per the Polygon article: [i][quote]Bungie updated today’s blog post this evening to say that it has since “identified a group of players who were banned in error.” Those bans, said Bungie, were unrelated to the use of third-party applications with Destiny 2. The studio did not give a number for the size of that group, but said it has unbanned the players in question. That could account for the people who were reporting that they were banned for no apparent reason.[/quote][/i] So perhaps my confidence in Bungie's ability to rightly discern legit cheating is misplaced.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Thank you Bungie, for removing my ban.

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