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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 10/21/2017 3:02:35 AM
[b]a new face a peculiar habit[/b] [i]a woman had been in the nearby towns lately. She wasn't in anyway bad at all. But people certainly noticed the habit she had when came to eating. The girl could actually eat metal alloys didn't matter what type either. She just ate it without a second thought at all. Any person that saw this woman do this would instantly cringe thinking about how awful this was. But in truth this woman wasn't even human she was a dragon a kind that element was electricity and yet she had strong enough digestive system to consume any type of metal imaginable. This strange woman currently sat on bench on the outskirts of this village she was traveling through at the moment. The woman had smokey grey colored scales that didn't look at all like typical dragon scales. But that was because it wasn't they were dull metal scales several times stronger than any regular dragon scales. Her teeth were strong enough also to handle such a unusual diet. the woman had on a grey cloak, a long sleeve purple shirt and black jeans. She had silver eyes and platinum blonde hair hanging loose. She seemed to be heading out though as before too long she left this town heading on her way to the dojo as she had heard about by others through rumors and wanted to see for herself. [/i] [b]a few hours later....[/b] [i]she was now walking up to the gates no clue really what to expect as she stopped at the doors and knocked three times. She sat down nearby waiting for someone to answer the gate and well.. she had pulled something out her pocket and she was chewing on it was like candy but she wasn't eating candy she was chewing on metal. [/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]open new character. [/spoiler]

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  • "Hello, newcomer!" On the other side of the gate stood a young woman that had fire emitting from her skin as the only thing covering herself. She stood at a tall 7ft with red hair and blue eyes. "I'm rather new myself actually."

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  • "Hi"she says [i]she looked up at much taller woman. She was only 6'1" in height. She wondered what she was.[/i]

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  • "The name's Alex. Oh hey! Are you eating metal?" The woman swiftly opens the gate. "Do you have anymore?"

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 10/21/2017 7:56:06 PM
    "My name is Nara Shades and yes alex i am eating metal."she says [i]Nara always had some sort of metal on her person. As she did tend to eat a lot of metal.[/i] "Why do you eat metal like i do?"asks Nara

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  • "From time to time. Helps keep the bones strong, y'know?" Alex smiled at Nara. "I'm guessing you're some sort of mythical being."

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  • "Yeah Im always eating some type metal. People think that im weird when do."says nara [i]nara brushed her long hair out her face as she chatted with alex.[/i] "Yes i am a dragon just not your of the mill type ones. most dragon lack the proper stomach and teeth to digest metal safely. I can eat all types of metal."says nara

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  • "Oooh? A dragon? You're kinda like a cousin to me in a way then and family has to stick together, right? How about you and I go to this old abandoned steel mill I know about sometime?"

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  • "Alright but not of my type left though most hide from humans. But funny thing is i was raised by humans. But sure definitely."says nara

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  • "My kind has rather limited numbers too, but we're alright. We stick together for the most part." Alex began to try and lead Nara into the Dojo. "Oh yeah, you may have noticed how everything in the nearby town was recently burned to the ground...if anyone asks that wasn't me."

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  • "Alright i won't say a word about that to no one."says nara [i]she follows Alex as she leads her into the dojo. Nara looks around at the damage.[/i] "So what are you if you dont mind me asking alex."says Nara

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  • Edited by Stitch: 10/21/2017 8:41:01 PM
    "I'm a daughter of the flame...or something. If we have a name I don't know it. Basically, I can transform into a giant beast made of lava, rock, fire, and stuff. It's pretty cool and unlike you dragons we have no soft underbelly."

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  • "Unlike regular dragons though my scales are actually metal which makes a lot harder to kill and i can launch them making a lot tougher to take down.''says nara

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  • "That's pretty cool actually. I just eat stuff to make myself larger and stronger. My sister's can do more stuff though, like make swords and whips of fire."

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  • "Oh that pretty cool. i have sisterr but she's not really my sister. Just one of the people that had found me hidden in the barns hayloft of her parents farm. Good people spared me unstead of killing me."says nara

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  • "I've never been in that position where I've needed mercy. I've always been the killer, hunter, or whatever you want to call it. I don't think I could live with myself if I ever found myself begging for mercy."

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  • "It was the daughter that begged for her father to spare my life. I don't beg ever for anything."says Nara

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  • "Eh. Whatever." Alex rolled her eyes. "I feel like murdering something now."

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  • "Yeah it was okay no deal though."says nara [i]nara pulls out another chunk of metal from her pocket put in her mouth and chews on it. It not very big though of a piece though so when she is finished with it she speaks again.[/i] "And what would that be?"asks nara

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  • "I dunno. Maybe I'll go find a town somewhere. See you some other time. I doubt you want to see me massacre a bunch of people." Alex waved and turned to leave.

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  • "Probably not but see you around alex."says nara [i]she waves as she leaves.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]End[/spoiler]

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