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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/21/2017 12:12:04 AM
[b][i][u]The Shadow of Eternity[/u][/i][/b] [url=]Broken Fortress, Kudo Ro Mountain Range[/url] Aeron Tenebrae sat upon a cold stone throne, alone in an empty place filled with death and despair. The walls were ruined and the floor was cracked, with no sign of the once seen luxury that this place had held. There used to be feasts, armies, royalty. But now there were only sparse skeletons and lost souls that waited patiently to die. Light snow fell gently through the gaps in the ceiling, accompanied by the eire gray light of the sky. The world had been bleak lately, perhaps reacting to his arrival in such a way as to cause unease in a normal man. Or maybe it was just this castle? He couldn't tell anymore. It all sort of blended together in a way. A few minutes past as he sat there, motionless and subsumed in his own thoughts. He had seen things recently that had caught his eye, knowing what threat they might pose if left... unmonitored. As such, he had decided that today was the day he began his work in the arts of this planet's downfall. [i]With the foolish games of men come misery, and only in their destruction shall the universe be free...[/i] The man stood, gazing out the holes in the wall and into the horizon. It had been interesting to experience what this world had to offer, and how it's people would react to certain variables. All of it was surprising similar sadly. But then again, there were certain minds that blazed as beacons of power and change, minds that has potential to achieve great things. They would either emerge to be challenging opponents, or great champions of the eternal void And so, he called out to them. He had sent a number of agents to recruit, which had infiltrated the ranks of practically every force on Tatakai. It was time to see what surprises they would hold... [spoiler]Open! Overpowered characters are welcome! Anyone who wants to destroy Tatakai, wants to experience some weird shit, or just likes the occasional boss fight, this post is for you. No armies allowed. Individual appearances are ideal but small groups will work too...[/spoiler] [spoiler]And if anyone wants to set up a plot thing, feel free to join as well.[/spoiler]

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